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: | _ Boundary £= Bap dong ba inl face betwen chwo Liffowal © Now’: sthe Field Vette Eand D Change in pasting ay eb face befrusen “the +030 rucia, be chwo Aichichricn weit s Thun Media {- The two racic an Ravear propudi & bna oliclictyic ancl & wy as a cUnlictric Uh mediam-2 8 ; Dy ‘Con sidan two dilictoic meclia uuth pumittiuitiv & and €. Let a Small pillbox dhabtd swat ABch which * tnsects the frctirface amd encloses am ava. wn a ths incor} lace and whadbc axis is Norm oe cfhe te 15 free er ad, do “find athe ieee nD ut haw to cabply Gaudss’s ctheasurn soak pillbox Surface» Sinu dthoa ae no fru charges the inlaefa u- Gdda=o = —Din AS + Dap dS =o b Din= Dan oho Din and Day su rama npn ponies Bn “tue mica, Ths ht novmak Comporunt of “iis dix placa ae hos the Sarmne volueh dy at wfacl of Aepastadion, = “oR? racdium@ be Et ude know Shot 4 6 EML=0 ad o twemal mmediurn () dn Joop ABCD Fan gucbat E Fett Gol + B+ 66s) thn) 1 Eel ob bE. O= 0 Fe= Ge | — & Sinu DE EE de, F=D =]Dn = Den) > fEn= &Gp -B) Whoe Ey and Bt subsoil, Sw pect ahs ctangindtial Component of th cleric wtdsidy tod mudia Thoefose the tan entio€d Gmporust of hs Alichric Tlonsity has othe © ame valine om “the bod Sidr of the Suracs of Separation, _ flo2} 2024 | rut STF the Line E be Sufructacls pak ths bound betula two ~cbintchricn TG) Us the ang le ~ btu, Fand sthe normal ~ do thu swyfoe fn rntdiurn ~and 6, i tHe pimilar, angle. in madium 2 chun eqn Q and @) becomes ~> Sine Sin@= _Et_ wig Er= Gin 8, Ban. = by 7 Si 3 Fmd E,= E Sin 6. 2 = EF 3in®, = E,3in 8, = ) Ene 7 Gy 6, En= EjlarOs 365a6,- SE@e —S) . sptorn eqn 6 Fein 6 _ Sin On CPi oo0 “ERs. tan 61 = tanG@e E & oa Zz 7 stan, “len 2 - S Hebu paouec|, ——Conductan t= —Thsulotan’- Ta an trwadaty, duch as Ge Ou subir 7 Cach thetson tb on a Dhait! rah, indi to a paicliatar atom, orductak t= Tr a metallic conductor, ome oun a jam elechons pur cdam au A purfect Gmductor would contain ay untimited J i of ~pus Change,” Anapesties a Gnductars (dial) do E=0 tncide a (onductay'- TF chow wer any. field thase change wot.t move, and it wouldnt be wlichotalte a mone. The £ eu of fhe ea Chott a Cancul the aXiqginal 4iuld ” Charge eentinct. four until’ thu “cancellatidh » Seow plat and = the Susuttant fild imide ste Goduckon, Ls poucisely Zu10. id_p= -Q_inside a_ Coda ay follow fro Gauss'd Joitern tne HEB 200, toot, a by p. Thou th xtilf chee * ot, but ae — oo Jerstty trv plus or reinus, So fhe net chooge chrwity 3 b ZO Gid ml raed_choarge. ouside ancthy Soda las 8 a 2 tiv) A_Cnduetoiu 1b an, cquipitinlial 5 - fos ary fun poi uth A Gtusn Conductor WI V@) = — ies V@x= VG) WF tol. to fh Sufacr 4 just oul Otnonsibe Ger ull “irmed Nacht fa ond Vw a “hy Sucre, tls WOU of tr cnt va Compencert Ge ths deuefaur « Chavis dann ote we ) Pe Ne Uniqueness "Thea xem “‘foissan's &quediont= “The Gauss’ dheaoum in di ftesuntiad im Wb divE. =f. Cn free Space) -@ &o . . Fucthomae tn 2 puxtly lictortoatic fisld— E= ~qvedd 6) 0 and eqn) avgead [7 he uvb= = hk ~ ov vg = ~he, a @ “The dpsratov Tev> i Known OA athe LapJacian ancl, the e9h@) te known ad Poiwton's equation. “2 _aplae’s Cauations= “In charige ‘pus sugion pro. hine, fingon's equation charge pw selon Jdd¢ddd¢ ELA 7 g Htokn Thy {poe vib <0 i i equation. Thip equedicn ay w Known on Lap lee?» equ . “The scala polinciol b ‘pv ary onbichtary chosig< clichvibu- ~9—tion owh © fen volume oad -—l- | (6% 2 gw WT éo Fao do / i we oburccts laplactar on booty sidy— 2 axl. yy? mew vf anes VP | Ed we assume thet charge wb plaad oat agin then, t viity = V4 ; By in ae thect — ~{L) =o tox X#0 The dlungenu thie to obtain a durface inkegrad Jobe | vufl) dv -{% fL) da = (24> eda =r Meh.) = ~ 4 Se) veh =— 47 8¢- v) \s-y¥ V7 $= aig | POE wndGr-w jo’= =o which ip excalty Poisson's equation, Stobemest of Uniqueness “theaxem 8 The balsction op" Poisson’ and Laplat 4 ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ 4 ‘ Can io alwvous unt que. Th sibtin a Laplau's cavers fn dome a 7 is uniq uly dilurcuned ? i pacified am bounces lf s.” le awume we have two balicion “b Laplace's fs Equation Weve and Wiis Vand Vy osu “tt Qinean shundton “of D sein Combine runt be Linsat again Vir Wn = Vy This abeys Laplace's cquation y 1 v= ve v,-UV =0 and dak the valurzzxo om all bounds. Back taplace’s Equation allows no Local mada OF minima —ald exttema occur ON the bounds. So She maxiroum and mini moun of au betty zw. “Those \y roust be zexo cust uiho and hen 2 = Ving VY) Vi Na=o We 71. y= Ve Tvi = WTp) rv) VaSealex quantity D= Weck quant ‘ é é é é d d Jit ddddd a Va = UpVo_ b= vy) 2) Ths maxima. and rininnc of on fiuld will hold —Hoe pabition on “this boundsy. ) Tneide the “field thus wl! beech eqsaipatinctiat aid ‘ tT a EaYrt 3y 452 E=3 T p=) ; chien Fy= BL eo - Ee Yet oy 152 at 2 Plane 20 ORY a2-plane eo? 2 . p : Fes 3y 45% i . BD, 2 Dp, Ey= 3x4 By | Sz. Qure B= dry 42, 8% f=" | &= (z=0) Sdutim Ey = & = Soe Plane Z=o an X-Y plane EL Bun Sy Bin= Den SE H€E : Stan Tf 4] Sue4G_ En = 5 & = 3x- ee 3x-Sytiz , By=dx-5y 45 peasy, Gaara ae F< 4 §>& F& brPe D=EG= 33% -59 + Ye) = Jost 57400 = 77250 =35:36 Nye gE = 1 (3x- 5y 152) a [re sew rte =Jouy = 3043 > — no Methods of “s Gmblicctid — ditbcbuctions af chage ave sublacd, 4 ~s cece of Glewations, byw Airgda point ches Sox by & bit of port chaxigus 0 by a “much impli d, Schasige ddabibuffen withod: ott dhe boun dsuy, Condition = ' o > od the problem. Thus the method of electric fine ~ igto Locale cithuy a poirrt change o% oe ot > host ove. Simplified chard i rahe Sadat “> clecksicad Image © plau of " Com plic nes ™B Such that > thin electrical effects the cea ee : ~? of the volt ththe change disdibtions > fi zfs) Pleag Friot ob Ne fodinc ki Conducttn het a poirth chaxge 