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🔴 AC-S17) Week 17 - Final Assignment: A cover

letter (Part 1) (PROY)

Indicaciones de la tarea
L𝗲𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗼𝘀, 𝗲𝗻 𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘀 𝘁𝘂 𝗱𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗼́𝗻
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗯𝗿𝗲 𝗲𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼 𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗮.
Hello everybody!
Now it's time for you to do the first part of the final assignment (written product), so I
invite you to check the instructions below. Remember that if you need to review a topic,
you can always check the course material as often as needed. Keep in mind that you
have to present this task until Tuesday of week.

1. Learning outcome

Al finalizar el curso, el estudiante produce información en el idioma inglés expresando

comentarios, solicitudes y descripciones de uso frecuente a un nivel A2+ del Marco
Común Europeo de Referencia de las Lenguas (MCER).

2. General instruction

Imagine you are applying for a job or a scholarship abroad (choose one of them). One of
the requirements is to write a cover letter about yourself. In your cover letter, you have
to include information about the following topics:

1. Studies
2. Outstanding personal experiences
3. Future goals
4. Lifestyle and Health

3. Specific instructions
 Step 1:
 Work in pairs.
 Discuss the 4 topics together. Use these questions as a warm-up to start writing your cover
 Why did you decide to study______ (your major) at the university? For example, architecture,
engineering, etc.
 What outstanding personal experiences and achievements have you had? For example, jobs,
championships, awards, diplomas, etc.
 What are your future goals? For example, winning an award.
 What do you like doing in your free time? Describe free-time activities leading to a good

*These are guidelines questions. DO NOT answer them directly.

 Step 2:
 Organize your ideas and write the cover letter including the 4 topics. Remember to give details,
use linking words and be the most formal possible.
 Introduction: Include your personal information: names and last names, age, etc. For example,
"Dear Mr. Smith. My name is Joseph Pérez Chávez and I’m 20 years old. Let me introduce
 Body: Include information about the 4 topics. For example, "One of my biggest dreams since
childhood has been to become an excellent architect..."
 Conclusion: Include your availability for the job, how you can be contacted, and thank the
person you are writing the letter to. For example, "I look forward to hearing from you soon. You
can contact me..."
 Work in pairs or groups of three.
 Use the grammar and vocabulary you have studied in the week.
 Use correct spelling and punctuation.
 Make sure your ideas are coherent.
 Avoid using translators.
 Double-check your writing before submitting it.

Attend the workshops and reinforce and practice the topics of the week to do your task. You can registe
Estudiante or UTP+: Refuerzo Académico.

4. Material
 Mandatory grammar: present simple, past simple, present perfect, future (will / be going to,
present progressive)
 Optional grammar: present continuous / have to / can-can’t, need to / could / want to / would
like / should-shouldn’t / gerunds
 Vocabulary: Unit 1–Unit 4
 material: Unit 1–Unit 4
5. Presentation
 Number of participants: 2
 Cover: Present a cover (see an example in the document Instrucciones para la redacción de
 Format: Word file
 Font: Arial, 11 (double space)
 Word count: 140 words
 Channel: Upload your writing on the virtual platform.
 Attempts: 1
 Deadline: Tuesday of week
 Check the document: Instrucciones para la redacción de trabajos.docx

De acuerdo al artículo 46 del Reglamento de Disciplina, toda evidencia de plagio, durante o

posterior a la evaluación, anulará el resultado de la evaluación.
Se considera plagio a la copia de información parcial o total de fuentes de información o de
páginas de internet, así como a la copia del trabajo de otro grupo, estudiante, docente, o
consulta a persona externa a la universidad.
En los casos a que se refiere el párrafo anterior, si se comprueba la falta, el estudiante obtiene
la calificación de “cero anulado” (0A) como nota final del curso, sin perjuicio de recibir la
sanción disciplinaria correspondiente.
¿Necesitas ayuda?, Docente Andre
Gurrionero te apoya en la resolución.
Paga después de tener el trabajo, solicita
evidencias de notas

Número: 935 895 384

Indicaciones de la tarea

L𝗲𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗼𝘀, 𝗲𝗻 𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘀 𝘁𝘂 𝗱𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲

𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗼́𝗻 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗯𝗿𝗲 𝗲𝗹

𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼 𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗮.

