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Mesh generation

A mesh size of 0.2m is adopted for all panels.

5.4. Early Age Thermal Cracking (EATC)

The crack width induced by Early Age Thermal Cracking (EATC) is calculated as per guide published by CIRIA C766
[7]. According to table NA.1 of NA to BS 1992-3:2006, allowable crack width is interpolated between values of 0.2mm
(hD/h<5) & 0.05mm (hD/h>35). The calculated values are presented in the table below. For analysis purposes, the base
slab is considered to have end restraint, external walls and all internal walls to have edge restraint. Input parameters
are summarized in the below tables:

Table 4 – Concrete mix information

Concrete compressive strength class C45/55 BS 8500-1 2023 Table A.4
Maximum water-cement ratio 0.35 BS 8500-1 2023 Table A.4
Minimum cement content 380 kg/m3 BS 8500-1 2023 Table A.4
Maximum cement content 400 kg/m3 BS 8500-1 2023 Table A.4
Allowable cement/combination types IIA, IIB-M, IIC-M BS 8500-1 2023 Table A.4
(60% GGBS only)
Maximum aggregate size 20mm BS 8500-1 2023 Table A.4

Table 5 – EATC analysis Output

The crack width and reinforcement requirement is summarised below

wk Bar Bar
wk1 (Long term
Type (ETC) Diameter Spacing
mm mm mm mm mm
400thk Ext wall 0.16 0.05 0.14 25 125*
300thk Int wall 0.15 0.01 0.05 25 125
400thk Base Slab 0.16 0.10 0.16 25 125

All Parameters considered for EATC for each element has been mentioned in Appendix C

‘* The spacing requirement for the vertical rebar as per EATC calculations is 150mm c/c. however, 125mm c/c is
provided considering ease of lapping the bars with the bottom slab. Horizontal rebars are spaced at 150mm c/c.

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