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REFLECT – Ensure you review

4 Self/Personal 1 IDENTIFY, your Capabilities or

your SMART Action Plan with Skills and how Mature are you
yourself every month & with
your supervisor every Q and
Development in those on the scale of L1 to
L5 where L1 being Beginner
discuss:- and L5 being Expert.
Self-Development or Personal Improvement goals are targets you
- What you had planned to
set to enhance your character, competencies, and capabilities.
achieve Vs your actual Taking self-assessment tests
Setting these goals includes assessing yourself and figuring out
accomplishments available on internet will give
the areas in which you can enhance to maximize your potential
- Make required alterations you an idea of your current
which will help your grow both personally & professionally.
and keep working till you maturity level & next steps.
achieve your objective.

3 2 PLAN – Once you have

ACTION & RECORD – Prioritize
those items in your SMART identified your current
Action Plan which require maturity, the next step is to
immediate attention. You can create SMART Action Plan to
achieve this by:- improve the same. You can do
- Self-Study this by:-
- Doing research
- Online course/workshops
- Connect with your peers who
- Certifications are having greater maturity
- Pair up with experts in - Connect with experts in your
your area area and finally
- Review your Action Plan with
your supervisor

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