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7/15/24, 10:41 AM How to Extract Tar File in Linux?

[2 Best Methods]

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Home  Linux Fundamentals  How to Extract Tar File in Linux?

[2 Best Methods]

How to Extract Tar File in

Linux? [2 Best Methods]
Written by Reviewed by Last updated: June 25, 2024
Ojash  Akshat  Expert verified

To extract tar file in Linux, you can try the following

To extract tar file using the command line

For a .tar.xz file, run the tar -xf
archive_name.tar.xz command for
When dealing with a .tar file, employ tar -
xf archive_name.tar to open.

To extract a .tar.gz file, utilize tar -xzf

archive_name.tar.gz effectively. 1/24
7/15/24, 10:41 AM How to Extract Tar File in Linux? [2 Best Methods]

For unpacking a .tar.bz2 file, execute tar

-xjf archive_name.tar.bz2.

With GUIs like Archive Manager, just click and

choose where to extract, making it easy to open
files without typing commands.

Opening tar files on Linux can seem tricky, but it’s easier than
you think. In this post, I’ll show you how to extract tar files
using both command-line and graphical methods. Whether
you’re dealing with a .tar.xz, .tar, .tar.gz, or .tar.bz2 file, you
will learn how to open them easily using tools you already have
on your Linux system. Plus, I’ll share some tips on fixing
common issues you might run into along the way. So, let’s dive
in and make working with tar files in Linux a breeze

What Are Tar Files in Linux?

A tar file is a type of archive file used in Linux and Unix
systems. It groups multiple files and directories into a single
file, making it easier to store or transfer them. The name “tar”
stands for “tape archive,” reflecting its original use for storing
data on magnetic tape.

Technical Structure and Format

A tar file is an uncompressed archive file by default. It stores: 2/24
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File Headers: Information about each file (name,

size, modification date, etc.)
File Data: The actual content of the files

Sometimes, people compress tar files using gzip or bzip2,

resulting in .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 files, which are smaller and easier
to transfer.

Common Uses of Tar Files

Archiving and Compressing: People use tar files
to combine and compress multiple files and
directories. This process reduces the total file
size, making storage more efficient. It also
simplifies the transfer of many files, as you only
need to send one tar file instead of multiple
individual files.
Backup and Restoration: Tar files are popular for
creating backups. You can bundle all the
important files and directories into a single tar
file and store it safely. If you need to restore your
data, you can extract the tar file to get back all
the original files.
Distribution of Software Packages: Developers
often use tar files to distribute software
packages. They bundle all the necessary files
and directories into a tar file and share it with
users. This method ensures that users receive all 3/24
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the required components in one package,

making installation easier.

How to Extract Tar File in

To extract tar file in Linux, use the tar command
followed by specific options. For a basic tar file, type
tar -xvf filename.tar in the terminal, where -x
stands for extract, -v for verbose (showing the
progress), and -f specifies the filename. For
compressed tar files like .tar.gz or .tar.bz2, add
the -z or -j option respectively, such as tar -xzvf
filename.tar.gz or tar -xjvf
filename.tar.bz2. These commands will extract the
files into your current directory.

Explore the guide below for the step-by-step guide for this
method to Linux open tar file and also a GUI method:

2 Ways to Extract Tar Files in

Extracting different types of tar files on Linux can be
accomplished using a variety of methods. Below, I’ll detail how
to extract .tar.xz, .tar, .tar.gz, and .tar.bz2 files using both 4/24
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command-line tools and graphical user interfaces (GUIs),

ensuring you have the knowledge to handle these common
archive formats efficiently.

1. Extract Tar files using the

Command Line Interface (CLI)
The tar command is versatile and can handle various
compression formats through different flags. Here’s how to
use it for each file type:

1. Extracting .tar.xz Files

1. Launch the Terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T.

2. Navigate to the file’s directory by running the

command: 5/24
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cd /path/to/directory

Replace /path/to/directory with the directory name you want

to compress.

3. Run the following command to tar extract the file:

tar -xf archive_name.tar.xz

Remember to replace archive_name.tar.xz with your file’s

actual name. 6/24
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4. Once the command runs successfully, use the ls

command to see the extracted files.

2. Extracting .tar Files

1. Access the Terminal and navigate to the folder

holding your .tar file. 7/24
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2. Execute the following command to Linux extract tar

file and press Enter:

tar -xf archive_name.tar</strong>

Replace archive_name.tar with the name of your file.

3. Use ls to view the contents now extracted from the

archive. 8/24
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3. Extracting .tar.gz Files

1. Open the Terminal and go to the directory containing

your .tar.gz file.
2. Type the following command to extract tar Linux:

tar -xzf archive_name.tar.gz

Ensure you replace archive_name.tar.gz with the actual file

name. 9/24
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3. After extraction, use ls to check the extracted


4. Extracting .tar.bz2 Files

1. Access your command window and change to the

directory containing your .tar.bz2 file. 10/24
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2. Enter the following command:

tar -xjf archive_name.tar.bz2

Make sure to replace archive_name.tar.bz2 with your file’s


3. Use ls to see the files extracted from the .tar.bz2

archive. 11/24
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2. Extract Tar files using Graphical

User Interfaces (GUIs)
Using Archive Manager

1. Search for Archive Manager in your applications menu

and open it. 12/24
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2. Click on Drop Down Menu > Open.

3. Browse to the location of your .tar.xz, .tar, .tar.gz, or

.tar.bz2 file. Select the file and click Open.

4. Click the Extract button usually located at the top or

through a right-click context menu. 13/24
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5. Navigate to the chosen directory to ensure all files are

extracted properly.

