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FCI HQ-QC035(12)/1/2022-QC


Quality Control Division

FCI, Hqrs, New Delhi

UO Note Points raised by BKNKS Assessment

1 The SOP asks of such a shuffling The SOP has been approved by
inter and intra depots/districts Competent Authority considering
level which would surely increase all the aspects.
financial burden on the corporation
in terms of excessive traveling
allowances, night stays to be paid
to TAs and additionally hotel
facilities expenses for Manager
QCs. (As most of the divisional
offices comprises of distantly
located depots and more than one
revenue districts separated by the
distance making the staff eligible
for travelling allowance and hotel

2 The manager QCs are supposed to It is to inform the entries of MIRs

conduct the MIRS of their are invariably done in Stack wise
respective centers in which 100% inspection registers, DOS and
stock of the said depot are Stack cards. Hence, incumbent
qualitatively analyzed within three Manager QC will have to conduct
months. Herein after the MIR of stock not covered by
implementation of new operating previous Manager QC, So, there is
procedure the mandatory MIR and no chance of overlapping of stacks
thus proper storage preservation in different inspections, provided
norms would suffer. all relevant records are updated.

3 In this shuffling the stock would be The multiple handling/ inspections

handled by multiple hands from of same stock by different people
acceptance, preservation and will bring more transparency in
liquidation and thus any damage of system.
stock would create a state of
dilemma for deciding the exact As far as fixation of responsibility is
responsibility fixation. concerned, it is nearly impossible
that any type of misappropriation
would remain unchecked/ignored
by the different persons involved in
receipt/ preservation operations.

4 Such handing over and taking over The technical staff will be rotated
of charge including stock at every for procurement operations only.
rotation would if be followed with
due procedure would take a lot of In respect of charges of chemicals,
time & extra labour. Thus practical dead stock articles, covers, it is
possibilities and procedural recommended to handover its
aspects would be like never be accounting and charges to depot
meeting ends. section to prevent any
administrative glitches.
FCI HQ-QC035(12)/1/2022-QC


5 Frequent rotation of TAs and May be referred to IT, Division for

manager QCs again would cause their comments and suitable
the problem of multiple ID solution.
generations for single staff at
various depots on online modules
for updation, mapping on DOS and
e-kharid which would be changed
frequently would create a
complexity and immense burden
for such time bound work.

6 Various district level committees For assigning ICCS duties it is

are designed keeping in view the recommended to appoint
place of posting of manager QCs Manager(QC) of Centre instead of
for effective timely and the name of any particular
uninterrupted working for instance Manager (QC), thus the Manager
ICCS committee which again would (QC) concerned who is nominated
create complexity if the manager by place of posting will attend ICCS
on completion of a month is rotated duties.
to other revenue districts.

7 It would not be merely a rotation Personnel section may be

for staff but truly a transfer for requested for comments.
them who are posted under
divisional offices which in itself
varied located depots and revenue
districts. At such an exigency of
work during KMS frequent
transfers would further deteriorate
the mental and physical health of
staff affecting their family lives too.

8 This frequent shuffling would TAs/Manager QCs will have to

weaken the control of our staff on check the quality of stock,
SWC /CWC depots working in non SWC/CWC have no role on it. Only,
DCP states and would provide Moisture content will be recorded
them a space of their own jointly with SWC/CWC staff.
9 Large number of Technical Staff While deciding any storage loss
would get imposed with penalties case, the Vigilance section
for storage losses cases. As no examines role of Quality Control
clear tracing and tracking method Staff for manipulation in receipt/
could be adopted whilst frequent issue moisture content. In this
posting and shifting in large regard, it is to inform that the
numbers. Hence work burden on moisture determination are done
vigilance division would increase jointly in presence of concerned
many fold. And APARs of maximum custodians. Hence, we may ask the
field staff would also be spoiled Union to provide specific instances
then of such cases for giving further

10 No clarification is given for the Incumbent staff will look after the
situation when single staff is work of previous staff posted at
posted at rice receipt centers and depot/ mandi.
also at nearby mandis at a single

11 On one hand, where Staff Pertain to Personnel Division.

FCI HQ-QC035(12)/1/2022-QC


availability as per no. of depots and

no. of Miller's attached so as to not
repeat the combination is quite
difficult and also impractical. So it
might provide the ground for
harassing a staff by their divisional
authorities by posting of the staff
at far off depots until the
finalization of software. On the
contrary, depending on the
automated system like HRMS for
rotating the employees during
procurement operations is in itself
arising question on the integrity of
Category-I officers. And thus
merely transferring Category II and
III employees shows the bias
behavior of higher management.

12 Many a times the decision of Totally automated system of

posting of employees is taken by posting of Technical staff will
DMs keeping in mind the provide a transparent and unbiased
situational complexities prevailing system of posting for all. Thus, it
at that particular time and place will ensure equal treatment to all
and also noticing personal through automated software
problems of employees' life. So without any human interventions.
totally depending on automated
system like HRMS for this rotation,
is a check on administrative
manual skills of Category-I officers
for proper manpower utilization
and smoothly running operations.

13 De-void of mental calmness

because of leading life like a To be addressed by Personnel
nomad, these specific cadre field Division.
employees would suffer heights of

14 This SOP has a complete clash with Pertain to Personnel Division.

new transfer policy at the point of
rotation after 5 years tenure
completion at a specific seat/depot,
which states that the employees
would not be posted at the same
seat/depot. But herein SOP
implementation provides complete
probability of repetition.

15 Since rotation is to inevitably After induction of Automated grain

followed at every 15 days and analysers only mill wise identity of
every calendar month, the stack is mandatory. The leftover
incomplete stack would be left over part stack will be completed by the
because restricted QC norms of next technical staff deputed to the
stacking (TA wise and Miller wise). center as referred in SOP.
If such SOP is followed then a large
space crunch problem would arise.
FCI HQ-QC035(12)/1/2022-QC


16 Such change of Technical staff at As per mandates and instructions

every calendar month would all the relevant records (physically
hamper the routine work of the and DOS, whatsoever applicable)
depot and would left the regular are to be maintained and updated
works like updation of records, on daily basis.
preservation of stock, routine and
surprise inspections at lag.

17 It seems like this SOP has been After addressing all issues
designed without considering the mentioned above there remained
regular monitoring and managing no matter to clash with.
guidelines of QC cadre as its
implementation would surely clash
with them.

Manager (QC)
For, General Manager (QC)
General Manager (IRS, FCI Headquarters, New Delhi.

U.O. Note No. FCI HQ-QC035(12)/1/2022-QC Date: 04-07-2023

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