2023-2024 seq 1 Tle students

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Ministère des Enseignements Secondaires

Délégation Régionale pour le Centre

Collège Polyvalent la Perle Plus


Assessment N°1

School year: 2023-2024 final score: / 20

Domain of life: Family and social life

Competence assessed: students use language to provide personal information

Not acquired Ongoing acquisition Acquired Expert Parent visa and date

Student name:_________________________________________________________ Class:___________

Section A: Grammar ( /10 marks)

Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences following the instructions in the brackets

a. Every day, the children _____________________ (to share) their experiences at school with their parent. (
put the verb in the simple present tense)
b. Watch the Cup the Winners finals. (Make a question using a modal verb)

c. Dad will be angry ______ you fail the examination. (complete the sentence with a conjunction)
d. Elono called _______ (down, upon, off) her engagement to Etoundi. They will no longer marry. (complete
the sentence with the correct preposition in brackets)
e. You think bilingualism is important_________________? (add a question tag)

Exercise 2: Choose the correct word or phrase in brackets (5 marks)

a. The boys __________________ (was/ have/has) walked a long way.

b. She was late because she was ____________________ (held up, held on, held against) in traffic.
c. Daniel is the __________________________ (more intelligent/ intelligentest/ most intelligent) boy in the class.
d. I’d rather watch TV, but I don’t mind ____________________ (to read/being reading/reading)
e. Teachers _____________ (does/do/ did) a lot of work)


I) Find out synonyms and antonyms of the following words (5 marks)

Words Synonyms Antonyms

1- recreation _____ ________________ _____________________

2- legal _______________________ _____________________

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3- christian ________________________ ______________________

4- passport _________________________ _______________________

5- teacher ___________________ __ _______________________

II) Affixes

Task: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in bracket. Use affixes
(prefixes and suffixes) . (5 marks)

1- Please help me drafting this job ________________________ (apply ) letter.

2- my father told me an _________________________ (forgettable) story of my great grandfather.

3- I think that man has been arrested ___________________________. (legal)

4- My mother was impressed by the real ________________________ (transform) of this boy.

5- I like the _____________________ (art) spirit of Stanley Enow.

C/ Reading Comprehension ( /10 marks)

Read the following text carefully, and then answer the following questions

Recreation is good for you

Do you sometimes choose to spend some quiet time fishing or reading? Or do you enjoy something more
energetic like a hike in the mountains? Or perhaps you like to sit around playing games with your friend? Don't
feel guilty when you do this; it's good for you.

Recreation is any activity that you do for enjoyment or pleasure in your free time. All human beings need
recreation because working and studying is stressful and physically tiring. Life can take it's toll! It is said that if
you don't find time for recreation, you will soon have to find time for illness! Recreation refreshes both your
mind and tour body.

Recreation benefits both from your mental and physical well-being. If you have been working or studying hard,
you will be tired and perhaps quite stressed as will. Recreational activities will help to ease your tension or
stress and soothe your nerves so that you will feel ready to go back to working or studying again.

Recreation can also improve your physical health. Of course this means that you will need to choose activities
that provide your body with exercise. Sitting around playing computer games for hours may be recreational,
but it doesn't improve your physical health. But playing a game of tennis or football with some friends benefits
both your psychological state and your body. Recreational activities that involve some form of exercise are the
most natural way of staying in good health. And when your body feels good, you are more productive. As the
saying goes, a healthy mind in a healthy body!

So recreation is the answer if you are feeling tired and a bit down. Taking time out for recreation will give you
more energy for the other things in life that you have to tackle-like studying and working.


A) Answer by true or false to the following statements (2 marks)

1- Recreation benefits both your mental and physical well being_______________

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2- Playing a game of tennis or football will not benefit your body.______________

Give answers to the following questions (6 marks)

3- Say in one sentence what this text is about (1 mark)


4-What is a recreational activity? (2 marks)


5-What is the importance of recreational activities? List 4 of them (1mark)


6-Do you think recreation is beneficial? Justify your answer (2 marks)


B) Underline the correct answer (2 marks)

7- A healthy mind in a healthy body is:

A) to do and say things that are healthy

B) to be able to work and think more clearly because your body is fit and health

8- Life can take its toll means

A) Life can be difficult and make you tired and ill.

B) Life can make you pay a lot of money for something.

D/ COMPOSITION (10 marks)

Choose one of the following topic, then write an essay of not more than 250 words.

1- Job vacancy

We are looking for a French teacher. Our ideal candidate has studied French language and Literature
and has at least three years of experience. You will have good knowledge of the competence-based-
approach. Write to the Principal of College Pentecôtiste of Yaounde.

Write a letter of application in response to this advertisement. In your letter, mention your qualifications and
experience. Your address is Ebube Paul 3456 Yaounde.

2- You are the head of the news club in your school, during the national bilingualism day, you are asked to
deliver a speech on the importance of learning English by Francophone students. Many invitees are present: the
Yaounde 7 subdivisional officer, the Mfoundi divisional delegate for secondary education, the mayor, pastor,
priest and school staff among others.

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