4.q, he placid ov "Y-axis at a dbdane d cto the about ok an tnafindti ground Conducting / - Plane placed at z=0 with SG B Suotforr ty XZ ple. fp Ste FE a) ' Mm ar same of wh 1 fe : Ve ty ducting ple Us grand Hu? ty 6 patintio/ ok | ty point ef tthe Vi ; nductoln & zoo, Thus Shi boundary tafe 4, 0,-4) or ditions LI Th electetc patina! d at eury pant of ths Gnduc- “tary Ub 7.00, 1e h=0 x=0 31) The eleetric palintia! ad infty ‘for points B S70 ie. peo al Z=°0 H+ paist Bam dhe plane canduetadu, othe electric! palirtial _durto Stas charge + 4 omd xthe “t chor ae | Q . ji qe beta ty pg] = Hew [-¥ re Ty ha vfbat homdsug cand? He jon » of the : problenn, => Th Charge — placed oct pein Al dawn ct the coi | VPs palintial af ‘mpi Oy we ‘ ~—png2) aly, she pit , ‘cad othe Coens hed ~The tht satel at poiart a. due to the poirit Fae fd ae and. the canned change plane we dame as ty the poiret chasy +g af A and the ey de you & fall at (r= elt a is * {Elegie 5 are | a A242 “whe we La T yaa De — “Tate dera Hy ee] if Z— 0 thin qd = ce “Th f rae Dake Thus the boundyey Condition Q=o att : - ae “and sounded Pp atane Camductosy ib Seplat i i We v ot point A’ By a poi change cae 4 ; nl te Fh ac 4 Corn ponents Ey, Ey inLlectsic Field o- Ths liebe Ytuld Gonp 4 ee ain d “Eat aint t Cary2? Qn be cond by Af Kf be rantiating eg" ) pally uci Susbetto SU) bictivs aly he 1 5 7 yy 7 c,- <0 Serle oe Qu lee fe 4 deed 2% yy , | Pane, LA +y 40-41] G Cathy? 1@14P)% LL opr Pees =-dd co “Oy ats ae a & sie eg"! “ +(e-d)*) one + @+4) Ze etd 7) “The eclectic in con" b=i+ gh y us pEtetsic field methe Gnd sos =the Comberants of hebric {i ud ato. pein ‘Pon tthe wae plane arc pin by (Ey = JE0 - J af a d vl {tr Eo OF rr paz a2 y Wer are I d____, Wf (x? ty? +49 5 99 hed en a epee es x0 TS “~ (aay a _ dQ = a (Ey) — i rks (4 a a CigrT ° a The Flee tie fictd af ar point Pow fhe Gnduchy has eras itude Ud and OB dbucted no reincl ly » 3 wes (424 yh?) 2 7 el cowards the Gnductute. Ge med be a ponent ted as > > > a 3 5 = so 2 3 2 a E(e) = —~ sop aya a5! tw) Susfocr change dana th ntact.) TF o ib Sho Srofae dinsity 7 of thduad charge gn dhe Ganducting plane at point F t wthetei'c sfiald at P con he caxittee, f= N Thou la P= (6) Le ths ch ZIl=0 Eo y So that Surface climsity of induced =é6f aide Eye By Cv ytd) ed or Ot rpaey fa the quardidy (x?-hy 1S) suppusends cle None a oP the point Pon “che Gnducting plan pion I has : “kgs 1 1 if is obvidus chat othe Surface density of, Induce en en st anths Gnducting plane vovers od the’ Cube of Bhe Auteng | spon the print charge (2 Lieu ectincttfen hel oy To. pth chaps 14 andthe © ewithed plane Grnducton. $= The -fard? F bef dio point” henge 1 co oe the carted plane Gmductar bs same ar thal beuitin She - | ae oa Bis and cht image charge ~4 ot p/ thee = Ths Cha - —_ ~ =i Fe we Gar =~ ure, (Addr | on £ad? 7 ragative siyev thd Shek hu oe parila % fis the ~fosiee pe cliseetid er | 4 aa emaieee 4 The chaage of P = (EE WJ) J plane 1) ff 4 1 fff fff 16 T1& d? ie i) vk done hn sunning. chmge gh Tntndlay i> Thy ee Se belly chute ae print ebrvege Fey and fhe Cauthed Gmdlueting plane is gfaon ry hs sag po ee A167) fod*® =U fk = an VE ly 77 br) £od mes “TRip wok done in binging Oh chong “from xe 0° fens ty xed B ghen by : ed wie (Fdv= 0 «el, _ ln &d 1p t. ! 