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1. General information
2 sections Listening comprehension (LC) Reading comprehension (RC)
Time allowed (120m) 45m 75m
Questions (200) 100 questions 100 questions
7 parts Part 1, 2, 3, 4 Part 5, 6, 7
Multiple - choice questions (MCQ)

2. Section 1: Listening comprehension

a) Part 1: Photo description (6 questions: 1 - 6)
Four short statements regarding a photograph will be spoken only one time. The statements will
not be printed. Of these four statements, select the one that best describes the photograph and
mark your answer on the answer sheet.
(A) Some safety cones are being removed
from a work site.

(B) Some helmets have been placed on the


(C) Some workers are directing traffic.

(D) A road is being dug up by some workers.

Thực hành: Câu 1 – 3 (ETS 2022 – Test 1)

b) Part 2: Question – Response (25 questions: 7 – 31)
Three responses to one question or statement will be spoken only one time. They will not be
printed. Select the best response for the question, and mark your answer on the answer sheet.

Question: When will the office be open after (A) Tuesday morning.
the renovations? (B) Some inventory control.
(C) I’ll wear a business suit.
Thực hành: Câu 7 – 15 (ETS 2022 – Test1)

c) Part 3: Conversation between 2 or 3 people (39 questions: 32 – 70)

1 conversation = 3 questions
 General information: “What is the conversation mainly about?”, “Where is the
conversation taking place?”, “Where do the speakers work?”, “Who most likely are the
speakers?”, “What kind of business do the speakers most likely own?”, etc
 Detailed information: “What problem does the woman mention about the project?”,
“What does the man want to order?”, “Why are the men frustrated?”, etc
 Upcoming actions: “What will the woman most likely discuss next?”, “What does the
woman want the man to review?”, “What does the woman suggest the man do?”, etc
Conversations between two or three people will be spoken only one time. Listen to each
conversation and read the questions printed in the test book (the questions will also be
spoken), select the best response for the question, and mark your answer on the answer sheet.
Some questions may require responses related to information found in diagrams,etc. printed on
the test book as well as what you heard in the conversations. There are three questions for
each conversation.
Example 1:
M-Au Fernanda: (32) l know we were hoping 32. What are the speakers discussing?
to have the walls in the office repainted next A. Moving to a new office
month. But do you think it'll be too much of a B. Painting some walls
disruption for the employees? C. Purchasing some furniture
W-Br: l think it'll be fine. (33) l asked the team D. Raising employee salaries
when they'd like to work from home the next 33. What did the woman ask a team about?
few months. Most people prefer Mondays A. Group assignments

and Fridays, so we could have the painters B. Vacation schedules
come on those days. C. Software preferences
M-Au Sounds good. (34) l'll reach out to some D. Work-from-home dates
companies to see who's available to do the 34. What does the man offer to do?
work. A. Contact some businesses
B. Get a manager’s approval
C. Calculate some costs
D. Send a notification e-mail

Example 2:
68. Why is the man interested in taking a
A. To do research for a book
B. To choose an area to live in
C. To evaluate a company’s service
D. To take photographs for a Web site
69. Look at the graphic. What time does the
M-Au: I heard you offer tours of the city. (68) most popular tour begin?
I'm a travel agent, and I like to try out A. At 9
different tour companies before B. At 10
recommending them to my clients. How long C. At 11
do your tours last? D. At 12
W-Am: They generally take between one and 70. What will the man most likely do?
two hours. (69) The Riverside tour is our most A. Book tickets in advance
popular. It's one and a half hours long. B. Rent an audio device
M-Au: I think I'd prefer to take a shorter one C. Visit the library
right now. D. Wait for cooler weather
W-Am: OK. And (70) would you like to rent a
headset? That way, you can listen to the

recorded information on your bus tour.
M-Au (70) That's a good option.

Thực hành: Câu 32 – 40 (ETS 2022 – Test 1)

d) Part 4: Single talk (30 questions: question 71 – 100)
1 talk = 3 questions
 General information: “What kind of product did the speaker order?”, “What does the
speaker mainly discuss?”, “Who most likely are the listeners?”, “Where do the listeners
most likely work?”, “Where is the speech being given?”, etc
 Detailed information: “Why does the speaker apologize?”, “According to the speaker,
what are the data used for?”, “What does the speaker say is included in the price?”, etc
 Upcoming actions: “What does the company hope to do next quarter?”, “What will
happen next month?”, “What does the speaker say will happen tonight?”, etc
Short talks such as announcements or narrations will be spoken only one time. They will not be
printed. Listen to each talk and read the questions printed in the test book (the questions will
also be spoken), select the best response for the question, and mark your answer on the answer
sheet. Some questions may require responses related to information found in diagrams, etc.
printed on the test book as well as what you heard in the talks. There are three questions for
each talk.
M-Cn: (71) Are you tired of relying on noisy, 71. What product is being advertised?
bulky fans to cool you down on hot days? A. A refrigerator
Then look no further than the Deluxe Cool. Its B. An automobile
revolutionary design cools you off without C. A blender
the usual noise! Unlike typical rotating fans, D. A fan
the Deluxe Cool fan uses Vibrations to move a 72. Why is the company proud of the
single blade to push air. (72) And we're proud product?
to say that it's now the quietest fan on the A. It is available worldwide.
market! Now's the time to buy, as (73) we are B. It is quiet.

offering a special discount when you type in C. It is affordable.
the code ''DELUXE'' at online checkout. D. It won an award.
73. How can the listeners receive a
A. By creating an online profile
B. By purchasing multiple products
C. By using a special code
D. By writing a product review

Thực hành: Câu 70 – 79 (ETS 2022 – Test 1)

Note (part 3 + part 4): implied meaning of the speaker

W-Am Thanks for coming to this press conference. (92)We often have container ships lined up at the port
waiting to be unloaded for several days. So today the Port Authority is announcing a modernization plan to
utilize more automation, including automated cranes and driverless vehicles, to speed up the unloading
process. (93) Whenever automation is introduced, employees become worried about being replaced by
machines. But we'll always need workers here. And we're setting aside funds to offer career retraining
programs for our dockworkers. (94) l've made a timeline for this modernization program. I'll distribute copies
of it now.

