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Correlations between rail grease formulation and friction, wear and RCF of a wheel/
rail tribological pair

L. Biazon, B.P. Ferrer, A. Toro, T. Cousseau

PII: S0301-679X(20)30397-2
Reference: JTRI 106566

To appear in: Tribology International

Received Date: 7 May 2020

Revised Date: 13 July 2020
Accepted Date: 20 July 2020

Please cite this article as: Biazon L, Ferrer BP, Toro A, Cousseau T, Correlations between rail grease
formulation and friction, wear and RCF of a wheel/rail tribological pair, Tribology International (2020),

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Laboratory of Surfaces and Contact
Mechanics (LASC), Program in
Mechanical and Materials
Engineering (PPGEM)

Dear Editor-in-chief,

I hereby declare that the following description of each author’s role is accurate and agreed by all authors.

Lucas Biazon (Corresponding Author): Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Formal

Bruno Pereira Ferrer: Writing - Review & Editing, Formal analysis

Alejandro Toro: Methodology, Investigation


Tiago Cousseau: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Resources, Writing - Original Draft, Writing -

Review & Editing, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition


Lucas Biazon
l Pr
Correlations between rail grease formulation and friction, wear and RCF of a
wheel/rail tribological pair

L. Biazona,∗, B. P. Ferrera , A. Torob , T. Cousseaua

a Mechanical Engineering Department, Federal University of Technology - Paraná – Curitiba, PR, Brazil
b Tribology and Surfaces Group, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia

Twin disc tests were employed to assess rail grease formulation effect on friction, wear, and retentivity to propose
guidelines for grease selection based on key aspects of grease formulation. Two commercial rail greases plus six in-house
formulated greases with the same additive package and consistency, but different thickener types and base oil viscosities

were evaluated. The results showed that: i) at low nominal lambda ratio, crack propagation and friction coefficient are

highly dependent on thickener type - both increase for Calcium and decrease for Lithium; ii) at high nominal lambda
ratio, friction and wear are controlled by the base oil viscosity; iii) retentivity is controlled by the base oil viscosity
regardless of the nominal specific film thickness or thickener type.

Keywords: Grease formulation; Railways; Mass loss; Rolling contact fatigue; Coefficient of Friction
1. Introduction Most of the reported data about grease lubrication are fo-

cused on rolling bearings applications, which significantly

To remain competitive with other forms of transport, differ from rail lubrication. Therefore, this work aims to
railway industry needs to minimize costs and capital in- contribute to increase the knowledge on gauge face rail
vestment. This can be achieved by reducing friction losses lubrication, more specifically on the impact of grease for-

and wear of wheel and rail materials through more efficient mulation and properties on friction, wear and retentivity.
gauge face lubrication. It is well known that correctly ap-
plied lubricants can reduce friction and wear on track and
wheel, particularly on the gauge face of the high rail of 2. Background

sharp curves. However, it is also known that lubricants 2.1. Field and full-scale lab observations
can increase rolling contact fatigue crack growth due to Field observations are mainly based on the evaluation