4 an sthy _Gnduclt ( = Conds a a ‘toy gual ti am ithe plane Conductoh ancund Oudcth dhe stadii ¥ and ot dy - het Sth choy! OQ; om thy ~Clieuartoy AKL <1, SOr~ avd. « = 2nby {Id } Near? ps ‘Salis on (ee +d2) ei, - : EA ¢ . 6 vextty) "Pe tietalat Charge fndueed Cr? Qr-- [> dy dy — -9gdf rdr cE? Gem ray Iasqas% E > ~ ° OC aU ig sed ton, So efhat dy = de680 uneg w > 2 j Z Ce Or [7% atang dfee-a de do ae - a ay a 6 gd? \7>. il, = 98 [2 ated a0 0 A380? a ~1 [sinadon ~4 6 Sor? Tato Chasegs Indeeecal I= [ode Tn Grtesion coardincty de =drels Tn pdlak Coosdtnadtcs (a). gee thy 2 da= rdadd | ctdrdh= 4 f = [34 7 odydd 217 Contd 72 2-700 Oo ne ne fray 2(@v0t Sm'6) aby? = yo “Tahed Chaneyt = Id _v.ded sel Choy eign td = — dat | Bde ATT do. 54d?) 2/2 db oP dat dade dt bai tdy= Aye =- Vda oe nla Cad?) 1 aa td a 7 “ES mi 1.4 [o- ~1) = “Tir taken $= Tine seeguised sto “fotl om sbhe Suseface [red the Susefate Fema, (m mays, of paincharye ) — —1__4” — md ung (24 2 dL Zz 41 UE mdb af, Qa) dt _do(-94) = mdty de ger dt mid qy2) — 44 fd fe aepiee) mut 4* 1 te 7r& 7 intel l=d and Veo then CG x qt KE d mye _ Ll : a Eo ) ge i & dd “melt d) "Sales aes [E- 4] Pa EE i d2 = (=e d Ss - pak X= Sin’ Jai sino + 2d Sin Olas) dz = 2d$ind odO K ee) d=2an0=1 [0% | 6 | d.23tr0 dO = 2a (Peso) 6 Y i, ‘ ° ~ d[6- Be i fs aes | “be sr fered | 4+ cc o~ A feink i at ea ty th et a paint charge “hq, placid af a distance d ‘pior ste sGrhe 0 of ae conduc ding Dbhuy of tadiws Ro dich hat wRed : “Athen the Gnduedii —dsplueise Us undid d— Ns She Conducting sfhoct 1 qreuncka the bound, P(69) oc Conditions. 0s oe (po) eH alichic poctintiot h oct cuney ! om. o- on om. om. ., id) e — VW, oe OOCCCETTTLE! i irr paint ary The seaclact oy Dphow S20, he geo whim eR Ti “the cbrefvic patuvtia’ al Fefinttly [ : fom paint 1s 2010 ie. 4 @ when, A ST The patitiad ad Pl dus fo the seal : > change “PY and itp imag choaig’ y D qfun be : ae “ =| % age ale 4 i UN fo [at : ar 0 > Thu equodion yields gi i) -- ; : if 5 wie haw *[tom Many ane’ ip- (nen? — lop? -H@ny 20P%on Cos , ah np: [Read 2d Caso (pps (op)? -HonP- adore). an(asd Brel Rad? ~ 2Rb (x0 * Now equate 7 ; vor] NPB Riso JR? PR Rall Since, i) Tine charge wlll urn “towards Aug ov “Zone. +i) Nom Unrtonm chavige LD Taside Sphow V=E=0 accasding to the bound Onditen.