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Jagat singh Baasta



Intern Coordinator
Full Name: Sahejh singh Mr. Manvendra sir

Class: BALLB(Hons.) - B Assistant Professor, SOL

Semester: 9th semester

System Id: 2019003352

Roll No. : 190959090


I did my internship under a District & Sessions court advocate Jagat singh baasta, in
Saket district court complex New Delhi -110062.

The term of the internship was 4 weeks.

My internship training was also divided as per the weeks. The brief report of my internship of 4
weeks is as follows:-

1) Week 1

In the first week, I had to observe and learn the working of the cases, client dealing, sit in court
proceedings and observe the proceedings and read files.

In the first week, I did not get any task and only had to learn basics and ask doubts, it was more
like learning week as a law student and a budding lawyer. I merely watched and tried to
understand the cases my senior advocate was dealing with.

2)Week 2

In the second week, I was given the task to deal with the clients work in the office of my senior
lawyer, read provisions related to the cases, finding provisions that were related to my Senior
lawyer's recent case, also I was given law books to read the judgements, analyze the citation of
the cases, read the files. I was taught to maintain files and organize the table. Also, the court
proceeding observation was the same as I did in the first week, I also got chance to have
conversations with the respected magistrate, judges and the prosecutors who motivated me to
work very hard.

3)Week 3

In the third week of my internship, I was given different tasks adding on to the task of 2nd week, I
had to write rough draft petitions as per the instructions of my senior advocate and get them
typed. I had to assist my lawyer in the court room with files, help the lawyer finding out the
provisions of the ongoing cases and assist the junior lawyers in the court room. Often, I was
given the task to prepare the clients for the court proceeding examination and to make them
aware about their rights and give them factual updates of the case. Also, I had to maintain my
diary in the ongoing process and write down everything I understood in the court room. I even
got the chance to see the Examination-in-chief and cross-examination of witnesses and the party
to the case itself which was done by my senior counsel and the opposition learned counsel. I
even got to see examination of the investigating officer by the defendant’s counsel in some other
advocate’s case while I was visiting and waiting in the court for our case with our clients.
4)Week 4

In the last week, I had to do all the same works as before, but I got the opportunity to present
arguments for one or two issues in front of the magistrate in a case. It was an enthralling
experience for me as it was my first time speaking myself before a magistrate with respect to a
case. The case was related to the charges of dowry death and we were the counsels on the
defendant’s behalf. The argument I presented was related to a letter written by the deceased to
her maternal family where she had referred to something which was so vague and there was no
other proof of that she was being subjected to cruelty by our clients. And in the last week, I was
able to understand the court proceedings more precisely than before because I got familiar with
the court, its proceedings and atmosphere well by then.

Although during the internship period, I had to work hard but I got to learn many things about
being an advocate, the court proceedings and gather knowledge about the practical field, I was
able to enhance my speaking skills and research. I learned to present myself in a more formal and
considerate way as per the decorum of the court. I was able to know about various types of
crimes and cases happening in the society. I also got to know that the practical field in law is
very different then the theoretical and how we imagine it to be and I definitely need more
practice and understanding in the field and have a long way to go. I am very grateful to my
senior advocate for guiding me throughout the internship and letting me work under him and I
will be doing my best in the future as well.

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