Unit II Kinematics

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• STATICS: It is that branch of science which studies the objects at rest.

More properly, Statics is the study of objects under the effect of forces in equillibrium.
• KINEMATICS: It is the branch of science which studies the objects in motion without
taking into account the cause of their motion.
• DYNAMICS: This branch of science studies the objects in motion by taking into
account the cause of their motion.
• REST: An object is said to at rest if it does not change its position with respect to its
• MOTION: An object is said to be in motion if it continuously changes its position with
respect to its surroundings.
(Rest and Motion are relative terms).
• TYPES OF MOTION: A body can possess following types of 1 1
2 2
(i) Translational motion: A body has translational motion if
a line joining any two points on the body remains parallel to 3 3

itself throughout the motion of the body .

(ii) Rotational Motion: In rotational motion the body rotates about an axis such that

all the particles on the body move along concentric circles P

having their centers at the axis of rotation.

(iii) Vibrational motion: When a body moves to and fro after
regular interval of time about a fixed point, then it is called
the vibrational motion or oscillatory motion.
• POINT OBJECT: An object is called a point object if its
dimensions are small as compared to the distance travelled
by it.

• ONE DIMENSIONAL MOTION: In one dimensional motion only one of the three co-
ordinates is required to specify the position of the object in space. e.g. motion in
straight line, train moving on a straight track etc.
• TWO-DIMENSIONAL MOTION: In two dimensional motion only two of the three co-
ordinates are required to specify the position of the object in space. e.g. motion of
earth around sun, an insect crawling on floor etc.
• THREE-DIMENSIONAL MOTION: In three dimensional motion all the three co-
ordinates are required to specify the position of the object in space. e.g. a flying bird,
motion of gas molecules etc.
• DISTANCE: The distance between two points is actual length of path between those
points. It is a scalar quantity and measured in the units of meter.
• DISPLACEMENT: It is defined as the shortest or the straight line distance b/w the
initial and the final position . It is a vector quantity. Its S.I unit is meter.
Characteristics of displacement:
1 The displacement has units of length.
2 The displacement of an object is always zero if the initial and the final positions are
3 The displacement of an object can be +ve , -ve or zero.
4. Displacement < distance
5 Displacement / distance < 1
6 The displacement of an object b/w two points does not tell how the object actually
moved b/w points.
7 The displacement of an object b/w two points is the unique path which can take
the particle from the initial to the final positions.

Q. A body is moving in a circular path. Find the distance and the displacement of the body from
initial point when the radius vector traces an angle of 600.

• SPEED: It is defined as the ratio of the distance covered by the object in a given time.
speed =
Speed is scalar quantity. Its S.I. unit is m/s.
(1) Uniform speed: A body is said to have uniform speed when it covers equal
distances in equal intervals of time.
(2) Variable speed: A body is said to have variable speed when it covers unequal
distances in equal intervals of time or equal distances in unequal intervals of time.
(3) Average Speed: The average speed of a body is defined as the ratio of total
distance covered to that of the total time taken.

1. A car travels from A to B at a speed of 40km/h and returns from B to A at a speed

of 60km/h. Find the average speed. [48km/h]
2. A car travels at a speed of 40km/h for first 30s of its journey and at a speed of
60km/h for the next 10s of its journey. Find the average speed. [45km/h]

(4) Instantaneous speed: The speed of a body at a particular instant of time is called
its instantaneous speed.
• VELOCITY: It is defined as the time rate of change of the displacement of the body.
Velocity = Displacement / time
Velocity is a vector quantity and its S.I unit is m/s.
CHARACTERISTICS: 1. The magnitude of the velocity is called speed.
2. Velocity of an object can be +ve, -ve or zero.
3. It is the speed of the body in a particular direction.
(1) Uniform Velocity: An object is said to be moving with uniform velocity if it covers
equal displacements in equal intervals of time.
(2) Variable Velocity: A body is said to have variable velocity when it covers unequal
displacements in equal intervals of time or equal displacements in unequal intervals
of time.
(3) Average velociy: The average velocity of a body is defined as the ratio of total

displacement covered to that of the total time taken. In case of two equal
displacements taking place at different velocities, Average velocity =
V1 + V2

(4) Instantaneous velocity: It is defined as the velocity of a body at a particular

instant of time.
We know that V=
x dx
If t → 0 then we have V = t → 0 =
t dt

The displacement of a particle starting from rest at t = 0 is given by

x = 6t2-t3.
Calculate the time at which the particle will attain zero velocity again.


