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Control Surveys
Surveys fixed by permanent monuments on the earth's surface.
1. Geodetic Control Surveys
2. Project Control Surveys


Section 2: Survey Reference System

Reference System Philippine Reference System of 1992 (PRS 92).
Instruments Survey grade GNSS receivers.
Calibration/Testing Must be done prior to use, as per Section 22, DAO No. 2007-29.

Section 3: Conditions for Conducting Geodetic Control Surveys

Project Area Selection Recommended by Regional Executive Director (RED).
Authorized Personnel Qualified professional as per RA 8560.
Survey Order Issued by NAMRIA Administrator.
Contract and Notice to Official start date marked by contractor receiving these
Proceed documents.

Section 4: Organization of Geodetic Control Survey Party

Project Main Office Supervision, coordination, administrative tasks.
Office Operations Data research, computations, cartographic activities.
Field Operations Reconnaissance, monument setting, observations.
Licensed geodetic engineers, including Chief of Party, Assistant Chief of Party,
Required Personnel
instrument observer.

Section 5: Geodetic Control Work Plan

Component Details
Project Management
Manpower, financial plan, equipment complement, project duration.
Base map using NAMRIA Topographic Map, estimated control points, leveling
Technical Plan

Section 5a: Project Management Plan

Manpower Includes geodetic engineers.
Financial Plan Activity costing, bill of materials, estimated miscellaneous expenses.
Equipment Registered as per Section 22 of DAO No. 2007-29.
Project Duration Represented in Activity Graph, Time and Motion Diagram, PERT-CPM.

Section 5b: Technical Plan

Using NAMRIA Topographic Map. This shall be used as the base map
Base Map
for the Geodetic Network Design.
Estimated number of control points to be established and their
Control Points
proposed locations shall be shown on the project site map.
Leveling Measurements Included if NAMRIA data is unavailable.
Section 6: Data Research and Old Monuments Inventory
Reference points from previous control networks must be researched, evaluated,
Research and Evaluation
and verified on the ground.
Stable Control Points Should be included in the network design.
Validated PRS92 Control
Must be integrated into the project.

Section 7: Notification of Survey

Recipient Details
Provincial Governor's Office Notify through the Provincial Engineer’s Office.
PENRO Notify the concerned Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office.
DPWH District Engineer’s
Notify the concerned office.
Notify the concerned Community Environment and Natural Resources
City or Municipal Mayor Notify through the City or Municipal Engineer’s Office.
Field Office Head Notify the head of the agency’s field office with jurisdiction over the land.
Barangay Chairman Notify the concerned Barangay Chairman.
Lot Owner/Claimant Notify affected lot owner/claimant.

Section 8: Geodetic Network Design

Task Details
Plotting Network of Controls Use project site map for guidance.
Closed Polygons Ensure network forms closed polygons for rigidity.
Known PRS 92 Control Each station must have at least three known PRS 92 control
Points points.

Section 9: Baseline Length

Order Baseline Length
1st Order 50 kilometers
2nd Order 25 kilometers
3rd Order 5 kilometers
≤ 2 kilometers (each Barangay should have at least a pair of control points no more than
4th Order
2 kilometers apart).

Section 10: Designing Network of Controls

Inter-visibility Not necessary but points should be stable and unaffected by future construction.
Avoid Swampy or loose soil areas.

Section 11: Network Design Considerations

Factor Details
Terrain Consider terrain and physiographic features.
Old Geodetic Controls Availability of old geodetic controls.
GNSS Receivers More than three receivers are recommended.
Observations Number and length depend on receiver type and survey purpose.
Section 12: Map Preparation
Base Map Use NAMRIA Topographic Map.
Plot Control Points Plot old and new control points.
Ensure Correct Scaling Important for accuracy.
Number Stations As per Section 16 of the manual.
Modify Map Based on field reconnaissance.

Section 13: Network Design Conditions

Condition Details
Closed Polygons Ensure rigidity by forming closed polygons.
Known PRS 92 Control
Each station must have at least three known PRS 92 control points.
Adequate redundancy for precision with cross-ties and repeated
Field Observation Schedules Timed to minimize Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP).

Section 14: Reconnaissance

Task Details
Determine Locations Control point locations and their accessibility.
Ground Stability Ensure ground stability for permanency of monuments.
Routes Find best routes to survey stations.
Interference Check Check for radio tower interference and obstructions.
Travel Time Estimate travel times between stations and from field office to project site.
Old Control Points Verify status of old control points on the ground.
Permission Secure permissions from property owners.

