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UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND VETERINAR MEDICINE OF THE BANAT TIMISOARA RAS RESEARCH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Vol. 45 (1) 1 — 252 (2013) Agroprint Editorial Timisoara, Romania R os Saas RJAS(/) Log In Register & Paper Submission(Ihome) Volumes(/volumes)__ CONFERENCES ~ INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS(/index/instructions-to-authors) _ CALL FOR PAPERS(/index/call-for-papers) DEADLINES & FEES((indexideadiine-and-fees) _Contact(/contact) Vol 45, No 1 (2013) COVER(/paper_detail/1543) pag. 1 USAMB USAMB Research Journal of Agriculural Science more abstract Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file. b2a4e7affa218e97.313631312e706466.pdt) CHANGING QUALITY INDICATORS OF WHEAT CROPS FOLLOWING FERTILIZERS APPLICATION(/paper_detail/1544) pag. 3-12 Florin GRISTA, lsidora RADULOV, Laura CRISTA, Alina LATO, Florin SALA, Adina BERBECEA, Lucian NITA, Karel LATO ‘Amino acid composition is an important feature in determining the nutritional value of wheatgrain for human and anim... more abstract fertilization, micro granulated fertilizers wheat, raw protein, amino acids Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.96f3a17018(2d39.3135333226706466.paf) DETERMINATION OF ORGANIC CARBON IN FOREST SOILS BY COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF METHODS: WALKLEY BLACK METHOD WITH THE GOGOASA MODIFICATION VERSUS DRY COMBUSTION DUMARS METHOD(/paper_detail/1545) pag. 13-20 Elena Mihaela EDU, M. MIHALACHE, Monica IONESCU The present work aims at comparative analysis the analytical methods used for determiningorganic carbon and total more abstract organic carbon, total nitrogen, forest soil, C/N ratio Presentation: oral Download\/download/paper_version.paper_file.ba84100ca8e0200F.313533332e706466.pd) THE EFFECT OF FOLIAR APPLICATION OF IRON AND BORON ON EARLY GROWTH PARAMETERS OF WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.)(/paper_detail/1546) pag. 21-26 Hamzeh Mohmmed AWASHDEH, Florin SALA A field experiment was conducted in the fields of Timisoara Didactic Station, Banat Universityto study the effect of fokinare more abstract, Foliar application; Micronutrients; wheat (Tiriticum aestivum L.); Foliar spray; Iron; Boron; Growth stages; Growth parameters Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.936456539a9e5509.3135333426e708466.pd) IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SOILS IN LUGOJ AREA, TIMI$ COUNTY (/paper_detail/1547) ag. 27-33, Casiana MIHUT, L. NITA, nisoara DUMA-COPCEA, K. LATO, A. OKROS Raa. The town of Lugoj is situated in the south-west of Romania, where parallel 45°41" north meetsmeridian 21°53' east, 1. more abstract fertility, soil, humus, morphological, material deposited Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.afab5776c48de3cd.3135333526706466.pdf) CONSIDERATIONS ON PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF TYPICAL CHERNOZEM FROM TOPRAISAR AREA, CONSTANTA COUNTY AND PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE ITS USE(/paper_detail/1548) ag, 34-39 Irina MOISE, Magdalena LUNGU Bee This paper studies typical chernozem, specifically for the Topraisar and Amzacea area,Constanta County. This soil ty. more abstract Typical chemozem, physic-chemical, soil, characterization, land use Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file,91db06d1 9bb3Scde.3135333626706466,paf) CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SHALLOW GROUNDWATERS FROM SAG, TIMIS COUNTY (/paper_detail/1549) lulia Mihaela NANU, Isidora RADULOV ag. 40-44 Water is an important factor in ecological balances and its pollution is a current problem withconsequences more or I... more abstract nitrate, heavy metals, pollution, water Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.9d199f4eb6e17764.3135333726706466.pcf) QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF SOIL RESOURCES IN THE ARANCA PLAIN(/paper_detail/1550) pag. 45-48 L.NITA, K. LATO, Simona NITA, Alina LATO, Casiana MIHUT, Anigoara