1. VELOCITY-TIME GRAPH: The v-t graph for uniform motion
is a straight line parallel to time axis.
Displacement = area under v-t graph.

o t

2. DISPLACEMENT-TIME GRAPH: The x-t graph for uniform motion is a straight

line inclined to time axis as shown above.

Velocity = Slope of x-t graph.

o t

• RELATIVE VELOCITY: The relative velocity of a body as compared to another is the

velocity with which a body moves slower or faster than the other body.
(i) Same direction : When two bodies move in same direction then their relative
velocity is equal to the difference of their individual velocities.

Or V AB = V A − VB


Bus A is moving with a speed of 50 km/h and another bus B overtakes it

moving at a speed of 90 km/h. Find the relative speed of two buses.

(ii) Opposite direction : When two bodies move in opposite direction then their
relative velocity is equal to the sum of their individual velocities. VA
Or V AB = V A + VB

(iii) At some angle : When two bodies move at some angle with
respect to one
another then their relative velocity can be written as :
VAB = VA + VB − 2VAVB cos θ
2 2



1. A particle moves in a semi-circular path of radius 14m. Calculate the distance

travelled and displacement of the particle when the radius vector traces an angle of
2. A motor car travels 1/3 part of the total distance at a speed of 10 km/h, the second
1/3 part at 20 km/h and the third 1/3 part at 60 km/h. Find the average speed.
3. A person travels 5m due east and then 12m due north. Find the total distance
covered and the displacement. If the time taken is 10s, then also find the speed and
the velocity.
4. A body is moving in a circle of radius ‘r’. Find the ratio of distance covered to the
displacement in covering:
(a) complete circle (b) semi circle (c) quarter circle (d) ¾ of the circle.
5. The displacement time graphs of two bodies P and Q are straight lines making
angles 300 and 600 respectively with time axis. Find the ratio of velocities of P and Q.
6. The displacement of a particle at any instant is given by 8t2-3t3.
Find the average velocity in the interval from t = 0 to t = 2s & t = 0 to t = 3s.
7. A particle is moving along x-axis. The position of the particle at any instant is given
x = a+bt2 where a=6m and b = 3.5m/s2.
(i) Find the velocity of particle at t = 0 s and t = 3s
(ii) The average velocity between t = 3s and t = 6s.
8. A car is moving at a certain speed and a bus coming from opposite direction crosses
it whose speed is double than that of the car. If the relative velocity of each is 90
km/h, then find the individual speed of the car and the bus.
9. Train A is moving at a speed of 72 km/h and train B is moving at a speed of 90
km/h. The length of each train is 150m. Find the time taken by them to cross each
other when they are moving in:
(a) same direction (b) opposite direction.
10. A drunkard walking in a narrow lane takes 5 steps forward and 3 steps backwards.
If each step is 1m long and is taken in 1s, what will be the time taken for the
drunkard to fall in a pit 13m away.
11. A thief is running away on a straight road in a jeep moving with a speed of 9m/s. A
policeman chases him on the motorcycle moving at a speed of 10m/s. If the
instantaneous separation of the jeep from the motorcycle is 100m, how long will it
take for the policeman to catch the thief?
12. A bus is moving with a velocity of 10m/s on a straight road. A scooterist wishes to
overtake the bus in 100s. If the bus is at a distance of 1km from the scooterist, with
what velocity the scooterist must chase the bus?
13. Will it require same time for a boat to cover a distance of 1km up and down a river
whose speed is 2km/h and on a lake, if the speed of boat relative to water in both
cases is 8km/h. Find the ratio of time taken in two cases.
[ no, 1.07]