Hello everybody!

Now it's time for you to do the first part of the

fin al assig n m en t (w ritten p ro d u ct), so I in v ite y o u

to ch eck th e in stru ctio n s b elo w . R em em b er th at if

y o u n eed to rev iew a to p ic, y o u can alw ay s ch eck

th e co u rse m aterial as o ften as n eed ed . K eep in

m in d th at y o u h av e to p resen t th is task u n til

T u esd ay o f w eek .
1. Learning outcome

Al finalizar el curso, el estudiante produce

información en el idioma inglés expresando

comentarios, solicitudes y descripciones de uso

frecuente a un nivel A2+ del Marco Común

Europeo de Referencia de las Lenguas (MCER).

2. General instruction

Imagine you are applying for a job or a

scholarship abroad (choose one of them). One of

the requirements is to write a cover letter about

y o u rself. In y o u r co v er letter, y o u h av e to in clu d e

information about the following topics:

1. Studies

2. Outstanding personal experiences

3. Future goals

4. Lifestyle and Health

3. Specific instructions

• Step 1:

• Work in pairs.
• Discuss the 4 topics together . Use these

questions as a warm-up to start writing your cover


• Why did you decide to study______ (your

major) at the university? For example, architecture,

en g in eerin g , etc.

• What outstanding personal experiences and

ach iev em en ts h av e y o u h ad ? F o r ex am p le, jo b s,

ch am p io n sh ip s, aw ard s, d ip lo m as, etc.

• What are your future goals? For example,

winning an award.
• What do you like doing in your free time?

Describe free-time activities leading to a good lifestyle.

*These are guidelines questions. DO NOT

answer them directly.

• Step 2:

• Organize your ideas and write the cover

letter in clu d in g th e 4 to p ics. R em em b er to g iv e

, u se lin k in g w o rd s an d b e th e m o st fo rm al

p o ssib le.

C o n sid eratio n s

• Introduction: Include your personal

information: names and last names, age, etc. For

, "M r . S m ith . M y n am e is Jo sep h

’ C h áv ez an d I’m 20 y ears o ld . L et m e in tro d u ce

m y self..."

• : Include information about the 4 topics. For

ex am p le, "O n e o f m y b ig g est d ream s sin ce

ch ild h o o d h as b een to b eco m e an ex cellen t

arch itect..."

• C o n clu sio n : In clu d e y o u r av ailab ility fo r th e

jo b , h o w y o u can b e co n tacted , an d th an k th e

p erso n y o u are w ritin g th e letter to . F o r ex am p le, "I

look forward to hearing from you soon. You can

R ecom m endations:
• Work in pairs or groups of three.

• U se th e g ram m ar an d v o cab u lary y o u h av e

stu d ied in th e w eek .

• U se co rrect sp ellin g an d p u n ctu atio n .

• Make sure your ideas are coherent.

• Avoid using translators.

• Double-check your writing before submitting it .

Attend the workshops and reinforce and

p ractice th e to p ics o f th e w eek to d o y o u r task . Y o u

can register at Portal del Estudiante or UTP+:

Refuerzo Académico.
4. M aterial

• M an d ato ry g ram m ar: present simple, past

sim p le, p resen t p erfect, fu tu re (w ill / b e g o in g to ,

present progressive)

• Optional grammar: present continuous /

h av e to / can -can ’t, n eed to / co u ld / w an t to /

w o u ld lik e / sh o u ld -sh o u ld n ’t / g eru n d s

• : U n it 1– U n it 4

• : U n it 1– U n it 4

5. Presentation

• Number of participants: 2
• Cover: Present a cover (see an example in the

document Instrucciones para la redacción de


• Format: Word file

• Font: Arial, 11 (double space)

• Word count: 140 words

• Channel: Upload your writing on the virtual


• Attempts: 1

• Deadline: Tuesday of week

• Check the document: Instrucciones para la

redacción de trabajos.docx
De acuerdo al artículo 46 del Reglamento de

Disciplina, toda evidencia de plagio, durante o posterior a

la evaluación, anulará el resultado de la evaluación.