— d Vs= Vee ee een) ~ 2 ge ~Ttea) D Vy= lL. cae iran) "Cpa. 7 iS ~ YRb). vs (R44) —@) FERS) 71 Op) He (R4d) p2 1 RERIC bd = dRIdb-R PE Re ah [Py ed a the thdur of bin en @ “4. Jet eae P RL Thus the image chearge fn. thu cose Wa paint chow of magnitude ~ cE plaud at a distant ER “teow A centve of the. Ae duutoh alms he Lind TA ths Centre of the sphue ~to the sual J point change cae The pecterstial ata point P.(,0) dur —to the point Chest Fa, place rsa an carithed Conducting, SPU of suadius Ris ophann oz ; , Jas alee pea a] ((P- wir¢é LAP BP But AP= Tor-Fd® — aad (os0 and BP= Jv? 18> —2bGuo jt) dhe ere t pelea vars | ftp a% 2d (a6 ped b2~27b(O I _[ “| _ et 1 a a [xt d?@—27dCos0 7 /p2\ 2 9 x Res6 | vr a[e)eria| = Y ] y ——— — Mf) 24 J 2nd GO Thi Compovun 5} bebo diutd snl of paiat P (so) along, and perma -to OP ae qieary 4 é . Ee co Ce - |, edt 2° pr 408 Wire [Cet de 2veleab (ed? 4p nd Os) (cas )| Fy= =}0t =L_|_ dsin® _asind__"Z] a ay | G24 y? soaeo)” [gt an Dey Flechic Field onthe Surface ofthe sphuu 8 The Conporent7s of alicheic fll Shenath am any part 7 (RO) om “ths Puoface of the Behe vu gue by — =--3 = a LY ) -< (Been [36] vee | (geet Re 2REO_ “oR. Gos L AR ee 2 irks (BR) Fett? 2rdleso) 32. (Fp 0 a “Ths tid ot dhe Sussfors sf the Dphoe hed rng PUIG R (Rey d?—2Rd wo)” cmd ts cliuccted along dhe Lins joining spam the Ontye of te Aphuw ts J the paint Pom Lye Swrfaw, Savine_change csi af fadued chage mlb aus» TP at * ¢ density of ~the induetd charge or the potnt Pf on ed mth wichrtc +fietd at paint PY! on ths Surface of the 2phos b Quon Py > g . F = (Py=p = £ Surface chases dhraity 7 (eee. a my g d )) ) } Wy. ) oe ¢ Ge é H I OG ¢ I wd ddd ¢ rt ob \ ve he. piuthaencs af magnedie induction _ ind) lion B & Comsidn Bhs Som of fields Such a those giuen by Bio — Swart aus dur fo Guan element dt Grouying ewveat SE, — di = ite. TA? —O Now “The a auehien B dw fo atu ence euosl esp b— Id RH —&) ee yo dv B= UP= duly bdixe —@ "TT y3 dvb = ttf = i - : 7 Uday = @) Now diy Gxb)= Bb Goua’- we haw Ue [ux P35} })- “Ps. a an df Conf) = ead ~ tt (uafee dy B= A zt A. (oxdd~ dy (ws) |-¢ but Udl=g alba. VAX, = 0 fa = 1 ae Thus sh m2 dene gr ® b% vo dyB= 0 BEO -@© “Thed ts the diuwigenu of the magnel Po Ida cd te Bw aliooys “ZOHO, Thc Ceara yi From Ambous Jou th Tcinedttel form ull aah $adt= J4X (ire Cour enclosed by bf = AMoXTenclaed = —() ‘ Now eb ai aut S bounded tthe bath i ; Tritipiasion my are Gwount ft dha 7S, ; es jel T= ff Fda (uthow da te pen 4 Sueface) Henw Am puu’s clause om circuttal ‘fiow () takes dhe ‘fom feat “i T dé —& Saku’ thease veelar analyats don the a function ae ct - 1 4 4 ( ( i 4 1 q 1 | q 1 1 pBas= te (flab: de —@ c trom Q ands) — i SfoodBl da= sof Tak Ss s of [[Gol®-a9)-dt@=0 —-O 3 Sow Susfou 3 aaa ve must how { Cust ug = 0 — Cus B= = HI ne . ; Tho, the Cul of B Vanhea only whow hou Bg"! Cwoort clinaid y Peel bee af the Cwount — dinsife Ww dus So bhy mokion of a charge denatty pill a mean wi lociy ~ wo Bhp ay me ve hanee - for a steady yee ow charge Cot B © ue? —f\ropere’® ous ~The equaction * the GuJ of Be in Cbled npn “lew oo diffountial Yoon, By stokss’ Shi gurn- [exe .da= fie df = si [P98 Now [T-do b She cfofal Cwourl passin cfhyo dtu susfacs , which ut Call Tenc (The Cusueinct enclosed by fhe Ambac Soap). “Thus j - . 