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Clause Compulsory The data to be filled in

This General power of attorney is made and executed at----------(1)--- Compulsory 1) Date of execution
---on this--------(2)------day of-----------in year 2) Location
WHEREAS I am ------(3)--------- entitled to as various properties, Compulsory 3) Name of the Donor
both movable and immovable, including accounts in banks, shares,
securities, ete, all of which are herein after for the sake of brevity
collectively referred to as “ THE SAID PROPERTIES”, which is
more particularly described in Schedule “A” “B” hereunder written
AND WHEREAS I am ordinarily living at------( 4 )-------- Compulsory 4) place of living
that I, -----------(3)--------- ----Age: -----------(5)---------years, 3) Name
Occupation:-(6)------- Address ------------(7)------- Pan No-----(7A) 5) Age
UID No--------(7B) Mob No----------(7C)-----------E-Mail Id -------- 6) Occupation
(7D) 7) Address
7A) Pan card No
7B) UID No
7C) Mob No optional
7D) E-Mail Id
do hereby appoint, nominate and constitute ----(8)----Age ----------- Compulsory Donees Detail
(9)---------years, Occupation:-(10)------- ------------ Address (11)------- 8) Name
Pan-----(11A)------ UID--------(11B) Mob No----------(11C)----------- 9) Age
E-Mail Id No-----(11D)---as my true and lawful ATTORNEY in my 10) Occupation
name and on my behalf to do and execute or cause to be done and 11) Address
executed all or any of the following acts, matters and things 11A) Pan No
hereinafter stated, that is to say 11B) UID No
11C) Mob No optional
11D) E-Mail Id
AND WHEREAS I am, therefore, unable to manage and look after Compulsory
my interest and affairs;
AND WHEREAS I have, therefore, decided to appoint my Compulsory
husband/Brother/sister/father/mother as my attorney to do and
execute various acts, deeds, and things on my behalf;
(1) To look after, occupy, Manage, protect my properties, both
movable and immovable, and to take income there from in the
manner the said attorney deems proper and advantageous.
(2) To purchase any property of any kind or nature/description either Compulsory
in my single name or jointly with any other person/s and in that
connection to represent me and act on my behalf before the owner/s
of the property, negotiate price, enter into agreement for the purchase
of property, to sign and execute sale deed/s or such or other
documents or instruments or assurances of whatever nature including
correction deeds, rectification deeds, cancellation deeds, modification
deeds, supplementary deeds and or such or other documents of
whatever nature as may be necessary from time to time, to present the
same before the concerned sub-registrar of Assurances for
registration, admit execution there of and to sign endorsements in the
sub-registry records, to pay consideration and to obtain receipt/s
therefore, to demand and receive title documents of the property, to
take possession of the property and to issue receipt/s therefore and to
do everything necessary to complete the transaction.
3) To sell and convey any property of any kind or nature description Compulsory
standing in my single name or jointly with any other person/s
including those stated in the schedule ‘A’ and ‘B’ hereunder written
and in that connection to represent me and act on my behalf before
the purchaser/s of the property, negotiate price, enter into agreement
for the sale of property, to sign and execute sale deed/s or such or
other documents or instruments or assurances of whatever nature
including correction deeds, rectification deeds, cancellation deeds,
modification deeds, supplementary deeds and or such or other
documents of whatever nature as may be necessary from time to time,
to present the same before the concerned Sub-registrar of Assurances
for registration, admit execution there of and to sign endorsements in
the Sub-registry records, to receive consideration and to issue
receipts/s therefore, to handover title documents of the property, to
deliver possession of the property and to obtain receipt/s therefore
and to do everything necessary to complete the transaction.
4) To represent me and act on my behalf before and in the offices of Compulsory
the concerned Municipal corporation and or Gram panchayat and or
Taluka panchayat, Zilla parishad and/or any other concerned public
or local bodies or authorities including Housing societies and/or
Apartment Condominiums, in connection with purchase and/or sale
of properties and/or inducting tenants/lessees/licensees or otherwise
and in that connection to prepare, sign and submit necessary
applications, letters, writings and documents of whatever nature and
5) To represent me and act on my behalf in regard to the properties to Compulsory
be purchased and/or sold or otherwise before and in the offices of the
Land and Revenue authorities including Mamlatdar, Talathi,
Tahsildar, the concerned Sub-registrar of Assurances, the city Survey
office, the District and/or Taluka inspector of Land Records, any
court of Law and/or Tribunal, the state Electricity Distribution Co.
Ltd. Or such other concerned electricity authority/company, water
Works, and/or any state and/or central and/or semi Government
authorities and/or any appellate authorities as may be necessary from
time to time for any purposes hereinstated.
6) To open and operate all accounts of whatever nature and Compulsory
description including recurring deposit accounts, either in my single
name or jointly with any other person/s, either the existing account/s
or any such account/s that may be opened by me in future, with any
bank and/or post office and/or other financial institution, to deposit
and withdraw moneys, either in cash or by ceques/pay orders/
demand drafts/negotiable instruments or any other instruments, to
sign and issue cheques to any person/s or party or government or
semi-government or other local or public bodies or authorities,
whosoever it may be.
7) To open and operate NRE/NRI accounts of whatever nature and optional
description, either in my single name or jointly with any other
person/s, either the existing accounts/s or any such account/s that may
be opened by me in future, with any bank and/or other financial
institution, to deposit and withdraw moneys, either in cash or by
cheques/pay orders/demand drafts/negotiable instruments or any
other instruments, to sign and issue cheques or other negotiable
instrument, whether for investment in shares, debentures, fixed
deposits, bonds, units, mutual funds or for payment to any person/s or
party or government or semi-government or other local or public
bodies or authorities, whosoever it may be, purpose or for any
purpose whatsoever.
8) To raise loans either in my single name or jointly with any other Compulsory
person/s for any purpose whatsoever as my said Attorney may think
necessary on the security of all or any of my properties or assets and
in that connection to represent me, act on my behalf before and in the
office of any banking or financial institution, to sign and execute
documents or instruments of security or such or other documents as