Section 15: Geodetic Control Monuments

Order Top Cross-Section Bottom Cross-Section Length Above Ground Below Ground
First 30 x 30 cm 40 x 40 cm 120 cm 20 cm 100 cm
Second 30 x 30 cm 40 x 40 cm 120 cm 20 cm 100 cm
Third 25 x 25 cm 35 x 35 cm 120 cm 20 cm 100 cm
Fourth 20 x 20 cm 35 x 35 cm 100 cm 20 cm 80 cm
Item Specifications
Vertical: 10 mm diameter
Reinforced steel bars
Ties: 8 mm diameter
Concrete mix Class A (1:2:4 ratio) or equivalent mix
Other Requirements Monuments cast in place

Section 16: Markings of Reference Monuments (In Order)

Provincial Code Found in Annex IV; consult NAMRIA for new codes.
Control Point Number 1-3000 (NAMRIA), 3001+ (LMB/LMS and others).
Year Established Indicated on the monument.
Order of Accuracy Indicated on the monument.
Establishing Entity One word, e.g., acronym, company name, surname.
Letters/Numbers Format Arial Bold, 2.5 cm height, 2 cm width, 0.4 cm thick, 2 cm margins.
Additional Marking "GOV PROP" indicating government property.
Section 17: Selection of Location for Establishing Reference Monuments
Identifiability Spot shall be easily identifiable.
Stability Considerable distance from shorelines, banks, etc. for stability.
Safety Distance Safe distance from roads and potential future disturbances.
Soil Nature Observe soil for proper monument depth and exposure.
Government-Owned Priority Prefer government-owned land for accessibility and security.

Section 18: Geographic Identification of Control Points

General Location With respect to island, province, and well-known features.
Local Features Settlements, highways, topographic features, etc.
Land Ownership Consent from owner via special agreement.
From sizable towns, describing roads, junctions, mileages, alternate
Detailed Location With respect to roads, fence lines, buildings, etc.
Sketches Vicinity and detailed sketch of monuments.
Monument Description Including dimensions and inscription.

Section 19: GNSS Receiver Usage

Order Accuracy Number of Receivers per Team
Minimum three (3) GNSS receivers. The employment of
First & Second High Accuracy
more than four (4) Receivers is preferable.
General Calibration/Testing As per Section 22 of DAO No. 2007-29

Section 20: GNSS Receiver Specifications

Receiver Type Baseline Length Mode of Positioning
Single Frequency Up to 10 km Limited to Static
Dual Frequency No Limitation Static, Rapid Static, Kinematic, RTK

Section 21: Instrument Preparation

Preparation Steps Description
No Mixing No mixing of different receiver types/models.
Battery Fully charged, no power down during observation, spare batteries available.
Memory Capacity Ample storage capacity; use field notes for cross-referencing.
Same elevation mask, synchronous rates, observation types for all
Receiver Settings

Section 22: Operation Conditions

Control Point Session Linked through pivot sites; common to two or more sessions.
Logging Interval Same for all receivers (default: 15 seconds).
Elevation Mask Same for all receivers (default: 13°).
Coordinate System UTM, Zone 51 North, WGS84 for all receivers.
PDOP Maximum 7, preferably less than 5 for shorter observations like Rapid Static.
Survey Mode Same for all receivers (Static, RTK, etc.).
Equipment Frequency Same for all observation points.

Section 23: GNSS Field Observations

Centered over mark/monument, follow warm-up time, connect properly to
Receiver Setup
power source.
Antenna Height
Measure to nearest mm, at least two team members measure separately.
Antenna Centering Nearest mm, oriented to the North.
Height, station name, serial number, antenna model, start/stop time in field
Record Keeping
Data Logging Verify instrument logging data when turned on.
Observation Guidelines Follow baseline length and observation time per Network Design.