its pressurisation into the crack and / or because reduced of i) friction coefficient, which is commonly measured by
wear means that cracks are truncated less [1]. Nonethe- a hand tribometer; ii) wear, that is measured comparing
less, it has been shown in full-scale tests that the rate of the wheel and rail profiles over time; iii) retentivity, which
wear and crack propagation could both be reduced with ef- is a measure of the distance, from the lubricator, in which
ficient lubrication [2]. The “efficient gauge face lubrication the grease is capable to keep the friction coefficient of the
(GFL)" for heavy haul nowadays means the use of track rail under a predetermined value; iv) and efficiency, which
side lubricators operating with grease. The choice of the is measured by comparing the energy or fuel consumption
grease and the operating conditions of the lubricators are, of a locomotive operating under dry (non-lubricated) and
in general, defined by local experience and pricing. This lubricated conditions.
occurs due to the lack of systematic studies relating lu- The benefits of wayside gauge face lubrication (GFL)
bricator set-up and grease formulation with performance, have been demonstrated experimentally in different rail-
which prevents proper identification and selection of lubri- ways around the world. Sims et al. [4] reported that way-
cation strategies from an overall cost perspective. Eadie et side GFL can reduce energy consumption by up to 32%.
al. [3] had already reported that even though gauge face The reduction in rolling resistance due to rail and wheel
lubrication is well established, the research on the topic is flange lubrication can reach up to 50% at sharp curves [5],
rather limited. In fact, there is little information on the and effective lubrication can improve wheel life by a factor
relationship between grease formulation, grease properties of six [6].
and field performance either for full or small-scale tests. Several studies have shown the influence of grease type
on the tribological performance of the wheel-rail interface.
∗ Corresponding Uddin et al. [7] evaluated four different greases in terms
Email address: (L. Biazon) of retentivity. All tests were performed in the same rail-
way under the same operating conditions. Differences in
Preprint submitted to Tribology International August 1, 2020
performance up to 14 times were observed among the 4 2.3. Observations related to rolling bearing research
commercial tested greases (0.33 km vs 4.62 km carried The major application of lubricating greases is in rolling
down distance). However, no attempt to correlate grease bearings. Therefore, most research on lubricating greases
formulation and properties with the observed performance are performed in ball-on-disc test rigs under operating con-
has been reported to the authors’ knowledge. In fact, just ditions that resemble the ones from rolling bearings. The
a few reports looking for such correlation were found in the state-of-the-art relating grease formulation and properties
literature. They are mainly based on a series of tests con- with performance (film thickness and friction) for such ap-
ducted at the Transportation Technology Center’s (TTC) plication are well depicted in Figures 1 and 2. The list of
Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST) along with abbreviations used in these figures are presented in the
some field tests, in which it was verified that: i) the ad- Appendix.
dition of different amounts of graphite as solid additives
in the lubricating grease did not present any performance 2.3.1. Film thickness
improvement in comparison to the same grease without Figure 1 shows schematically (on a log-log scale) the
graphite [8, 9, 10]; ii) the addition of MoS2 (molybdenum grease’s film thickness as function of the entrainment speed
disulphide) in the lubricating grease increased retentivity; at fully flooded condition and low slide-to-roll ratio for
iii) and the use of more viscous lubricants also appeared several lubricating greases with the same base oil viscosity

to increase retentivity [11, 12]. (continuous lines). The two dashed lines in the figure rep-

In 1987 Reiff et al. [11] reported that no measurable resent the film thickness of the greases’ base oil (mineral
physical parameters of grease had been proposed that can and synthetic). The data used to make this figure are from
be related to performance indicators such as retentivity. references [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26].

Eadie et al. [3] pointed out the same lack of fundamental Relevant information can be extracted from this figure.
knowledge in 2013, and presented it as an area of opportu-
nity for future research and development. According to the
authors’ knowledge, the relation between grease properties
e -p First, base oil film thickness follows the conventional elas-
tohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) behavior; that is, a
straight line on a double logarithmic scale in which film
and formulation with performance still lacks a systematic thickness (h0 ) is proportional to the entrainment speed

approach. (U ) as h0 ∝ U 0,67 . Secondly, given the same base oil

viscosity synthetic oils present lower film thickness than
2.2. Small-scale lab observations mineral oils under the same operating conditions, due to

Several twin-disc tests performed in the 1980’s and its lower pressure-viscosity coefficient.

early 1990’s with 13 lubricating greases [9, 8] were com- Different than their base oils, lubricating greases present
pared with full-size lab tests [11, 10]. Only two consistent a well known V-shape curve when plotting film thickness
results were observed. The first was that the addition of versus entrainment speed in a log-log scale. At high speeds,

graphite in various levels as solid additives on rail greases greases present the same behavior of their base oils, al-
did not improve retentivity, i.e., the number of cycles un- though in general with slightly higher film thickness [22,
der low friction values when the supply of lubricant ended