14. A particle covered half the distance with a velocity of V0. The remaining part of the
distance was covered with velocity V1 for half the time and with velocity V2 for the
other half of time. Find the average speed of the particle.
 2V0 (V1 + V2 ) 
 
 (V1 + V2 + 2V0 )
15. Three particles A, B and C are situated at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC
of side d each at time t=0. Each of the particles then moves with a constant velocity.
Particle A moves along AB, B moves along BC and C moves along CA. Find the time
after which these particles meet each other. t = 2d / 3v


• ACCELERATION: The time rate of change of velocity of a body is called its acceleration.
Mathematically acceleration = velocity / time or a= .
Acceleration is a vector quantity and its S.I. unit is m/s2.
• UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED MOTION: When the velocity of a body changes at a constant rate,
the motion is called uniformly accelerated motion. The following are the equations of motion for
accelerated motion:
(i) v = u + at (ii) S = ut + at 2 (iii) v 2 − u 2 = 2aS
(a) Velocity-time relation:
We know that
a = slope of v-t graph
So, a = slope of line AC
a = CD/AD
a = (v-u) / t
at = v-u
v = u + at
(b) Displacement time relation:
We know
S = area under the v-t graph
So, S = area OACE
S = ½ (v+u) x t
S = ½ ((u+at)+u) x t
S = ½(2ut+at2)

(c) Velocity-displacement relation:

We know
S = area under the v-t graph
So, S = area OACE
S = ½ (v+u) x t = ½ (v+u) x (v-u)/a
S = (v2-u2)/2a
Therefore we have v 2 − u 2 = 2aS .

8 1
1. VELOCITY-TIME GRAPH: The v-t graph for uniformly
motion is a straight line inclined to time axis.
Displacement = area under v-t graph. v
Acceleration = slope of v-t graph.

o t
o o
t t
2. DISPLACEMENT-TIME GRAPH: The x-t graph for uniformly accelerated
(a) (b)
motion is a curved one as shown:

v = Slope of x-t graph.

Velocity x

o o
t t
The acceleration-time graph for uniformly accelerated motion is a straight line parallel to time axis.
Velocity = area under a-t graph.

9 2

1. A body started from rest and achieved a final velocity of 30m/s in 6s. Find the acceleration produced.
2. A car is moving at a speed of 54 km/h. When brakes are applied, it comes to rest in 5s. Find the
3. A body starting from rest has an acceleration 10 m/s2. Find the distance travelled in 7th second of its
4. A particle is subjected to acceleration, a = αt+βt2, where α and β are constants. The position of the
particle at t = 0 is x0 and its velocity is v0. Show that the expression for the position at time t is given by

x(t ) = x0 + v0t + t 3 + t 4
1 1
6 12
5. Ball A is thrown with a speed of 35m/s from ground, and another ball B is dropped from a height of
100m with a speed of 10m/s along same line. Find when and where the two balls meet.
6. The displacement of a particle along x-axis is given by :
x = 6+8t+8t2.
Find its velocity and acceleration after t=2s.
7. From the top of a tower 100m in height a ball is dropped and at same time another ball is projected
vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of 25m/s. Find when and where the two balls meet.
8. A car accelerates from rest at constant rate α and then retards at constant rate β to come to rest. If the
1    2
total time elapsed is t then show that the total distance covered is  t
2   +  
  
9. In the above question show that the maximum velocity attained is  t
 +  
10. Drops of water fall from the roof of a building 9m high at regular intervals of time. When the first drop
reaches the bottom the fourth drop starts falling. Find the distance of second and third drop from the
roof. (4m, 1m)

10 3
 SCALAR QUANTITIES: The physical quantities which have magnitude but no
direction are called scalar quantities. e.g. mass, length, work, charge, time etc. The
scalar quantities can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided according to
ordinary rules of scalar algebra.
 VECTOR QUANTITIES: The physical quantities which have magnitude as well as
direction are called vector quantities. e.g. velocity, acceleration, force, momentum,
torque etc. The vector quantities can be added, subtracted and multi plied according
to special rules of vector algebra.
(A) IN WRITING: In written work a vector quantity may be represented by putting an
arrow on the letter used to represent that quantity. e.g. force can be represented by
 