DUMA COPCEA Evaluation of soil resources requires detailed study of all the factors that contributed to theirformation and realization more abstract soil resources, evaluation, quantity, quality, Aranca Plain Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file. 98deda7c0890bc3d.3135333826706466.pdf) Share ‘THE INFLUENCE OF MINERAL FERTILIZATION ON YIELD IN MAIZE CROPS(/paper_detail/1551) pag. 49-56 Daniela PISLEA, F. SALA (Our research focused on the influence of mineral fertilization on the yield and some qualityindices in maize crops. Ta more abstract mineral fertilizers, fertilization, maize crop, yield, quality indices Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.805df5b317b2b38a,3135333926706466.pdf) RESEARCH CONCERNING THE AGROCHEMICAL OPTIMIZATION OF THE FERTILIZATION SYSTEM FOR WHEAT CROPS ON AN ARGIC PHAEOZEM SOIL IN THE TRANSYLVANIAN PLAIN(/paper_detail/1553) pag. 57-63 ‘Andra Ramona PORUTIV, Mihai RUSU, Marilena MARGHITAS, Constantin TOADER, Lavinia MOLDOVAN, Valeria DEAC, Felicia CHETAN ‘The current research is based on the production results obtained on wheat crops in long termexperiments conducted more abstract productions, wheat crops, nitrogen-potassium interaction, experimantal years, fertilization systems Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.bed282aba57dF41c.3135343026706466.pdf) FERTILITY LEVEL OF SOILS IN HUNGARY ~ ROMANIAN BORDER AREA\(/paper_detail/1552) pag. 64-69 'sidora RADULOY, L. NITA, Adina BERBECEA, D. TARAU, Cs. VODGVOLDGY, |. LATO, D. DICU, Clara TUDOR The most important property of soil is to be living environment for plants and to make itpossible for crops to yield. He more abstract fertility, soil, humus, fertilizers, crops Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version. paper_file.9328477daabb2ad2.3135363926706466,pdt) ASPECTS AND VIEWS OF THE EARTH IN THE TRADITIONAL ROMANIAN CULTURE(/paper_detail/1554) Gheorghe SECHESAN pee We must state, from the very beginning, that few elements have such a popularity intraditional Romanian culture, as t. more abstract Presentation: oral Download(/download/ MYTHOLOGY OF THE EARTH(/paper_detail/1555) pag. 75-77 Gheorghe SECHESAN ‘The paper in question has a basis in the idea that one of the first primordial elementof creation (if not the first element. more abstract Presentation: oral ‘Share Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.b38fe76409ac8592.31353432260706466.pdf) PHOSPHORUS DYNAMICS ON ACIDIC GRASSLAND SOIL (/paper_detail/1556) pag. 78-83 CCiprian STROIA, Adina BERBECEA, Narcis BAGHINA, loan GAICA, Marius STROIA, Isidora RADULOV Phosphorus is one of the major nutrients that influences plant growth but the amount ofbioavailable phosphorus in 50... more abstract acid soil, phosphorus, grassland, fertilization Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.b01ad09f38304 10f.3135343320706466.pdf) ‘THE RELATIONSHIP ESTABLISED BETWEEN THE GLYCEROL FORMING IN THE WINES AND FERMENTATION CONDITIONS (/paper_detail/1557) pag. 87-92 Georgeta BELENIUC, C. BADUCA-CAMPEANU, J. E, PARDO The secondary products of alcoholic fermentation, are compounds that appear in variablequantities in addition to alco. more abstract glycerol, selected yeast, organoleptic proprieties Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.a2c235 1fe6e21b48.3135343426e706466. pdf) RESEARCHS REGARDING TAXONOMIC IDENTIFICATION OF SPONTANEOUS MICROFLORA FROM VITI- VINICOL CERNAVODA CENTRE FROM MURFATLAR VINEYARD(/paper_detail/1558) Pag. 93-99 Georgeta BELENIUC Wine microbiology researchers studies local microflora order to selection of yeast strains providing through control. more abstract yeasts species, alcoholic fermentation, yeasts isolation Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.9ac52793d411e1ab8.313534352e706466.pdf) THE EFFECT OF DIETARY PROTEIN AND ENERGY LEVEL TO PROTEIN LOSS IN HAM MUSCLE OF SOWS(/paper_detail/1559) Pag. 100-106 Milos BEUKOVIC, Zoran MALETIC, Dejan BEUKOVIC, Igor JAJIC, Miroslava POLOVINSKI— HORVANOVIC In a trial with lactating sows, examined the effects of using