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WORK ACTIVITY: Fitment of Pipe Insulation


Sequence of Basic Job steps Potential Incidents or Hazards Way to Eliminate or reduce potential Hazards
List the task required to perform Against each task list the hazards List the control measures required to eliminate or minimize the
the activity in the sequence they that could cause injury when the risk of injury arising from the identified hazard
are carried out task is performed

Manual handling  Improper/ Unsafe posture and • Observe proper lifting technique.
overweight will cause back  Assess the weight of the load. Keep back straight (but
strain/Injury/ Muscle pain. not vertical).
 Don’t lift the object by bending Knees.
 Stand as close as possible to object.
 Avoid over reaching or stretching.
 Don’t give weight on the back.
 Position feet properly in the direction of load to be
• Train personnel about manual handling.
• Avoid lifting if medically unfit or sick.
• Wear approved gloves.

 Insecure hold will cause material • Pre-job Talk shall be conducted.

slipping from hand and make • Hold the material with firm grip by using the palms of the hand
injury to personnel and damage to and roots of the fingers.
property. • Lift gradually using leg and knee with close to the body.
• Wherever possible make use of mechanical lifting aids.

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 Inadequate Space/ Tripping & • Area shall be cleared for lifting and movement.
slipping/ Poor knowledge. • Make sufficient space for lifting.
• Supervisor shall be given proper instruction on lifting and
movement of material in congested place.
• Adequate lighting shall be provided and keep the area clear
from trip/ slip hazards and make sure that view is not blocked.
• Train the personnel on manual handling and conduct tool box
talk before the task, by supervisor.
• Housekeeping shall be maintained throughout job and access
shall be clear from all the objects.

Working in or around the • All the precautions as per the permit shall be taken before
energized building. starting of the activities.
• Toolbox meeting shall be conducted by supervisor before
starting of each activity and explain about the nature of work,
hazard on the activities, personnel responsibilities, emergency
procedure and the nearest assembling point. Mentioned the
nearest assembly point number on the Toolbox card.
• Supervisor shall be present at all time at work location for
monitoring and supervision.
• Discipline clearance shall be obtained from the energized
panel and other equipments.
• Don’t enter in to any prohibited or restricted area.
• All the instructions (oral or written) shall be obeyed and
respect the signage.
• Lock Out Tag Out system shall be maintained on all switch
boards and panels downstream of the energized equipment.

• Ensure all the machineries/Tools & tackle are inspected by an

authorized & trained person & current color code is displayed.
• All personnel to wear approved PPE and any additional PPE
that may have been identified i.e. Electrical Rubber gloves.
• JSA to be discussed in Toolbox meeting & prior to
commencement of any new Jobs.
• Multimeter/Clamp meter used for checking of voltage &
current shall be calibrated & certificate available for
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• Assigned Engineer /Supervisor/Foreman to monitor the works
and verify for any discrepancies.
• Ensure illumination is available in the work place.
• Emergency lights shall be provided to illuminate the access
ways in case of a power failure.
• All works carried out should be in line with Technip FMC
• Ensure only authorized person are deployed for the job.
• Keep ABC/CO2 type fire extinguisher in the work area.
• All persons involved shall be trained for fire prevention
• Conductive materials shall not be allowed near to the
energized panel/ equipments.
• Wooden/ fiber ladder shall be used inside the building.
• Combustible/ highly flammable materials or liquid items shall
be not allowed inside the energized building.

Assembling/dismantling or  Scaffold collapse • Only experienced, trained and certified scaffolders shall be
modifying of scaffold. used for the assembling/ dismantling/ modifying of scaffold.
• Build the scaffold on firm and leveled ground and follow all
specification required for the scaffold erection. Close
supervision shall be required during erection/dismantling/
• Tie the scaffold to the structure where ever possible while the
height increases.

• Trained and qualified inspector shall inspected and certify the

scaffold after erection (prior to use) and on a weekly basis.
• Red tag shall be provided for the incomplete scaffolding and
during erection, only scaffolders are allowed to work on a red
tagged scaffold. Barricade the area and provide warning
• Scaffold shall be erected to ensure that it can take the load as

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indicated on the scaff tag withstand weather condition.
• Scaffold materials including fixtures shall be of adequate
strength, free from any defects, corrosion and bends.
• Full time supervision shall be present.
• Only trained & authorized scaffolders are allowed for erection,
dismantling & modification activities.
• Proper hand rails and toe boards shall be available on the
 Poor access or unapproved
ladders • Don’t access to the red tagged or incomplete scaffolding.
Barricade the area and provide warning signs.
• Clear the access area from debris, waste material and other
• Use proper length ladders for access and install them as per
• Ladder shall be secured from top, middle and bottom.

