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Bright Land School

AMRITSAR NAME:-_____________________________

LESSON PLAN WEEK:-_____ CLASS :-_________ SECTION:-___________

Summer Holidays Homework :9D
SESSION :-2024-2025 SUBJECT:-____________DATE:-_____/______/_______

SUBJECT TEACHER:-________________________

1) Fill in the blanks: 27/19 in the decimal

form is_______
2) Fill in the blanks: Rational
number 24/154 in decimal form is_
3) Rationalise
the denominator of
4) Classify the following number as rational
or irrational.2.414
5) Prove √17-1is an irrational.

6) Is zero a rational number? Can you write

it in the form, where p and q are integers
and q #0?
7) Find the two rational numbers
between 13/24 and 7/8
8) Prove that 1.101001000100001... is an
irrational number.
9) Find the values of a
and b in (1-
√11)/(1 +2√11)= a√11-b
10) If x=1+√7, find the value of x³+1/x³

11) You know that 1/7 = 0.142857......Can

you predict what the decimal expansions
of 2/7,3/7,4/7,5/7 are, without actually
doing the long division? If so, how?
12) Prove that √5-4 is irrational.
13) Find five rational numbers
between 1/6 and 11/36
14) Express 0.66666__+0.77777 +0.474747
in the form, where p and q are integers .
15) Find the value of p for which x+p is
factor of x²+px-2
16) Write the coefficient of x²in expansion
of (x-3)³
17) Verify whether x = -1/√11 is zero
of 11x²-1
18) Find the product (y²-36)(y²+36)

19) Find the common factor of

polynomials x²+8x +15 and x²+3x-10
20) Factorize (49y²-1) + (1-7y²)
21) Find the value of a, if x+a is a factor of
22) Verify that x³- y³= (x-y)(x²+xy +y²)

23) Simplify (x + y + z)²- (x-y+ z)²

24) Factorize (x²-2x)³-2(x²-2x)-3

25) Factorize 9a³-27a²-100a +300, if it is
given that (3a- 10) is a factor of it.
26) If a+b+c=15, a² + b² + c²=225 find the
value of a³ + b³ + c³-3abc
27) Showthat 1/3 and 4/3 are zeroes of the
9x³- 6x²- 11x+4. Also, find the third zero of
the polynomial
28) If x² +px +q =(x+a) (x+b), then factorize
x²+pxy+ qy²
29) Find value of p, q if a²-1 is factor of pa⁴ -
7a³+9a² +qa -10
30) Let P and R are the remainders when
the polynomial f (x)= 4x³ +3x²-12ax -5
and g(x)= 2x³ +ax²-6x +2 are divided by
(x-1)and ( x + 2) respectively. If 3P+R- 28
= 0. find the value of a.
31) If the line represented by the equation
3x- ay-8 passes through the point (2, 2),
then find the value of a.
32) Howmany linear equations in x and y
can be satisfied by x=3 and y=2?
33) At what point the graph of the linear
equation 3x- 5y=15 cuts the x-axis.
34) The cost of a notebook is Rs. 3 less than
twice the cost of a pen. Write this
statement as a linear equation in two
35) Find two solutions of the linear
equation 12x-3y=7
36) Express the equation 5x=-y in the
general form and indicate the value of a,
b and c.
37) Find the value of
m, if (5,3) is a solution
of the equation 11x-2y=3m then find one
more solution.
38) After 9
years, the age of father will be
two times the age of the son. Write a
linear equation in two variables to
represent this statement.
39) Find three different solutions of
equation 4x- 3y=19 from its graph.
40) How many solutions of
equation 2x+1=x-3 are there On number
line and In cartesian plane.
41) If the point P(1,-2) and Q(-2,-1) lie on
the graph of equation px+qy=5. Find p
and q .
42) The taxi fare in a
city is charged as per
rates stared below
Rate for the first kilometre of journey is
Rs. 12 and the rate for subsequent distance
covered is Rs. 5 per km. Taking distance
covered as x km and total fare as y, write the
linear equation in variables x and y to
express the above statement. Draw the
graph for the linear equation.
43) What is difference between Line and
Line Segment.
44) Fill in the blanks: An equation of the
type ______ represents a straight line
passing through the origin.
45) Find number of intersecting points in a
parallel line
46) Find the measure of the complementary
angle of 30º.
47) Find supplementary angle of 75⁰

48) Difference between intersecting and

parallel lines
49) Define complete angle?

50) What are acute angles and obtuse


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