27, 24, 25]. The average fully flooded film thickness of the
remained similar whatever the percentage of graphite in greases increases in comparison to the corresponding base
the grease. Secondly, that coefficient of friction values oil in the order: PP-PAO > Lic-PAO > Cas-M > Cas-S
were approximately 0.1 for all tested greases under fully > CaLi-M > Pu-E > Li-M 1 . Such increase was modelled
flooded lubrication. Recently, an upgraded twin-disc tri- by Cyriac et al. [25] as a function of thickener geome-
bometer was used to perform retentivity tests. The results try and concentration with good correlation between the
were compared with field tests and it was verified similar model and experimental measurements. Other attempts
trends, i.e., the greases with highest and lowest retentivity using grease’s rheological properties and bled oil viscosity
in the twin-disc tests also presented the highest and lowest were not satisfactory [17].
retentivity in the field tests [3]. Another recent work com- As the speed is reduced, a transition defined as ‘transi-
pared 10 greases designed for wayside flange lubrication tion speed’ occurs and the grease does not follow the con-
in terms of friction, retentivity and wear [13]. The results ventional EHL behavior anymore. At speeds lower than
were shown to be highly dependent on the tested greases, the transition speed the film thickness is not only deter-
with differences up to 450% in wear, 85% in friction and mined by elastohydrodynamic effects, but also by thick-
110% in retentivity. However, there was no attempt to re- ener material trapped at the contact interface. Usually,
late the tribological response to the grease formulation or as the speed decreases the film thickness increases in this
properties. This lack of understanding justifies the great region. Cen et al. showed that the transition speed and
amount of lubricating greases with significantly different the minimum film thickness (i.e. the film thickness at the
properties and formulations that are commercially avail- transition speed) are not significantly affected by load and
able for the same railways. slip ratio. However, the transition speed shifts to higher

1 see List of Symbols

Figure 1: Schematic representation of film thickness as function of Figure 2: Schematic representation of coefficient of friction as func-
entrainment speed under fully flooded lubrication for different lubri- tion of entrainment speed under fully flooded lubrication for different
cating greases at moderate temperatures. It was considered that all lubricating greases at moderate temperatures. It was considered that

grease present the same base oil viscosity. all grease present the same base oil viscosity.

speeds with an increase in temperature (base oil viscos- oil (mineral and synthetic). The data used to make this

ity reduction), whereas the minimum film thickness stays figure are from references [14, 16, 19, 20, 24, 28, 29, 26].
fairly constant [17]. In other words, for each type of grease,
there seems to be a minimum film thickness value (or spe-
cific film thickness) below which the effect of the thickener
e -p It can be inferred from the figure that base oil’s friction
coefficient follows the conventional Stribeck’s curve; that
is, high friction at low speeds (low specific film thickness)
becomes relevant. The grease formulations that enhance due to metal-metal contact, followed by a reduction of fric-

film thickness more significantly below the transition speed tion values as the speed increases, up to a point in which
and also present higher film thickness at the transition the friction does not vary significantly. Also, synthetic oils
speed are as follows: PP-PAO > Lic-PAO > Cas-M > present lower friction values than mineral oils of similar
Cas-S > CaLi-M > Pu-E > Du-S > Li-M (see Figure 1). viscosity under the same operating conditions at full film

According to the authors’ knowledge, only one empirical lubrication. For mineral oils, friction presents a slight re-
model has been proposed to predict such behaviour. This duction as viscosity increases, as shown by De Laurentis
model uses measured film thickness values to estimate the et al. [16].

effective grease viscosity, which is then used to predict film Different than their base oils, some lubricating greases
thickness [18]. Other simpler solutions were also proposed, do not follow the standard Stribeck’s curve. In fact, they
but all of them are based on film thickness measurements. present a friction reduction for very low speed (or ‘nominal’

So far, no one has modeled the film thickness at low speeds lambda ratio2 ).
using thickener properties, morphology or quantity, even Generally speaking, at high speeds (high nominal lambda
though Kanazawa et. al [26] showed strong evidences that ratio) greases present the same behaviour of their base oils
the transition point is related to the ratio between film with slightly higher friction coefficient though [14, 16, 29].
thickness and thickener particle size, and that colloidal However, lower friction values have also been reported in
nano-particle dispersions present the same behaviour. some studies. From references [14, 28, 16, 29, 26], it is
It is important to mention that this short review on observed that in the high-speed region friction is lower in
grease film formation did not take into account starvation the following order: PP-PAO < Li-E ≈ Li-PAO < Pu-E ≈
and the role of the additives, which also chemically inter- Lic-PAO < Li-M < Cas-M. It is important to notice that
act with the surface and therefore change the role of the the lubricating grease formulations that enhance the film
thickener. thickness the most at the high-speed oil-dominated region
(see section 2.3.1) are not necessarily the ones presenting
2.3.2. Friction coefficient lower friction values. This occurs because the friction does
Grease friction coefficient under EHL conditions de- not only depend on the thickness of such films, but also
pends on film thickness, therefore, all the uncertainties on their properties. Based on data available in the litera-
about film thickness prediction and properties are also ob- ture, it can be said that in the high-speed oil-dominated
served for coefficient of friction. Figure 2 shows schemat- region lubricating greases will present lower friction values
ically the friction coefficient as a function of the entrain- when formulated with base oil and thickener as follows:
ment speed at fully flooded condition and low slide-to-roll synthetic < mineral; PP < Pu < Li < Ca.
ratio for several lubricating greases with the same base oil
viscosity (continuous lines). The two dashed lines in the 2 nominal lambda ratio refers to film thickness calculated using

figure represent the friction coefficient of the greases’ base EHL theory and base oil properties