Why does the speaker say, “But we’ll always need workers here”?
A. To complain about a staff shortage
B. To address a concern
C. To suggest a schedule change
D. To disagree with a proposal

3. Section 2: Reading comprehension

a) Part 5: Incomplete Sentences (30 questions: 101 – 130)
- Grammar: conditionals, passive voice, relative clause, etc
- Vocabulary : word formation, preposition, conjuctions

Meeting coordinators are ------- to make sure the projection equipment is turned off after
each use.
A. proposed
B. supported
C. reminded
D. suggested
=> Grammar (passive voice) + Vocabulary (remind: help somebody remember something)

For questions ------- to the use of personal time off, please contact Ms. Matz in the human
resources department.
A. relate
B. related
C. relation
D. relates
=> Grammar (reduced relative clause)
Thực hành: Câu 101 – 110 (ETS 2022 – Test 1)
b) Part 6: Text Completion – short passages (16 questions: 131 – 146)
- Select the best answer of the four choices (words, phrases, or a sentence) to complete
the text, and mark your answer on the answer sheet. There are four questions for each

131. 132.
A. resulting A. shipper
B. attaching B. grower
C. competing C. driver
D. undergoing D. manager
133. 134.
A. However, there is a pharmacy next door A. widen
B. It will be closed over the winter months. B. wider
C. Meat, cheese, and honey are among the new C. widest
products. D. widely
D. Currently, parking is available in the garage
across the street.

Thực hành: Câu 131 – 142 (ETS 2022 – Test 1)

c) Part 7: MCQ – long passages (54 questions: 147 – 200)
- Single Passages: 29 questions
Multiple Passages: 25 questions

- A range of different texts will be printed in the test book. Read the questions, select the
best answer of the four choices, and mark your answer on the answer sheet. Some
questions may require you to select the best place to insert a sentence within a text.
There are multiple questions for each text.
Example: single passage
147. What is NOT mentioned about the
A. Its starting time
B. Its main purpose
C. Its location
D. Its duration
148. What is indicated about Mayor Lizette?
A. She owns a fast-food restaurant.
B. She recently won an election.
C. She has a home on Hedgerow Boulevard.
D. She will present an award to a city

Example: multiple passages

196. What is the purpose of the blog post?
A. To provide grant-writing tips
B. To recommend a learning experience
C. To spotlight an employee
D. To preview changes to a Web site
197. According to Mr. Fineman, when does the registration period end?
A. On September 30
B. On October 1
C. On November 1
D. On December 6
198. What is indicated about Ms. Ballard?
A. She registered for the grant-writing course before October 1.
B. She currently works as a grant writer.
C. She took a course from Ms. Gilliam on a previous occasion.
D. She edits Mr. Fineman’s blog posts.
199. What is true about Ms. Ballard and Mr. Voigt?
A. They attended a class together in Winnipeg.
B. They have been interviewed by Mr. Fineman.
C. They want to learn how to research grant opportunities.
D. They noticed the same weakness in the Writing Great Grants course.

200. What does Mr. Voigt indicate about Ms. Gilliam?
A. She lives in Toronto.
B. She started a grant-writing firm.
C. She wrote a grant for Mr. Fineman.
D. She authored a grant-writing manual.

1. LISTENING (part 2) – Pragmatics
- Implicature: hàm ngôn => an implicature is something that is implied/ unsaid by the
A: Don’t kill him!
B: Sorry, war is war.
 I must kill him

A: How do you like the hamburger?
B: Hamburger is a hamburger.
 Not like, not hate, neutral

A: Lan’s husband?
B: She got married to a pig.
--> Lan’s husband is fat, lazy, unpleasant, ugly, etc.

A: How’s about John?

B: He is a lion. (lion: brave)
--> John is brave, powerful

- Skimming: read a text quickly --> get the main idea, general information --> topic
sentence (first or last sentence)
- Scanning: read quickly --> get the detailed information: key words --> text --> sentence
- Paraphrasing

ƯU ĐIỂM - Biết điểm ngay sau khi nộp - Có nhiều thời gian hơn để
bài đọc trước câu hỏi cho LC part
- Có nhiều lịch thi hơn 3 và 4
- Tiết kiệm thời gian làm bài - Đỡ mỏi mắt
- Đeo headphone --> tự điều - Nghe loa ngoài --> giống với
chỉnh âm lượng các bài thi truyền thống
- Có các tính năng hỗ trợ:
Mark for review, Overview
NHƯỢC ĐIỂM - Không được xem trước câu - Có kết quả muộn (10 – 12
hỏi của LC part 3 và 4 ngày)
- Đeo headphone nhưng vẫn - Có ít lịch thi hơn
nghe thấy tiếng của các máy - Tốn thời gian tô đáp án
xung quanh (dễ mất tập - Không được phép ghi gì lên
trung và cảm thấy khó chịu) đề
- Dễ mỏi mắt
ĐỐI TƯỢNG - Những người quen thao tác - Những người quen với các
với máy tính, quen đeo dạng bài thi truyền thống
headphone trên giấy, không giỏi thao tác
- Những người có khả năng trên máy
đọc lướt nhanh câu hỏi LC - Những người muốn tối ưu
part 3, 4 điểm bài LC (vì có thời gian
- Những người cần có chứng đọc trước câu hỏi LC part 3,
chỉ sớm 4)


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