SA Trip Generation Rates_PP92 228 2nd Edition_Binder

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pe weer DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Chief Directorate Roads sl RR 92 / 228 ay SOUTH AFRICAN TRIP GENERATION RATES 2ND EDITION Prepared on behalf of the SOUTH AFRICAN ROADS BOARD RR 92 / 228 SOUTH AFRICAN TRIP GENERATION RATES 2ND EDITION Prepared on bent of the SOUTH AFRICAN FOADS BOARD TITELITITLE — SOUTH AFRICAN TRIP GENERATION RATES VERSLAG NR. SBN Arun VERSLAGSTATUS. REPORT NO. bate REPORT STATUS, AR 921/228 1-86844-118-0 | Juno 1995 Final NAVORSINGSNA J RESEARCH NO. RR 92/228 ‘GEDOEN DEUA: ‘OPDRAGGEWER: (cannicD Our ov: ‘COMMISSIONED By: KS incorporates Diector Gone: Transport PRETORIA PRETORIA 208 0001 ‘OUTEUR: ‘NAVRAE: AUTHOR: ENQUIRIES: Hu stander Deparimont of Transport P kruger Directorate: Transport Economic Analysis SL Conte Private Bag X109 Ti Lamorecht PRETORIA ‘SINOPSIS (AFR) erie dokument isn opdatering van do ‘ering Sout Alcan ip Generation Rates, P/E, al 1099. Dk beat nigting omit \voedug- en persconsriopwekkirg van ‘vorshilende gronagebruke vooruigbesetting, tye ‘an spsure van irae grondgebruke asook do Tigtingverdeting, Alle ning gebeseer op ‘verkeersopnames gesoon n Suis Aha. Ftopweekingsdata ve twin basiose ‘rondgsbuke afeometg van 199 stzndetke fonames word veorsien. Dio gone sowel fs: maanbovolertopackingskonre word lle {evale gages. ie data i vergeyk mot did in Se TE dokument ut ie VGA en dasallde ommeringstasel vi grendgebruke word Sangowond asin die VBA. Die canbiaing van to dal ie sover moonllkgestandeardseer. ‘SYNOPSIS (ENG) “This document fan updste ofthe report South Atrican Tip Gonarton Fates, P28, May 108, Teena Intrmation on vehicle and porson tip Generation rtos for various fan uses, vile ‘eeupanoy, pask hours ofthe illerent and eas land dectonal spits. Allinfrmation is based on trate suvoys conducted in South Alia, Trip ‘Senerton data for twonly basi and uses ‘tgiating rom 199 separate survys are prouded. The average as well as a Fecommended tip ganeraion at provided in alteases. The datas compared with at Contained inthe ITE document fom the USA and the same numbering system is used a5 in he USA. The presentation of the data standatdieed as far as possible TREFWOOROE Tip gonsation, Land ure, Peak hour, Vehicle lip onde, Porson wip end, Key WORDS Vehicle Occupancy, Ditectonal spit KOPIEREG — Departement van Vener, behave VERSLAGKOSTE veruysingsdeaeindes REPORT COST COPY RIGHT Department of anspor, excep or eletence purposes 830.00 PART A: Introduction A Background Datloton of Grose Leable roa (GLA) Interpretation o data CCompostion oti repent (ick Reforence Table PART B : Data and Summary Shoots eexeerene 10, on 2 13, 4 1. 18 20. a PART C : Retorence T Industral Warehousing Ferien Hotel soecsscseee Conta! Business Distet ‘Spot Stadium Gymnasium Primary Schoo! Secondary Schoo! Hosp General Offs. Medial Offeas coe Retain CBD - General Merchandise ‘Shopping Cento Restaurant Fast Food Restaurant Vetile Service Station Fring tation Wholesale Conference Centro ofaronces ueeeessaes 85 108 14 47 122 125 120 ACKGROUND ‘The Department of Transport pubehad the fst document on tip goneration n South Ata, “The eta of a change in land ee on tac volumes” (1) in 1980. This document inchded ily and poak Nou tip generation rates, a8 wall as detionalsplis for ante numberof land uses. The 1980 documert alo incorporated data rom other counties, since data on lwp ganertion for South can contons was scarce at he tm. ‘This fat document on tip genation was updated in 1989 through the publication of tho “South Atican Tip Generation Rates 1989" @). Osta contained Inthe fst report was supplemented through surveys in Pretoria and Cape Town, as well as dala oblained trom ‘on tp genoraton for six ciflerent land uses, including: 1. Ofees 2 Reta 8. Indust 4. Warehousing 5. Wholesale 6. Residential The second document, hough an improvement onthe fst document, ill only contained vty limited number of vey ona vary limited scope cf land uses, which necossated the curent second update (hel document) Inthe curent tht documento» tip generation in South Aiea, both he scope of land uses an the numberof surveys on exiting land uses aro expanded. Avalble data was obtained ‘rom previous suvys conducted by offclals trom local auhories as well engineers. This was supplemented with surveys at various land uses in Pretoria and Johannesburg during the couse of 1989, Tho Aldona surveys were conducted ator conauitation wth a numb of sells to determine the areas of greatest need, In ttl 82 _adlionl surveys have Been obtained ftom outside sources and 39 surveys have boon conducted forthe purpose of hs report. The 72 surveys contained in the previous repost havo beer retained, resulting atta numberof 193 surveys included inthis report. ‘consiting| The land uses inctuded in this document are 1. Industral 11, General Ofte 3. Residential, 13, Retail of General Merchants 4 Hotel 14 Shopping Centre 5 cBD 15. Restaurant 6 Sport Staclum ——18.