may be stipulated by such banking or financial institutions, to receive
the loan amount and to issue receipts therefore.
9) To refund and repay loans, both principal and interest and to obtain Compulsory
receipt/s and discharges therefore as also to obtain release of
securities and reconveyance of mortgaged properties.
10) To pay taxes, cesses, assessments, duties, fines, outgoings, etc. of Compulsory
any nature or description to the concerned authorities and to obtain
receipts therefore
11) To represent me and act on my behalf before and in the office of Compulsory
the Income Tax authorities, to prepare, sign and file necessary
statements, returns, declarations and to comply with all the
requirements of income Tax authorities and to do every thing
connected therewith or incidental thereto.
12) To invest any of my money in fixed deposits, term deposits, Compulsory
cumulative deposits, national saving certificates and or such or other
deposits, at such rate of interest and for such term as my Attorney
considers advantageous, and from time to time to close such deposits
either upon maturity or earlier, as my said attorney shall in his
absolute discretion think fit and advantageous, and to collect and
receive the proceeds of such deposits and issue and receipts and
discharges therefore.
13) To invest any of my money in shares, stocks, debentures, units, Compulsory
annuities, mutual funds and or such or other securities and from time
to time to alter and vary such investments or any of them into any
other investments and/or from time to time.
14) To open and operate all Depository/Demat/Trading accounts, Compulsory
either in my single name or jointly with any other person/s either the
existing accounts/s or any such account/s that may be opened by me
in future, with any bank or financial and/or depository participant/s or
broking institution/s including e-broking institutions/houses, and in
that connection to sign and submits all the necessary applications,
forms, instruments, instructions, letters of authority/manate,
undertakings, other writings, etc of whatever nature or description
and comply with all their requirements as I may myslf do.
15) To sell, exchange and transfer shares, stocks, debentures, units, Compulsory
annuities, mutual funds and or such other securities to any person or
party, as my said Attorney shall in his absolute discretion think fit
and advantageous, and in that connection to sign, execute and submit
all the necessary applications, instructions, delivery notes, deposit
receipts, documents, forms, transfer deeds, depository forms,
instruments, redemption requests, letters of authority/mandate, other
writings, etc. as may be required by the concerned bank or financial
and/or depository participant/s or broking institution/s including e-
broking institutions/houses or such other institutions, to receive and
give good and effectual receipts and discharges for any sum
16) To accept the transfer of any stocks, funds, shares, annuities and Compulsory
other securities which shall or may at any time hereafter be offered
and transferred tome and in that connection to prepare, sign and
endorse all the necessary instructions, forms, transfer deeds,
depository forms, instruments, acknowledgments, cheques, drafts,
slips, receipts and other writings, as required.
17) To demand, receive and collect interest, profit, dividend in Compulsory
respect of the investments and to issue receipts therefore.
18) To demand, sue for and enforce payment of, recover, receive and Compulsory
give proper receipts and discharges for all moneys, debts, goods,
effects, securities for money, stocks, shares or other properties now
belonging or hereafter to belong to me, either in single name and/or
jointly with any other person/s.
19) To carry into effect and perform all agreements, contracts entered Compulsory
into by me with any other person or persons.
20)for any of the purpose hereinstated, in my name to draw, endorse Compulsory
and sign any cheques, dividend or interest warrants or other
investments payable to me and to sign my name and execute on my
behalf all contracts, transfers, assignments, deeds and instruments
21) To comply with all the formalities necessary under the provisions Compulsory
of any law, legislation and/ or Act for the time being and from time to
time in force in connection with all or any matter herein stated or
connected therewith or incidental thereto.
22) To appear and act in all the courts, civil, Revenue, criminal, co- Compulsory
operative, consumer, Tribunal, whether original or appellate, to sign
and verify plaints, witten statements, petitions of claims and
objections, memorandum of appeal and petitions and applications of
all kinds and to file them in any court or offices, to file and receive
back documents, to apply for inspection of and to inspect judicial
23) To state, settle, adjust, compound, compromise or submit to Compulsory
arbitration all actions, suits, accounts, claims and disputes between
me and any other person or persons.
24) To commence, carry on or defend all actions and other Compulsory
proceedings concerning my property or any part thereof and/or
concerning anything herein stated and/or connected therewith and/or
incidental thereto and/or any other acts, deeds, matters and things in
which I may be a party.
25) To appoint and engage any advocate and or such other Compulsory
professional for all or any of the purposes hereinstated on such
condition and at such remuneration as the said Attorney may think
proper and fit.
26) To prepare, sign and submit applications, affidavits, authority Compulsory
letters, letters of appointments, declarations, statements,
vakalatnamas, appeal memos, claims, demands, settlements, bonds,
indemnity documents, undertakings, returns, etc. of any nature and to
file/submit them in any office/court.
27) To appoint and remove at pleasure any substitute for or agent Compulsory
under my said attorney in respect of all or any of the matters
hereinstated upon such terms as my said Attorney may think proper
and fit. For a specific purpose.
28) And generally to act as my Attorney or Agent in relation to the Compulsory
matters herein stated or connected therewith or incidental thereto, in
which I may be interested or concerned and on my behalf to execute
and do or cause to be executed and done all or any acts, deeds,
matters and things as fully and effectively in all respects as I may
myself do.
IN WITNESS HERE OF the hands of the said parties have been 12) flat/apartment/shop/office No
put the day and year first above written.
Compulsory 13) Area of premises
14 ) Area of terrace (optional)
15) Name of village
All that piece and parcel of the property is the residential apartment 16) S.No/CTS No
17) Area in hectare
bearing --------(12)----having a built up area of---------(13)-----------
18) assessment value of per 7/12
together with terrace admeasuring------ -------(14)--------sq.mtrs and 19) Taluka
20) District
is bounded as under:
21) Name of corporation (optional )
East :- ----------------- 22) Name of sub-register office