F . Similarly momentum can be represented by p .
(B) IN DIAGRAMS: In diagrams the vectors are represented by drawing the arrows.
The length of the arrow gives the magnitude of the quantity and its orientation gives
the direction of that quantity. The starting point of the arrow is called its tail and its
ending point is called its head.
(1) EQUAL VECTORS: These vectors have same magnitude and direction.

(2) UNEQUAL VECTORS: These vector may have different magnitude or different
direction or both.


(3) PARALLEL VECTORS: These vectors have same direction and the magnitude may
or may not by same.

(4) CO-INITIAL VECTORS: These vectors have same starting point.

11 1
(5) ZERO VECTOR: A vector whose magnitude is zero is called a zero vector or a null

vector. It is denoted by 0
(6) UNIT VECTOR: It is a vector whose magnitude is unity. It is also called the
direction vector.

It is denoted as  . Mathematically ˆA  A

The unit vectors along X, Y and Z-axis are iˆ, ˆj and k̂ respectively.

e.g. A force of 2N along X-axis and 4N along Y-axis can be written as F  2iˆ  4 ˆj

 VECTOR ALGEBRA: Vector quantities can be added, subtracted and multiplied by

using rules of vector algebra. Division is not a valid vector operation.
 ADDITION OF VECTORS: (a) When two vectors are acting in same direction then
their resultant is equal to the sum of two vectors.
(b) When two vectors are acting in opposite direction then their resultant is equal to
the difference of two vectors. 
R 
(c) When two vectors are acting at some angle, then following rules B

are used: A
1. TRIANGLE LAW OF VECTORS: According to this law if two 
vectors can be represented completely by the two sides of a triangle  
B R 
taken in order then their resultant is represented by the third side B

  
taken in opposite order. R=A + B M

PARALLELOGRAM LAW: According to this law if two vectors D 
acting at same point can be represented completely by the two N L
 
adjacent sides of a parallelogram then their resultant is

represented by the diagonal of the parallelogram passing through O A K

  
same point. R = A + B
3. POLYGON LAW OF VECTORS: According to this law if a number of vectors can be
represented completely by the different sides of a polygon taken in order then their
resultant is represented by the closing side of the polygon taken in opposite order.
    
R = A + B C + D
 
 ANALYTIC PROOF OF TRIANGLE LAW : Let us consider two vectors P and Q acting
 
at an angle θ. Let R be the resultant such that it makes an angle β with the vector P .
(a) Magnitude of the resultant: In triangle AEC, we have
AC2 = AE2 + CE2 = ( AB + BE ) 2 + CE2
= AB2 + BE2 +2 x AB x BE+ CE2 ….. (1)
In triangle BEC, we have sin    or CE = Q Sinθ R 
BE BE β θ
Similarly we have cos    or BE = Q Cosθ A B D
Putting these values in equation (1) we have,
R2 = P2 + (Qcosθ) 2 + 2 PQCosθ + (Qsinθ) 2

or R2 = P2 + Q2 + 2 PQCosθ or R  P 2  Q 2  2 PQCos

(b) Direction of the resultant: In triangle AEC, we have tan   
Putting the values we have, tan  
P  QCos
 
 SUBTRACTION OF VECTORS: Subtraction of a vector Q from P is the addition of
     
negative of vector Q in the vector P . i.e. P - Q = P +(- Q )

 RESOLUTION OF A VECTOR: The process of splitting a vector into more vectors is

called the resolution of a vector and the new vectors obtained are called the
components of the vector. A vector can be split into any number of components. The
components of a vector which are at right angle to one another are called the
rectangular components.
(a) Resolution in plane: Let us consider a vector r which is split into two components
x and y.
In triangle OPQ, using triangle law of vector addition,
we have
   
or r  x  y therefore r  xiˆ  yˆj

Also from the diagram; and

Therefore magnitude of the above vector can be written as r  x 2  y 2 .

