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Assessment N°1 COEF : C/D:3 A4: 4 School year: 2023-2024

Domain of life 1: FAMILY AND SOCIAL LIFE

Module 1: Using language to express oneself on relationships within the family, school and the

Competence assessed: students use language as good family and school members


Not acquired. Ongoing acquisition. Acquired. Expert. Parent’s visa and date.

Student’s name: _________________________________________________ Class:___________

SECTION A / GRAMMAR ( /10 marks)

I) Reciprocal pronouns (5 marks)

Task: complete the following using each other or one another

Myriam and Konate are very fond of__________________________. They have been friends for five years, so they
know_______________________very well. They are in 1ère at Douala High School. Awah and Ngoh are twins. They are
new students at the school. The students in 1ère are friendly and kind to ______________________ , so the twins feel
very welcome. Awah and Ngoh found out that the students of 1ère have known _______________________ for a long
time. Even some of their parents have known _________________________ for years because they attended the same

II) Choose the correct word on brackets to complete the sentences ( 5 marks)
1. The dancers __________________________ (finish, finishes, are finishing) their performance.
2. I would like to write a good letter of ____________________ ( apology, apologise, apological)
3. You ___________________ (must, had to/ may) see a doctor.
4. Yesterday, while I _____________ praying (was, am, were), I had a divine inspiration.
5. Feel ________________ (good, free, best) to Ask me anything you want


I) Determiners

Task: Complete the sentences below choosing one of the quantifiers which follow (5 marks)

most/ most of, no/ none of

1- ________________ students in my class is atheist.

2- In Cameroon, ________________________ the people are religious.

3- __________________________ people believe in some religion.

4- Concerning the people I know, _______________________ them speak German.
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5- _______________ members of society want peace.

II) Culture and religion (5 marks)

Task: Choose the correct word below and match it with the definition.

Sacred, ancestors, deity, traditionalist, reincarnation, constitution

1- Someone who does not believe in or is not controlled by any religion is ____________________

2- _______________________ are family members who came before us in previous generations.

3- God or supreme being means _________________________
4- The___________________________is the fundamental law of a country.

5- To live in another body or form after death is ___________________

C) Reading comprehension (10 marks)

Task: Read the text below carefully and answer to the questions that follow.


Clubs are recreational groups that focus on culture, sport or some other common interest. Members of clubs
benefit by having an opportunity to socialise with other people. They also further other interest in the sport or
activity that is the focus of the club.

Some clubs offer opportunities for community services. Teenagers experience camaraderie while performing
community service. Both the teenagers and the community benefit. Two examples are clubs that address
environmental problems and clubs that offer services to young children or the elderly.

Teenagers can join clubs that address their career interest.

Someone interested in a career in medicine or nursing could join a first aid group. Budding musicians could join
a choir.

Clubs are voluntary, and deepen on the efforts of the members to keep running. Some clubs charge a
membership fee or do fund raising to earn the money they need. Club members volunteer to help with tasks,
ranging from cleaning the place where they meet, to being the chairperson or treasurer.

Are clubs part of the formal school curriculum? true of false (1 mark) _______________________

Young people can join clubs that address their career interest. True or false (1 mark) _____________________

Give two ways in which clubs benefit their members, discussed in paragraph 1 (2 marks)


Think of two (2) other benefits of joining a club. (2 marks)


From paragraph 3, who should consider joining a first aid club? (1 mark)
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Name two ways that clubs raise money (1 mark)


Do you think clubs are important? Justify your answer? (2 marks)


D) Composition (10 marks)

Task: Write an essay of between 200-250 words on any of the following topics.

1- You have been surprised cheating during the English test. Write a letter to the principal of the Pearl Plus
College to apologize. Your name and address are EKANI GABRIEL, PO Box 5830 Yaoundé.

2- You realize that many youths face a lots of difficulties in your area, write an essay in which you state the
problems that they face and provide solutions that you think can help solving some of these evils.

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