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The hydrologic cycle

Rainfall intensity is another parameter which must be considered. Because the soil may not be
able to absorb all the water during a heavy rainfall, water may be lost by runoff. Likewise, the
water from a rain of low intensity can be lost due to evaporation, particularly if it falls on a dry
surface. Rainfall intensity can be measured as the number of rainy days or, more preferably, as
the amount of rain per hour or per day.
Rainfall intensity also relates to the risk of soil erosion. It is known that individual raindrops
carry energy capable of removing soil, particularly topsoil. The erosion caused by falling drops
of water, called splash erosion, also can degrade or destroy the soil structure. It has been found
that, as the rainfall intensity approaches 35 millimeters per hour, there is a steep rise in the
erosive power of the rain. A large percentage of rainfall in the tropics occurs above this value
(the so-called "erosion threshold").
2. Temperature
The climatic pattern in the arid zones is frequently characterized by a relatively "cool" dry
season, followed by a relatively "hot" dry season, and ultimately by a "moderate" rainy season.
In general, there are significant diurnal temperature fluctuations within these seasons. Quite
often, during the "cool" dry season, daytime temperatures peak between 35 and 45 centigrade
and fall to 10 to 15 centigrade at night. Daytime temperatures can approach 45 centigrade during
the "hot" dry season and drop to 15 centigrade during the night. During the rainy season,
temperatures can range from 35 centigrade in the daytime to 20 centigrade at night. In many
situations, these diurnal temperature fluctuations restrict the growth of plant species.
Growth of plants can take place only between certain maximum and minimum temperatures.
Extremely high or low temperatures can be damaging to plants. Plants might survive high
temperatures, as long as they can compensate for these high temperatures by transpiration, but
growth will be affected negatively. High temperatures in the surface layer of the soil result in
rapid loss of soil moisture due to the high levels of evaporation and transpiration. Although
problems of low temperatures, in general, are less common in arid zones, when they do occur for
relatively long periods of time, plant growth can be restricted; at temperatures below 0
centigrade, the plants can die.

3. Atmospheric humidity
Although rainfall and temperature are the primary factors upon which aridity is based, other
factors have an influence. The moisture in the air has importance for the water balance in the
soil. When the moisture content in the soil is higher than in the air, there is a tendency for water
to evaporate into the air. When the opposite is the case, water will condense into the soil.
Humidity is generally low in arid zones.
In many areas, the occurrence of dew and mist is necessary for the survival of plants. Dew is the
result of condensation of water vapor from the air onto surfaces during the night, while mist is a
suspension of microscopic water droplets in the air. Water that is collected on the leaves of
plants in the form of dew or mist can, at times, be imbibed through the open stomata, or
alternatively, fall onto the ground and contribute to soil moisture. The presence of dew and mist
leads to higher humidity in the air and, therefore, reduced evapotranspiration and conservation of
soil moisture.
4. Wind
Because of the scarcity of vegetation that can reduce air movements, arid regions typically are
windy. Winds remove the moist air around the plants and soil and, as a result, increase
Soil erosion by wind will occur wherever soil, vegetative, and climatic conditions are conducive
to this kind of erosion. These conditions (loose, dry, or fine soil, smooth ground surface, sparse
vegetative cover, and wind sufficiently strong to initiate soil movement) are frequently
encountered in arid zones. Depletion of vegetative cover on the land is the basic cause of soil
erosion by wind. The most serious damage from wind-blown soil particles is the sorting of soil
material; wind erosion gradually removes silt, clay, and organic matter from the surface soil. The
remaining materials may be sandy and infertile. Often, sand piles up in dunes and presents a
serious threat to surrounding lands.
Precipitation represents the main transfer of moisture from the water vapor of the air to the
ground. The completion of this hydrologic cycle is through evaporation. Loss of water from the
soil due to evaporation is important when considering "effective" rainfall. Evaporation increases
with strong winds, high temperatures, and low humidity.
As mentioned above, plants must transpire to compensate for high temperatures. Transpiration
accounts for great losses of moisture from the soil. The intensity of transpiration depends on
wind, temperature, humidity, and the plant itself. Some plants are more adapted to dry conditions
and transpire less than others. Therefore, the composition of the vegetation has a great influence
on the rate of transpiration. The combination of evaporation and transpiration, called
evapotranspiration, is the principal component of the water cycle that can be influenced by land
management to increase water yield.

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