—_—Fast Food Outlet. 7% GymiHeath Cub 17, Vehicle Serview Station 5. Primary Schoo! 18, Filing Station 9, Secondary School 19. Wholesale 10, Hap 20. Confrence Centre DEFINITION OF GROSS LEASABLE AREA (GLA) ‘Gross Leasabie Area (GLY), also know as Permissible Floor Spat ‘ofthe gross area covered bythe bulking |gen) eT i Simm =| os |= == | # | w Continued on next page ‘Tobie 21 continued {GENERATION RATES = [ses Dae fe a] & we | 2] @ B| & wm | B | og [ss B | 8 [geome |e |e | ae | ees = ay | ames: a egueme pe ee [ae | | = = | 8 woe | Be | | ae = | 8 = pgeore pe] oe || spears | = 3 = | gee oom | | BEBE | oe S| Met S| #8 wom |B] B | ase —|& = 5 7 [epeeeome Pe ee] ae = cn = nm | = = a woe | ee os or ~ [eonsame [ee | cee = Fan 3 a 7 [asco To | core ue sm eats 22 " Conta ons ae Table 21 continued stat ieee PART B DATA AND SUMMARY SHEETS aaa 132 4 NAL ‘LLINDUSTAIAL, SMALL, << 10 000 m* Land Ute Code : 110 Doserpton This land use includes smal rusia entries witha total GLA of ess than 10 000 ‘so includ in this eategory ao neighbouring but separate smal ens which add upto Jess than 10 000 m'. Tho atlas taking place at these small industos include the fotiowing = Vehicle epars = Used ear dealers Manutaturing of paste mining coats and gumbootsditibuting ‘toctre motor assombing + Tool and ee casting Clothing manutacturing + import - expert = Plast pipe cuting and welding aa é Fe an sa ng é a yp n De emo A oz WIGS NI SOIVLDBIS 10 % 009360 aN waravas 24048 ‘TaSHS viva: bo s1evE TABLE 6. : SUMMARY SHEET Unouse _[SPORTSTADIUM carecony |CRICKET, RUGBY, laTHLeTics LAND UsECODE [450 RECOMMENDED PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATES ir [GATEGORY —]NBOUNS [OUTBOUND [VEHOLE (Getore even) [iter even)_|OCCUPANCY [Rot Scie CRICKET . T v aratenes | 1 T 7 ROGaY T 7 T ip Rae oncreT | a10 27 2a tsp varrtenes | 09 om 290 RUGEY a oz IRECOMENDED | CRICKET | 100 a0 ATHLETICS} 180 270 2 RUGBY | iso 270 2 ms 72 13 14 ‘7.GYMNASIUM AND HEALTH CLUB GENERAL, Land Use Code : 492 DESCRIPTION ‘Gyrnasia and Health Clube usualy are privately owned fais wher the folowing physi ‘erie activites are provided. physical taining progems using special apparaus sight ing aerobic exercieo These ect may be provided nan slated bull or may form pat of bulng, sch a a shopping conte, AVAILABLE DATA, “Two surveys were conducted in Api an May 1999 In Protea forthe purpose ofthis report. Both a eo standing heath cb with al the above mentioned fects, as well asa faclly which formed pa of a building, but with separate entance, were surveyed. Vehicle and person counts of patrons of thee facies wera done. The rsuls af the surveys ae shown {in TABLE 7.1 and are summarsod in TABLE 72 COMPARISON WITH SOUTH AFRICAN TRIP GENERATION RATES, 1989 No data was avaiable in tho previous document. ‘COMPARISON WITH USA RATES “The tip goneration rats surveyed are higher than that given in the USA document (3). Only ‘ne survey was conducted inthe USA and thera ound was 46 vehicies/100 in ho peak hur compare to 20,9 vllay/100 m*localy. The eifrenco may be atibuted to aerobic asses, which may have not ace place atthe USA ie, These classes strat specie ies and ae attended by large nunbers of poople “6 RECOMMENDED TAIP CHARACTERISTICS. [At oth gymrasin surveyed, tre morning peak hour occured later than expected, namely ‘somawhore between 07:15 and 08:45. This reatvelylte peak is caused by aerobic classoe Which are atended| mostly by women. Nevertheless, the peak hour ofthe generator I assumed to coincide wth the peak hour ofthe adjacent street rai The atemoon peak houris somewhere baleen 17:00 and 18:90, which also coincides wh ‘the peak hour ofthe ascent tet tale. The atemoon peak hour tip generation ate te flgnieamtly higher than the motring peak hour rte, ideating that more people are ‘exercising during tis pat of he day ‘Te recommended poak hour vehicle rp goneration rates are 8.0 tips per 100 mor the ‘morning peak hour with a 7:60 directional spit and 20° tips per 100m" forthe attercon [oak hour witha 55:45 dein pi a eS] Es =| 22 || co] sano craanao] so waa emonvan/wiol sor 433HS VIVG: PZ 378VL TABLE 7.2: SUMMARY SHEET usouse [evM/ HEALTH GLOm ‘aw [WEEKDAY ‘carecony — |GENERAL UNOUSEGOOE a9 SVERISE VERICE TP FATES STENTSE PERSON TAP FATES ares ONT PERRTOUROF FERTHOUROF (GENERATOR. omy | “cenenaron om co a a mr Tae co Bo 5 aS 1 a | ew/oun, [rive emo TrawaR | TaD TRIER | TOOTH loccurancy RECOMMENDED AM PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES Tet TIRE] HELIN] ORESTONAT ST TERE oows | PEM No ccoupavce fio orSciee 2 7 [ramos ry Tare [570 Genin ao oe oe ees 7 730 7 [aecommenoeo | 30 7030 1 RECOMMENDED PM PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES: Ter TOSRaT | ATES] GENES | ORESTORA AT REE ou. rocus | eacinow ccurany anoe Tena aa Te isto oenaon 1 a 7 ar arane 0 |= Jaccommenoeo | 203 ssa, 1 ‘8, PRIMARY SCHOOL