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In couples, write a dialogue between the manager of a company/department and an

administrative assistant about a day-to-day situation. You have to use at least 7 of the 25
or more words in bold that you will find in pages 37-38-39 of the book.

Role-play the dialogue with a classmate, record your dialogue and insert the audio file

The dialogue has to last between 2 and 3 minutes.






annual budget


to set goals
Sales Manager (Dylan): Good morning, Erick. I hope you're ready for a productive day. First
things first, our supplies are running low out of stock, especially the marketing papers and
promotional materials. Can you please check our inventory and place an order to restock?

Administrative Assistant (Erick): Good morning, Dylan. Of course , I'll take care of the
supplies and I'll make sure we have enough materials for our next presentations with our
clients. On the other hand , I've been updating the customer database with the latest
information from our recent interactions and now it is completely updated with the most
recent customer details.

Sales Manager (Dylan): That's great news, Erick. Keeping our customer database updated
is crucial. Speaking of data, I need a detailed spreadsheet analyzing our sales numbers for
the last six months. I want to compare our performance with our annual budget. It will help
us to identify areas for improvement and set realistic goals for the next months.

Administrative Assistant (Erick): Absolutely, Dylan. I'll prepare the spreadsheet right away
and include a detailed analysis of our sales performance. Additionally, I've been managing
the invoices efficiently, ensuring timely payments from our clients. If there's anything
specific you need to know about the invoices, please let me know, and I will work on it as
soon as possible.

Sales Manager (Dylan): Thank you, Erick. I appreciate your great effort. Keep going that
way, you’re doing an excellent work. Have a nice weekend, see you on monday.

Administrative Assistant (Erick): You’re welcome Dylan, see you on monday.

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