A Quick Comparison of CLI

and GUI Methods
Here’s a simple table that compares the pros and cons of
using Command Line Interface (CLI) tools versus Graphical
User Interface (GUI) tools for extracting TAR files in Linux:

Feature CLI Tools GUI Tools

Slower, affected by
Fast, direct
Speed graphical

Ease of Steeper learning Intuitive, user- 14/24
7/15/24, 10:41 AM How to Extract Tar File in Linux? [2 Best Methods]

Feature CLI Tools GUI Tools

Use curve friendly

Lower, limited by
Control & High, with various
the graphical
Flexibility commands/options

Automati Easy to automate Harder to

on tasks automate tasks

Requires familiarity
Learning Minimal, mostly
with terminal
Curve point-and-click

Visual Limited, mainly text- High, with progress

Feedback based bars and windows

Best for experienced

Suitabilit Best for casual or
users and repetitive
y first-time users

5 Common Errors When

Extracting Tar Files in Linux
Extracting TAR files in Linux is usually straightforward, but
sometimes you might encounter errors. Understanding these
common errors can help you troubleshoot and solve problems
quickly. Here are five common errors you might face when
extracting TAR files in Linux with possible solutions: 15/24
📂 File Not Found: When extracting a TAR file,
7/15/24, 10:41 AM How to Extract Tar File in Linux? [2 Best Methods]

you might encounter this error if Linux can’t

locate the file. This typically occurs due to a
misspelling or being in the wrong directory.
Check the file’s presence in your current
directory with ls or use find to locate it
🔒 Permission Denied: This error pops up if you
don’t have the necessary permissions to access
the TAR file or write to the directory. You can
overcome this by using sudo to execute your
command with administrative rights or adjust the
file or directory permissions with chmod or
🚫 Not a TAR Archive: If you get a message that
it’s “not a tar archive,” the file could be corrupted
or might not actually be a TAR file. Use the file
command to check the file type. Ensure the file
isn’t damaged and has the correct format.
💥 Archive Is Corrupt: This message indicates
the TAR file is corrupted, possibly due to an
incomplete download or error during file transfer.
Attempt to download or transfer the file again. If
the file is crucial, look for TAR-specific repair
tools, though their effectiveness can vary.
🤔 gzip: stdin: not in gzip format: Encountering
this error during the extraction of .tar.gz files
suggests you’re using the wrong command or 16/24
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the file isn’t gzip-compressed. Ensure you’re

using the correct command (tar -xzf for .tar.gz
files) and verify the file’s compression format
with the file command.

Extract Tar File Linux:

Wrapping it Up
In this article, I covered step-by-step instructions for
extracting tar files using both command-line and graphical
user interface methods. Whether you’re working with .tar,
.tar.gz, .tar.bz2, or .tar.xz files, you now have the tools to
extract them efficiently.

If you’re looking to expand your knowledge further, I

recommend exploring a few other related topics:

Learn how to effectively use the grep command

to search through the contents of your extracted
files quickly.
Explore the tar command to master creating and
managing tar files beyond just extracting them.
Understand how to unzip or extract Gz files to
handle a wider range of compressed file types

Frequently Asked Questions 17/24
7/15/24, 10:41 AM How to Extract Tar File in Linux? [2 Best Methods]

1. Can I extract multiple TAR files at

once using the command line?
Yes, you can extract several TAR files at once in the
command line using a loop. For .tar.gz files, execute:
for file in *.tar.gz; do tar -xzf “$file”; done. This
extracts all .tar.gz files in your current directory,
streamlining the process.
2. What do I do if I encounter an error
saying the TAR file is in an older
Encountering an “older format” error with a TAR file is
not a major issue. Most contemporary tar versions
adeptly manage older formats. If problems persist,
update your tar or attempt extraction on a system
with a more recent tar version for better compatibility.
3. Can I extract TAR files that are
encrypted or password-
Extracting encrypted or password-protected TAR files
is possible, but it requires prior decryption. While tar
doesn’t natively support encryption, encrypted files
with gzip, bzip2, or xz can be decrypted using tools
like gpg. Decrypt your file with the correct tool and
password before extraction.
4. Is there a way to resume an
interrupted extraction process? 18/24
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Resuming an extraction after an interruption is not

directly feasible with tar. Should an interruption occur,
you must restart the process. To improve efficiency,
delete any partially extracted files and re-run the
extraction. Scripts can help automate this, skipping
files that were already extracted.

Ojash is a skilled Linux expert and tech writer with over a decade of
experience. He has extensive knowledge of Linux's file system,
command-line interface, and software installations. Ojash is also an
expert in shell scripting and automation, with experience in Bash,
Python, and Perl. He has published numerous articles on Linux in various
online publications, making him a valuable resource for both seasoned 19/24
7/15/24, 10:41 AM How to Extract Tar File in Linux? [2 Best Methods]

Linux users and beginners. Ojash is also an active member of the Linux
community and participates in Linux forums.

 

Akshat is a software engineer, product designer and the co-founder of
Scrutify. He's an experienced Linux professional and the senior editor of
this blog. He is also an open-source contributor to many projects on
Github and has written several technical guides on Linux. Apart from
that, he’s also actively sharing his ideas and tutorials on Medium and
Attirer. As the editor of this blog, Akshat brings his wealth of knowledge
and experience to provide readers with valuable insights and advice on a
wide range of Linux-related topics.

 

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7/15/24, 10:41 AM How to Extract Tar File in Linux? [2 Best Methods]

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Table of Contents
2 What Are Tar Files in Linux?
3 How to Extract Tar File in Linux?
4 2 Ways to Extract Tar Files in Linux
5 A Quick Comparison of CLI and GUI Methods
6 5 Common Errors When Extracting Tar Files in
7 Extract Tar File Linux: Wrapping it Up
8 Frequently Asked Questions

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