Land Use Cod : 20 DESCRIPTION Primary schools are atended ty pups in the age group of sco titan yeas, which are in Grades {and 2 (algo Sub A ard Sub B) as wollas Standards 1 10 9, 82 AVAILABLE DATA, ‘Two surveys, at Elrdusparc and Vita Primary Schools, were conducted in May 1998 in Prete forthe purpose of Mis report. ala tom tWo other surveys in Roodepoort, a Panorama and Helden Prrary Schools, were also blained (4) Daa onthe morning and ‘midday (unch hour) peak hour tp generation rates, modal spi and vehicle occupancy are valible, The results ofthe suveys are shown in TABLE 8.1 and are summarised in TABLE 8.2. ‘COMPARISON WITH SOUTH AFRICAN TRIP GENERATION RATES, 1999 No data was avilable inthe previous document 8.4 COMPARISON WITH USA RATES “Tho local generation rats are higher expecially during the morning peak hour, compared tothe USA rates (9). This canbe atbuted to higher parent inolvment as well as lck in ble transportation, The flowing rates are gven inthe USA document ‘AM pask hou of gonaator 0.28 velele tips per pup PM poak hour ef generator 0.28 vec tripe por pull 8.5 RECOMMENDED TRIP CHARACTERISTICS ‘The moming posk hour of pinary schools generally clncdes with the poak hour ofthe adjacent street va ‘good correlation was found betwean the various sures, The moming and mid peak hour vehicle tip goneraion rates per pup, as wll es the dioctional spt and vehicle coceupancy ae provided, Atthe schoo! surveyed in Vili, Pretoria, only 25% o al chien fare brought to school by ex in comparizon wih the 60% 10 68% atthe other schools surveyed. This is dis to the high percentage of pupils resicng within walking distance tothe ‘The vehicle trp generation rao forthe midday peak hour is much lower compared tothe ‘morning pak hour, because alarg percentage of chien ether wa, takethe bus, or stay atte schoo for sport and other acts. The recommended peak hou vehile tp generation rales por pup are 0.9 ding the ‘morning peak hour wth a 50:5 dsetiona spit and 0,2 during the mikday peak hour with 1 85:45 cretion spl "Not tho ow recorded peak hau factors indeating quit severe peaking of afc 5 os] __socosmnewn sauvaag cea ee TooH1s| asnanyy issu Viva: Fe siavi TABLE 8.2 : SUMMARY SHEET Nous fscnoo1 ‘ay [WEEKDAY carecony finan ‘ano use CODE a0 rare! TA TODA — forecrorarsrrr] IN/OUT, ME PEROD | OROUTT | TT ROTI TT E Tr] RECOMMENDED AM PEAK HCUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES. Ter TORR | RR] aT Wena on ono ceurmey Freon tana | metas | so Sa Ta ls1o oa oa a 7 oo foeraae a a ry RECOMMENDED MIDDAY PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES oun wo eseuruiee Ino arses 7 7 Fano cares | aware | ae Tae i575 Gavan a er 7 oH counenneo sede | on | 96 sss in ‘SECONDARY SCHOOL Land Use Code: 590 91 DESCRIPTION Secondary Schools aro atended by pup inthe age group of thiteen to ninete whic ar in Standard 6 to 10. yas 92 AVAILABLE DATA (One survey was conducted dng March 1999 in Pretoria, at the Menlopar« Secondary Schoo, for the purpose a this report. Oa rom two survey in Roodepoot, a Florida Park and Roodepoar Secondary School, wore also oblained (4). Data on morning and midday peak hour tip generation rates, mods spilt and vehicle cecupancy ao avaiable, The results ofthe suveys ate shown in TABLE 9.1 and are summarised in TABLE 92. 9.3 COMPARISON WITH SOUTH AFRICAN TRIP GENERATION RATES, 1989 No data was avaiable in the provous document 9.4 COMPARISON WITH USA RATES The tip goneration rates found during the surveys for he moming and midday peak hours ao higher than that given in theUSA document 2). Thi ean be atibuted toa higher parent Involvement as wel slack in publi tangpotation, The allowing ratos are given in the USA ‘document: [AM eke hour of generator (090 vehi tps per pupil PM peak hour ef generator (0.28 vehil ips poe pupil [RECOMMENDED TRIP CHARACTERISTICS ‘The morning and mit peak hours of secondary schools general coincide withthe peak hour ofthe aacent srt tate Tha routs of the suwvoys corto fit Wal “Athough the deta of only ono survey forthe midday pos hour ls valle, tis ever hat the voici rp generation rate fo thie pedod is much lower than forthe morning peak hour, tho same trend which occurred at primary schools. The vehicle tp generation rate and the parrantzgn of puri wavlig by ear to school are sly lower fr secondary schools compared topiary schools, Tht fs eaused by more independent transport by moans ot walking, eyting, motereyling and in some cases diving by ea. ss ‘The recommended posk hour vehicle tip generation rates por pupil are 0.8 during the ‘morning poak hour wit S51 deational stand 04 sing the midday peak hour with a 55:45 doctional sit, 55 so fz = a 280 2 S| am fam | 02 sans veer | inn _| a_i hour reuaose [os os] 00030001 uvanogas| __svoeaivo (LwosmP ‘rooros| _asnawn ‘IS3HS Viva : 16 evi] TABLE 9.2 : SUMMARY SHEET Taouse Jscroor ‘ay [WEEKDAY careGoRY [SECONDARY ‘ano use cooE 50 AERICE VERT THF RATES] —AVERGE PERSON