4 Bodh = Uoleng The Vector fofiefiag # “Jub a VX EO A 6 col ah patindtas Vim a lictradtalia C-vv <6 U.BR ~9 dh a Veto palintial a ty mayrctastia B> ue ‘ me UB- 6 Hien octmaina Apa parts tows Wx Vx Ae P= UUW) —av Ae ays \V\ibse SSBB ae Ae ee w ~~ ©” The Ahawgene af w VAN=o et aripinal pakintio’ . fly ib not diusng nealeas, F ut add do id the ackiorch of A (A= Rot VA) “the new Diuugine b> wine va, VA WA=-W7 fe Sine PaLas on! g eg uodtion Vev= = f € id Pogo ds zaro of sini the dolution t- Ve cee [+ Podv ( Bens oo a4 wy ad = [rv . 7 = if Vv. Ay goes do zo of infinity - hen A= de | WW fle dy ¥ ce Sinu Be UxA Specttia dhe cud of A, untth thts Godidton an fh _ Aleit — : ‘ 5 Saud Rocomed WA = ~—Bn Os + Bp4S=9 > [Bn= Bon BS > Bd = %la9 —) —}—— whe Bins Bay Stands fot bea the normal Comporunts of B im dao? — meet ey) tf be clr that the Bs - novmal “Componerls of BP fy Components cs tnducton 15 Continous acs athe Boundsy The = boundsy Condilion for Fis ablated with sebent to the Seictanguloan path. Sinu dle classed _path enclasud ZH0 eee cfourit, the Ure iekeqrat of, F otound the poth ta z8H0 Hadl=0 The Std of the poth porollit Lo Bbc Surfpa th dhe Jun teudia cam be toads wvup tong fr Compartsan with “lhe pessHons prtpen dicular to dhe Sufau and the alcove fctionas then becomes Widt = i " \h=o gird ~ (Hi Ad Wins be OY Hy tn 8) = Msi —@) who He and hy Seabrcuonl Setspectuaty che kangen Gmyerente 6 v eo wdlo, Thus the ton’ fal fomponel of Pix candfnows across the Poundyy er Of =ton®) — Bie — ay, -tan®s Bari Uy ~thy behaviour of ® and FP tn ponsing Prom one Trudi bo amothin. As jor ths tan nto! @mponents, an Arnpevian Sap sunning pocbendicuten de the Cwoust — [ev _ pl fea = NB ous Bs = MyTenlored = Ak J “ B dbo ~ Bo iguy Ate This Shy Cmponmnt orf B’-tha¢ & ponallul to the furtar but porbinbicalorn So thu Gaowat ts disconti - to dhe annount Ark, A Sintlor Arnpaion oa nous sunning ponolld fo fhe Goan deutols Shot othe cana tht Gropaint corttno ws, 4 Bapous Bretases = Calter) Srnvtate thy vec VinVad Ww confth Sipos lols, vy Velen Po dintta YUM OLS — aeraas 0 any boundy Alga Mhetow badd ddd dd dd ISISIIT IST 9 ae we é SSUES: yo D AWW MullipsleCxpanaion.of thy Unter. patting ial “The idea of a tltipele expamion ib So wants dhe potintial in othe spre of & pour ods oy ts the ditanes te he point, if ~~ Oo Suffictind dosga, thy nods alll Ac im inctrd by ths dowd non- Vantshin contribution ernd She highan om con be farercd ZS pwyn (ye en = 2 GF) ele Tett @E- 29x (ool whey co bo angle beluin yan VY th the vec x pclintiobat a Ce a Cwuert loop — \ A =A fa dil= AoE pti > NX f\ ao Y it uae uw _ \ = DALY = swe > L doh @adl dy/=dJ! “IT nee a py= dor [a bape "Gs ’ Ace = te: hi fateh or (an oc AS 2f 3677 — | + Ps ge (Zo 4) au 7 | Ap % the nuts pole expansion of VU ue Coll Whe tid ting She coomepak sbricy “the hecond dipole, “the he quo drupele and 20 OM, News dhe mmaqnodic crnonep ale Gh iy ohwwags 00. 