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ie SmusRS | ToPAC MOM PR-0-R f | ethers Reagent: 1. Cone. 1,504 0 to oe 2. Aljdy at ayo acd ¢ || mech: | Reon + HO-R _Cont-44504 R-9-R | Not — 140" Ai, QcHgCH,OH a CHa, O- CHA CHS, QHO-act'c ethanol 2.|| from alkyl halite. Reachon soit dry Ag:0* | Rex Ag~o— AQT x ———> R-O-R —2Agx ether Ll CHACHS O- CHEM cH. nos Ag-o- Aq + he CH HS, Saget 3 Willtamoon , ether Sypstheats oo Alkyl, hall calle. cteoets aotth sertium alkoxide 40 -dorm athe» Rex aoe 28° R." bras lly Rolie Sian “MOR i caiyeaty{ Br a BOCs EE, te CHytra 9“ aH —nae en z ‘a a Vecou ethers | lay an this method! | ayromnenteal and unsyrm et one oblaimed- Cate ey Getter yield of ethers, , ‘alent fate io viva! ond ‘aflkanile io teitiony Scanned with CamScanner By P3. ves vllkyt haticle Yeacts with alkoutde, etimmmation toky 5 | place and alkenes ave obtained. Cachy tion ategene Aion] 4.|| Phenolic & vinyl etfters are cannol be prepareol by this met, 5.|| This veacton ‘volves on” mechanism QM thts YeacHox alkoutde acts as vieuleo; : pile ond 06 0 Strom 3 bose. CHAU + CyHis0NA —> CHOC Hs 4 By HO. CHS co + CyHs0N —> cl | o: ye . Pea Hy Br + ya o-C— CH, > CHy-O- O—3 1 ds” ot e+ Hy | Q: |, li CH3(H,-T+ Noa-0-CH-CH3 —> CHsCHi- 0 - CH CH ! ; | Oty ty Gr Hy CCH. te Gg ON, SF © CHg CHE CH, i Peo) & | | ° cats 000 | CH CHatH o: | CHy—CH- ct -ts ts wt H—CHs 1 Br ee - CH, = CH —CH,~CH. Ceapeowal 2, nes @:| CH= O4- Gr NAOGHs T? NO reaction iY . Nie . 0 | ma ts jj + NoociHe'—>_ No renetion 'pAromatic eters carmot be useel fu william son ether oy | ots, however tf song) wit hokuoing Qroup td presenti at ort? Qnel_paraposition -then reaction lakes place. be } roid cr, / bsiesatd Drente Scanned with CamScanner ———— 2. Dimethyl Sulphate, O place of halide in 10! fetyl Sulphate can be weed at The mon ether oynthesis ° _ 4 ts cy 0 - 3 8-H 4 Naot, —> CH30 GHs i ° 3 Phenolic cihers can be prepared in stnilay way by teatng Sodium phenoxidle wth alkyl halve KO O-CHs os —y Br- cht; —— Sodtum phenonide O-GHs 100. (+ wt — 190, on td CH = Ce Co) + eee ates — . Allyl odine 4. Gyutic_ethers con be prepared by following reaction ufc ethers Gt 6 “Ser of" oO. o CnC er { From alkens! sougmner tion 7 ilkequuymereuration of cealkowiprierwxoro Alken ——? ethers Reagent Hoy C cried. / ROH Nope, / OH" -+ olay Sead OH oT Sin ~ Hey CCH 3600), oe 4H Mech: i: = Cemgeoods Neon & A798 \ 7 O cot ROH TL eustoow OR, Ha O-E= CHD 7 Scanned with CamScanner | I xe c . 7 a“ “Ow 8 Re A OR Hg- o-t-aly “oe ht Q: + Co0)s /e, 1504 | CHy~ CHE CH, tg Lctts600. fans cg Hs - t NaGity/OH ets @ or sig es(009.7e,Hs OM cre" NaBH y/ OH @ Hy 4 cH tq (#16002, /ca¥ cae = cts ty, _ tag enstene Hy CH Ts cet roaGHy /OH~ Hy OR Hs me phenol Cnr of Aromat ies) OH ona Co) 8s Co] SS “208 -rH,0 Sodium phenoxide- OCH, CHACH, @ ty om, not, Co) Reparation of soli ghee [eid] Alkenes —— Epoxides Reagent: Gyb-o-o-H : Ciperaietelsd 6 ow 9° 4 ? 