TH FATES —] Fem — oe ae Ce | Pia [Gi a RECOMMENDED AM PEAK HCUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES: [Ter rr cue (PEAK NON oscumey ~ warase | — War | Sasa iaetar ‘Oeaian 7 tor oo fiverage oF a a 7 |econmeneo [ wane | ox | 10a sss 14 RECOMMENDED MIDDAY PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES. Te Tass | RR] Ree] RECTION SPL] a Ga (PEAK 1 NON) ooourmer ooo T T T T Fae a sear TH Is bevaran ferane a co sean 7 lrecommenoeo | waa | os | aa sss W 10, HOSPITAL 0.1 PROVINCIAL Land Use Code : 610 404.1. Description Hosp re mainly stated in rban areas, providing madical care and accommodation for patents. Inaion to the facies needle for diy nursing and auglel ear, eter elated facios are sto found such as coneuting rooms for doctors, rooms for pathologists, radiologts, as well as pharmacies and other medical savices. Tho training of medical personnel algo lakes pce at rovnca hosp, ‘Adlatincton fe made botwoon provincial and privat hospals, Provincial horas not oly iter ror private hoepasin onnerhip, but aol the ype of senices and socio-economic lasso patots, which mayinfuonce thei charactors. Provincial hospals sso provide soci service, which can leadto a higher utilzation af puble transport, as compared tthe higher tization of private vides at private ospals. However, higher patient/employea(or bd) densities may accur at provincial Noepitls which ean offsat tho "benolt” of pubic trangpot fom a ae pont a vow. 10.4.2 Avaliable data “Tho resus ofthe surveys woe oblained, namely atthe Eugene Marais Hospital (10), atthe 4.8. tiidom Hospital (11) andat the Prtoria Academical Hospital (12). Tho resus oftrese survoys aro shown in TABLE 10.1.1 and are summarized in TABLE 10.1.2. 10.1.8. Compar ‘Average peak hour and dally tip generation ates of 1,72 and 6.8 vehicle trpsbod were ‘ecommencded in the previous document. These rates are not incorporated into the curent tables, since the data ie notable in the requ format and could also not bo vortod .on with South Alcan Tip Generation ates, 1989, 101.4 Compariaon with USA ratos No itincton is made inthe USA document (9) between provincial (or stale) hospitals and private hospitals. Tho recommended USA rates are aight low than the local rates. The recommended tip generation ates fr the peak hou of he gonoratorgien by the USA document area flows AM posk hour vehicle tips/bod 18 PM peak hour vehi tipsbed 136 so 10.1.5 Recommended trip characte The elatvaly weak corlatior between existing rates shows that more dat ls equied on this Ione use. ‘Tho morming peak hour of provincial hospitals generally colnldes with tho peak hour of the ‘adjacent stret trae, while to aternoon poak hour occurs slighty eater. However, tie recommended fo assume the same pesk hour, of generator and adjacent stroet trae for design purpores, Vehicteipgonoraton rats o'2,1 ps/bed wih dactonal spt of 75:25 are ecommnded forthe moming peak hou and 26 tipbed wih a drestonsl spt of 65:95 forthe aternoon peak hour. 0 1 a 1 t Fe ae co arow | wom a tae 8 co : ‘| _secoasncwn “Wiontnowd) —_A:0581¥9 aawaaa] Na swatssort] _ss00" ‘TSSHS Viva: For siavi TABLE 10.1.2: SUMMARY SHEET| nO UsE HOSPITAL ‘oxy —_ WEEKDAY cavecon [PROVINCIAL so useco0E fo10 an rg aor rapes [a | er | [Eee [esas ues RECOMMENDED AM PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES Te Tage | ae are | ORECTONAL SPT —] ven oun (PERK NOM cover [Ro asec z 7 jae eae 6 w 70, Gevaion ro o a 5 Te lrecommenveo | nodam | 21 | nodam | 7525 ro data RECOMMENDED PM PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES TER a oun FEM INON ezeemer Fro oso ? pverae a aa Jecommenoeo | nodam [26 | nodaw 6598 ‘data 1024 1022 1028 1024 1¢2 PRIVATE HOSPITAL Land Use Cade: 610 Description Hosptals re mainly stused in urban areas, providing medica ere and accommodation for palonts In ado tothe facies need fer daly nursing and surgical car, cher related {actos are also found such as consling rooms for doctors, rooms for pathologists, radiologists, as well as pharmacies and other mesical “Tho taining of mecca personne also takes pace at hosp ‘A dstintion i made between aovincal and private hospitals, Provnclalhosptals not only iter rom pate hosp in cunership, but alo In theype of seniees and socio-economic ass ofpationts, which may inuonce the tip characters, Provincial hosp also provide soc servis, wbich ean leadto higher uilzatin of puble vanspet, as compared othe ghee utzaon of private vehides a private hospitals. However, higher patlenemployee(or be} densities may occur at provinlal hoepals whieh ean offeat the “ene of pubic ‘eanspot tom 2 vale pointe view. Avliale data ‘Tvao surveys were conducted in 1999 for the purpose of this ropor - in Pretoria, \Verwoordburg and in Bloenfonin, The rebut oftheeesurvys ar shown in TABLE 10.2.1 nd are eurnavzed in TABLE 10222. Comparisor 1 "No data was avaible the previous document. Comparison wih USA rate No disinaon I mae nthe USA document (9) betwen