a meal with different levels ofprotein and energy. In an exp. more abstract sow, protein, energy, lactation, ham muscle Presentation: oral Download\/download/paper_version.paper_file.981341ba2183c85d.3135343622706466.paf) PATHOGENE AND SAPROFITIC FUNGUS PRESENT IN THE WHEAT KERNELS SPERMOSPHERE, AS POTENTIAL PRODUCER OF MYCOTOXIGOSIS ON MAN AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS(/paper_detail/1560) Share ‘A. BORCEAN, Gh, DAVID pag. 107-111 ‘Storing wheat seed is one of the most important technological phases, both for agriculture andanimal husbandry and more abstract Wheat seeds, storage grains, pathogen spores Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.99¢7{8c70d18097b.313534372e706466.pdf) PATHOGENE AND SAPROFITIC FUNGUS PRESENT IN THE MAIZE KERNELS SPERMOSPHERE, AS POTENTIAL PRODUCER OF MYCOTOXICOSIS ON MAN AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS(/paper_detail/1561) ag. 112-116 ‘A. BORCEAN, Simona NITA, L. MOLNAR ie Storing maize as cobs or directly as seed is one of the most important technological phases,both for agriculture and ... more abstract com seeds, pathogens spores, Allernaria sp., Fusariumroseum, Ustilagozeae. Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.bb3bcb841¢7d8160.313534382e706466.pdf) RESISTANCE REACTION OF SOME WINTER WHEAT GENOTIPES TO THE ATTACK OFF FUSARIUM GRAMINEARUM L. SCHW. IN THE CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF BANAT PLAIN(/paper_detail/1562) pag. 117-122 Otlia COTUNA, Veronica SARATEANU, Carmen DURAU, Mirela PARASCHIVU, Gabriela RUSALIN Fusarium graminearum Schw. is responsible for the occurrence of the fusarium disease that isunique due to its capa... more abstract genotypes, wheat, resistance, Fusarium, virulence, intensity. Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.81b27351463(8c8.3135343926706466.pdf) RESEARCHES ON THE COMPORTMENT OF SOME FOREIGN WINTER WHEAT TO THE ATTACK OF THE PATHOGEN DRECHSLERA TRITICI REPENTIS (DIED.) SHOEMAKER(/paper_detaill1563) pag. 123-129 lila COTUNA, Veronica SARATEANU, Mirela PARASCHIVU, Carmen DURAU, Lavinia MICU ‘Wheat tan spot produced by Drechslera tritici repentis (Died.) Shoemaker fungus is a foliardisease spread in many ar... ‘more abstract wheat tan spot, Drechslera tritici repentis (Died) Shoemaker, AUDPC, winter wheat, severity. Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.9cObfb1229b504d.3135353026706466.paf) RESEARCHES CONCERNING THE BIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF FUNGUS FUSARIUM GRAMINEARUM (SCHW)(/paper_detail/1564) pag. 130-138, Carmen Mihaela CRISTEA, Maria OPREA, M. BERCA ‘The fungus Fusarium graminearum is one micromycetes than can produce significant croplosses, and wheat, speciall ‘Share more abstract ‘seed, fungus, biological parameters Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.9e4a31ea6 1ea11fc6.3135353126706466.pdf) RESEARCHES CONCERNING THE CARYOPSES MICOFLORA OF WHEAT TO THE VARIETIES GROWN IN MODELU LOCATION, CALARASI COUNTY(/paper_detail/1565) pag, 139-143 Carmen Mihaela CRISTEA, M. BERCA The researches has been conducted on seeds of common wheat, durum fall wheat (Auradur) anddurum spring whea. more abstract winter wheat, durum wheat, variety, fungus Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.b536cb30e0f9aca8.313535322e706466.pdt) CHANGES IN HALOPHILICCORMOPHYTES FLORA IN SOCODOR (ARAD ~ COUNTY), 1952- 2013(/paper_detall/1566) pag. 144-152 lula Natalia DARABAN, A. ARDELEAN, M. C. PETRESCU, G. G. ARSENE Based on published references between 1952 and 2010, which mention in an express way alkalimeadows from Soco. more abstract Socodor, flora dynamics, halophilic, cormophytes, nature conservation. Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.8ec515d7274b729d.313535332e706466.pdf) RESEARCH ON THE STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF ENTOMOFAUNA IN APPLE ORCHARDS IN THE TIMIS COUNTY (/paper_detail/1567) pag. 153-158 Liviu Marius DICU, Doru PETANEG, Lavinia Miidalina MICU |n our country, based on data provided by Rogojanu Victor and Perju Theodosius (1979), andalso by Comelia Tanas.. more abstract harmful entomofauna, apple, dynamic Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.ad25d3538cbe0a84.313535342e706466.pdf) RESEARCH REGARDING EXTERNAL ANATOMY OF SPECIES AULACORTHUM SOLANI AND MACROSIPHUM EUPHORBIAE(/paper_detail/1568) pag. 159-164 Liana Mihaela FERICEAN This paper presents data referring the morphological characteristics and biometricalmeasurements of Aulacorthum s. more abstract Aulacorthum solani, Macrosiphum euphorbiae biometrical measurements Presentation: oral (Share Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.8f862321d9b42814.3135353526706466.pdf) ‘THE BEHAVIOR OF OSTRICHES IN CAPTIVITY (/paj + detail/1569) pag, 165-171 Liana Mihaela FERICEAN, Olga Alina RADA, In this paper we present a few behavioral features regarding the digestive, social, pairingbehaviour of ostrich in capti more abstract digestive behavior, social behavior, pairing behaviour, ostriches Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file. 8aad045bda 18dc27.3135353626706466,pdf) RESEARCH CONCERNING THE FLORA OF THE EIBENTHAL AREA IN THE IRON GATES NATURE PARK (/paper_detail/1570) pag. 172-180 linea M. IMBREA, Aima L. NICOLIN, Gabriola POPESCU Particular attention has been given lately to the study of nature reserves aiming at knowing andmaintaining the prese.. more abstract flora, Eibenthal area, Iron Gates Nature Park Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.a6Seoi8a79ef5519.313535372e706466.pdf) OCCURENCE OF FUSARIUM HEAD BLIGHT ON SOME WHEAT VARIETIES IN DIFFERENT PLANT POPULATION AND NITROGEN FERTILISATION DURING 2011 IN SERBIA(/paper_detail/1571) pag, 181-187 S. MASIREVIC, Danijela RADUJKOV, R, JEVTIC, N. STAJKOVIC Wheat is one of the most important crops in Serbia. The average area under wheat in theRepublic of Serbia in the pe. more abstract Fusarium head blight, varieties, fertilization, sowing density. Presentation: oral Download{/download/paper_version.paper_file.adb557ce379e8e0a.3135353826706466.pdf) STUDIES ON THE BEHAVIOR OF WHEAT VARIETIES TO PESTS ATTACK OULEMA MELANOPA, LUpaper_detail/1572) pag. 188-192 Lavinia Madalina MICU, Doru PETANEC, Ota COTUNA, Marius DICU, Pal FAZAKAS. In Romania, a particularly important role in the new organization of agriculture is farmers'associations, which aim to e... ‘more abstract Wheat, Qulema melanopa L.. frequency, intensity, degree of attack Presentation: oral Download(/downloadipaper_version.paper_file.ae0777¢01b2679c4.3135353926706466.paf) THE USE OF THE AREA UNDER THE DISEASE PROGRESS CURVE (AUDPC) TO ASSESS THE EPIDEMICS OF SEPTORIA TRITICI IN WINTER WHEAT(/paper_detail/1573) Pag. 193-204 Mirela PARASCHIVU, Otlia COTUNA, M. PARASCHIVU Septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by the ascomycete fungus Mycosphaerella graminicola(anamorph S. tritici) is curr. more abstract AUDPC, disease, SPC, S.tritici blotch, wheat Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.a9a0470fe4e53270.313536302¢706466. pdf) ‘THE INFLUENCE OF BIOCOMPATIBLE MAGNETIC FLUIDS ON THE CONTENT OF MINERAL ELEMENTS IN LETTUCE(Ipaper_detail/1574) pag. 202-207 ‘Amedeu PIRVULESCU, Florin SALA (Our research assessed the accumulation of minerals (K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn and Mn) in lettuceunder the influence of trea... ‘more abstract ‘magnetic fluids, magnetite, lettuce, mineral elements, correlations, cophenetic index Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.996268e55 1a467bb.313536312e706466.pdf) SAPROXYLIC NATURA 2000 BEETLES IN THE NERA GORGES- BEUSNITA NATIONAL PARK (/paper_detail/1575) pag. 208-214 F. PRUNAR, Alma NICOLIN, Silvia PRUNAR, C. URUCI, C. FORA The current paper is dedicated only to saproxylic Coleoptera from Nera Gorges-BeusnitaNational Park. During 2012, more abstract Natura 2000, saproxylic beetles, threats, conservation, inventory Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.91bbea07eab40044.313536322e706466. pdf) INFLUENCE OF APPLIED HEAT TRETAMENTS ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF FLAXSEED INTENDED FOR