Pt Eval Palpation

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Palpation: Supine Position Bell’s palsy/ Chvostek Sign- tap the parotid

Anterior aspect:
(+) tingling sensation in the facial nerve
 Hyoid bone- C3, moves up during
swallowing 5 branches of Facial nerve
 Thyroid cartilage- C4-C5, adams
 Temporal
 First cricoid ring  Zygomatic
 Carotid tubercle-C6 tubercle;anterior  Buccal
transverse process of C6  Mandibular
 Cervical
Posterior aspect:
Branches of C5(Trigemenal nerve)
 External occipital protuberance
 Occiput  Opthalmic (sensory)
 Inion-bump of knowledge  Maxillary (sensory)
 Superior nuchal line  Mandibular (motor and sensory)
 Mastoid process( SCM and Trapz) Triangles of the neck
 Spinous process and facet joints of
the vertebra (C2, C6, C7) Anterior Triangle
*C5 and C6- common site for OA
 Carotid
Soft Tissue Palpation  Muscular
 Submental
Zone 1- Anterior aspect  Submandibular
 SCM- affected in torticollis Posterior Triangle
 Lymph node chain
 Thyroid gland  Occipital triangle
 Carotid pulse  Supraclavicular triangle
 Parotid gland-closely connected to
facial nerve
 Supraclavicular fossa- palpate for  Stylohyoid
swelling;puncture  Mandible
Zone 2- Posterior aspect  Digastric

 Trapezius Muscular
 Lymph nodea  Skin
 Greater occipital nerve(inion)- move  Superior omohyoid
superior  SCM
 Superior nuchal line

 Digastric(2)
 Hyoid bone


 Stylohyoid
 Mandible
 Digastric


 Trapz
 Inferior Omohyoid


 Clavicle
 Superior omohyoid

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