South --------------------
west ---------------------
North ----------------------

SCHEDULE “B” Compulsory

All that piece and parcel of the land situated at-------(15) -----------and
having S.No/CIS No ------(16)--------totally admeasuring--------(17)--

-----H.Ares, Assessed at Rs,---------(18)----------- Taluka---------(19)--

-----District-------(20)------- within the local limits of---------(21)------
---municipal corporation and within the jurisdiction of sub Registrar,-
------(22)------more particularly described and Bounded as under:-
East :- -----------------
South --------------------
west ---------------------
North ----------------------
Donors Name and sign---( 3 )------ 3) Name and sign of Donors
Donees Name and sign---(8)----- 8) Name and sign of Donees

In the presence of sign 23) Name of first witness

1) Name & sign the first witness--------(23)------- 24) Name of second witness
2) Name & sign the second witness---------(24)-------------------
Clause Compulsory The data to be filled in
This special power of Attorney is made and executed at Compulsory 1) Location
------(1)------on this ------(2 )------day of -------in the 2) Date of execution

----(3)----Age: -----------(4)---------years, Occupation:- compulsory Donors Detail

(5)-------Address------------(6)-------(6A) Pan-----(6B) 3) Name

4) Age
UID--------(6C) Mob No----------(6D)-----------E-Mail Id
5) occupation
6) Address
Herein after called the donor
6A) pan Number
6B) UIF Number optional
6C) Mob No----------
6D)-----------E-Mail Id No
-------(7)----Age: --(8)---------years, Occupation:-(9)----- Donees Detail
--Residing at------------(10)------- Pan-----(10A) UID----- 7) Name

---(10B) Mob No----------(10C)------------ 8) Age

9) occupation
E-Mail Id No-------- (10D)-----
10) Address
10A) pan Number
10B) UIF Number optional
10C) Mob No
10D)E-Mail Id No
Whereas I am The Authorize member Partner/Director compulsory 11) Name of firm/company
of ----(11)----(Association of persons) having its Office 12) Location
at ----------(12)--------(hereinafter referred to as “Said 13) owners Name (if Development rights taken)
Developer”) and the power of attorney holder of--------- 14) serve no/CTS No
(13)------------. Registered under the companies Act, 15) Area

1956 / partnership Act 1932 being the owners. We have 16) Name of village
17) Name of Taluka
started development and construction on the property
18) Name of District
bearing S.No./CTS No-------(14)------having an
19) Name of corporation
admeasuring area-------(15)-------Sq.Mts, situated at -----
20) Name of sub register office
---(16)-------- Taluka----(17)----Dist----(18)------and the
same is also situated within the local limits of the ------
(19)---------municipal corporation and within the
jurisdiction of sub-Registrar of----------(20)---------
(hereinafter referred to as “said Property”)and more
particularly described in the schedule.
That due to my busy schedule i am unable to attend the
office of sub-registrar -------(20)--------to present and
give the admission of execution and other formalities to
register the document executed by me and hence i
hereby appoint, nominate, and authorize Mr ---(7)----- as
my attorney to present the sub Register office for
presentation of the document and admission of
deeds and documents executed by me in relation with
the above said property at any offices/s of sub registrar -
------(20)-------------on my behalf