In fact, only Calcium greases follow the standard Stribeck’s
curve, in which the CoF continuously increases when the
speed decreases. Lithium, Urea and Polypropylene greases
present moderate friction increase followed by stabiliza-
tion or reduction of the friction values as speed decreases.
Again, this is related to the much thicker films formed at
the low-speed thickener-dominated region in comparison Figure 3: Fluid assisted crack growth mechanisms: a) shear b) hy-
to the nominal EHL predictions, and also to the rheolog- draulic and c) fluid entrapment crack growth. Reproduced from
ical properties of such films. As already pointed out, for Wang et al. [31].
lubricating greases formulated with mineral oil, Calcium
thickener particles tend to remain at the contact and form
viscosity (water) tend to promote shear crack growth and
thicker films than Lithium thickener fiber, however such
fluid entrapment crack growth. On the other hand, fluids
films present high friction properties [16]. In the low-speed
with high viscosity enhance the hydraulic crack growth
region, lubricating greases will present lower friction val-
mechanism. Since all crack grown mechanisms depend on
ues when formulated with base oil and thickener in the
fluid entering the contact, it was observed that low viscous
following order: synthetic < mineral; PP < Lic < Pu <
fluids tend to enter the contact easily, and therefore accel-

Li < Ca.
erate the overall crack propagation the most. Rico et al.

The study of the rheological properties of the films
[32] observed the same when comparing 6 lubricating oils
formed in the thickener dominated region is of extreme
in terms of crack propagation in a 4-ball machine. How-
importance for a proper prediction of grease lubricated
ever, they point out that pressure-viscosity coefficient and

contacts performance.
compressibility play a role too. Numerical simulations also
2.3.3. Crack propagation
The major failure mode of rolling contacts is due to
e -p
showed that crack growth in Mode I increases when low
viscous fluids are used [33] [34], while crack growth rate
in Mode II rises with increased surface traction for small
rolling contact fatigue (RCF). Fatigue can be originated
crack tip radii (< 5mm) [34]. Meheux et al. [35] com-

in the subsurface - high cycle fatigue, when friction val-

pared the crack growth rate of artificially generated cracks
ues are low and / or the surface finishing is smooth, or
in a twin-disc machine using a base oil, a base oil with a
in the surface - low cycle fatigue, when friction values are
commercial additive package, and a base oil with only dis-
high and / or the surface finishing is rough [30]. This

persant and detergent additives. They verified that the


is well depicted in the shakedown diagram, which shows

additives had a detrimental effect on the fatigue strength
that fatigue life is reduced when the friction coefficient in-
of the discs, with reductions in fatigue life of up to two
creases. As presented in Section 1, lubrication has been
thirds of the values found in the tests with base oil only.

extensively used in railways to reduce wear and RCF by

This was attributed to the formation of tribofilms, com-
reducing the friction at the contact interface between rail
posed mainly from Sulfur, Phosphorus and Calcium, at
and wheel. However, as soon as surface cracks are present,