Se considera plagio a la copia de información parcial o

total de fuentes de información o de páginas de internet,

así como a la copia del trabajo de otro grupo, estudiante,

docente, o consulta a persona externa a la universidad.

E n los casos a que se refiere elpárrafo anterior,

si se comprueba la falta, el estudiante obtiene la

calificación de “cero anulado” (0A) como nota

final del curso, sin perjuicio de recibir la sanción

d iscip lin aria co rresp o n d ien te.

Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante describe diversos eventos futuros para desenvolverse en la lengua inglesa a nivel

A2+utilizando gramática y vocabulario pertinentes.

2. Lesson outcome

At the end of the lesson, you and your team talk about the plans and arrangements you have for

the weekend by using "be going to", the present continuous, and the vocabulary learned during the


3. Description

Step 1:

rite about the plans you have for the weekend. For example:

I'm going to have some friends over.

• I'm not going to go shopping.

Step 2:

Write about the arrangements you have for the weekend. For example:

arina' s house.
I' mhavinga barbecue at M
• We're going to the theater after that.

Step 3:

Get together with your partner(s), share your plans and arrangements, and decide which ones

you are going to use in your conversation.

Create a conversation.

All team members have to ask and answer at least three questions about their plans and


1. Resultado del aprendizaje

Unidad 3: M
i futuro cercano y lejano

Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante describe diversos eventos futuras para desenvolverse en la lengua

inglesa a nivel A2+utilizando gramática y vocabulario pertinentes.

2. Resultado de la lección

Al final de la lección, usted y su equipo hablarán sobre los planes y arreglos que tienen para el fin de semana

usando "be going to", el presente continuo y el vocabulario aprendido durante la semana.

3. Descripción

Paso 1:

Escribe sobre los planes que tienes para el fin de semana. Por ejemplo:

Voy a invitar a algunos amigos.

No voy a ir de compras.
Paso 2:

Escribe sobre los arreglos que tienes para el fin de semana. Por ejemplo:

Estoy haciendo una barbacoa en casa de Marina.

• Después de eso iremos al teatro.

Paso 3:

Reúnase con su(s) pareja(s), comparta sus planes y arreglos y decida cuáles va a utilizar en su

conversación. Crea una conversación.

Todos los miembros del equipo deben hacer y responder al menos tres preguntas sobre sus planes y arreglos.

Asiste a los talleres y refuerza y practica los temas de la semana para realizar tu tarea. Puedes registrarte

en Portal del Estudiante o UTP+: Refuerzo Académico.A (C-S 11) Week 11 - Task: Assignment - Old vs. Modern

Indicaciones de la tarea


Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions below. Remember that

if you need to review a topic, you can always check the course material as many times

as you need. Keep in mind that you have to present this task during week 11.

Lee los anuncions, en ellos tu docente comparte información importante sobre el desarrollo de la tarea.

1. Learning Outcome

Through this activity, students compare the old and newversion of a technological device using the grammar

eeks 10 to 11.
and vocabulary learned in W
2. Description

• Step 1: Collaborative work (get into pairs or groups of 3).

• Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.

• Step 3: Prepare a 3-4 minute dialogue with your partner(s).

• Situation: Each student must choose a technological device. Find pictures showing an

old and a modern version of the chosen device. Each one of you must compare the two versions using

comparative adjectives. Compare the price, color, material, size, functions, etc .

• Decide the order of the presentation between you and your partner(s). Take turns to share the


• Student A: Compares the old and the new version of a technological device.

• Student B: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Student C: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Content:

• Vocabulary and expressions from Unit 3 (Weeks 10- 11)

• Technological devices

• Comparative form of adjectives.

• Verb + nouns and verbs + gerunds (-ing)

• Step 4:

• Practice the dialogue with your partner(s) paying attention to the pronunciation and


• Remember to transmit your personal emotions as if you were in a real situation.

Example of the cover:

Asiste a los “Talleres” donde podrás reforzar y practicar los temas de la semana. Puedes registrarte en

Portal del estudiante o UTP+: Refuerzo Académico

3. M
aterials to be used

• Study materials of the week

• Vocabulary of the week

• Personal notes

• Additional material:

• Dictionary Cambridge online: 1. Learning outcome

Unidad 3: My near and distant future

Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante describe diversos eventos futuros para desenvolverse en la lengua inglesa a nivel

A2+utilizando gramática y vocabulario pertinentes.

