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Subject: Closing My Account Due to Ongoing Issues at Karimnagar Kaman Branch

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the services provided
by Axis Bank, specifically at the Karimnagar Kaman branch. Despite my long association with your
bank, I have been facing several issues that remain unresolved.

Firstly, I have consistently experienced poor customer service. There is a noticeable lack of proper
response from the staff, which has been very frustrating. Moreover, the network issues at the branch
have been a constant problem, hindering smooth transactions and banking operations.

Additionally, the maintenance of the branch itself is severely lacking. On multiple occasions, I have
found that essential equipment such as printers and desktops are not functioning properly. It
appears that the branch is not adequately funded for necessary maintenance, raising concerns about
the overall management and reliability of services.

Given these ongoing issues, I am compelled to question the security and maintenance of the bank's
server. If basic branch maintenance is not being managed properly, it is difficult to trust that higher-
level security and maintenance measures are effectively in place.

As a result, I have decided to close my account with Axis Bank. The inefficiencies and time wasted at
the Karimnagar Kaman branch have led me to this decision. I am no longer interested in continuing
my association with a bank that does not prioritize its customers' convenience and satisfaction.

Please initiate the process of closing my account at the earliest convenience. My account number is

Thank you for your attention to this matter.



Account Number: 922010019821421

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