(b) Resolution in space: The three dimensional splitting of a vector into its
components is called the resolution of vectors in space. In terms of x, y and z

components the vector can be written as : r  xiˆ  yˆj  zkˆ

and the magnitude of the vector is r  x 2  y 2  z 2 .

 PRODUCT OF VECTORS: Product of vectors is of two types:

 
1. DOT PRODUCT / SCALAR PRODUCT: The dot product of two vectors A and B is
defined as the product of their magnitudes and cosine of angle θ between them.

 
Mathematically A.B  ABCos  .
The result of dot product of two vectors is a scalar quantity. Therefore it is also called
the scalar product.
   
PROPERTIES: a) Dot product of two vectors is commutative i.e. A.B = B. A .
b) Dot product is distributive over addition i.e. A. B  C  A.B  A.C . 
  
    

c) Dot product of perpendicular vectors is zero.

d) Dot product of equal vectors is equal to the square of their magnitudes.
e) Dot product of parallel / antiparallel / collinear vectors is numerically equal to the
product of their magnitudes.
     
f) Dot product of unit vectors: i .i  j . j  k .k  1 and i . j  j .k  k .i  0

2. CROSS PRODUCT / VECTOR PRODUCT: The cross product of two vectors A and

B is defined as the product of their magnitudes and sine of angle θ between them.
 
Mathematically A  B   ABSin  nˆ .
 
Where n̂ is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane containing A and B .
 
In magnitude we can write A  B  ABSin  .

The result of cross product of two vectors is a vector quantity. Therefore it is also
called the vector product.
   
PROPERTIES: a) Cross product of two vectors is not commutative i.e. A  B  B  A .or
   
A B   B  A
b) Cross product is distributive over addition i.e. A  B  C  A  B  A  C .

     

c) Cross product of parallel / equal vectors is zero.

              
d) Cross product of unit vectors: i  i  j  j  k  k  0 and i  j  k , j  k  i , k  i  j .
       
Also j  i  k , k  j  i , i  k   j .


  
1. If A , B and C are three consecutive vectors forming a triangle, then show that
  
A + B + C =0
2. Two equal forces have a resultant equal to the magnitude of either. Find the angle
b/w the two forces. [ 1200 ]
3. Two forces whose magnitudes are in the ratio 3:5 give a resultant of 35N. If the angle
of inclination is 600, find the magnitude of each force. [25N , 15N]
4. At what angle the two forces X+Y and X-Y act so that their resultant is 3X 2  Y 2 .
[ 600]
5. The resultant of two forces P and Q acting at an angle  is 2n  1 P 2  Q 2 . When the

forces act at an angle (90 – ) then the resultant becomes 2n  1 P 2  Q 2 . Show that
n 1
tan  
n 1
6. If the resultant of two forces (A+B) and (A-B) is A 2  B 2 then show that the angle
 A2  B 2 
between the forces is   cos 1 

 2 A B 

2 

7. A particle has a displacement of 12m towards east, 5m towards north and 6m

vertically upwards. Find the magnitude of the resultant displacement.
8. A force is inclined at 30 to the horizontal. If its rectangular component in the

horizontal direction be 50N, find the magnitude of the force and its vertical
component. [ 57.74N , 28.87N]
9. A car of mass 1000kg is resting on an inclined plane making an angle of 30 0 to the
horizontal. What is the weight of the car? Also find the horizontal and vertical
components of the weight of the car. [10000N , 8660N, 5000N]
10. Two billiard balls are rolling on a flat table. One has velocity components v x = 1m/s
and vy = 3 m/s and the other ball has velocity components vx = 2m/s and vy =
2m/s. If the balls start moving from the same point, what is the angle b/w their
paths. [150]
11. A boy walking due east on a road with velocity of 10m/s, encounters rain falling
vertically with a velocity of 30m/s. At what angle he should hold an umbrella to
protect himself from rain. [ 18026’ ]
12. The length of seconds hand of a watch is 1cm. Find the change in velocity of its tip
in 15s. [ 2 / 302 ]