2. L esso n o u tco m e
At the end of the lesson, you and your team talk about the plans and arrangements you have for

" " , , "b e g o in g to ", th e p resen t co n tin u o u s, an d th e v o cab u lary learn ed d u rin g th e

w eek .

3. D escrip tio n

Step 1:

rite about the plans you have for the weekend. For example:

I'm g o in g to h av e so m e frien d s o v er.

• I'm n o t g o in g to g o sh o p p in g .

Step 2:

rite about the arrangements you have for the weekend. For example:

I'm havinga barbecue at Marina's house.

• We're going to the theater after that.

Step 3:

Get together with your partner(s), share your plans and arrangements, and decide which ones

you are going to use in your conversation.

Create a conversation.

All team members have to ask and answer at least three questions about their plans and


1. Resultado del aprendizaje

Unidad 3: M
i futuro cercano y lejano

Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante describe diversos eventos futuras para desenvolverse en la lengua

inglesa a nivel A2+utilizando gramática y vocabulario pertinentes.

2. Resultado de la lección

Al final de la lección, usted y su equipo hablarán sobre los planes y arreglos que tienen para el fin de semana

usando "be going to", el presente continuo y el vocabulario aprendido durante la semana.

3. Descripción

Paso 1:

E scrib e so b re lo s p lan es q u e tien es p ara el fin d e sem an a. P o r ejem p lo :

V o y a in v itar a alg u n o s am ig o s.

No voy a ir de compras.

Paso 2:

E scrib e so b re lo s arreg lo s q u e tien es p ara el fin d e sem an a. P o r ejem p lo :

E sto y h acien d o u n a b arb aco a en casa d e M arin a.

• Después de eso iremos al teatro.

Paso 3:

Reúnase con su(s) pareja(s), comparta sus planes y arreglos y decida cuáles va a utilizar en su

conversación. Crea una conversación.

Todos los miembros del equipo deben hacer y responder al menos tres preguntas sobre sus planes y arreglos.
Asiste a los talleres y refuerza y practica los temas de la semana para realizar tu tarea. Puedes registrarte

en Portal del Estudiante o UTP+: Refuerzo Académico.A(C-S 11) W

eek 11 - Task: Assignment - Old vs. M

Indicaciones de la tarea


Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions below. Remember that

if you need to review a topic, you can always check the course material as many times

as you need. Keep in mind that you have to present this task during week 11.

Lee los anuncions, en ellos tu docente comparte información importante sobre el desarrollo de la tarea.

1. Learning Outcome

Through this activity, students compare the old and newversion of a technological device using the grammar

eeks 10 to 11.
and vocabulary learned in W

2. Description

• Step 1: Collaborative work (get into pairs or groups of 3).

• Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.

• Step 3: Prepare a 3-4 minute dialogue with your partner(s).

• Situation: Each student must choose a technological device. Find pictures showing an

old and a modern version of the chosen device. Each one of you must compare the two versions using

co m p arativ e ad jectiv es. C o m p are th e p rice, co lo r, m aterial, size, fu n ctio n s, etc.

• Decide the order of the presentation between you and your partner(s). Take turns to share the


• Student A: Compares the old and the new version of a technological device.

• Student B: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Student C: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Content:

• Vocabulary and expressions from Unit 3 (Weeks 10- 11)

• Technological devices

• Comparative form of adjectives.

• Verb + nouns and verbs + gerunds (-ing)

• Step 4:

• Practice the dialogue with your partner(s) paying attention to the pronunciation and


• Remember to transmit your personal emotions as if you were in a real situation.

E x am p le o f th e co v er:

Asiste a los “Talleres” donde podrás reforzar y practicar los temas de la semana. Puedes registrarte en

Portal del estudiante o UTP+: Refuerzo Académico

3. M
aterials to be used

• Study materials of the week

• Vocabulary of the week

• Personal notes

• Additional material:

• Dictionary Cambridge online:

• Oxford American English Dictionary:

1. Learning outcome

Unidad 3: My near and distant future

Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante describe diversos eventos futuros para desenvolverse en la lengua inglesa a nivel

A2+utilizando gramática y vocabulario pertinentes.