The said power of attorney holder will also, sign, apply compulsory
for index II, certified copy, sign on books of register on
my behalf & sign the same in the office of the sub
registrar, -----------(20)-----------in respect of the above
said property
“schedule of property” 16) Name of village
All that piece or panel of land situate haring and being at 17) Name of Taluka
---(16)---(17)---(18)----(19) ---(20)--- admeasuring (15-- 18) Name of District
-------and bounded as Follows 19) Name of corporation
East---------- 20) Name of sub register office
IN WITNESS HEREOF THE Parties here to have
executed these presents on the year, day and date first
mentioned herein above written

Donors Name and sign---(3)------ 3) Donors Name and sign

Donees Name and sign---(7)----- 7) Donees Name and sign
Witnesses 21) Name of first witnesses
1)Name-----------(21)------- 22) Name of second witnesses

Clause Compulsory/ The data to be filled in

This deed of mortgage made and executed ------(1)-------AT.--- Compulsory 1) Date of execution
--(2)----between 2) Location
----------------------(3)------------------------- Compulsory Mortgager’s details
Age -----(4)--------Occupation ---------(5)---- Residing At. --------- 3) name
- (6)------- 4) age
PAN -------(6 A)--------- UID --------(6 B) Mobile No.---- (6C)---- 5) Occupation
Email id No. -----(6D) -------- HEREINAFTER Called “ the 6) Address
Mortgager” (which expression shall unless excluded by or 6A) PAN (Number)
repugnant to the subject to the context include his/her heirs, 6B) UID (Number)
executors administrators representative assigns and 6C) Mobile No. Optional
transferee in interest of the ) 6D) E-mail id
one part AND if the Mortgagor is represented by his agent or
general power of attorney holder or special power of
attorney holder, then his full name, occupation, age,
address and
capacity under which he represents the Mortgagor shall
be entered

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---------------------------(7)---------------------------------------------------- Compulsory MORTGAGEE’S DETAILS
Designation of Authorized signatory ---------------(8)--------------- (7)Bank Name
----------------------Bank Address:- -------(9)----------- Branch at -- (8) Designation of Authorized signatory, Branch Manager
---------(10)----------------------- /Representative
TAN No:- .-------(11)-----------UID-----------(12A)---------- Mobile (9) Bank Address
No.---- (12B)--- Email id No. -----(12D) -------- hereinafter (10) Branch at
called the “Mortgagee” (which expression shall unless (11)TAN (Number)
excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context include its (12A) UID (Designation of Authorized signatory )
successors, transferees-in-interest and assigns ) the other (12 B) Bank Mobile No. Optional
part. (12 C) Bank Email Id.

AND WHEREAS the mortgagor is the sole and absolute Compulsory Nil
owner of immovable Property described in Schedule
hereunder, and hereinafter referred to as the ‘said Property’
Whereas, the Mortgagor is the absolute owner, having Compulsory (13) Describe whether the ownership is acquired by
acquired the property, by___________(13)_________ and inheritance OR by partition of joint family property OR
since then Mortgagor has been in possession and enjoyment by release OR by gift OR by settlement OR by will
of the schedule property and paying taxes and levies thereon, (bequeath) OR by sale deed registered as document
as sole and absolute owner thereof. No._______year______ in the office of the Registrar OR

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Whereas Mortgagor being in need of money for the purpose Compulsory (14) Purpose of Loan
of_______(14)___________. Mortgagor requested the (15) Loan Amount
Mortgagee to lend him a sum of Rs.____(15)_______ which
the Mortgagee has agreed to do on the Mortgagor executing
these presents with a view to secure the repayment thereof
with interest as hereinafter provided.
AND WHEREAS mortgagor assured unto the mortgagee that Compulsory Nil
he/she would pay the said amount which is an outstanding
debt payable from the mortgagor to the mortgagee along with
interest thereon;
AND WHEREAS the mortgagees have agreed to grant loan Compulsory (16 ) As per Bank loan sanction letter loan Amount
up to Rs. ----(16)------ /- FROM TIME TO TIME to the
mortgagors agreeing to utilize the amounts so advanced for
the purpose applied for and on such terms and conditions as
the mortgagees may stipulate from time to time and on the
mortgagees securing the same by executing a mortgage of
their immovable property
AND WHEREAS the mortgagee agreed to give time to the Compulsory Nil
mortgagor so as to enable him/her/them to make the payment
of the aforesaid debt; however, the mortgagee insisted on the
mortgagor so as to furnish unto the mortgagee security for this