 PROJECTILE: Any object which is thrown in air with some initial velocity such that it
moves under the effect of gravity alone afterwards is called a projectile. e.g. a bullet fired
from gun, shell fired from a canon, a javelin thrown by an athlete etc.
 TRAJECTORY: The path followed by a projectile is called its trajectory. It is always
parabolic in nature.
 PROJECTILE FIRED ALONG THE HORIZONTAL: Consider a projectile thrown
along the horizontal from a point O with initial velocity u.
Therefore we have u
u x  u, u y  0, a x  0, a y  g

(a) Motion along horizontal: y

The position of the particle at any time t
1 x
can be written as x  u x t  axt 2

Putting u x  u and a x  0 , we have x  ut or t = x / u ……… (1)

(b) Motion along vertical: The position of the particle at any time t can be written as
y  u yt  ayt 2
1 2
Putting u y  0 and a y  g , we have y  gt
1 2
(c) Equation of trajectory: We have y gt

1  x
 g  2
Putting the value of t from equation (1) we have y  g   or y   2 
2 u  2u 
Since the above equation is the equation of a parabola. Therefore we can conclude that the
path followed by the projectile parabolic in nature.
projectile thrown at an angle θ with the horizontal from a point O with initial velocity u
such that it travels along the path OAQ.

Therefore we have u x  u cos  , u y  u sin  , a x  0, a y   g

16 1
(a) Motion along horizontal: The position of the particle at any
time t can be written as x  u x t  a x t
2 Y
Putting u x  u cos  and a x  0 ,
we have x  u cos  t H
x θ
or t ……… (1)
u cos  O Q
(b) Motion along vertical:
The position of the particle at any time t can be written as y  u y t  ayt 2

Putting u y  u sin  and a y   g , we have y  u sin  t 

1 2

y  u sin  t 
1 2
(c) Equation of trajectory: We have gt
1  x 
Putting the value of t from equation (1) we have y  u sin   u cos   2 g  u cos  
 
 g  2
or y  x tan    2 x
 2u cos  

Since the above equation is the equation of a parabola. Therefore we can conclude that the
path followed by the projectile parabolic in nature.
(d) Time of flight: It is the time taken by the projectile to complete its trajectory. It is
denoted by T.

We know that v y  u y  a y t

When the projectile reaches point A, we have v y  0, u y  u sin  , t  T / 2, a y   g

2u sin 
Therefore 0  u sin   gT / 2 or T 
g .
(e) Maximum height reached: It is the maximum height upto which the projectile rises
above the point of projection. It is denoted by H. We know that y  u y t  ayt 2
When the projectile reaches the point A, we have

T u sin 
y  H , u y  u sin  , t   , ay  g
2 g
u sin  g  u sin   u 2 sin 2 
Therefore H  u sin      or H 
2  g 
g 2g

(f) Horizontal range: It is the horizontal distance covered by the projectile. It is denoted
by R.
We know that x  uxt  axt 2
2u sin 
Putting x  R, u x  u cos  , t  T  , a x  0 , we have

2u sin  u 2 2 sin  cos  u 2 sin 2

R  u cos   or R  or R .
g g g

(g) Maximum horizontal range: It is the maximum horizontal distance covered by the
projectile. It is denoted by Rmax.
u 2 sin 2
We know that R  .

Now range will be maximum when sin2θ is maximum. Or θ = 450.

u 2 sin 90 u2
Therefore Rmax  or R max 
g g .