 Over load
• Never over load the scaffold platforms with material and
• Only allowed weight shall be on the platform.
• Always follow the purpose of the built in scaffold and take only
mentioned weight to platform.

Working at height  Personnel fall • Only WAH trained worker can perform working at height
• Supervisor shall be available all the time.
• Hand rails and toe boards shall be erected where ever

• Don’t allow any unauthorized access and adequate cautionary

notices and signage shall be displayed.
• Full body harness shall be worn at all time and 100%

• Lower scaffolding materials using rope and pulley (gin Wheel).

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 Falling objects and materials • Do not leave any material on the scaffold platforms.
• Kick boards shall be available at all side of the platform at
elevated levels.
• Barricade the area with warning signs to stop the entry of
outsiders near the working area.
• Bring the material by tying with proper rope and using pulleys.

Insulation of Chilled Water Pipes  Inhalation of vapors may result in • Sufficient ventilation shall be provided in the insulation area.
dizziness, weakness and • Only trained personnel shall be allowed to perform the job.
headache. Can cause chronic lung • Proper handling and work procedures shall be followed.
disease. Irritant to eye and skin if • PPE shall be provided as per MSDS.
contact. Incorrect usage of • All the precautions as per MSDS shall be taken.
materials. • Training on MSDS shall be given to employees before starting
of work.
• MSDS shall be displayed nearby for reference.

 Fire
• Proper housekeeping shall be maintained at all time.
• Appropriate fire extinguisher shall be kept nearby at all time.
• Store the materials in an appropriate atmospheric condition.
• Glue shall be keep away from the ignition source and
combustible materials.
• Appropriate signage and warning notice shall be provided.

Vapour barrier  Inhalation of vapor or mist • Sufficient ventilation / Fresh air shall be provided in the work
causes include coughing, area.
wheezing, laryngitis, and • Only trained personnel shall be allowed to perform the job
shortness of breath, headache, • PPE shall be provided as per MSDS.
nausea, and vomiting.. • All the precautions as per MSDS shall be taken.
• Training on MSDS shall be given to employees before
starting of work.
• MSDS shall be displayed nearby for reference.
• Appropriate PPE shall be worn at all time

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 Fire • Proper housekeeping shall be maintained at all time.
• Appropriate fire extinguisher shall be kept nearby at all time.
• Store the materials in an appropriate atmospheric condition.
• Mastic shall be keep away from the ignition source and
combustible materials.
• Appropriate signage and warning notice shall be provided.

Site Condition/Welfare Heat Stress, fatigue & Dust • Make sure drinking plenty of water and taking adequate rest
during heat atmosphere.
• Wear overall to avoid exposure from heat.
• Wear specified PPE’s and comfort dust mask.

Insufficient / untidy facilities • Rest shelter shall be provided as required.

• Make sure availability of drinking water at all time.
• All toilet facilities shall be maintained in a clean and
serviceable condition, soap to be provided and paper for
drying hands.
• All personnel to be discouraged from urinating in the working
• Separate eating facility shall be provided away from work
• Food & beverage shall not allow in the work location.

Waste • All the waste materials are to be segregated and dispose off
as per the Site procedure in the designated skips.
• Proper housekeeping to be conducted at the end of the day.

Emergency Procedure  Lack of training and site • Follow the site evacuation procedure and assemble at the
emergency drills. emergency muster point.
• Emergency numbers posted inside buildings or any working
• Workers should have the means of communication for
emergency cases.
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• Emergency Mock Drills to be carry-out quarterly or semi-

 Unavailability of Vehicles in cases • Vehicle should be available during the entire working hours.
of emergency.

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Hazard Specific Additional PPE

 Goggles-Clean X  Dust Mask - X  Other PPE for Equipment

 Face Shield-  Respirator-  H2S monitor
 Welding Glass  Air Lines (Supplied Air)
 Chemical Suit  SCBA
 Disposable Coveralls  Half Face
 Full Face

Before starting the work

 Is it the right time to do the work?

 Has the JSA been reviewed and upgraded / revalidated at the work site for current conditions?
 Have you communicated with others who might be affecting by the work?
 Do you have the necessary resources to do the work, e.g. equipment, right tools, manpower, qualified people and proper PPE?
 Do you have all the necessary work permits to do the work?


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