provincial ota) hospitals and ae hospitals. The recomminded USA rate are sgh lower than the lea ets, The recorimended tip generation ats forth peak hour ofthe generator gan by the USA, document are lows 24 posk hou vehi Wiebe 18 PM poak hour vehicle payed 1.38 1025 Recommended trip charctaistoe ‘Tho peak hours of private hospitals generally coincide wih the peak hours of ho aujacont stret trate. Tho resus of tho surveys atthe cifrent hospitals correlate wo ‘The recommended vehicle tp generation ras for the morning peak hour are 2,1 ps/100 InP GLA, 19 tps/bed and 05 tipsfomployee with @dtectional sit of 65:9, while the tp generation rate forth aernon peak hour are 2.4 ips/100 m* GLA, 2.1 Lps/bed and 0:8 \wipslmployee witha deecboral spit o 5:45 83/2] = uso | eon ounsns9 sosnot wa sorsre| sox | we | noweor nouawosso lv o19| 300935 aw auvania| __A¥0851¥0 woxaaM] No avuason| 380000 TSSHS Viva: bzor sav TABLE 10.2.2: SUMMARY SHEET| waNouse HOSPITAL ar [WaEKDAY, cavecon [PRIVATE ‘No use CODE [o10 TRVERIGE VERE TAP ATES “RIERA PERSON TP ATES ares ‘ou ra ETO (GENERATOR acy |_“cenenaron ony [ata cao =a i 2 Be 2 rn cy [enrcorees a a a oF 7 we [acos 7 = a Ey we aT — — agiowcsur| ace [as aa] on roan [rie Pen wasn | ew. ‘acsors0 | Tan To WEtincr ie 1% ie RECOMMENDED AM PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES eT Taoagn | — WO] are] ORECTONALSFLT —] vente ou (PERK NOW eceuniey [ia asain 7 7 7 ¥ anos Taam | aise | onan | aaa [sro Gen wa} oa] 007 a Piveose ry = ro a lRecommenoeo | 21 3 05 6535 no data RECOMMENDED PM PEAS HOUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES Te Toa] — wee | RECTION SPT] ar aun (PEAK [NON oceurmey oo 7 7 7 7 = Tas | osrant | sss Tae lst0 osasian r v0 ro fiveaae B rs a lRecowmenoeo | 2 a 08 ssa no data 41. GENERAL OFFICES ‘114 CENTRAL BUSINESS DIsTAICT (o80) {and Use Code: 710 11.4 Deseription [A general offce building houses the acmiistalive and managerial funcons of fanci commercial, Indust or profession corporations. Avataly of companies may be situated in one bulking, Ale inuded are offos of pubic agencos and authorities, Excluded are moda! fleas, barks, post efos and any such bulings where high frequoney of shor vist take pace Aditinction i alsa made between oes siusted Inthe contra business dstict (CBO) ofa ly, and offces found in suburban areas, ‘This distinction’, however, msty bated onthe dieu establish vehicle tip ates inthe conta clatit of ity, THs dtculy, to loa the vehicle ips toa spect ofes bulking, ‘eauted in the caloulation of preon Wp rates forall general offices in BD's. An apprepiato ‘modi spit and vehicle occupancy rat ae thus require to determine vei tip rate. 11.4.2 Avallable date Five surveys were conducted during 1988 and were included in the previous document (2) Feutsoftwo adltional surveys danein 1091 wero als obtained (19). AS stated, only data ‘on peron ip generation ats avainbl, The resus of hese suveys are shown in TABLE 14. and are summarized in TABLE 11.1.2. 17.4 Comparison wih South African Trip Generation Rates, 1989 ‘A good correlation exists between the data ofthe 1988 and 199% sunveys 11.14 Comparison with USA rates “The USA document (9) aos tha th ip ge the bung ize increases, Novortheoss, al the avalable South Atican data was aggrgated, because no evdonce ol his trend was found nthe loca dat. No data i also avaiable on perzon tp raion at fr ofices decrease ‘generation rales in the USA document. The folowing equations are given in the USA document to aleulae the toal number of veil tips ‘AM posk hour of generator: Ln(f) = 0,777 Lng) + 1,674, PM poak hour of ganar: Ln(T) = 0.737 Ln) + 1.891 ere. T= foal numberof vil tip ends X= gross oor in 1 020 R(t m= 0.0929) ‘Recommended tip characteristics Person trips generated by offces gonerly coincide with the morning peak hour, the midday Peak hour and the ateroon peak hour a the adjacent steet taf, Since no significant Ldleronce inp rates was found between te munya he aenoUn Peak ROU, a sIngle eek hour person tip ato is recommended, ‘The recommended peak hour perscn tip generation ates 4,0 tips por 00m GLA, wth a ‘recional sito 75:25. ° =a enoos | tte | tot ou] _zo0oasnow aso ‘TveaNgo| —_80931¥ xara] We gogo] _3snon TaSHS Viv? FETE Savi TABLE 11.1.2: SUMMARY SHEET Uno use OFFICE ‘bay | WEEKDAY ‘eatecony GENERAL, CHD iano use cove [rio EINE VERICTE TR RATES] —AVERNGE PERSON TH FATES pare ‘ONT PER OURO™ PER HOUROF ‘eneaton | omy | GENERATOR omy a | 7 a TR DAT ut 3 a leverorees- 319 os jroows sexs jaeos forecromacsror] 7 [evroun PERO TROT | SATA FICE wa] a8 RECOMMENDED PEAK HOUR PERSON TRIP RATES, Te TOD sa] EUPLEES] —OWELNGUNTE [BECTON] VERE oun oowe smn | oceuancy sus rencs won [No-of Si 7 ry JRange wae Sara lst0- Bevan ar a7 lavage 35 ma [recommenced | 40 | nocata 752s | andata mas naa 1124 112 suauRHAN Land Use Code: 710 Deserintion [A generl office building houses the administrative and managerial futons of franc ‘commercial, industal or