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ALCOHOLS 4 ~ Formula — Ro | supac mame — Alkonot | Common NOME — Alfayl aleohol Rawat of of aleohols : : Hhyplration: ¢ of_alkenes ut ‘cad + 0 >e- << for s Ho Mechanisno | @ Rotanation | ‘ ’ gO PO tated = id | cao at — xe q Stable corbocation |® pyeleophilic attcick | || Note + | dn acid cote Lysedl hyolvoction of ‘alkene « cogaton aS fe product ond sveorvan ne moy tatermeciiake pr 4 ce as “at ae ' ote T8901 ] | Q@ nye GH CH= OE CHy ty TAHAS9,». A any « aly : ay Q: oOo + te fois “HOY 0 1022" Drongien 107 Senay ww) Scanned with CamScanner “Hychoboxation of alkenes: 1 Reagent: Bile (THE M03.) OH P| St trvolwes free vadlical mechantom qo BH Gynec, HOH CHy~ CHE CH, “he fore ~ | Mechanism + ent Ce | Gig CHe cit, + GH —> Cy HL” |: 440 BctiycH,cH,—OH_ ¢ (eH yore od | Note ' | Sw hychobovation terminal alkenes gives f alcohols om | remaining alkenes give 2 and? fe 4 i | Sn thio veaction antiworkonikof's tule product 19 formed In +his teaction, + Yeorvangement 49 not takes plow CH ~ CH tie. Bet, (74 Hy, CH CH=CH, ae CH3- cH cH, cHy-0H | 1 diy “0, Jou CHE CH, : Oo Bx. HE fly "oO oslonm) Gye (THE! “HO, /0HT' fe a aie (THE Pate THD He wy ———— - “AiO, (OH ' Frome opignard feagert 0! C ott carbonyt compounds Pormatolehyc ax Scanned with CamScanner ——_ © \. Aion with n_forrmoleh ysle : yee a RMGX WO RHO Ot mech: 2 : : ‘ ve n-€ fe H+ gugXx — aco” 8, REO R ~ Mg (oH * 0. Action" rotth_alet aldehydes : — _ R—-CH-OH oy + RIMgX oT ; ee Aoi hi ‘ aot mech: nhs " +o tie geben + RMgX pe cpt 0M9% 2no, Ro ou ' R R oo 3. Action sotth Ketones © . : R Fa nenge ks f | Maseb: a 7% Pattee, \ R- i R+ Ree | Rec -omg% => R-G-OH é R 4. action voHlhs esters S90 Up . oF ltr —— a igh ; p-leor'+ 2RMg* tS g-b=on R s-of | Mechonisn : at ; P a pug ze Poor's Rmqg* —? gated > RE-R O 4 “ae ongx poe ! / OH 1 ' oR — ® phe R- ho Ho R=! 4 P sors ns (|, Reaction. font, eponted Pt 24370, : ; = 0H mgy + ona Ge BUSY RE ns Scanned with CamScanner | exc, MEN , ester; anitiles, actel chlor FmgBr + Re CHa sof ong x 3. | Reduction of aldlehysles cory ketones | tO Ot Reagent: (y Galtty @) NaBbHy ' (> Na/eHs0H | @) A/Ha | # Daly | ' Lali, 15 used 4o vedlucr corbonyt Compounds, cvtoles , e6texs, acted onthi mitiles, nitrogroup> +o alcohols. lar p- position (0 ae NOBHy a Sy ial q | NaBH, 75 O censitive Hetlueing 0G dlefjoles. Ketones anol carborylic adds, 0 alefehy foo i pene groups. Li ° | op ten MaBty @-cH,04 ; pew Vet £ * cuatH ps ety bey, a GHy, sr 2 : OH ‘ 7 Vo » bay, | i ‘i yh e _ eH = CH Cy CH=CH at, = C= RaGHy CH 4 wabHy Cts 4 CHe tgs — CH=CH C-0H (un - Be roy LW Atty git Oa Scanned wit! yyetrtcles without affecting pier ea} og