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payment of debt;
AND WHEREAS considering the cooperation extended by the Compulsory Nil
mortgagee by giving time to the mortgagor the payment of the
aforesaid debt, the mortgagor readily agreed to confer such a
security unto the mortgagee;
AND WHEREAS the parties hereto had due deliberations and Compulsory Nil
discussions, and the mortgagor has agreed to mortgage the
said property in favour of the mortgagee as a collateral
AND WHEREAS the parties hereto have arrived at an Compulsory Nil
understanding which they have decided to reduce into writing
being these presents;
NOW,THIS DEED WITNESS as follows: Compulsory Nil
1) That the mortgagor does hereby mortgage the said
property in favour of the mortgagee subject to the terms and
conditions stated in this deed.
2) That the mortgagor is liable to pay unto the mortgagee an Compulsory (16) Loan Amount
amount of Rs. ----------------(16)------------ as a debt, and for the
purpose of securing repayment of this debt, mortgage the said
property in favour of the mortgagee.
(3) That the mortgagor hereby agrees to repay the said Compulsory (17) Loan Period
amount of debt within a period of ----(17)------ years from

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execution of these present.
(4) That the mortgagor hereby assures to pay unto the Compulsory (16) Loan Amount
mortgagee the said amount of Rs. ------------(16)------- along (18) Rate of interest
with interest thereon at the rate of -------(18)------% per annum. (19) installment amount---- Optional
And the Mortgagor would also repay loan amount with interest
to Mortgagee at. Rs.-----(19)-----/- monthly/quarterly
(5) That the mortgagor assures unto the mortgagee that the Compulsory Nil
said property is his/her absolute property, and no one else
has any right, title or interest in the same. The mortgagor
hereby assures unto the mortgagee that the said property is
free from any encumbrances.
(6) That the mortgagor hereby assures unto the mortgagee Compulsory Nil
that he/she will not deal with the said property in any manner
so as to prejudicially affect the rights of the mortgagee.
(7) And it is further agreed and declared by the Mortgagor that Compulsory Nil
he shall also be liable to pay and shall pay all the costs,
charges and expenses that the Mortgagee will incur for the
protection of the mortgage security and or for the realization of
the mortgage amount and the same shall be deemed to form
part of the mortgage amount and the security therefore as

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(8) And it is further agreed that during the pending of the Compulsory (20) As per bank Requirement insurance amount .
security hereby created and until repayment of the mortgage
amount, the Mortgagor will get insured and keep insured the
said scheduled property from any loss and damages due to
fire or any other incident in the sum of at least
Rs.___(20)_____ with some Insurance Company of repute and
pay all premium in the insurance policy as and when it
becomes due and payable in respect thereof to such company
and shall hand over the policy to the Mortgagee duly
endorsed in his name as assignee and in the event of the
Mortgagor failing to do so or to pay the premium, the
Mortgagee will be entitled to insure the said property and
structures and/or to pay the premium thereon and the amount
paid by the Mortgagee in respect thereof will be deemed to
form part of the mortgage amount.
(9) That in the event, if the mortgagor fails to repay the Compulsory Nil
aforesaid amount of debt along with interest thereon, then the
mortgagee shall be entitled to claim foreclosure of the
mortgage, and in the default of the mortgagor, the mortgagee
shall be entitled to enforce all such remedies available against
the mortgagor as are available to the mortgagee under simple

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(10) All the obligations of the Mortgagor and all the rights and Compulsory Nil
remedies and powers of the Mortgagee under the law for the
time being in force except so far as they be expressly varied
or may be inconsistent with these presents shall be deemed
to be incorporated in these presents. PROVIDED THAT the
provision of Sections 61, 65A and 67A, respectively, of the
Transfer of Property Act, 1882, shall not apply to these
presents or to the Mortgagor or the Mortgagee inters and this
shall be deemed a contract to the contrary for the purpose of
these sections.
(11) The Mortgagor confirms and declares that he/she has Compulsory Nil
actual possession of the Mortgaged Premises and has
absolute power and authority to mortgage the Mortgaged
Premises in favour of the Mortgagee and provided that the
possession of the said mortgaged property is / will neither be
given nor agreed to be given to Mortgagee except in the event
of default.
(11A ) Optional (11A ) The parties can write any other terms and
conditions as per their requirement up to 1000/- characters
with space
(12)That all the expenses towards stamp duty, registration Compulsory Nil
charges and incidental expenses thereto were agreed to be

