Seismic design165-195

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aspects of this approach for defining which are incorporated in the ATC-3 seismic events in time can be described

seismic design criteria should be noted. provisions for the development of as a homogeneous Poisson process with
First, the response spectra should be seismic regulations for buildings, are a uniform occurrence rate. Also, the
representative, not only of the antici- reproduced in Fig. 21. spatial distribution of earthquakes in a
pated characteristics of the ground particular source zone is almost always
motion at the site, but also of an Probabilistic Approach assumed uniform, although any number
acceptable level of structural response. Probabilistic methods differ from of such zones can be defined as a basis
Second, a response spectrum approach deterministic methods in that they use for probabilistically modeling the
should not be used if (1) the structure's simple probabilistic models as tools for ground shaking. In general, earthquake
response is highly nonlinear; or (2) the estimating effects of uncertainties in the magnitudes are considered to be ex-
structure is sufficiently long that occurrence of earthquakes and in the ponentially distributed. When coupled
earthquake i n p u t motion could vary attenuation relationships. The occur- with applicable ground motion attenua-
significantly in amplitude and phase rence of earthquake events in time and tion relationships, this approach leads
along its length. In these cases, the space within each potential earthquake to definition of the probability of
specification of seismic i n p u t criteria in source is represented using a simple exceeding a given level of ground
the form of motion time-histories is probabilistic model. Most commonly, it shaking at the site.
most appropriate. Definition and use of is assumed that future earthquake In its simplest form, the current
m o t i o n time-histories for design/ events are spatially and temporally practice is, typically, to use peak ground
analysis of underground excavations independent. Accordingly, it is often acceleration as the single measure of the
are discussed in the main text, under assumed that the future occurrence of strength of shaking at the site. Peak
"Seismic Activity." The discussion here
is more relevant for free-standing
Period (s)
structures, either on the surface or
too 1o i o.i O.Ol
within underground excavation, and 60 iii i ~ i I I I ~ I f ~ I i i ~ i [ i i i I I I I [ f I I

serves primarily to illustrate an alterna-

tive approach to definition of seismic ] "~<~/oo / \I / \(cl=25Hz \ o*/
i n p u t criteria. ~-m~/ ~Percent damping "~x / :~,OX'.x~
_ ^.b{,'e~ ~v v - J ,.~,'x~/o
The two approaches currently in use 0.,e/',~:,i" ~- r ~ o . 5 -- ~ oo~-/-\uv
for developing response spectra--deter-
ministic and probabilistic--differ in the
method used to account for the various
uncertainties associated with the earth-
? %
quake process, The most important
uncertainties are the timing and location !
of future earthquakes of a given size and >
the characteristics of the resultant
ground shaking that would be ex-
perienced at a particular site.

Deterministic Approach
Deterministic methods do not directly
account for the uncertainties in the Spectra normalizedto zero period ..,~,/~,
occurrence of earthquakes. Instead, oJ Z , , ,~,,,, A , , ,\,,,, " ,,
specific earthquake events associated O.OI O. I I IO IOO
with particular faults or other geologic Frequency (Hz)
features are identified, and the sizes
(magnitudes, epicentral intensities, etc.) Figure 20. Site-independent spectrum shapes: horizontal motion, RG 1.60 (Newmarket al.
and source-site distances associated 1973).
with these events are used for the
development of the response spectra. 4
Standard ground motion vs distance
a t t e n u a t i o n curves derived from

S o f t t o m e d i u m c l a y s and
statistical regression analyses are used to r-
O sands (soil type 3)
establish the general levels of shaking at
the site. These ground shaking levels are g 2 Deep c o h e s i o n l e s s or s t i f f
then used to derive response spectra by
scaling standardized spectrum shapes. clay soils (soil type 2)
2 0
Standardized spectrum shapes are
developed from statistical analysis of \ R o c k and s t i f f soils
response spectra with different levels of g "0
t- (soil type I)
d a m p i n g for an ensemble of measured 0
ground motion records, either for a 13n
variety of geologic settings or one
specific type of geologic setting. An g E
example of a general response spectrum .E_
is given in Fig. 20. T h a t particular X

spectrum was adopted by the Nuclear

Regulatory Commission as a standard
for design of nuclear facilities. I I I I I
Site-dependent spectra are developed 0 0.5 i 1.5 2 2.5 3
by grouping ground motion records Period (s)
according to local site geology.
Examples of such spectrum shapes, Figure 21. Site-dependent spectrum shapes in ~'lTC-3 (1978) seismic design provisions.


