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Hi, im Laura and im going to talk you about my hobbies and interests.

I play the violin since i

was eight until now, and although i dont think im going to work with something related to
music, well maybe with the time i change my opinión, but now i dont thinks so i will still
continue top play it by my own, since i enjoy it a lot.

Another thik im into is cinema. Like two yeras ago, i started to watch more films, old and cult
films, and to get more interested in film directors, their techniques, film photograby or

Other hobbies i have are for example photography. Mi mom worked takinh photos for a
newspaper, and she is now teaching me. I also enjpy a lot Reading. Since i was Little i have read
A LOT, and i dont mind the type of book. It can be Mystery Books, Police, Fantasy, Sci-Fi ore
ven comics. And finnally, when im free of school work or activities i usually spend a lot of time
drawing. My cousin, who has studied arts, has teached me, and now i one of my favourite
things to do.

So thes are some of my hobbies and activities i enjoy practicing.

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