the cracks surface. Lewis evaluated 10 lubricating greases

they may propagate much faster in the presence of lubri-
in a twin disc tribometer in terms of friction and wear due
cants [1, 31]. Therefore, rail lubrication must be seen as
to crack propagation [13]. Differences up to one order of
a balance between its advantages and drawbacks. On one
magnitude were observed, however, there was no attempt
hand, proper lubrication slows down surface crack forma-
to correlate the results with grease properties and formu-
tion and reduces friction and sliding wear. On the other
lation. Popinceabu et al [36] showed that the nature of the
hand, it accelerates crack propagation in three different
thickener has a marked effect on fatigue life. The use of
ways, as depicted in Figure 3: i) shear crack growth: fluid
Calcium as a thickener reduced the fatigue life significantly
reduces friction coefficient on crack faces increasing crack
in comparison to Sodium, Sodium-Calcium and Lithium.
propagation in Mode II; ii) hydraulic crack growth: fluid
On the other hand, under pure sliding conditions, where
is forced into the crack due to contact dynamics increasing
crack formation and propagation are not the main failure
crack propagation in Mode I; iii) fluid entrapment crack
mechanisms, Calcium thickener showed excellent friction
growth: fluid is trapped in the crack cavity due to con-
and wear results in comparison to Lithium, Polyurea and
tact dynamics, and pushed towards the crack tip causing
Polytetrafluoroethylene [37].
local high stress intensity leading to crack growth in Mode
I [31].
2.4. Summary of the literature
The influence of grease formulation on crack propaga-
tion is not as well understood as it is on film formation It is clear that grease formulation (thickener, oil type,
and friction generation. Some insights can be found in additives) affects film thickness, friction, retentivity, wear,
the literature based on computer simulations and tests crack propagation and rolling contact fatigue, as observed
carried out with different types of fluids (water, oil and in field tests, full and small-scale test rigs. The impact of
grease). Wang et al. compared water, oil and grease on each grease constituents on tribological performance de-
crack propagation [31] and verified that fluids with low pends on the operating conditions, mostly the specific film

thickness and the film properties - since larger film thick- dry conditions followed by a single application of 0.3 g of
nesses do not always generate lower friction values. While grease to the contact. Right after the application of the
there are several advanced studies relating base oil and grease the CoF decreases dramatically and then increases
thickener morphology and properties to the film thickness progressively to reach the dry-condition value again (see
and friction values, the role of base oil viscosity and thick- an example for two of the studied greases in Figures 4 and
ener type in terms of crack propagation and retentivity is 9). The number of cycles measured between the addition
still unclear. In this work, 6 model greases were formulated of the grease and the moment when the dry CoF value is
with systematically varied composition so that the influ- restored is defined as the retentivity of the grease. Before
ence of a specific component of interest, thickener type or and after the tests all the samples were washed with tooth-
base oil viscosity, could be isolated and studied. brush and soap, dried in cold air, ultrasonically cleaned
with acetone and then dried again.
3. Material and Methods
3.2. Tested Lubricants
Tribological tests were carried out to analyze the effect Six lubricating greases were formulated with the aim
of adding different greases to the rolling-sliding contact of evaluating the effects of thickener type and base oil vis-
between samples extracted from rails and wheels. The cosity on friction and wear of the metallic pairs as well as

tests were carried out in a twin-disc tribometer and the on the retentivity of the grease. All greases were formu-

main outcomes of the experiments were the friction force lated with a mineral base oil and state-of-the-art additive
at the contact surface, the mass loss of the contacting discs package for extreme pressure applications currently used
and the retentivity of the greases on the surface of the in several railways in Brazil. The additive package con-

samples. tains usual anti-oxidants, dispersants, detergent, extreme

3.1. Tribological tests

e -p pressure, anti-wear and friction modifier compounds, plus
5% of MoS2 solid additives with average 3 µm size. Two
A twin-disc tribometer was employed in this research. thickener types, namely Lithium and Calcium, and three
A detailed description of the equipment is presented else- base oil viscosities, 50 mm2 /s, 200mm2 /s and 500mm2 /s

where [38]. The tests discs were extracted from forged were used in the formulation. Two commercial greases (Li-
class C wheels (AAR, 2010) and TR68 rails, whose main CaM220 and LiM460) were also evaluated for comparison
properties and relevant geometrical parameters are shown purposes. Table 2 presents the main properties and des-

in Table 1. ignations of the greases, along with the “nominal" specific


Two kind of tests were performed: One to measure film thickness (Λ), whose detailed computing procedure
mass loss, defined from here on as wear test, and an- is given in Appendix A. Specific film thickness was cal-
other one to measure lube retentivity, defined from now culated considering the composite surface roughness after

on as retentivity test. Both tests were performed at the dry conditions testing in both retentivity (Sq ≈ 1.2
room temperature (23 ± 1 ◦ C), nominal rotational speed µm) and wear (Sq ≈ 1.6 µm) tests, in order to determine
the lubrication regime of the tests. All lubricating greases