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borne out by the mortgagor, and accordingly he/she has done
TO (22) Tahsil /Sub-District
All that piece and parcel of land situated within (23) 1. Municipal Corporation
Registration Division and District ----------(21)----------- Sub- (23) 2. Municipal Council
Division and Taluka ----------(22)--------- within the limits of ------ (23) 3.Cantonment Board
----(23)--------------Municipal corporation/Council/Cantonment (23) 4. Grampanchayat
Board/Grampanchayat situate At. Village -------(24)----- (24) Village
Survey No./City Survey No./Final Plot No/Nazul No./Khasra (25) 1. city survey Number
No.--- (25)--- Hissa/Plot No.------(26)------- With Constructed (25) 2. Gat No. for identification of property
Building name as --------(27)--------Flat No./House No. ----(28)- (25) 3. Final Plot No. out of this type one numeric
------ Floor No. ------(29) ---------- Area -------------(30) --------- (25) 4. Serve No. should be compulsory
sqmts./Hector are /square feet And bounded by as follows: (25) 5. Nazul seat No.
(25) 6.Khasra No.
(26) 1. Plot No. as per applicable
(26) 2. Hissa No.
(27) With Constructed :- as per applicable
Building name as
(28) 1. UNIT No.(Flat/Shop/Office/Parking) as per
(28) 2. House No. applicable

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(29) Floor No.
(30) 1.Square Meter for measurement of property
(30) 2. Hector- are out of this type one numeric
(30) 3. Square Feet should be compulsory
On or towards the East :------------------------- (31)-------------- Compulsory Property Boundaries
On or towards the South :-------------------------- (32)------------- (31) East Property: No/Name
On or towards the West :----------------------------(33)------------ (32) South Property: No/Name
On or towards the North :-----------------------------(34)----------- (33) West Property: No/Name
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties here to have (34) North Property: No/Name
signed hereunder at.---------- (2)-------- on this ----------(1)-------- (2) Location
day (1) Date of execution

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MORTGAGOR’S Name and SIGN ---(35)--------- Compulsory Execution and Witnesses
MORTGAGEE’S Name and SIGN ----(36)-------- (35) 1. Sign by Mortgagor
WITNESSES: (35) 2. Name of Mortgagor
1. Name and sign -----(37)-------- (36) 1. Sign by Signatory
-------------------------------- (36) 2. Name of Signatory Optional
-------------------------------- (36) 3. Designation of Mortgagee Signatory
2. Name and sign -----(38)-------- (37) 1. Witness No. 1. Name
-------------------------------- (37) 2. Witness No. 1. Address
-------------------------------- (37) 3. Witness No. 1. Sign
(38) 1. Witness No. 2. Name
(38) 2. Witness No. 2. Address
(38) 3. Witness No. 2. Sign

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This deed of mortgage made and executed ------(1)-------AT.-----(2)----between
Age -----(4)--------Occupation ---------(5)---- Residing At. ---------- (6)-------
PAN -------(6 A)--------- UID --------(6 B) Mobile No.---- (6C)---- Email id No. -----(6D)
-------- HEREINAFTER Called “ the Mortgager” (which expression shall unless
excluded by or repugnant to the subject to the context include his/her heirs,
executors administrators representative assigns and transferee in interest of the )
one part AND
Designation of Authorized signatory ---------------(8)-------------------------------------
Bank Address:- -------(9)----------- Branch at -----------(10)-----------------------
TAN No:- .-------(11)-----------UID-----------(12A)---------- Mobile No.---- (12B)--- Email
id No. -----(12D) --------hereinafter called the “Mortgagee” (which expression shall
unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context include its successors,
transferees-in-interest and assigns ) the other part.
AND WHEREAS the mortgagor is the sole and absolute owner of immovable
Property described in Schedule hereunder, and hereinafter referred to as the ‘said
Whereas, the Mortgagor is the absolute owner, having acquired the property,
by___________(13)_________ and since then Mortgagor has been in possession
and enjoyment of the schedule property and paying taxes and levies thereon, as
sole and absolute owner thereof.
Whereas Mortgagor being in need of money for the purpose
of_______(14)___________. Mortgagor requested the Mortgagee to lend him a sum
of Rs.____(15)_______ which the Mortgagee has agreed to do on the Mortgagor
executing these presents with a view to secure the repayment thereof with interest
as hereinafter provided.
AND WHEREAS mortgagor assured unto the mortgagee that he/she would pay the
said amount which is an outstanding debt payable from the mortgagor to the
mortgagee along with interest thereon;
AND WHEREAS the mortgagees have agreed to grant loan up to Rs. ----(16)------ /-

