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QCCSW https://www.ecustoms.gov.


Pa y m e n t R e c e i p t

Pa y m e n t D e t a i l s

C u s t o m s D u t i e s & C h a rg e s
Payment Number : 2024071454514758 Declaration Number : 5AI51028360114 Declaration Type : Import

Port : DOH-Air Cargo Date of Submission : 14-07-2024 15:46:49 Trader : L13922 - ‫ادﻳﺒﺖ ﺗﻚ ﻟﻼﺟﻬﺰة واﻟﺨﺪﻣﺎت‬

Customs Clearing Agency : 1119 - gulf Status : Paid Cashier : 1475010027636400453

warehousing co

Duties and Fees Amount(QAR)

Basic customs services fee for companies 250
MOFA Fees for COO NON Attested 150
MOFA Fees for Invoices NON Attested 1000
Duty Revenue 1109
Total Amount(QAR) 2509

O n l i n e Pa y m e n t
S/No Transaction Date Amount(QAR) Card Type
1 14/07/2024 04:59 2509 CreditCard

1 of 1 7/14/2024, 5:03 PM

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