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WORK SHEET – I 2024-25


GRADE: XII TOPIC: Data Handling Using Pandas I

Write all the answers in the notebook. Submit to your respective teacher within a

1) Name three data structures available in Pandas.

2) Define Series & Dataframe.

3) Create a pandas series D from the dictionary

day = {‘Sun’:4500, ‘Mon’:3200, ‘Tue’:4700, ‘Wed’:4600, ‘Thu’:4000, ‘Fri’:3800,
Write python statements for the following:
(i) Display the series D
(ii) Display the labels
(iii) Display the last 4 rows.
(iv) Display the sum of the values of D and 12.
(v) Display the number of elements in the series
(vi) Display the number of rows and columns of the series

4) Write a Python Program to create a Series G from a numpy array with values in the
range 10 to 100 (both values inclusive) in steps of 5 and print all the elements.

5) Write a program to create a series from dictionary that stores classes (6,7,8,9,10) as
keys and number of students as values.
6) Pushpa, a student of class-XII, has been assigned a code to create a pandas series
S1, as shown below.
a 100
b 200
c 300
d 400
e 500
dtype: int64
With reference to the above, answer the given questions:
i. Choose the command that will give the following output:
b 200
c 300
dtype: int64
a. print(S1[:3]) b. print(S1[0:3]) c. print(S1[2:4]) d. print(S1[1:3])

ii. Help him to identify the correct statement that can be used to extract the value
with the index 'c':
a. print(S1[c]) b. print(S1(c)) c. print('S1' ['c']) d. print(S1 ['c'])

7) Write python code to create the following series Student which has the roll
numbers and marks secured by 5 students.
1 96.5
2 58.0
3 77.5
4 81.0
5 67.5
Display the roll number and marks of the students whose marks are above 80.

8) Write a Python Program to create two Series objects J and K and find the
difference between K and J.
A 20 B 12
B 10 C 5
C 30 D 8
9) Write the output of the following:
a) import pandas as pd
S1 =pd.Series(range(1,15,3), index=[x for x in "super"])
b) import numpy as num
import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series(arr, index = (7,77,777))
c) import pandas as pd
L1 = list("My name is Ravi Kumar")
S1 = pd.Series(L1)

10) Name any two attributes of Series in Python.

11) Name the property of series that:

a) Returns all the index value
b) Returns the number of elements in the series
12) Fill in the blank of given code, if the output is 71.
import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series([10, 20, 30, 40, 71,50])
print(S1[ _ ])
13) Write the output of the code for the statemnets (i),(ii),(iii), (iv) & (v)
import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series([31, 28, 31, 30, 31],index =["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", “May"])
print(S1[1:3]) --------------------(i)
print(S1[:5]) ----------------------(ii)
print(S1[3:3]) ---------------------(iii)
print(S1["Jan":"May"]) ----------(iv)
print(S1[ [0, 2, 4] ]) --------------(v)

14) Write the output of the following statements (i), (ii), (iii),(iv) & (v)
import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series([2, 5, 7, 10])
print(S1 + 2) -----------------------(i)
print(S1 * 2) -----------------------(ii)
print(S1 ** 2)-----------------------(iii)
print(S1 - 2) ------------------------(iv)
print(S1 > 2) ------------------------(v)

15) Answer the following based on the series given below: Write the output for the
statements 1,2,3 ,4 and 5
import pandas as pd
list2=['swimming','tt','skating','kho kho', 'bb', 'chess', 'football',"cricket"]
print (school*2) #statement 1
print (school.tail(3)) # statement 2
print (school["tt"]) # statement 3
print (school[2:4]) # statement 4
print(school[[1,2]] #statement 5

ii. Write the statement in python to list the games with less than 5 points
16) Answer the question based on the Assertion A and Reason R given.
A:A Series is a one-dimensional array containing a sequence of values of any data
type (int, float, list, string, etc).
R:Pandas Series can be imagined as a column in a spreadsheet.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
e. Both A and R are false.
17) Assertion (A) : pandas is an open source Python library which offers high performance,
easy-to-use data
structures and data analysis tools.
Reason (R) : Professionals and developers are using the pandas library in data science
and machine learning.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C. A is true but R is false
D. A is false but R is true
E. Both A and R are false
18) Choose the correct code that produces the output below:
9 18
10 20
11 22
12 24
a. a=np.arange(9, 13)
s1=pd.Series(index=a, data=a*2)
b. a=[9, 10, 11, 12]
s1=pd.Series(index=a, data=a*2)
c. Both the above
d. None of the above

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