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FROM TIME TO TIME to the mortgagors agreeing to utilize the amounts so
advanced for the purpose applied for and on such terms and conditions as the
mortgagees may stipulate from time to time and on the mortgagees securing the
same by executing a mortgage of their immovable property
AND WHEREAS the mortgagee agreed to give time to the mortgagor so as to
enable him/her/them to make the payment of the aforesaid debt; however, the
mortgagee insisted on the mortgagor so as to furnish unto the mortgagee security
for this payment of debt;
AND WHEREAS considering the cooperation extended by the mortgagee by giving
time to the mortgagor the payment of the aforesaid debt, the mortgagor readily
agreed to confer such a security unto the mortgagee;
AND WHEREAS the parties hereto had due deliberations and discussions, and the
mortgagor has agreed to mortgage the said property in favour of the mortgagee as
a collateral security;
AND WHEREAS the parties hereto have arrived at an understanding which they
have decided to reduce into writing being these presents;
1) That the mortgagor does hereby mortgage the said property in favour of the
mortgagee subject to the terms and conditions stated in this deed.
2) That the mortgagor is liable to pay unto the mortgagee an amount of Rs. ----------
------(16)------------ as a debt, and for the purpose of securing repayment of this
debt, mortgage the said property in favour of the mortgagee.
(3) That the mortgagor hereby agrees to repay the said amount of debt within a
period of ----(17)------ years from execution of these present.
(4) That the mortgagor hereby assures to pay unto the mortgagee the said amount
of Rs. ------------(16)------- along with interest thereon at the rate of -------(18)------%
per annum. And the Mortgagor would also repay loan amount with interest to
Mortgagee at. Rs.-----(19)-----/- monthly/quarterly installment
(5) That the mortgagor assures unto the mortgagee that the said property is
his/her absolute property, and no one else has any right, title or interest in the
same. The mortgagor hereby assures unto the mortgagee that the said property is
free from any encumbrances.
(6) That the mortgagor hereby assures unto the mortgagee that he/she will not deal
with the said property in any manner so as to prejudicially affect the rights of the

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(7) And it is further agreed and declared by the Mortgagor that he shall also be
liable to pay and shall pay all the costs, charges and expenses that the Mortgagee
will incur for the protection of the mortgage security and or for the realization of the
mortgage amount and the same shall be deemed to form part of the mortgage
amount and the security therefore as aforesaid
(8) And it is further agreed that during the pending of the security hereby created
and until repayment of the mortgage amount, the Mortgagor will get insured and
keep insured the said scheduled property from any loss and damages due to fire
or any other incident in the sum of at least Rs.___(20)_____ with some Insurance
Company of repute and pay all premium in the insurance policy as and when it
becomes due and payable in respect thereof to such company and shall hand over
the policy to the Mortgagee duly endorsed in his name as assignee and in the
event of the Mortgagor failing to do so or to pay the premium, the Mortgagee will be
entitled to insure the said property and structures and/or to pay the premium
thereon and the amount paid by the Mortgagee in respect thereof will be deemed to
form part of the mortgage amount.
(9) That in the event, if the mortgagor fails to repay the aforesaid amount of debt
along with interest thereon, then the mortgagee shall be entitled to claim
foreclosure of the mortgage, and in the default of the mortgagor, the mortgagee
shall be entitled to enforce all such remedies available against the mortgagor as
are available to the mortgagee under simple mortgage.
(10) All the obligations of the Mortgagor and all the rights and remedies and powers
of the Mortgagee under the law for the time being in force except so far as they be
expressly varied or may be inconsistent with these presents shall be deemed to be
incorporated in these presents. PROVIDED THAT the provision of Sections 61,
65A and 67A, respectively, of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, shall not apply to
these presents or to the Mortgagor or the Mortgagee inters and this shall be
deemed a contract to the contrary for the purpose of these sections.
(11) The Mortgagor confirms and declares that he/she has actual possession of the
Mortgaged Premises and has absolute power and authority to mortgage the
Mortgaged Premises in favour of the Mortgagee and provided that the possession
of the said mortgaged property is / will neither be given nor agreed to be given to
Mortgagee except in the event of default.

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(11A )

(12)That all the expenses towards stamp duty, registration charges and incidental
expenses thereto were agreed to be borne out by the mortgagor, and accordingly
he/she has done so.
All that piece and parcel of land situated within Registration Division and
District ----------(21)----------- Sub-Division and Taluka ----------(22)--------- within the
limits of ----------(23)--------------Municipal corporation/Council/Cantonment
Board/Grampanchayat situate At. Village -------(24)----- Survey No./City Survey
No./Final Plot No/Nazul No./Khasra No.--- (25)--- Hissa/Plot No.------(26)------- With
Constructed Building name as --------(27)--------Flat No./House No. ----(28)-------
Floor No. ------(29) ---------- Area -------------(30) --------- sqmts./Hector are /square
feet And bounded by as follows:

On or towards the East :------------------------- (31)-------------- On or towards the

South :-------------------------- (32)------------- On or towards the West :--------------------
--------(33)------------ On or towards the North :-----------------------------(34)-----------
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties here to have signed hereunder at.-------
--- (2)-------- on this ----------(1)-------- day
MORTGAGOR’S Name and SIGN ---(35)---------

MORTGAGEE’S Name and SIGN ----(36)--------

1. Name and sign -----(37)--------
2. Name and sign -----(38)--------

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Sale Deed (Agricultural Land)

Clause Compulsory/ The data to be filled in


This deed of sale is made and executed at---------- Compulsory 1) Location--------

2) Date of Execution------
----(1)-------------- on the day of------------ (2)------