0 -0-H | CH. : > Q- —CH, 2-H OOHe 4 cH OOH Roc Ha Action of diazomethane on aluohols Bayon Ht ROH + CHiN, B95 RoOn ces Mech; . Protanati dt, + HB Fa ‘on of? Cliazonethane | ” -—_ Ba I Wp. + 8G ' Scanned with CamScanner ad ° De protanatiow. | ——— R-o-tH, H at R -6 Hy 4 Uns/A Q cyctoH SEES Cy cH-0-c4, | HBFy | ‘Chemicat Froperties ¢ ee OPES 1. | Reaction 4nvolving cleavage of cro bond « & Ackon with Cone. -H.5y 5. cugen OF ¢ Cone H804 ey HeOR t, Cutts 072054 Crs wi) Acton with HA; erage a . Ovder_Of reactivity of H HT > Hy PHH ° Gtig —O- He + Yt Gis * Gold * . | ——_ acn tt Ho 0 Gis + HE 5 Gig 0 SES Coe * Ha GHRsT +H,0 Case rio: ' | BF both alkyl groups ave different ~vrucleophile is Attached 10 omallest alkyl group: creed, O- Oat HT > Crt + GHsOH p to terftiony ‘then nucleophile Cages SY one of dhe oulkyl grou © Tag obtoched -to deriHary alkyl qreup on | 1 | ce —C = cH,OH > thay C-T + 5 eng b-o-tty + NE xg y cH cH Scanned with CamScanner “gn alkyl anyl ethers c-o bond beloeen alkyl gry and owygen 1s undergoes cleavage. ons 7 @: of + HT ——> 4+ CHyL ats i d cH ' —@ O-C—tHs i> ot Cy ! tur > tH co Tt CH 1 CHs ron | | & ere’ eu 5 or" f . (oyun o<_) +r ore" OH 2 wooycni-0 {07 +HE 3 MO = ws*(5) & 190, Lo yeeros, {OM 4/Ht oH nL aE tO Hs ts @ cage Ot Uo —chemyt HT Ly CHT + ange tHy SHS Otay CH, -0- HAO + HE 5 cry tH “Gt tpl no, 3 . i eHytHyt Halogenation: a ck ogenation o& coittio- batty CHRD AOU TY Sy katate ethyl ether Thy, 1 Cgthgr 0 Gch Scanned with CamScanner a air id) | Reaction, .o f_etherian ony ge Action sotth aly: . on son 0 ht oO. “ a Ope OO GIN BG Hg OmO- y cm . o . wh H@v! + c 2 + CrHg O- GH, + By —> [wrote] Gy * L Oxo nium colts Action_wi with ~H,50, 2 Cit - O- GHy + “Hog —> [ous- i catsy 4150, diethyl ceonum hychoger- * Oulphale.. Hydholy sto « . R-o-k' +-n,0 i= RON + ROH R-cH-9-R! ‘ 3 t 44140 Hn, R-GHOH + Row R . R o ttl >» e bon + ROH & R-é-0-R! + HA 1 | R R lil Hi90 GH, O-GHs + H0 -+ a OD = HA rin os o_o Qtyigo4 ” oH 4/0, 0. coy 4 CHy0D | o- W/O o O" oy aati * Pods || Acton with ocyl chloyide : ° ° Cry —0- Gn, + CHy-E-a eoty alg edt \ alate Action with acetic omhydride Het CH3- OT OGN, ° 9 " ) - GHs-O-GHs + cho ~oe 3 agts-0- oh CH3-6% . ‘ " HW f en Oxidatove + eh ide 2 co, Yow GHs-O-CHs > 2 CHS ° 9 ! GHs-o- cH, 22s cy bon + H-b-H oh Defiydyation + 2 Gis —O-GHs ALO. cH, = OH deo "> 9 Mech: - + t.. te auch, Gas 2 CH=CH, ' Q 7 ty) tH n® HO Reacton vith co: ’ it GR JS “H.-0- GyHs + Co tb Gets—0~ GHs Fooafm HOCH e-O- chic, Reaction | of Epoxide ‘ Aciol catalyseot “ving opentug epoxide es “) i, So7 nO ttt — cH 1 OH } Scanned with CamScanner | Hi | sep Potanahon att, Not, ! 4 } s oepe?! ucleophile” attack u ®0—H ca, CH _} oe eB SY i oH | 4 tanaton . Hep-> Depro! . ole wo on Sy —> UH CH Gre ali -ar ot > cH oH Base tatolysed ving opening epoxides OH - ° 1 | cha a “Ho Jor’ CHan tHe | ™e oR Spat! " &. a of ce ~ -_ Re So ian oepa2? CH - Oe HP, cr — ors oe o oR ot | Ring Gubsttutions ort SNe aromatic eters * ty in or ottly Halogenation « on c sua Scanned with CamScanner Nitvation ¢ ° @ ‘ ‘ 1 ~— Ho-S —on + HOO, 0 Base. OCHs OCHs _ ty wttration coy" / o NO, Alkylation ; = OCHs OtHs cH, > Atds coy” 4 + CH ? , » CH Acylation : : rode OtHs Ot, 0 OtHs Ald CW tH: (6) + os tw + Ger... \ Scanned with CamScanner

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