of 400 rpm, initial contact pressure of 1.1 GPa and creep-

age of 1%, being the wheel disc always the faster of the present grade NLGI 2, which corresponds to the consis-
pair. The friction force was recorded over the whole tests tency of the commercial lubricating greases for curve rail
with the aid of a torque transducer with 0-20 Nm range lubrication used in Brazil.
and 0.1% accuracy installed in the driving shaft where the
wheel sample is mounted. Wear tests consisted of 12.000 4. Results and Discussion
cycles under dry conditions followed by another 8.000 cy-
cles lubricated with grease added at a rate of 0.3 g/min. 4.1. Friction behavior
The mass losses of the samples were registered before and Figure 4 presents the variation of CoF as a function of
after the tests by using a scale with a resolution of 0.01 the number of cycles for the CaM200 and CaM500 greases,
mg. Retentivity tests consisted of 4.000 cycles under as an example of characteristic friction curves from wear
tests. Figure 5 shows the average CoF of the last 2000 cy-
Table 1: Specimens geometry and material properties. cles of the wear tests as a function of viscosity and specific
film thickness for the studied lubricating greases. It can
Unit Rail disc Wheel disc be seen that CoF slightly decreases as viscosity increases
for all lubricating greases, and that for boundary lubrica-
Elastic Modulus, E GPa 210 210 tion conditions (Λ ≈ 0.58) the effect of the thickener type
Poison coefficient, v - 0.3 0.3 becomes more relevant. In this condition, the Lithium-
Hardness, HV GP 3.45 3.45 thickened grease LiM50 showed lower friction values than
Radius x, Rx mm 47 47 the Calcium-thickened grease CaM50.
Contact length, l mm 9 9 It is important to point out that the tests were car-
R. Mean Sq. roughness, Sq µm 0.7 0.7 ried out at moderate tangential velocity (U ≈ 1 m/s).

Table 2: Grease formulation, base oil kinematic viscosity and nominal lambda ratio.

Grease specification LiM50 LiM200 LiM500 CaM50 CaM200 CaM500 LiCaM220 LiM460
Thickener type Lithium Lithium Lithium Calcium Calcium Calcium Lithium + Calcium Lithium
Base Oil type Mineral Mineral Mineral Mineral Mineral Mineral Mineral Mineral
Thickener content, % 10 8.5 7 10 8.5 7 - -
Base Oil Viscosity @40C, cSt 50 200 500 50 200 500 220 460
Base Oil Viscosity @100C, CSt 4.1 15.5 32.6 4.1 15.5 32.6 19 36
Nominal Λ @ Retentivity Tests, - 0.77 1.99 3.89 0.77 1.99 3.89 2.02 3.44
Nominal Λ @ Wear Tests, - 0.58 1.49 2.92 0.58 1.50 2.92 2.58 1.51

and CaM50, and considering that these greases have the

same base oil and additive package, it is reasonable to
state that the thickener played a significant role in the
friction results. Therefore, the observation that Calcium-
thickened greases presented higher friction coefficient than
Lithium-thickened greases, which had been reported by

others [16, 24], may be attributed to the higher probability
for Calcium thickener particles to pass through the contact
and form thicker films than Lithium ones [25], along with

its intrinsic higher friction properties. At higher lambda

Figure 4: Typical coefficient of friction as a function of the number of

cycles for lubricating greases CaM200 and CaM500 during the wear
e -p ratios (Λ > 1.5), the CoF of the greases with the same
additive package and base oil viscosity (LiM200-Ca200;
LiM500-CaM500), presented very similar friction values,
test. suggesting these tests were carried out above the transi-

tion point, i.e., in the oil-dominated region, where the role

of thickener is less relevant. In fact, even the commercial
This speed is higher than any transition speed (transition grease with unknown formulation presented similar fric-
from thickener-dominated to oil-dominated behaviour) re- tion values, which reinforces this assumption.

ported in the literature for film thickness measurements


at room temperature [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 4.2. Wear evaluation
23, 24, 25, 26]. However, Kanazawa et al. [26] showed
that it is the film thickness and not the entrainment speed Figure 6 shows the mass loss of wheel and rail disc

what determines the transition point. In fact, based on the samples after the wear tests with all the greases stud-
works of Chinas-Castillo and Spikes [39, 40], Kanazawa et ied in this work. The figure clearly shows that the rail
discs were more damaged than wheel discs. This occurs