----------(3)-----------age------(4)---------- Compulsory Vendors Details:-

3) Name
Occupation-----------(5)------ and residing at-------
4) Age
-------(6)--------- having Pan card No.--------(6A)--
5) Occupation
------UID No.-----(6 B) Mobile No.------(6C)------ 6) Address
6A) Pan card No
-- Email ID-------(6D)-------
6B) UID No.
Hereinafter called the owners/vendors, which
6C) Mobile No Optional
expression shall unless repugnant to the context 6D) Email ID

or meaning thereof, always mean and include the

said owners as well as the legal heirs, legal

representatives assigns, executors, administrators,

successors of the First Part, And

-----(7)-----------age---(8)--- occupation------------ Compulsory Purchasers Details

(9)------and residing at--------(10)------- having 7) Name

Pan No.--------(10A)--------UID No.--------(10B)-- 8) Age

----Mobile No.-----------(10C)----------Email ID--- 9) Occupation

--(10D)-------- 10) Address

Hereinafter called the Purchaser/Vendee 10A) Pan card No

which expression shall unless repugnant to the 10B) UID No.

context or meaning thereof, always mean and 10C) Mobile No Optional

include the said owners as well as their legal 10D) Email ID

heirs, legal representatives, assigns, executors,

administrators, successors of the Second Part,

Whereas the Vendor is the sole and absolute Compulsory 11) Survey No/Gat No.

owner of the agriculture land bearing survey 12) Area in Acres

No./Gat No.---------(11)------- admeasuring-------- 13) Area in Gunthas

--(12)--------Acre and-----(13) gunthas-------------- 14) Name of village

-situated at----------(14) in the---------(15)----- 15) Name of Taluka

Dist------(16)------ which has inherited/having 16) Name of District

acquired the same from --------(17)------ through a 17) Earlier Vendor/Donor/Executor

sale deed/Gift/Gift settlement/partion/Will deed 18)Document No by which the property

registered vide Document No--------18----- in acquired by the vendor (optional)

SRO---19------ And more particularly described 19) Name of Sub Registrar Office (optional)

in the Schedule of Property hereunder written.

Now therefore this deed of sale witnessed that in Compulsory 20) Amount of consideration
pursuance of the agreement and in consideration
21) Name of Colour
of the sum of Rs.-----(20)------/- already received
by the vendor from the vendee the said vendor as
absolute owner of the said property described in
the schedule hereto and more clearly delineated in
the plan annexed herewith. There boundaries
thereof shown in-------(21)------color does hereby
transfer convey and assign free from
encumbrances all the said property to hold the
same to the said vendee as absolute owner
together with appurtenances belonging hereto and
all the estate right, title interest and claim
whatsoever of the vendor in or to the said
property hereby conveyed. The vendee shall hold
and enjoy the same as absolute owner.
The Vendor hereby covenant with the vendee as Compulsory
1) The said property shall be quietly entered into Compulsory
and upon by the vendee who shall hold and enjoy
the same as absolute owner without any
interruption from the vendor or any persons
claiming through the vendor.
2) The vendor has given vacant possession of the Compulsory
said property to the vendee.
3) The vendor has paid all taxes etc. payable on Compulsory
the said property up to date and vendee will have
to pay such taxes etc. payable hereafter.
4) The property is free from all encumbrances’ Compulsory
charges, mortgage, prior assignment of sale or
lease hold or court attachments and it is not
subject to any other litigation
5) The previous title deeds relating to the said Compulsory
property are hereby handed over to the vendee.
6) The vendor hereby agrees to co-operate with
the vendee to get the title of the said property
changed in the name of the vendee in Revenue
7) The vendor does hereby further agrees with the Compulsory
vendee at all times hereafter at the cost of the
vendee to do and execute all such lawful acts,
deeds and things for further and more perfect
fully assuring the said property to the vendee
according to the true intend and meaning of this
8) The vendor does hereby agree to keep Compulsory
indemnified the vendee from and against all
losses, costs, damages and expenses which the
vendee may sustain by reason of anybody to the
said property.
9) The land is not an assigned land within the Compulsory
meaning of acquisition by the Government,
10) The aforesaid property is not breech of the Compulsory
conditions of Bombay prevention of
fragmentation and consolidation of Holdings Act,
SCHEDULE of property Compulsory 22) Area in hectare
All that piece and parcel of the Agriculture land
23) Area in acres
situated at survey No/Gut No-------(11) -----------
24) Name of Gram panchayat
having admeasuring area --------(12)-------Acres -
--------(13)----------- Gunthas i e---------(22)----H--
-(23)--- R situated and lying at the he venue
(15)------------District----------(16)---------- and
within the limits at---------(24)------------Gram
panchayat and which is Bounded as follows
East :- -----------------
South --------------------
west ---------------------
North ----------------------
In whiteness where of the hands of the said
pinches having been put on the day and year first
above written
1) owner/vendees Name & sign---------(3)----2) Compulsory 3) Name and sign of vendor
purchaser/vendees Name & sign---------------------
7) Name and sign of purchaser
In the presence of Compulsory 25) Name & sign the first witness
1) Name & sign the first witness--------(25)-------
26) Name & sign the second witness
2) Name & sign the second witness---------(26)---

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