2. L esso n o u tco m e

At the end of the lesson, you and your team talk about the plans and arrangements you have for

th e w eek en d b y u sin g "b e g o in g to ", th e p resen t co n tin u o u s, an d th e v o cab u lary learn ed d u rin g th e

w eek .

3. D escrip tio n

Step 1:

rite about the plans you have for the weekend. For example:
I'm g o in g to h av e so m e frien d s o v er.

• I'm n o t g o in g to g o sh o p p in g .

Step 2:

rite about the arrangements you have for the weekend. For example:

I'm havinga barbecue at Marina's house.

• We're going to the theater after that.

Step 3:

Get together with your partner(s), share your plans and arrangements, and decide which ones

you are going to use in your conversation.

Create a conversation.

All team members have to ask and answer at least three questions about their plans and


1. Resultado del aprendizaje

Unidad 3: M
i futuro cercano y lejano

Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante describe diversos eventos futuras para desenvolverse en la lengua

inglesa a nivel A2+utilizando gramática y vocabulario pertinentes.

2. Resultado de la lección

Al final de la lección, usted y su equipo hablarán sobre los planes y arreglos que tienen para el fin de semana

usando "be going to", el presente continuo y el vocabulario aprendido durante la semana.
3. Descripción

Paso 1:

E scrib e so b re lo s p lan es q u e tien es p ara el fin d e sem an a. P o r ejem p lo :

V o y a in v itar a alg u n o s am ig o s.

No voy a ir de compras.

Paso 2:

E scrib e so b re lo s arreg lo s q u e tien es p ara el fin d e sem an a. P o r ejem p lo :

E sto y h acien d o u n a b arb aco a en casa d e M arin a.

• Después de eso iremos al teatro.

Paso 3:

Reúnase con su(s) pareja(s), comparta sus planes y arreglos y decida cuáles va a utilizar en su

conversación. Crea una conversación.

Todos los miembros del equipo deben hacer y responder al menos tres preguntas sobre sus planes y arreglos.

Asiste a los talleres y refuerza y practica los temas de la semana para realizar tu tarea. Puedes registrarte

en Portal del Estudiante o UTP+: Refuerzo Académico.A(C-S 11) W

eek 11 - Task: Assignment - Old vs. M

Indicaciones de la tarea


Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions below. Remember that

if you need to review a topic, you can always check the course material as many times

as you need. Keep in mind that you have to present this task during week 11.
Lee los anuncions, en ellos tu docente comparte información importante sobre el desarrollo de la tarea.

1. Learning Outcome

Through this activity, students compare the old and newversion of a technological device using the grammar

eeks 10 to 11.
and vocabulary learned in W

2. Description

• Step 1: Collaborative work (get into pairs or groups of 3).

• Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.

• Step 3: Prepare a 3-4 minute dialogue with your partner(s).

• Situation: Each student must choose a technological device. Find pictures showing an

old and a modern version of the chosen device. Each one of you must compare the two versions using

co m p arativ e ad jectiv es. C o m p are th e p rice, co lo r, m aterial, size, fu n ctio n s, etc.

• Decide the order of the presentation between you and your partner(s). Take turns to share the


• Student A: Compares the old and the new version of a technological device.

• Student B: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Student C: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Content:

• Vocabulary and expressions from Unit 3 (Weeks 10- 11)

• Technological devices

• Comparative form of adjectives.

• Verb + nouns and verbs + gerunds (-ing)

• Step 4:

• Practice the dialogue with your partner(s) paying attention to the pronunciation and


• Remember to transmit your personal emotions as if you were in a real situation.

E x am p le o f th e co v er:

Asiste a los “Talleres” donde podrás reforzar y practicar los temas de la semana. Puedes registrarte en

Portal del estudiante o UTP+: Refuerzo Académico

3. M
aterials to be used

• Study materials of the week

• Vocabulary of the week

• Personal notes

• Additional material:

• Dictionary Cambridge online:

• Oxford American English Dictionary:

1. Learning outcome

Unidad 3: My near and distant future

Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante describe diversos eventos futuros para desenvolverse en la lengua inglesa a nivel

A2+utilizando gramática y vocabulario pertinentes.