al. stated that the particle size / film thickness ratio is

the crucial parameter in determining the transition point. because the main wear mechanism acting on the samples is
Besides, Cyriac et al. [25] showed that even when the rolling contact fatigue (RCF), which proceeds by crack ini-
thickener particles do not affect the film thickness curve’s tiation and propagation due to exhaustion of the capacity
shape (h ∝ U 0.67 - above transition point), they can ac- of the material to deform (plastic shakedown) and further
tually change the film thickness values. Taking into ac- delamination of heavily deformed layers. The cracks origi-
count the low nominal lambda ratio (Λ ≈ 0.6) for LiM50 nate during the initial 12.000 cycles under dry conditions,
and when the greases are introduced to the contact the
crack propagation rate is significantly increased in the rail
discs due to hydraulic effects combined with the stress dis-
tributions close to the surface of the samples. This is well
depicted in Figure 7 [31], which shows that in the wheel
discs the compressive stresses close the mouths of the in-
cipient cracks just before entering to the contact zone and
prevent the lubricant to enter in the cracks. On the other
hand, the tensile stresses open the cracks in the rail sam-
ple and facilitate the entrance of the grease; right after the
contact patch the stresses are reversed and the crack in the
rail closes pressurizing the fluid inside.
When the total mass loss of the samples is plotted as
a function of viscosity and nominal specific film thickness
Figure 5: Coefficient of friction as a function of grease’s base oil
viscosity, thickener type and nominal film thickness.
(Figure 8) several trends are observed. At high nominal

lambda ratio (Λ ≈ 2.9) the base oil viscosity seems to con-
trol mass loss, since all the tests performed with viscous
greases yielded similar mass loss regardless of the thick-
ener type, oil type or additive package (CaM500, LiM500,
LiMS460). As the lambda ratio decreases and the tribo-
logical system migrate to boundary lubrication conditions
the effect of thickener type becomes evident. Lithium
thickener provides significant wear reduction while Cal-
cium thickener generates high wear (LiM50 and LiM200
versus CaM50 and CaM200). At mixed lubrication condi-
tions (Λ ≈ 1.5) one can observe that the LiCaM220 com-
mercial grease presents slightly higher wear values than the
CaM200 grease. One would expect the LiCaM220 grease
to lead to mass losses in between those from the experi-
ments performed with LiM200 and CaM200 greases since Figure 7: Effect of stress type on crack propagation ofn wheel and
they have similar viscosities and the LiCaM200 has a mix rail disc samples due to hydraulic pressure - fluid entrapment. Re-

of Lithium and Calcium thickener types. This, however, produced from Wang et al. [31].

was not the case. This behavior could be attributed to
the unknown additive package and thickener concentra-
tion (Lithium and Calcium) of the LiCaM220 commercial

The results of the wear tests indicate that the thickener
characteristics are more relevant than the base oil viscos-
ity in terms of crack propagation, and the general state-
e -p
ment given by several authors [32, 31, 33] in the sense that

RCF crack propagation assisted by hydraulic pressuriza-

tion mechanism is faster for low viscous fluids may not be
applicable to greases. In the case of the Lithium greases
studied in this work, for instance, viscosity reduction led

to lower mass loss of the metallic samples in contact. Also,

the assumption that high CoF values promote crack prop-
agation, as observed by Fletcher et al [34], might be valid

only under specific situations.

Figure 8: Total Mass Loss as function of grease base oil viscosity,
thickener type and nominal film thickness.
4.3. Retentivity

Figure 9 presents the variation of CoF as a function of

the number of cycles for the CaM200 and CaM500 greases, not follow the aforementioned trend, which may be at-
as an example of characteristic curves from retentivity tributed in principle to its different additive package. On
tests. Figure 10 shows the retentivity of each grease as the other hand, and opposed to what was observed in the
function of viscosity and nominal specific film thickness wear tests, the thickener type did not show any measurable
for all the greases studied. It can be seen that retentivity effect on retentivity.
increases slightly with viscosity up to a certain point in The increase of retentivity with viscosity observed in
which the effect is intensified for the in-house formulated this work is in good agreement with the previous obser-
greases. The commercial grease LiCaM220, however, does vations of McEwen et al. [12] who showed, in field and
full-scale tests, that retentivity can be improved by using
more viscous lubricants or solid additives. Overall, the
results showed that retentivity increases as base oil vis-
cosity increases, and that thickener type does not play a
relevant role for greases with the same additive package
and base oil nature. Also, that a different additive pack-
age could increase significantly the retentivity for the same
base oil type and similar viscosity (LiCaM220 vs. LiM200
and CaM200).