professional corporations. A varity of companies may be stuted In ane building, Also included areoftees of puble agencies and autores, Excluded aro medicel oes, bart, post ofees and any such buildings whore shor vite lake place ata high requency Acistintion fe also made between ofes susted nthe central busines cletict (CBD) ofa ‘ly, end offs found in suburban areas, val Fosuts of four surveys were ined in the previous document (2). Results of seven detiional surveys, wo in Pretoria (9) and fe in Johannesburg () were obtained, Data on ‘vehicle and person trp generator are avalible, ‘The resus of tho surveys aro shown in TABLE 11.21 and are summarized in TABLE 11.22. lean Tip Ganoration Rats, 1 ‘The resus ofthe adtional ures correlate wall withthe average tip generation rats Included inthe previous document wit regard to both vehicle and person tips. CComparizon with USA rates The USA document (9) sates tha herp gonoration ate for ofices decreases asthe bulcing size increases. Nevenheless alte avalable South Aiean data was aggregated, bocauto no evidence of his rend was oune inthe local dts, No ta on person tp generation rate |s avaiable in the USA document, Th flowing equations are gen the USA document to caleust the total numberof veil rips {10M poak hour of generator: Unf) = 0,777 Unit) + 1.874 PM peek nour ot get or: Ln) = 0.787 Ln) + 1.831 where T= teal amber of vec wp ands X= oss Hoorn 1 000 (1 "= 0.0929), 7” 11.2.5 Recommended tip charactorbtles Person and vehicle pe generale by offces generally conc with the morning peak hour, tho midday peak hour and the aterneon peak hour ofthe adjacent stoot a. Since no slgniteant diference in wip generation rates vas found between the moming and the _aeroon peak hous, a single peak hour vil tip generation rao is recommended. ‘The recommended poak hour vel tip generation rates 23 tips per 100 n? GLA and 06 tips per employee, wth a circtonal spit of 8:15. n xvmunens“rusnap] —_s¥ooaivo Avoraan] We) 2201 3ove ouso] snow TaSHS VIVO: Pett TeVL Nvaunns‘taanas| __svooaiv0 wan] a est sors aowso] snow TaSHS Viva: Pet) avai TABLE 11.2.2: SUMMARY SHEET LANOUSE OFFICE ‘ay __ [WEEKDAY ‘caTeGonY [GENERAL SUBUREAN \aNDusE cove [710 IR VENTE TA TNE .VERINGE PERSO IP RTE ate! UN PER HOUR OF PERRHOUROF GENERATOR, ay (GENERATOR ay ai a Hit ae TOO aT 1 @ 11 31 sy ay [SRECTONRT SAT so:1 13 les/oun PERIOD TDW | TOASTS THORS | TESTES IveRTOE RECOMMENDED PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TAIP RATES Te Toisas | GORE | oweanGs | ORECTONAL SPUT vee uA freous | (PEAK/ NON) occurance [No of Sioies 7 7 ra 7 ange Taras | asvase Ti9-95T Isto: evi ow or @ fiverage 20 ue aa lnecommenneo | 23 06 no data 12, MEDICAL OFFICES 2.1 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) Land Use Code: 720 12.4.1 Description ‘Medic! offlees are offce bulking wth medical practioner as tenants. A dstintion sma between promises stusted inthe Cental Busnes Dist (080) ofa ey and ina suburban aoa, Only person tip generain tales ere avaiable forthe fst mentioned, duo to the lacy to eolte veh tps toa specie bulking in te CBO. Tenants include doctors, petals, dentists, radiologist, physiotherapists and any other ‘edie! lated occupation, Pretionee provide medial are for patients onan appoinimont base, wihout the facty of hospalization, No pharmaciae are Included. Offees may be lnoatd bulinge or may form pat ofa buldng. 124.2 Avaliable date Three survey were conte In 1988 and ware incuded in tho previous document (2). The resus of the surveys are shown in TABLE 12.1.1 and ate sunmatized In TABLE 12.1.2. 12.1.8 Comparison Goneration No adetonal data was obtained. 12.4.4 Comparison with USA ratos [No petson trp generation rates are avalable inthe USA document (8). The vehicle tip ‘Generation rates inthe USA document areas follows: AM peak hour of generator: 3.85 vehcos/100 mi PM ponk hour ef generator: 4.80 vhicae60 m* 12.18 Recommonds 02 Paton are responsible for mote tips compared to employees and therfore tips are ‘itibuted evenly daring the dayn accordance with the scheduling of appoctments. The morning peak hour ls somewhere between 08:45 and 11:0, whl tho atornoen peak hout le somenhare between 19:90 ane 1:15 which dees not coincide wih the peak hour ofthe adjacent steet ale. No vehicle tip generation data i valablo, The recommended peak hour parson tip rates ae 142 tps per 100 m? GLA and 9. tips per employee, wth a 50:0 decional spt *® wana we zz] 3000 3801 agp ‘o1aaws) —_4u0931¥9 goutso] sna [133Hs Viva? sav TABLE 12.1.2: SUMMARY SHEET vanouse OFFICE bay _| WEEKDAY, ‘carecorY —[MEDICAL, CBD LAND USE CODE |720 TERRE EFTOTE TES PETES SUF RGF PERSON TRIP BATES RATE! ‘UN PEAR HOUR OF (GENERATOR, muy GENERATOR omer TAK i on a [Sta TOO samy TH Tos Ta [eRPLovEEs | TJ TE |REDICA To } 3a) Joractmonen Jroons: [SEATS [BEDS STONAC ‘aa57 (ny OUT, fie PERIOD ROTOR] 180-1500 PrERICE 0 ww o RECOMMENDED PEAK HOUR PERSON TRIP RATES TEM Toosam | APLOVEES | _OwELINOTUNTS —JORECTIONN. VenOLE cr rooms sour ‘occuraner sears, Pen WOH [No.of Stacie o o =e. Jrange Siero | READE SNS Deviation eT on 380) Javerage 107 2 ier RECOMMENDED | 142 33 (eS | soso no data yaaa 1228 v2.3 1224 1225 (22 SUBURBAN MEDICAL OFFICES and Use Code: 720 Description Medical oftoes are office bulsings wth medical practioner as tenans. A dtnction is made ‘between premises stuated in the Corral Business Diet (CBD) of «ety and na suburban area. Only person tip geneatin flee ar avaiable for the fst mentioned, due to the icy to isolate vehicle tps tea specie bulding inthe CBO. Tenants include doctors, puhologts, dentists, acolo, piystlnapins snd any oe mediel elated orcupaton Practioners provide medical careforpalons on anappoiniment aso, without the possibilty of hesptalzaton, No pharmacies are included. Offices may be Isolated buildings or may fem pet of another ofee buing ‘Avaliable data Four survys were conducted in 1988 andthe resus were included inthe previous document (2). Data on vehicle and parson ip generation forthe morning snd aemnoon peak hour aiy tip gonoraton and vehicie occupancy are aisha, The reeute of the surveys are ‘shown in TABLE 122.1 and are summarized in TABLE 122.2, ‘Comparison with South Atlan Tip Generation Rates, 1980 ‘No ational dats was obtain, ‘Comparison with USA rtee ‘Since no distinction is made ntheUSA document (9) hetween medical ofices inthe CBD anc In subutban ates, the same ralet as for CAD aren apy. [No person rip generation rates are avalale a the USA document. The recommandad ‘vehi tip generation rales aceatng to the USA document ate a8 follows: ‘AW poak hour of gonerator = 385 venees/100 m* PM peak hour of generator = 4:80 vehicos/100 m* Patients are responsible for more tips compared to employees and tote tps are atibuted evenly dng the dayn acco morning peak hour for vehicles = somewhere between 11:00 and 12:90, which does not coinido wih the peak hour ofthe adjacent strat wate, The afterncon vohicle peak hour, however, occurs between 15:45 and 16:45, which does coincide with the peak hour of tho adjacent strat ae ‘he person trp generation rate per 100 mt fr medical ofios (without pharmacies) in suburban area i vice a8 high a6 inte CBD. This may be explained bythe ciforonce in cofce size surveyed - the average GLA por medleal practitioner in the CBD was 108 compared 10 60 mt for offlees ir suburban areas, The tip goneration rato por medial practitioner forthe wo diferent areas is about the seme. ‘The recommend poak hour vehicle tp generation rates aro 19,9 ips/100 m" GLA, 25 tps per employee and 7.5 trips por reel practioner with a crectonal spit of 55:45 fr morning peak hour and 248 tripi/100 m* GLA, 4,0 rps per employee and 12.5 ips per ‘medical practioner with a drecana spit of 85:45 fr th afernoon peak hou T 7 sa | aromas | ton | es oz{_s00926n 00" nvgunans‘otaan| _s¥obaivo worse] Ne] soraao] __senown ‘TSSHS Viva! Peer sev TABLE 12.2.2 : SUMMARY SHEET anus Jorrice ‘oar [weExony ‘aTEGORY MEDICAL, SUBURBAN ‘ano USE CODE [720 SVERIGE VERTOE THF RATES TRVERASE PERSON TP TATES Pate ot | Srenerooror PERK OURO T 7 aaa Er — ; rE] [aes lov oun, a TTA | ATS AOE r a loccueancr RECOMMENDED AM PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES TEN] Ta aa Bones | abe] RECTION SPOT] ve oun rmcmoven | _(PEAKION ozone a Sia 7 7 7 7 7 ae Tae | vias | sarse | Sane Taste To Bean Ts] om a Fn a frcane 8 a ws a 5 Jrccommenoeo [19 | 25 78 se 15 RECOMMENDED PM PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES Te TOs] BATE | oem] RECTONAL SAT] vee un vernonen | (PEAK/NON) occunser ae 7 7 7 7 7 Fava Ree | aan | aes aaa sa Tene kr oes ae | aa aa oF a bare we = a Sea is lrccommenoeo | are | 40 125 555 22 34 rasa 1233 r284 12 SUBURBAN MEDICAL CENTAE Land Use Code: 720, Deserition Atypical medical contre houses cocors, pathologists. dont. radlologiss, physiotherapists and any other mesial related practioner. Practitioners provide medical care for paints ‘enan appoiniment bass ith mie provision for prolonged merkcalcate and hospitalization (One contre surveyed has a day ce wih 12 bods, and ancther centre smal private hospital with 25 beds. Both conras surveyed had pharmacies. va a dats ‘Two surveys were conducted durng May 1095 Petra forthe pupose ofthis report. The ‘esis of tha surveys are shou in TABLE 12.9.1 and are summarized in TABLE 12.92. ‘Comparison wih South Aian Tip Generation Rates, 1909 ‘No dota was avaiable inthe predous document ‘Comparison with “Tip generation rates for this ond us are not included inthe USA document 3. Recommended tip characterises ‘Tho ips to and om messes cevtes ar datbuted evenly ding the day according to he ‘scheduling of appointments. The morning and etemoon peak hous for vehicle ps do not coincide wih the peak hours ol the agjacont stot tralle, Furthermore, no signieant dliteence was observed betweanthe ip rate forthe morning and aternoon peak hour he data wes hence aggregated and a