acceleration vs probability curves are and rock summarized under "Recom- Ou OZu
developed and are entered at a selected mended Procedures for Preliminary ~x = f' (x - ct) 0 7 = f " (x - ct)
probability level in order to define the Design of Underground Structures." (n-2)
peak ground acceleration. This accelera- Although part of this appendix overlaps 02u
tion is then used to scale a fixed the material presented under "Structures Ou
- - = - C
f' (x ct)-
-gi~: d i " (x ct)
spectrum shape (which may be site- that Conform to G r o u n d Motion," it is
independent or site-dependent) in order included here for clarity and ease of From the above expressions, the follow-
to obtain the site design response reference. ing relationships can be derived
spectra. This approach is summarized As discussed previously, the analytical
schematically in Fig. 22. However, method for estimating the strains and Ou 10u
because the use of fixed spectrum shapes stresses experienced by an underground = - (g-3a)
Ox c Ot
has certain limitations, some in- structure when it conforms to ground
vestigators have developed procedures motion is based on the theory of wave
for probabilistically defining the propagation in an infinite, homo- and
spectral amplitudes of the design geneous, isotropic, elastic medium. The
spectrum on a frequency-by-frequency case is pertinent to most tunnels in rock O~u 1 O2u
= ---- (B-3b)
basis. Although this approach would and many soils, since the liner stiffness Ox ~ c z Otz
appear to be more refined than the fixed is low in comparison to that of the
spectrum shape approach, it does medium. 0U . 02U
require frequency-dependent attenua- where ~-x xs a measure of strain; Ox 2
tion data, which often are not really Ou OZu
Seismic Strains represents the curvature; and 0--/-andOt ~
The particle motion associated with a represent, respectively, the particle
plane wave propagation in the x- velocity and acceleration. In the special
Appendix B-- direction in an infinite medium can be case where the displacement function
Theoretical Development of represented by can be assumed as a sine or cosine
Seismic Response When function
u(x,t) : f(x-ct) (B-I)
Ground/Structure 2~-
Interaction Is Ignored u : Um sin ~ - (x - ct) (B-4)
where t represents time and c, the
This appendix provides a detailed apparent wave propagation velocity.
description of the assumptions made to The first and second derivatives of the where L is the wavelength and Um the
arrive at the recommended preliminary displacement function with respect to m a x i m u m displacement amplitude,
design procedure for structures in soil location in time, t, and space, x, are Equation (B-3b) yields

I f/(M)l\zn~l'~""/
a/-biM I
~++ + + + + ~
Earthquake source j
(area source]

T i m e and Location o f
Dependent on subsurface
m a t e r i a l conditions at site

I source i./(Line source] I I ",.L M M I /+ * +'//" e a r t h q u a k e event in

sv(fz) Probability
/+ + + + ~ source j = Poisson process distribution
I "+~"~_ J Probability Magnitude- I +++ + . . . . . . . . . . .
~+" I density function recurrence I
I ~"+~+, I for magn r u d e rate i
J ~+~+, ~--~lSize
of earthquake
. . . event
. in source i l " " < M,
'Time and Loco,iooof % . j M M I
I e a r t h q u a k e event in , ~ P ~ Probability Magnitude- ii
I source / = Poisson process +,,+~ density f u n c t i o n recurrence Define acceleration vs
for magnitude rate d i s t a n c e attenuation rates
I "+'.+...+ Size of earthquake event in source j I
I (For magnitudes M~ - - - M r )
I for each source a t each
L. J site

Define seismicity and geometry f o r each p o t e n t i a l earthquake source at each site
I_ _ _ L

ProPabiLity of
Acceptable probability Level

Po .... Peak a c c e l e r a t i o n

' I
Peak acceleration I
Develop probability vs peak acceleration curve for each site I

Fixed spectrum shope

Pseudo- /
velocity Peak acceleration
criterion a


Develop design spectrum by scaling fixed s p e c t r u m

I_ shape using peak acceleration c r i t e r i o n , a _1

Figure 22. Current practice for carrying out seismic hazard assessment in terms of peak acceleration.


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