Figure 6: Mass Loss of wheel and rail disc samples along with total
wear measured during the Wear Tests.

ing with viscosity. These results indicate that a lubricat-
ing grease properly formulated with lithium thickener and
a mineral base oil with high viscosity is able to ensure high
retentivity with low friction while also providing satisfac-
tory wear protection of the contacting surfaces to RCF.
These characteristics make such a formulation suitable for
rail curves lubrication, since retentivity is of utmost impor-
tance to ensure the lubricating grease will cover the whole
curve length. However, it is important pointing out that
in real railways there are a number of additional factors -
not presented here - that might affect grease performance
in different manners, such as grease storage and pumping,
Figure 9: Retentivity as a function of the number of cycles for lubri-
cating greases CaM200 and CaM500. splash and adhesion at dry and wet periods, rail and wheel
profiles, among others. The effect of environmental condi-
tions on the rail wheel interface was reviewed in detail by
Zhu et al. [41].

6. Conclusions
A short review on grease lubrication for railways was

presented with focus on the relationship between grease
e -p formulation and properties with its overall tribological per-
formance (friction, wear and retentivity). The lack of sys-
tematic studies on this field imposes restrictions to rail
maintainers when it comes to identify and select a proper

grease. A systematic study with 6 in-house fully formu-

Figure 10: Retentivity as a function of grease’s base oil viscosity,
lated greases were carried out in order to clarify the effect
thickener type and nominal film thickness. CaM50 and CaM500 of base oil viscosity and thickener type on grease perfor-
markers, not clearly visible, are behind LiM50 and LiM500 markers, mance. The results were compared with two commercial

respectively. greases available in the market. The discussion was based

on the literature of grease lubrication applied to rolling
bearings, which is much richer than the one applied to
5. Discussion

railways. The presented results provide direct evidence for

Comparing the in-house formulated greases it is possi- several consistent trends relevant to curve rail lubrication.
ble to state that Calcium-thickened greases are more likely The main conclusions are:

to pass through the contact, and due to mechanical entrap- Grease formulation affects friction, wear and retentiv-
ment to deposit on the contact surface to form thicker films ity performance in different ways, depending on its lambda
than Lithium-thickened greases. However, these films ex- ratio.
hibit high CoF values while Lithium greases present thin- Low nominal lambda ratio: In this condition film
ner films and lower friction. Such observation suggests thickness is actually much higher than the predicted one
that, different from the conclusions of Kanazawa et al. by using traditional EHL theory and the base oil viscos-
[26], the ‘real’ specific film thickness3 is not a significant ity. This occurs due to mechanical entrapment and thick-
parameter in terms of frictional behaviour of grease lubri- ener deposition in the contacting surfaces. Within this
cated contacts, because a typical CoF vs lambda curve, region, the film is dominated by the thickener, and its
as observed for oils, will not be observed for lubricating thickness is related to the characteristic dimensions of the
greases due to the different nature and properties of the thickener particles / fibers and their ability to deposit on
thickener dominated film. the contacting surfaces. For lubricating greases formu-
Comparing absolute values of CoF, mass losses and re- lated with mineral base oil, Calcium thickener particles
tentivity, the use of Lithium greases led to lower friction present higher ability to deposit in the contact, forming
and mass loss than the Calcium greases, with the largest thicker films than Lithium greases. However, Calcium film
difference being found under the harshest conditions of low presents higher friction than Lithium film. As a conse-
nominal lambda ratios (low base oil viscosity). In terms of quence of its higher ability to deposit in the contact and
retentivity, the effect of thickener type is negligible, while higher friction, mass loss due to crack propagation for Cal-
the base oil viscosity is dominant, with retentivity increas- cium greases are much higher than for Lithium greases.
This occurs because higher friction accelerates grease prop-
agation in Mode I, and the thickener deposition inside the
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• Calcium thickened greases are more likely to pass through the contact and enhance film thickness
than Lithium thickened greases formulated with mineral base oil.

• In the thickener dominant region, films formed from Calcium thickener present higher friction prop-

erties than the ones formed from Lithium thickener.

• Calcium thickener accelerates crack propagation in a higher rate than Lithium thickener due to its
higher friction properties and probability to deposit in the contact.

• Retentivity increases with viscosity, while the effect of thickener type is negligible.
Declaration of interests

☐ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

☐The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered
as potential competing interests:


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