single ip rate calculated, ‘The recommended peak hour vetce tip rates fr both the am and pm peak hous ae 7,0 tripe pe 100 m? GLA and 1 tgs pot employee witha drectionl spit of $55, 2 ta tee] _s0c9ssnow Nvawnans| suiapavoiaan| —_A¥ooaivo avout id souiso] _asnown ISSHS Viva: Peel aTavL ‘TABLE 12.3.2 : SUMMARY SHEET ‘unouse — JOrRICE ay [WEEKDAY ccarecom [MEDICA CENTRE MHinheake CAND ISE COE fra0 "RAGE ERCP TES THERASE PERSON TAP RATES pares ‘SenehaTOn omy | _“ceNennton omy oo ma ai | TT a1} aE] a 3 % fae PERO ao | TENT Toone | Tees CLE 2 eo = RECOMMENDED PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIP RATES Ta TOO sai ENPLOVERS] OWELONGS] OREGTONAL SPT —] —VERICTE aun oows | _PEAK/ NON) ‘ocoveancr SEATS EDs Fro orSuaer 7 7 7 7 Fras wate | ip te a Tae [570 devnan| i aa 7 oa fiver 7 7 sa 2 lnecommennen| 70. a enue 23 13, IN CBD RAL MERC Lana Use Code : 810 18.41 Descrintion This land use, rtall - ganeral merehand rafts to 8 oostanding store s ing general rmoichandlze. Merchandise coveted by the surveys included groceries, clothing, household ‘tems, tutus, jewellery and convenient Roms. “Tho sizes of individual stores Incded inthis category vied trom approximately 700 to +4 000m 132 Avaliable data Eloven suveys were conducted n 1988 in Petes and Cape Town and the resus wore Ine in the previous document (2). Only data on person tip generations avalable. The results ofthe suveys are shown TABLE 19.1 and aro summarized in TABLE 192. 493° co tn South Atlan Tep Goneration Rats, 1 No ational dala was obtained. 14 a ise This land use, rela - general mechandls, is represented by a single survey inthe USA document (9). Various other related land usse are, however, aso included in the USA document and ean be consuted to obtain the trip generation rate fora specie typo of rmotchandse 195 Recommended tip characterises ‘The person trp goneraion rats fr this land use vary greally. Economies of sale for larger “developments arent evident and no relationship could beidentifled between tip generation rate and gross lesable ara, The recommended person tip generation ate is consequently ‘based on the average wales ofl surveys, The average was used inthis caso and not he 75% poreentie value, sven the gtet variation ofthe data, “The pesk nour of person tp tales fr this land use fs one hour tween 12:18 and 1415 which coincides vith the peak hour ofthe ajacent stot ai ‘The recommended peak hour person ip generation rates ae 60,0 Wps/100 m# GLA and 18.1 tips por employes with a 50:50 erections dstibuton 8s = sncos | tts | tea) ors] 3009360 oN SSIONYHOWAWTWwaNID| ——_AYOESLYD Avaxaan] WO 240 130va aao“uvas| —_3snow 133HS Viva: Ver a1evL swe TSE | SRGIORETRT | swe | waenal_wvasie| saw TS STRT | — enon ae SE RISE Taina FOFSR 9a LFS jou anes 3 eroos | ted | teat org] _300935ncN ASIaNVHEOWAW THINGY] —_-AYODBLYO waEM] Wo 2402304 aso“uvny] aero TSSHS Viva? Feb S1evL TABLE 13.2 : SUMMARY SHEET TanDUSE J RETAIL, CHD ‘oar [WEEKDAY caTEGOR (ERAL ImencHaNDist. ‘ano use cove aio RCE VEFICTE TAF TATES RIERA PERSON TAP HATES ares WNT PER OURO FER HOUR OF ‘GENERATOR omy |_“cenensror ont ai a ai ae [Sato ao maT [Encore — aT ET ROOT ci [Roos sears facos lewoun ve PEROD ro jvencrE RECOMMENDED PEAK HOUR PERSON TRIP RATES Ter Tage | BROS | — or DRECTONAL | ance ou ‘ons ‘spur | occuPmiey sents (PAK HON) [ho oS 7 7 5 7 nae Foo 1eor | RG aT RST S75 Gevaion | nr 1 roms ao ma si [Recommenoeo| soo | 9a soso | noda M4, CENTRI Lue Use Code : 820 ‘A shopping centre isan intograted group of commercial establishments which s planned, developed, owned and managed a¢ @ un (14). Those fees ae general located in ‘suburban areas wih parking tite provided on ste, The mos eral periods at shopping ‘centres with regard o vehicle and person tip generation aro during the weekday afternoon {win a higher peak on Friday atemaon) and! Saturday morring, especialy athe end of the month ‘Shopping centes ae categorized secording to gross leasabl area nt local. neghbourhood, communty and regional centres, The diferent categories according o guidelines from the TPA (15) ae shown in TABLE 141, ‘TABLE 14.1 : HIERARCHY OF SHOPPING CENTRES DESCRIPTION GLA (n'y Local centre ‘400 - 2.000 Neighbourhood contre 2.000 - 15 000 ‘Community contre 15.000 - 30 000 142 Regional centre ‘Avaliable data ‘telat large numberof surveys had been conducted at shopping centres, namely 21 ‘during Friday afternoon and 25 cing Saturday morning peakhours (16,17) The 21 surveys during Fay aternoon peak hour were done at cal centres (Wo), neighbourhood centres {si communty eentes (eo) and regional centres (en), while the 25 surveys during Salurdey morning peak hour were done at local cerres (we). neighbourhood centres (rine), ‘commun cents (ou), and regional cones (en), ‘Data on pass by tp and mila purpre tips ate lsoavaable. The results fhe surveys ‘are shown in TABLE 143.1 (Frey) and TABLE 14.3.2 (Seturday)

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