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Class: ……………………………………………. Number:
School year :2023/2024 Assessment n0 3

Class 2 nde C collège polyvalent la perle plus

Duration: 2 hours

Coeff: 3 score: /20

Competence assessed: use language to elucidate procedures used to purchase goods and

Section A: Grammar ( 10 marks )

Exercise 1: complete the following dialogue about purchasing goods with the suitable words
from the list below. (5 marks)

(both, how much, can, bag how many, litres, kilos).

Buyer: hello madam! ………………………………. Is this bag of cocoyam?

Reseller: it’s 10000 francs.

Buyer: 10000? What! It is too expensive!........................................ is this bag of cocoyam?

Reseller: it depends………………………… bags of cocoyam do you need?

Buyer: I want two and I only have 7500 francs for …………………………. of them.

Reseller: give me 8500 because it is a very good quality of cocoyam.

Buyer: I can’t afford that amount please. I can just add 500 francs.

Reseller: it’s a good bargain, give me your money. What else do you need?

Buyer: I also want some ……………………… oil to fry fish.

Reseller: here is it. see you next time.

Exercise 2: using comparative forms of adjectives to talk about behaviors related to
purchasing items. Put the words in the correct forms. (2 marks)

1- This white car is certainly better, but it is ………………………. (expensive) than the
red one.
2- John can manage to study business. His cousin is slow in studying business. John is
……………………………. (smart) than his cousin.

3-Customers prizes of goods in Mokolo is …………………………. (good) than those in

the central market.

4- Shopping online is not ……………………. (difficult) shopping in a mail.

B) compete the blank spaces with the appropriate words (3 marks)

In order to – so as to – so that – so that I – to- to pass

a) The journalist interviewed the lawyer ……………………. get information.
b) Companies advertise their goods ……………………. sell more and make more profit.
c) You need a lawyer ………………. He or she may defend you in court.
d) I made a shopping list ……………………. wouldn’t forget anything.
e) …………….. attract customers, most shops create window displays.
f) Edna is studying very hard ……………………. her exams at the end of the term.

Section B: vocabulary ( 10 marks)

Exercise 1: complete the following passage using words from the box about goods
transactions. ( 5 marks)

Benefits , protection , compensation , complain , consumer, mislead, safety

A person who buys and uses product is a ………………………. companies manufacture

goods and market products in order to make a profit. Companies can try to increase profits by
cutting down on costs, but this a reduce quality and product ……………………...………
when advertising products, companies often exaggerate……………………. of their products
and ………………………. consumers. consumers who are misled by advertisements or have
bought unsafe products should …………….…… to authorities.
Exercise 2: (5 marks)

These are words related to some goods and money transactions. Read the words in column A
and their correct meanings in column B in the chart below, then write out the correct answer
in column C.

Column A Column B Column

1- Transaction a) Activity or work performed for others
examples included teaching , farming
transport .
2- Withdrawal b) Any action on your account such
withdrawals and deposits.
3- Deposit c) Physical object that you purchase and use
or take home.
4- Good d) Money paid into an account.

5- Service e) Money taken out of an account.

6- Loan f) A sum of money that a legal person 6-F
borrow from a bank to start a business .

Section C: Reading comprehension ( 10 marks )

Read the text carefully and answer the questions below

Crossing a cheque

Many people ask the question “is it safe to write and accept cheque? “the answer is simple as
with all financial transactions. There are dangers and you need to be aware of these dangers.
Cheques are convenient way of dealing with transactions as many people won’t like to carry a
lot of cash around and not everyone has or likes to us a credit card.

Some of dangers are: cheques can get lost or stolen. The cheques can also fall into the
wrong hands and cause you to lost money. So to prevent all these dangers, you have to
prevent these by crossing the cheques’

Crossing is a simple way to protect the drawer and payee of a cheque. Crossing of cheque
prevents fraud and wrong payments. Crossing a cheque means drawing two parallel lines
across the face of the cheque. Crossed cheque may only be deposited at the bank into the
account of the payee. Nobody can preset a crossed cheque at the bank and receive cash.

There are different ways of crossing a cheque. Generally, a cheque is crossed when two
parallel line are drawn across the face of the cheque. Words such as “s co. not negotiable” or
“A// C, payee only: can also be written between the two parallel lines.

The other danger with cheque is that the drawer may not sufficient funds in his or her
account. If this happens. The cheque will “bounce “and the payee will not get the money. The
drawer can get into trouble with the bank for writing cheques that bounce. For example, their
account may be closed and they will have to pay additional charges. Cheque accounts need to
be used in an honest and responsible way.

Interactions in English seconde ( student's Book) pages 91-92


1- Why do people use cheques? 2 marks

2- State two reasons why cheque should be crossed. 2 marks
3- Can anybody present a crossed cheque at the bank and receive cash? justify your
4- Give two dangers of crossing cheques. 2marks
5- According to the text, what should people do in order not to have a bounced cheque?

Section D: composition ( 10 marks )

Write a composition of about 180-200 words on one of the topic below:

1- A market incidence you witnessed.

Name the incidence;

When, where, why and how did it happen?

Who were involved in the incidence?

What were the consequences of the incidence?

What were your impressions / feelings vis a vis that market incidence?

2- Write a formal letter to any business enterprise of your choice to apply for a job (as a
secretary or an accountant for example), your name is PETER Alexander, and your
address: PO box 166 BRITOWN. The name of the store is Vox phone shop and the
address is : PO box 111 Limbe.
Write the post you are willing to apply for,
Gives your qualifications and work experiences (eventually),
Gives the reason (s) why you are writing the application, and the enclosures.
You are for or against hawking (moving from place to place or from house to house to
sell goods or products)

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