BROILERS NUTRITON(/paper_detail/1576) pag. 215-219 Nikola PUVACA. Sini8a BJEDOY, Dragana LIUBOJEVIC, Viadislav STANACEY, Dragan MILIC, Vidica STANACEY, NalaSa VUKELIC Extrusion and micronisation are one of the most frequent heat treatments used for enrichingnutritive quality of feed in more abstract flaxseed, extrusion, microwave roasting, nutrition, broilers Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.baee?fe6b162742.3135363326706466, pdf) ENDOCRIN STATUS IN HEALTHY SUKLING PIGLETS AND DIARRHOEA PIGLETS IN THE FIRST DAYS OF LIFE(/paper_detail/1577) ag. 220-225 Olga Alina RADA, H. CERNESCU, H. SARANDAN, Florina RADU, Mihaela FERICEAN The experiment was carried out with 27 piglets from birth to the age of three days, of which 11healthy piglets and 16 ‘Share more abstract The experiment was carried out with 27 piglets from birth to the age of three days, of which 11 healthy piglets and 16 piglets with diarrhoea. All piglets were weighed. In piglets with diarrhoea, the blood was collected in the day when the diarrhoea start Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.8940268161561119.313536342e706466.pdi) HISTOPATHOLOGIC CHANGES OF THE SMALL INTESTINE MUGOSAE IN PIGLETS WITH ANOXIA AND PARTURITION HYPOXIA(/paper_detail/1578) pag. 226-231 ‘Olga Alina RADA, Liana VASILE, H. SARANDAN, H. CERNESCU, Diana BREZOVAN, Mihaela OSTAN The experiment took place a commercial closed circuit pig farm. From 10 still born piglets squashed by sows and sac. more abstract piglets, anoxia, parturition hypoxia, vill, criptae Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.83b816dec2f6d0df.313536352e706466.paf) RESEARCH ON SEMIINTENSIVE FATTENING SYSTEM OF HYBRIDS OBTAINED BY INDUSTRIAL CROSS. BREED OF PALAS MERINO WITH SPECIALIZED MEAT SHEEP BREEDS(/paper_detaill’1579) pag. 232-240 PG. VICOVAN, Daniela JITARIU, Maria STANCIU Researches aimed the increasing and improving of the quantitative and qualitative sheep meat,the meat skills produc... more abstract meat, production, cross breed, sheep, fattening Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.a1f68a9efGe2a4fa.3135363626706466.pdf) STUDY REGARDING THE EFFICIENCY OF SOME CONTROLLING METHODS ON COLORADO POTATO BEETLE AT THE POTATO(/papor_dotail/1580) pag. 241-246 Roxana ZEPA (BEJAN), D. PETANEC, Lavinia MICU, Cristina CORADINI, Cristina CORADINI Knowing for the first time Colorado beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae), as being a .. more abstract Leptinotarsa decemiineata, biological controlling, chemical controlling Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.9609406791d5a251.313536372e706466.pdt) INVESTIGATIONS REGARDING THE COLORADO POTATO BEETLE (LEPTINOTARSA DECEMLINEATA) ON SOME SPECIES OF POTATO TO DIDACTICAL BASE OF TIMISOARA USAB AND HATEG LOCALITY, HUNEDOARA DISTRICT (/paper_detail/1581) pag. 247-252 Roxana ZEPA (BEJAN), D. PETANEC, Lavinia MICU, Cristina CORADINI ‘Among the years 1923-1926 at the laboratories of biological investigations, of HarvardUniversity it were took place ex... Share more abstract Colorado Potato Beetle, potato species, attack, sensibility Presentation: oral Download(/download/paper_version.paper_file.a0c626fd8df08dce.313536382e706466.pdr) Back(/volumes) Banat's University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine "King Michael | of Romania from Timisoara Faculty of Agriculture 300645, Timisoara, Calea Aradului 119, Romania E-mail: Phone: +40-256-277215, Fax.: +40-256-200296 (‘Share Research Joumal of Agricultural Soinee, 45 (1), 2013 ‘THE EFFECT OF DIETARY PROTEIN AND ENERGY LEVEL TO PROTEIN LOSS IN HAM MUSCLE OF SOWS. ‘Milos BEUKOVIC, ' Zoran MALETIC? Dejan BEUKOVIC: Igor JAJIC; POLOVINSKI -HORVANOVIC', ‘University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad, Trg D. Obvadovica. 