2. L esso n o u tco m e

At the end of the lesson, you and your team talk about the plans and arrangements you have for

th e w eek en d b y u sin g "b e g o in g to ", th e p resen t co n tin u o u s, an d th e v o cab u lary learn ed d u rin g th e

w eek .

3. D escrip tio n

Step 1:

rite about the plans you have for the weekend. For example:

I'm g o in g to h av e so m e frien d s o v er.

• I'm n o t g o in g to g o sh o p p in g .

Step 2:

rite about the arrangements you have for the weekend. For example:

I'm havinga barbecue at Marina's house.

• We're going to the theater after that.

Step 3:
Get together with your partner(s), share your plans and arrangements, and decide which ones

you are going to use in your conversation.

Create a conversation.

All team members have to ask and answer at least three questions about their plans and


1. Resultado del aprendizaje

Unidad 3: M
i futuro cercano y lejano

Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante describe diversos eventos futuras para desenvolverse en la lengua

inglesa a nivel A2+utilizando gramática y vocabulario pertinentes.

2. Resultado de la lección

Al final de la lección, usted y su equipo hablarán sobre los planes y arreglos que tienen para el fin de semana

usando "be going to", el presente continuo y el vocabulario aprendido durante la semana.

3. Descripción

Paso 1:

E scrib e so b re lo s p lan es q u e tien es p ara el fin d e sem an a. P o r ejem p lo :

V o y a in v itar a alg u n o s am ig o s.

No voy a ir de compras.

Paso 2:

E scrib e so b re lo s arreg lo s q u e tien es p ara el fin d e sem an a. P o r ejem p lo :

E sto y h acien d o u n a b arb aco a en casa d e M arin a.

• Después de eso iremos al teatro.

Paso 3:

Reúnase con su(s) pareja(s), comparta sus planes y arreglos y decida cuáles va a utilizar en su

conversación. Crea una conversación.

Todos los miembros del equipo deben hacer y responder al menos tres preguntas sobre sus planes y arreglos.

Asiste a los talleres y refuerza y practica los temas de la semana para realizar tu tarea. Puedes registrarte

en Portal del Estudiante o UTP+: Refuerzo Académico.A(C-S 11) W

eek 11 - Task: Assignment - Old vs. M

Indicaciones de la tarea


Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions below. Remember that

if you need to review a topic, you can always check the course material as many times

as you need. Keep in mind that you have to present this task during week 11.

Lee los anuncions, en ellos tu docente comparte información importante sobre el desarrollo de la tarea.

1. Learning Outcome

Through this activity, students compare the old and newversion of a technological device using the grammar

eeks 10 to 11.
and vocabulary learned in W

2. Description
• Step 1: Collaborative work (get into pairs or groups of 3).

• Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.

• Step 3: Prepare a 3-4 minute dialogue with your partner(s).

• Situation: Each student must choose a technological device. Find pictures showing an

old and a modern version of the chosen device. Each one of you must compare the two versions using

co m p arativ e ad jectiv es. C o m p are th e p rice, co lo r, m aterial, size, fu n ctio n s, etc.

• Decide the order of the presentation between you and your partner(s). Take turns to share the


• Student A: Compares the old and the new version of a technological device.

• Student B: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Student C: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Content:

• Vocabulary and expressions from Unit 3 (Weeks 10- 11)

• Technological devices

• Comparative form of adjectives.

• Verb + nouns and verbs + gerunds (-ing)

• Step 4:

• Practice the dialogue with your partner(s) paying attention to the pronunciation and


• Remember to transmit your personal emotions as if you were in a real situation.

E x am p le o f th e co v er:

Asiste a los “Talleres” donde podrás reforzar y practicar los temas de la semana. Puedes registrarte en

Portal del estudiante o UTP+: Refuerzo Académico

3. M
aterials to be used

• Study materials of the week

• Vocabulary of the week

• Personal notes

• Additional material:

• Dictionary Cambridge online:

• Oxford American English Dictionary:

1. Learning outcome

Unidad 3: My near and distant future

Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante describe diversos eventos futuros para desenvolverse en la lengua inglesa a nivel

A2+utilizando gramática y vocabulario pertinentes.