1. A projectile is fired horizontally with a velocity of 98m/s from the top of a hill 490m
high. Find the time taken to reach the ground, the distance of the target from the hill
and the velocity with which the body strikes the ground. [10s, 980m , 982m/s]
2. Two paper screens A and B are 100m apart. A bullet pierces A and then B. The hole in
B is 0.1m below the hole in A. If the bullet is travelling horizontally at the time of
hitting the screen A then find the velocity with which it will hit the screen B.
[ 700 m/s]
3. Two bodies are thrown at angles  and (900 - ). Find the ratio of maximum heights
reached by them. [ tan2]
4. Show that when a projectile is thrown at an angle  with the horizontal such that the
maximum height reached and the horizontal range are same then ; tan = 4
5. A player can throw a ball to a maximum distance of 100 m along the horizontal. Find
the maximum height upto which he can throw the ball. [ 50m]
6. The ceiling of a long hall is 25m high. Find the horizontal distance that can be covered
by throwing the ball at a speed of 40m/s and without touching the roof of the hall.
[ 150.5m]
7. A bullet fired at an angle of 30 with the horizontal hits the ground 3km away. By
adjusting the angle of projection, can we throw the bullet to a distance of 5km, keeping
the initial velocity same. [ no]
8. A ball rolls off the top of a stairway with a horizontal velocity u m/s. If the steps are h
2hu 2
meter high and b meter wide then show that the ball will hit the nth step if n
gb 2

9. A ball rolls off the top of a stairway with horizontal velocity of 1.8m/s. The steps are
0.24m high and 0.2m wide. Find the step where the ball will fall first. [ 4th step].
10. If the horizontal range of a projectile is R and the maximum height reached if H, then
prove that the velocity of projection is

11. Find the range of a ball which when projected with a velocity of 29.4m/s just passes a
pole 4.9m high. [ 55.5m]

 UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION: When a body moves in circular path with constant
speed, the motion is called uniform circular motion. The magnitude of the velocity
remains constant but its direction keeps on changing. Therefore uniform circular motion is
an accelerated motion.
 ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT: The angular displacement of a body in a given time
interval is defined as the angle swept by the position vector in that time interval.
It is denoted by θ.
Mathematically   .
S.I. unit for angular displacement is radian (rad).
 ANGULAR VELOCITY: The time rate of change of angular displacement of a body is
called the angular velocity and is denoted by ω.
Mathematically   .
S.I. unit for angular velocity is rad/s.
 TIME PERIOD: Time period in circular motion is defined as the time taken to complete
on revolution. It is denoted by T. The angular velocity in time T is   .
 FREQUENCY: Frequency of a body in circular motion is the number of revolutions per
second by the body. It is denoted by  . Frequency is equal to the reciprocal of the time
i.e.  . Also we can write   2 .
The S.I. unit of frequency is s-1 or hertz (Hz).
Let us consider an object moving with uniform angular velocity ω in a circular path of
radius r. Let v be the instantaneous velocity of the object.
We know that   or   t ………(1)


When t <<1, the circular arc AB can be taken equal to the magnitude of r .
Therefore we have   . B
Putting this value in equation (1),
r A
r r
we have  t or  r
r t
When t  0 , then  v , therefore v = ωr.
Let us consider an object moving with uniform angular velocity ω in a circular path of
radius r. Let v be the instantaneous velocity of the object.
 B
We know that   or   t ………(1)
t Δv
v Δθ
Also we have   . v
Putting this value in equation (1),
v v
we have  t or  v   r    2 r
v t
When t  0 , then  a , therefore a = ω2 r. or a = v2 / r.
This is the expression for centripetal acceleration.
For uniform circular motion, the body possesses only the centripetal acceleration. But in
case the linear speed of the body also changes uniformly, then the body also possesses the
tangential acceleration.

In that case the net acceleration is given as a  ac  aT .

2 2

 CENTRIPETAL FORCE: An external force required to move a body in a circular path

with uniform speed is called the centripetal force. The direction of this force is radially
inwards i.e. towards the centre of the circular path. Mathematically we know that F = m
F m or F  m r .
2 2
Putting a = v / r we have
 CENTRIFUGAL FORCE: The outward radial force experienced by a body moving in a
circular path is called the centrifugal force. As the source of this force is not known,
therefore it is also called the fictitious force or the pseudo force. The direction of this
force is radially outwards.
We know that F = m a.
or F  m r .
Putting a = v / r we have F m



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