DSA Sheet by Shradha Didi & Aman Bhaiya - Google Drive

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DSA by Shradha Didi & Aman Bhaiya

DSA in 2.5 Months Bonus DSA Questions


1 DSA by Shr
3 Meet us
5 Ideal Time : 5-10 mins
6 Easy Ideal Time : 5-10 mins
7 Medium Ideal Time : 15-20 mins
8 Hard Ideal Time : 40-60 mins (based on Qs) | 88 Qs
11 Topics Question (375)
12 Arrays Maximum and Minimum Element in an Array
13 Arrays Reverse the Array
14 Arrays Maximum-Subarray
15 Arrays Contains Duplicate
16 Arrays Chocolate Distribution Problem
17 Arrays Search in Rotated Sorted Array
18 Arrays Next Permutation
19 Arrays Best time to Buy and Sell Stock
20 Arrays Repeat and Missing Number Array
21 Arrays Kth-Largest Element in an Array
22 Arrays Trapping Rain Water
23 Arrays Product of Array Except Self
24 Arrays Maximum Product Subarray
25 Arrays Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
26 Arrays Find Pair with Sum in Sorted & Rotated Array
27 Arrays 3Sum
28 Arrays Container With Most Water
29 Arrays Given Sum Pair
30 Arrays Kth - Smallest Element
31 Arrays Merge Overlapping Intervals
32 Arrays Find Minimum Number of Merge Operations to Make an Array
33 Arrays Given an Array of Numbers Arrange the Numbers to Form the
34 Arrays Space Optimization Using Bit Manipulations
35 Arrays Subarray Sum Divisible K
36 Arrays Print all Possible Combinations of r Elements in a Given Array
37 Arrays Mo's Algorithm
40 DSA by Shradha
Strings Didi & Aman Bhaiya
Valid Palindrome
41 Strings Valid Anagram
DSA in 2.5 Months Bonus DSA Questions
42 Strings Valid parentheses
43 Strings Remove Consecutive Characters
44 Strings Longest Common Prefix
45 Strings Convert a Sentence into its Equivalent Mobile Numeric Keypa
46 Strings Print all the Duplicates in the Input String
47 Strings Longest Substring without Repeating Characters
48 Strings Longest Repeating Character Replacement
49 Strings Group Anagrams
50 Strings Longest Palindromic Substring
51 Strings Palindromic Substrings
52 Strings Next Permutation
53 Strings Count Palindromic Subsequences
54 Strings Smallest Window in a String Containing all the Characters of A
55 Strings Wildcard String Matching
56 Strings Longest Prefix Suffix
57 Strings Rabin-Karp Algorithm for Pattern Searching
58 Strings Transform One String to Another using Minimum Number of G
59 Strings Minimum Window Substring
60 Strings Boyer Moore Algorithm for Pattern Searching
61 Strings Word Wrap
64 2D Arrays Zigzag (or diagonal) Traversal of Matrix
65 2D Arrays Set Matrix Zeroes
66 2D Arrays Spiral Matrix
67 2D Arrays Rotate Image
68 2D Arrays Word Search
69 2D Arrays Find the Number of Islands | Set 1 (Using DFS)
70 2D Arrays Given a Matrix of ‘O’ and ‘X’, Replace ‘O’ with ‘X’ if Surrounded
71 2D Arrays Find a Common Element in all Rows of a Given Row-Wise Sor
72 2D Arrays Create a Matrix with Alternating Rectangles of O and X
73 2D Arrays Maximum Size Rectangle of all 1s
76 Searching & Sorting Permute Two Arrays such that Sum of Every Pair is Greater or

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