ent -for vecluction oF only , awithout effecting | ei en ent i | Mech: os Re Gh Hn oy RMgx + tae > R- CH HS omg* ao! ot ic My ° | Hank R-CH-Gh Rt ao ‘ a oH adidls, acto) chlo oa - Yom? me Lat, reduce fouble bond whin phere group present Aasie <0 han A -cn,-04 cH,-0 =tH,- 0H h CamScanner Hy CH Oa ° 5 te ow Ho cHg 707 CS. ou ° FO ET Bi + CH,WwOoH | Note ! ” do obtatneck 1. | gn thts creaeto, ‘Markonikolt ale proclust noes i ‘i 4 at not tak PI . 2. | Sn this reaction, rearrange ‘ Mud oO: cH = CHa Hig Congo [wae Cr a | CI area 7oe” NabHy /or - ° _ a Law CHy—cH =CH— €-0H 4 cH cH= CH = CH OH cr ann erm as ° u i cH cH, OH — Oo Onymercuraction and cleouymeruration: Reagunt + |. +g CCH,Co0 > /THE 9. MaBHy /on7 [He ©0003 (7H D NaGHy/on- ST gas CHy-CH= CH, OH Mech: 1 OxyMereuyation ! Hig CCH300 i BACs CHa cH Hs CHa CH=CH HOT “THF OH * Hg -0-Ac a. Deon praereuratt On DA ca NaBHy -CH—CHs tH ts a CHS 4 ‘ s A WMLs * Som ofa aos oe | 4, —? R+OH + 0,7 Reo gent: O00, | ~ i ‘ ©. wonp,trHa, oF ors. hole: City” “ONO +: CHy7 0, Mojor sv minoy + Methyl vitle CHyOH, + -HN0, ——? CHy-0- CH . (excess) at raethylether ! | King_exponcion s , Asie Utonetey Me a WH, ‘ Ge aod oH won, FY AO (08 ab to% 0%. Scanned with CamScanner a O R-0H Alwhol eh! a w 1 ok _deor' + th0 Rg 1 , Add), —— R- ; f tron + atts From, carbohy dvo. tA: pA A Inver toe Hine + +40 Save eon + Cetin’ * Wi ‘ fructo*% Cyathn Ow ut qlucose Sucre aymees CH5 0H ethyl altohol CHi% From otovh « - * OT " ytouse (Ce Hi0s>n * whe aro coins Stowh eet we: Cotta zymase 2 CHO Preparation of. CHs0H: i ' Ne . ¥ 1293 A a eet CH, 0H oH, + Ot HL uw Qn (or COs, : medhyt otiohol syn qe ts . CHy + 0, “ge HOH pes H 4 iater dba aw omyge 8, atock D Say dog, ality pe 33, Carbon B oltack Odytood Scanned with CamScanner ° u Gale g Hye = ms ee age —t-0H + caso ~OH | tae, Latta 5 aw | Chemical properties : ry Reaction Tavolving clevage of oH bond Calwhot acto ao nucleophile) T |) Reactton Anvolving , Cleva e of C-0 bonol Caleohol acks a3 electrophile) | | > |) Reaction Anvoluing cleavage of On bond | | Action_with metals? dor Rots me ——9 ROM HK” Cas ark] | | Ron+ Na ——> Rova+ tH, | Sedum alkoxide 2! Actow_swHh metal ett hydhete pou 2 MH > ROME 3.) Acton sith 9 20th cmetod | hydroxtde ; ‘ | R-OH™ + mon -——? RO M+ HO w.| Adion with metal C covbonale ; — _ Rt+HL D+ Oy oe he | ROH + MCs _ ent : a iqnowdl 7209 ah : | Zeackon Hin ath gig 5 | Ron 4 ey ege > IS x 6 Corot ore, i " * cn Voi cee on + HOR’ Hy cay OR Oh pel, Add atcohot HS atte EY cS (pos 4 Scanned with CamScanner Reacton involving _ cleavage, of c-9 bona N a eat IX Actiove with Ix! Reagent: ancl on + H-X a cH gun.e% CHaCHa7 Alcohol . aAatton “20th BE 1 Pole , Sous: Pel cHycrd * HPO : CHgt 42-04 cuiggtadl + Pouye HU oou, cagn hs 2, tHe Dehydration of olwohols : , Reagent: 1. Conc: H,004 2. ALLO, 3. HaPO,* \ ~ 4 BOs 5: Cocks ' G. Br, ia Anhydvous and, | 9° CH,CH, OF + n-BHon ao WO'e, cngctt,-0- 50s" a 3 ° ae? llagt sulphates Cone: Hi82 Cone H8Y 6.445 -0~ tate CHCH,OH + OH cH CH y me oe ethero CH, CHa Cone: 4.804 , | , > Ae cre CH A OH Os Kv signs gah ALOs wi , CHsCHLO4 —De0te coy, outa, ene ehes * GHycH,OH AOas eH EH Bs0-30e Agana loin 4 on Order of dehydration ¢ Soy 2% a? i-d 10 | Mojor minor ° cr Cone. HsS04 Lone Hee , S28 OL G,-CH vee ay on some aimed according to the iperotu ye > tao" mofor, mt | a oor noY > : art 1 ty in Cece cH Ot, OC HBESY cH be OI Hs ° 1 > Bo" $ OH Major thts tes OS a Be / chy- 60H Abs. reg ce Od 1 Seo'e CH \ Arvonge the order of Aehydratton t BSG os Oxidation of oleohols : ae ol — > AldefryCles) 4» pf as tulkeney 2°. O| —? Ketones h U) Collins reagent ¢ By POEL era Ch: C105: 6545") Oy: Gs 0’) Reqgen’ : Scanned with CamScanner fH? (a Pde Cond, / O09 igh [owen oxiclation) (4) DM50:+, cOcl- COLL + C5 (> Ga/sask Hd — Covbonylice acids at ol —> Ketones 4 [Reagents ; “ag. Acetow © at Ccrds Impresene of dtl 4,904) | a) Tone's reage ©) Aatdified dichromate > Cr,0F /H" | | | 079 K 07,05. (@) Acidified KMnO, CD Ag, divomic, acto CH Cr0y) we a cHycnjon tH CoH " 533K 3 on e CH3— CH - O41; ws cutsce = tHy Saak Seta Hs | chy 60H cus Hy | Hs ; Alken, ' Nok. Ee or ot reacts vith on/ 599k elimination takes plac ond gives alkerus. Reaction ithe cn how nitrate can Cote Amamont -for avila oxtototion. of pimory | can is a selective reagent alcohols, oronepite primary aleohols “0 give aislehrystes. Aldehydes fret at x ae) can. CH Ut OH | ; A > CH ( fe MH ‘i np (gyene as en, cry Scanned with CamScanner Reaction with Mnd,: Me lena apn geaia: 70 MK Mino, 49 a. oelective eager for oxidation + allylic and benaylic alcohols 40 give odlehyciee: e : HOO, cre cH ETM CH, = CH CHL OH Ato 4,0 aH Nao. , , 2 Oppenouer Ouidation : 2° ol ——> Ketoves dsifiot (ce ° » 8 . on ay Reagent: ALCOCHs), J Cio" Hs ) ou om). A (Hy CH= CH ALCON, C44, EC CHy-C~ CH, Qa vat Cotes) i cn, | youn CH, —CH— Ut, Hy Te Cry EOS _ Cty ects oH 1 cH ci City CH= HOF PUCOHDS | ys CCH CHa OM : CHy— C~CHy Victor mayer leet: . ; or moyer et 7 Le alcohols re 3 \s== dat R-CH,~OH Semz0H en 0H . \ | Allyl hotides jar far ee J 4gno, Recto ores e a Alkyl site Jago... | & a R-e-t IHN; oat 2. woo RCH, -00,| Bis N WU, Reecipitate Jawa, SCH WO. Lage. | RX 3 & RCH 100, — R—Eu100. | 1 “eo Sea-wo) Bo J woon Ro bo ap HRm poe ' [Red predpHiole .' ano [ino veoct Scanned with CamScanner

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