Section 24: Observation Duration

a. Static Mode Observation Time and Session Interval:
Baseline Length Minimum Observation Session Interval
Types of Receivers Session
(kms) Time Between Sessions
0-5 1 hr
Single Frequency 2 At least 30 mins
5-10 2 hrs
10-20 1.5 hrs
20-30 2 hrs
Dual Frequency 2 At least 30 mins
30-50 3 hrs
50-150 4 hrs

b. Minimum Session Length for Rapid/Fast Static Mode:

No. of Satellites Baseline Length Up to 5 kms Baseline Length 5-10 kms
4 20 min 35 min
5 15 min 25 min
6 or more 10 min 20 min
c. Minimum Session Lengths:
Minimum period of
More data recorded for redundancy in case of doubt.
unbroken data
d. Consideration for Remote Areas:
If baselines cannot be processed and validated before
Longer observation periods
leaving the area.

Section 25: Connection to Existing Controls

Order to Achieve Minimum Observations Recommended Observations
1st Order 3 4 or more
2nd Order 2 3 or more
3rd Order 2 2

Section 26: Independent Observations

Requirement Description
Number of Observations Minimum two independent observations per point.
Antenna Height Difference Each observation shall have different antenna height.
Satellite Geometry At least one-hour time difference between succeeding
Difference observations.

Section 27: Data Quality and Blunder Prevention

GDOP Monitoring Note GDOP during session; lower GDOP indicates better point position accuracy.
Data Download Download data ASAP to avoid memory overload.
Avoid Electronic
No electronic devices within 10 meters from GPS receiver during data collection.
Section 28: Status of Old Geodetic Control Points
Inclusion Requirement Description
Old PTM and PRS92 Coordinates Recovered control points shall have both coordinate systems.
Observation Together with New Observe old control points with new ones as per sections 6, 11, and
Points 12.
Legislative Act Procedure remains until a legislative act addresses the matter.
Key figures and Important Values

Order Baseline Length

1st Order 50 kilometers
2nd Order 25 kilometers
3rd Order 5 kilometers
≤ 2 kilometers (each Barangay should have at least a pair of control points no more than
4th Order
2 kilometers apart).

Order Top Cross-Section Bottom Cross-Section Length Above Ground Below Ground
First 30 x 30 cm 40 x 40 cm 120 cm 20 cm 100 cm
Second 30 x 30 cm 40 x 40 cm 120 cm 20 cm 100 cm
Third 25 x 25 cm 35 x 35 cm 120 cm 20 cm 100 cm
Fourth 20 x 20 cm 35 x 35 cm 100 cm 20 cm 80 cm
Vertical: 10 mm diameter
Reinforced steel bars
Ties: 8 mm diameter
Concrete mix Class A (1:2:4 ratio) or equivalent mix
Other Requirements Monuments cast in place

Receiver Type Baseline Length Mode of Positioning

Single Frequency Up to 10 km Limited to Static
Dual Frequency No Limitation Static, Rapid Static, Kinematic, RTK

Provincial Code Found in Annex IV; consult NAMRIA for new codes.
Control Point Number 1-3000 (NAMRIA), 3001+ (LMB/LMS and others).
Year Established Indicated on the monument.
Order of Accuracy Indicated on the monument.
Establishing Entity One word, e.g., acronym, company name, surname.
Letters/Numbers Format Arial Bold, 2.5 cm height, 2 cm width, 0.4 cm thick, 2 cm margins.
Additional Marking "GOV PROP" indicating government property.

Control Point Session Linked through pivot sites; common to two or more sessions.
Logging Interval Same for all receivers (default: 15 seconds).
Elevation Mask Same for all receivers (default: 13°).
Coordinate System UTM, Zone 51 North, WGS84 for all receivers.
PDOP Maximum 7, preferably less than 5 for shorter observations like Rapid Static.
Survey Mode Same for all receivers (Static, RTK, etc.).
Equipment Frequency Same for all observation points.

a. Static Mode Observation Time and Session Interval:

Baseline Length Minimum Observation Session Interval
Types of Receivers Session
(kms) Time Between Sessions
0-5 1 hr
Single Frequency 2 At least 30 mins
5-10 2 hrs
10-20 1.5 hrs
20-30 2 hrs
Dual Frequency 2 At least 30 mins
30-50 3 hrs
50-150 4 hrs
b. Minimum Session Length for Rapid/Fast Static Mode:
No. of Satellites Baseline Length Up to 5 kms Baseline Length 5-10 kms
4 20 min 35 min
5 15 min 25 min
6 or more 10 min 20 min

Order to Achieve Minimum Observations Recommended Observations

1st Order 3 4 or more
2nd Order 2 3 or more
3rd Order 2 2

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