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iN Read the text carefully in each question. For each question, choose the . * correct answer A, B or C. oapaanep Dear Looi Meng, Thank you for replying my letter. Yes, I live in o beautiful village about two hours away from Tokyo. It's called Ueno. Tourists come here to do activities like hiking and mountaineering. I've been to Singapore but not Malaysia. Do you live in a village in Malaysia? What is the nationolity of the writer? A Malaysian B Japanese C Singaporean Primary 5 Astro Hobbies Blogging 15% Cycling _ Photography 25% 5% Playing Reading Video Games 20% 35% From the pie chart, we know that the majority of students love A cycling B_ photography. C playing video games Lathan Toptl Bardon Form UASA. Bohoia hoger 8A ‘Scanned with CamScanner I's Mother's Day next Sunday Have you bought Mum a present yet? No, I haven't, Choose the correct response to complete the dialogue. A When is Mother's Day? B I'm still thinking about it. C I'm not getting anything at all. Tove playing this game in my free time. It is a team game. Each team has five players. The aim is to score points by throwing a ball through a hoop about 3 metres high. \ neenenenceeinneen The game described is A_ basketball B football C rugby 5 Sam's Sports Shop Royal Sports Outlet Swift 50X Thunderbolt 100 RMq4 RMI50 Comes in orange, sapphire blue Comes in red, blue, and emerald green. green and yellow Which statement is true about the advertisements above? A The Swift 50X is less pricey than the Thunderbolt 100. B Both skateboards can be bought in the same shop. C The Swift 50X comes in only one colour. 1A. ten Top edison Forme ASA: Baan ye SA ‘Scanned with CamScanner 2». Read the text below and choose the correct word for each blank. feos soe} Hello, I'm Mabel Wong. | live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In my free time, you can find me at the pool. I'm into (1) _______. I also like gymnastics. I am a member of my school gymnastics team. My best friend is Preeya. She's not into sports like me. She is a (2) _____. You can find her curled up on the sofa with a good mystery novel on her (3) ______ days. My other best friend is Rashida. She loves playing hockey. She loves reading as well. We do have something in common. All three of (4) —______ love watching movies. We catch a film at the cinema once a month. 1 A_ scuba diving 3 A active B_ kayaking B free Cc swimming C busy 2 A_ bookworm 4 A them B_ couch potato B you C_ party animal Cc us ‘Scanned with CamScanner CS Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow. For each questions, choose the correct answer A, B or C. ca ( _ | Mum: Peter, what are you doing in your room? | | Peter : Surfing the internet. Mrs Chong gave us an assignment. | Mum: Oh, what's it about? | Peter : Hobbies. We're supposed to give a talk about our findings. Mum: Have you found one to talk about? Peter : There’s one that's interesting. It's trophy hunting. It's the sport of killing an animal for pleasure rather than necessity. I think it's a cruel hobby. Mum: Tagree. Well, what animals do most trophy hunters go for? Peter : Lions, leopards, rhinos, buffalos and elephants. Most of these animals can be found in Africa. Mum: What do they do with the animals they kill? Peter : Take pictures of them. Some hang the animal's bodies in their homes to display and show off. Mum: The poor animals. Peter : Yes, their families lose a loved one and trophy hunting also contributes to species extinction. I want to create awareness that this is an activity that should never be done, coe raat te a ‘Scanned with CamScanner Peter is .. A_ inthe library B_ at school Cc athome What is Peter doing? A Sleeping B_ Giving a talk C Surfing the internet Peter's talk will probably be about A hunters B_ trophy hunting C African animals From Peter's findings, we know that the animals most trophy hunters want as their kill are I lions Ill monkeys Il rhinos IV leopards A 1,11 B II,IVv Cc il, Il,1v Peter thinks that trophy hunting A isacool hobby B_ isa good way to conserve the environment C willcontribute to the disappearance of certain animal species Scanned with CamSeanner 46 You just watched a movie at the cinema, Write an email to your cousin, > Edwin to tell him about it. Lao In your email: * give a short description of the plot * state whether you enjoyed it Write about 30-50 words. Write your email below. To: edwin@ Subject: Movie review ‘thon Topitel Berdasorion Formot UASA - Bahoss Inggers SAG ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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