8 Serbia * Agency for breeding and selection o vestockin Republic of Srpska, Biseljina, HP Email: dejan Abstract: In a trial with lactating sows, examined the elects of using a meal with diferent levels of ‘protein and energ): In an experiment involving 240 sows and gilts last 30 days Defore Jarrowing all ‘animals involved inthe experiment were divided into two group of 120 sows nthe gro. and by 60 i subgroups. Sows inthe experiment were 03 days, and dr the last 30 days of pregnancy and lactation and the experiment ended vith with the weaning of piglets The sows wore fe dete daring lactation ‘Results were as follows. Sows that were fed into the adel food diet with 15% protein and 12 MME kg Of diet, hada protein content of 21.00% round mueces. Consuming foods sows 0 the model dict with 13% protein and 14 MI ME / ky det, there was an ineroase in the protin content of an muscle 10 21.7396 In sows that were fed ino the model food diet with 19% protein and 12 MJ ME. ke det, the ‘roten content inthe ham muscles was 22.24% Dietary feeding of sows with a model of 19%6protein and 14 MJ ME / kg diet, there i change in the protein content of han muscles, ad then It was 22.72%, -Key words: sow, protein, energy, lactation, ham muscle INTRODUCTION The relationship of protein and energy supplements are an important measure of control activation ofthe body's reserves, Increasing these parameiers sows need daily food consumption of 6-7 kg, which is higher than the actual consumption (Beukovié 1999), while we know that the milk ‘malnutrition, caused 50% mortality before weaning (Kertles and Anderson 1979). The biggest problem in lactating sows isto satisfy nutritional needs, and this can be achieved only through ‘quality nutrition, Feeding lactating sows is an area that is not enough, especially from the standpoint of ‘energy and protein source in the diet. Sow's protein noods, depend primarily on the amount of rmilk secreted (Beukovié 1999), and it is very important to provide the appropriate level of protein in the die, in order to have adequate milk production in quantity sod quality ‘Under nutritional needs is not enough to provide the proper amount of nutrients, it is necessary to ensure that sows can use those nutrients Sows during lactation usually has a negative balance of nuteiens, and puts part of its reserves to produce milk. In this period itis important to provide as much nutrient intake {during lactation, in order to minimize loss of body weight of sows. This is particularly useful for the development and productivity of the next liter reproductive cycle. Appetite sows in carly lactation was lower than in the subsequent lactation. Food consumption gradually increases until the third week. Reset emma of A gpicatiral Benes 450). 280 = Ss ‘Although many farms have adopted a nutrition program that gradually increases sows off feed during the fist 5-7 days of lactation. This diet will further reduce food intake by in the first week of lactation compared to the aggressive diet This limited diet, due to the widespread view that overeating sows in eatly lactation can cause inflammation of the udder, and lead to reduced milk production for pigs, sows to ‘constipation, and deereased appetite sows in the later stages of lactation. Kotetsu etal (1996a) concluded that 10-30% of sows show a strong entry of food for 2-3 days in the second week of lactation, ‘This food intake is mote to do with weaning-estrus interval, farrowing rate reduction, reduced ltr size in sows, Deen (2005) observed that sows a day during lactation consume less than 4 ky of foc increase the chances of expulsion from the herd by 50%, Limiting food intake in any week of lactation, either because of poor appetite, or imposed conservative nutrition program will increase the weight loss of sows, and can reduce the reproductive efficiency afler weaning ‘(Kotetsu et al. 1996b), The nutritional needs instead of protein lysine often referred to only as the primary limiting amino acid, so the code attaches the greatest importance (Kim et al. 2001), Very ‘important role in determining the protein requirement has eurtent condition of the sow, and predicted protein mobilization from body reserves. Kim et al. (2004) have shown that the above model diet has a positive effect on the growth of iter, but has no effect on weight, and loss at parts, Ji