4oxr Flu Srdeqo! ts ful dhe odat weclan ditspla comust atond a Closed Jaof aw =0 tm na Inthe absence of monopole rhs! bution, the domire iin is the an Pact?) = EO nv iesad!= lad f btw) oT y= Sing f(a) dt = “xf da” “Then A, ip& )= Mo vy x Jt uTT yo Whou m bb dt mmeag rect dipole monn v= + {ae be Elfed nf 4 I fp Effect of maarwit Ud tna ator j, Electon ned only Spin, hy alse savelve avon) the nucleus. Lt the oxbit b @ chile of tadin R, aw hifal frrvction elaine nt an notiticts oa shady Carvent, Time period = 277y F this To wey shot thus ibs cing —— to Sook, St ky Aka dy Covent RY. d oe T= =2*¥ = -cy : 27 R bo aubidad dino moment my TxA = 2th xorg? WP “This sefleets that phwu ad ™m ie rnonopdle tt ru au 0 agate + a J Y= leur 4 Like ary other rnagnedic diposs, dhs one v Sat wr \ Siqrifican te q cforque (Axe ). Thos 2 a_moe Fy affect om TWh ovbites metion- The slacken Spada up oy slows down, depending on “the ovens B. For whuwas the centripatat acceluration U7 e wo a dinavcly Sustained by sch ical fore alone . = eF met a wre 2 j lara b Ta cthe Presence of a magnehe filed Ahura o * additmal -faxce,— CGxB) Tf “that BY PIRpsre’ ; B BB —culok to Lhe plone of cthe ox bit a E FE Ken = toa Fen ~ mew? ee + eu B | fk “TE R? “=e Under these Conditions , the neut speed e & qrealir than ceR= Bs Cy) =e (E+ vMG-6) assuming She chonge du= Sau Bw Smolk ( ou= eR PP Ime vhen ° when B ts turned on, Shon the wlchon Speed uf ca change tm ovbttal Speed Means a ¢ ange ts pale moment , a pinion (2 Dm=sf eo BOyp. 3 re B -Moqutizalion = the presente of a magnets “fice. mation becomes magnetized, forancagnssti spe STR dipoles adsociotid uth the : Spins of unpatsad elehons experi a -borque tending to Line them 4p parolh! fo the fila. Dlomog.nitidon , Tha osbtfal Spud Siete heker ( is altered fn Such a wo “te to change, the biel inal memant fra 4 ap basits fo cho ~ficld “The State of mag netic pofoscication by us LG. jor ‘ 4 M= magne dipole moment pes uprt velame M is called magnttzation, if Could be paramag- netisn , diamagretism ov Cuen ovroma nefise buhen @ Sample 14 placed fn a Segion of Tomuntfosen field, the paxomagnal th attracted Into the “field, wshinat “the dormant by Daplled astog. the seca stccGiualt he fan of abn rata hicrascoptc cusounlp tha matiual thot Stusutlt dus fo the motion ot charges, ty pica lly fy Stupsnac tO OM ophllted magralic. field WSs ve —T SSRN NS NNN” Suppose we have a piece of ma nefiz0d malivial the magnetic dial mamvit pes uni Volume Mis givin the vector petintial of @ Binge dipole ti Koran Ars to ma K ua & "cach soluine alma dt’

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