2. L esso n o u tco m e

At the end of the lesson, you and your team talk about the plans and arrangements you have for

th e w eek en d b y u sin g "b e g o in g to ", th e p resen t co n tin u o u s, an d th e v o cab u lary learn ed d u rin g th e

w eek .

3. D escrip tio n

Step 1:

rite about the plans you have for the weekend. For example:

I'm g o in g to h av e so m e frien d s o v er.

• I'm n o t g o in g to g o sh o p p in g .

Step 2:

rite about the arrangements you have for the weekend. For example:

I'm havinga barbecue at Marina's house.

• We're going to the theater after that.

Step 3:

Get together with your partner(s), share your plans and arrangements, and decide which ones

you are going to use in your conversation.

Create a conversation.

All team members have to ask and answer at least three questions about their plans and

1. Resultado del aprendizaje

Unidad 3: M
i futuro cercano y lejano

Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante describe diversos eventos futuras para desenvolverse en la lengua

inglesa a nivel A2+utilizando gramática y vocabulario pertinentes.

2. Resultado de la lección

Al final de la lección, usted y su equipo hablarán sobre los planes y arreglos que tienen para el fin de semana

usando "be going to", el presente continuo y el vocabulario aprendido durante la semana.

3. Descripción

Paso 1:

E scrib e so b re lo s p lan es q u e tien es p ara el fin d e sem an a. P o r ejem p lo :

V o y a in v itar a alg u n o s am ig o s.

No voy a ir de compras.

Paso 2:

E scrib e so b re lo s arreg lo s q u e tien es p ara el fin d e sem an a. P o r ejem p lo :

E sto y h acien d o u n a b arb aco a en casa d e M arin a.

• Después de eso iremos al teatro.

Paso 3:

Reúnase con su(s) pareja(s), comparta sus planes y arreglos y decida cuáles va a utilizar en su

conversación. Crea una conversación.

Todos los miembros del equipo deben hacer y responder al menos tres preguntas sobre sus planes y arreglos.

Asiste a los talleres y refuerza y practica los temas de la semana para realizar tu tarea. Puedes registrarte

en Portal del Estudiante o UTP+: Refuerzo Académico.A(C-S 11) W

eek 11 - Task: Assignment - Old vs. M

Indicaciones de la tarea


Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions below. Remember that

if you need to review a topic, you can always check the course material as many times

as you need. Keep in mind that you have to present this task during week 11.

Lee los anuncions, en ellos tu docente comparte información importante sobre el desarrollo de la tarea.

1. Learning Outcome

Through this activity, students compare the old and newversion of a technological device using the grammar

eeks 10 to 11.
and vocabulary learned in W

2. Description

• Step 1: Collaborative work (get into pairs or groups of 3).

• Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.

• Step 3: Prepare a 3-4 minute dialogue with your partner(s).

• Situation: Each student must choose a technological device. Find pictures showing an

old and a modern version of the chosen device. Each one of you must compare the two versions using

co m p arativ e ad jectiv es. C o m p are th e p rice, co lo r, m aterial, size, fu n ctio n s, etc.

• Decide the order of the presentation between you and your partner(s). Take turns to share the


• Student A: Compares the old and the new version of a technological device.

• Student B: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Student C: Compares the old and the new version of a different technological device.

• Content:

• Vocabulary and expressions from Unit 3 (Weeks 10- 11)

• Technological devices

• Comparative form of adjectives.

• Verb + nouns and verbs + gerunds (-ing)

• Step 4:

• Practice the dialogue with your partner(s) paying attention to the pronunciation and


• Remember to transmit your personal emotions as if you were in a real situation.

E x am p le o f th e co v er:
Asiste a los “Talleres” donde podrás reforzar y practicar los temas de la semana. Puedes registrarte en

Portal del estudiante o UTP+: Refuerzo Académico

3. M
aterials to be used

• Study materials of the week

• Vocabulary of the week

• Personal notes

• Additional material:

• Dictionary Cambridge online:

• Oxford American English Dictionary:

• Oxford American English Dictionary:

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