etal. 2004) found that sows in the second parity leads to reduced activation of the bodys reserves. Genetic selection for increased productivity of sows, inchading the number of piglets born alive, weaned weight, and number of weaned pigs, and results in increasing milk production (Bergsma et a. 2008), Shurson and Irvin (1992), and ergsma et al. (2008) found that increasing the productivity of sows leads to an inerease in milk production during lactation and in major losses of body mass sows. Selection of sows on the higher feed consumption during lactation is the only possible solution to improve the performance of sows, physical fitness and reducing days of weaning and estrus (Bergstna et sl, 2008), MATERIAL AND METHODS ‘The experiment was conducted with sows in pig farms "ZP Commerce” Vrsani Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the spring-autumn 2010, Necessary analysis in this paper wore performed at the Veterinary Institute "Dr Vaso Butozan" Banja Luka, Bosnia. and Herzegovina, and the Laboratory for feed and animal products, the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad, Serbia In an experiment involving 240 sows and gilts last 30 days before farrowing, all ‘animals involved in the experiment were divided into two groups by 120 sows. Sows were marked with and measured the body weight and backfit thickness. When forming groups of animals were not uniform in weight, age and thickness of the back fat ater the experiment switched sows of different ages and with approximate average weight. Sows in the experiment were 65 days, (during the last 30 days of pregnancy and lactation) ‘Sows and gilts in experiment were Naima” breed, All sows in the experiment were divided by farowoving times, (two to four), Sows in the mating room were feed twice, in quantities of 1 kg of feed per feeding, of 2 pounds of feed per day. Pregnant sows and gilts are kept in separate groups of 5 animals. About Sto 7 days before the fatrowing, sows were move in forowing room. 101 ‘Research Joumal of Agricultural Science, 45 (1), 2013 ‘Microclimate in pens for sows and gills were computer-contolled (ventilation and temperature). ‘After forming groups, sows were fed with standard diets (composition used for feeding ofall sows on the farm) (Table 1). The table below shows the composition of feeding 'm pregnancy and lactation. During the last 30 days of gestation, sows and gilts were fed @ standard diets with same composition, 13% CP and 12 MJ ME per kg. The difference between these two experimental groups consisted in the daily amount of consumed feed (first and second feeding model). The first model: Sows and wilts are daily consumed 2.20 kg of feed, so that the average daily consumption amounted to 286 g of protein and 26.4 MI ME per dey, The second model: Sows and gills are consumed daily 3.30 kg of food, so that the average daily consumption amounted to 426 g of crude protein and 39.6 MJ ME energy, which is about 50% more protein and ME, compared to the first model Table 1 Mixture composition for sows in the experiment | - a | Gewaton wows —5s¢CR7 TIS CPT | TORCH | CPT TMIME | WM Me | MU ME | 14M ME 8 3a Wheitbrin 730.00" Bey 0c Fall sybean meal | Sunflower bean “Verstable of ——tysine Limestone Pree er eee et 033-030) 033) [Pree 1.0 [190 [190 | i00 | re, 100.90 1090 F00.00 100,00 (CP= rade Pri: ME Metab eneey ‘Sows inthe first model of diet during the last 30 days of gestation, fed 2.20 kg of feed during lactation were divided into 4 groups: the first group with 15% protein and 12 MJ ME, second group with 15% protein and 14 MJ ME, thied group with 19% protein and 12 MJ ME, and the fourth group with 19% protein and 14 MJ ME. Sows inthe second model of diet during the Ist 30 days of gestation, consumed 50% more crude protein and MJ ME: in diet than sows in Girt model, Its mean that sows consumed a daily average of 426 g of crude protein and 39, 6 MIME. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS. Ham muscles are a significant source of protein who cover the deficit. The proicin content in the ham muscles is directly related to the amount of protein in dit. The protein content in the ham is shown in (Table 2) and Figure 1. When is protein diet 720g, (15%) level of protein in muscle of ham is 21.37%. With an increase in protein in the diet at levels of 950 (19%) g, there isan inerease in the protein content of the leg muscles 22.69%. (Table 2) 102 Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 45 (1), 2013 Table 2 Protein lvel in ham muscle Prtia vel 6) is oH Ne ME Level MN) 2 i @ i 220 ma 7.00 20s aa 30 202 2s Bias 7 Mein 200 Bias maze Be Pri fet 237 Be ME lee 2 Baa Because ofthe high protein and energy requirement during sows lactation, its lead to deficit of fed nutrients ( protein and energy). Needs in this stage are often greater than the amount of consumed nutrient Kovéin etal. (1992), King and Dunkin (1986), King and Wiliamas (1984). Protein and energy in tha situation mobilized from body reserves, which it agrees with that of other scholars Tokachi et al. (1992), Pettigrew et al. (1993), Brendemuhl et al. (1987), Brendemuhl et al. (1989), Everts etal. (1995), Kemp et a. (1996). The content of protein and energy levels in the ham muscles is influenced by the level of protein and energy in sows fed. At the level of protein and energy in the diet with 15% protein and 12 MJ ME / kg diet, the protein content in the ham muscles is the smallest, with the same level of protein but with increasing levels of energy to 14 MJ ME / kg of dit increases the level of protein in ham muscles, Table 3 The statistical significance of protein levels i ham muscle ‘Gesaion swe ood sonsunmation (Kg) ual = Prati eva 5). i i os ME Level ie) ae 7 im Ef o is PE a aaa 70 [ono | ase Ta [ asia | 37° | a0 is P2008 | one | ase | a ca 1a| 130. aps | “080 ] — 10s | oar 9 Pea | oar [1607 2 a0 | — ono | — er ia_[ 78 | zis} 0330] — os [Los [0390] nica at the Ve Tee, = isc atthe eel Increasing levels of protein and energy in the diet (19% protein and 12 MJ ME / ky), the protein content in the ham muscles is increased, also and with inereasing levels of energy to 14 ‘MJ ME / kg. Which indicated that wit increasing energy and protein in the food, it teduves the involvement of ham muscle protein, The protein and energy had a statistically significant {impact on the average protein content of leg muscles. 103 Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 45 (1), 2013, eo | Seiad ee |e ee a ee Consummation vs protein vs energy oat r ‘O21 O18 aro | Toial 74.08 31.00 ~ "Sign fhe ove, ¥> giants Sve 2350 2300 250 2190 2050 20,00 1950 Figure 1: protein levels in musces Tey mscle Everything mentioned above indicates that with increasing levels of protein, especially to increase the level of energy in sows fed leads to less involvement of body reserves, or that there isa small loss in weight Protein loss in musele mass, which are shown in our experiment are consistent with the stated losses of other researchers Ravell etal. (1998), Brendmuhl etal (1989), Mullan and Williams (1989), Tokachi et al. (1992s), Evers et al. (1995), Kemp et al (1996), King and Williams (1984), King and Williams (1984b), King std Dunkin (1986), King and Dunkin (19860), ‘Cloves etal. (1998., 2003), Ravel etal, (19988), King and Martin (1989), CONCLUSIONS ‘The results obtained in our experiment indicate that the amounts of protein and energy in the dict ofsows had a significant effect onthe protein content of the muscle. ‘With increasing levels of energy and protein in the diet of sows increases the protein content in ‘muscles and leads to less involvement of muscle protein for milk production. Increasing the 104 _Rescach Joumal of Agricultural Seicnos, 4 (1),2013 amount of feed in the las stage of gestation had no significant impact on the content of protein levels in musculature. BIBLIOGRAPHY |. BERGSMA, R, KANIS, E., VERSTEGEN M. AND KNOL, E, 2008, Genetie parameters and ‘redicted section results for matermal traits related to location efficiency in sows, ANIM SCI May 2008 vol. 86 no. § 1067-1080 2. 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