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‘A new approach in interpolation pacer JaAK PEETHE (ana) 6 Introduction. In sverlprovionspublintions (te Petre (14}(18)5 seo lso Bataer ebiens [3], cap. 8, Kr (10) Mobmitedt (6) snd (7), Ottander £13}, Golovin (4)) we Rave developed an appreach to the feo of interpalation paces (K-mathog”) baued on the fonction 2) Riya F) = sy aay where 0< t¢ coand aeS(A) = Ay Ay Xm (dy Ay) blag ny Bane (Gr more generally uasl-Banseh copie (oe Bolin 1). Mare specfealy, swe can define interpolation spaces Tage By 0 ecgee( fiend)" Kyl) when ¢ i fixed, detne uniformly ia ¢ ‘equivalent quastuormas fo. (A) we obtain the same space, up to an ‘equivalence of quasnorm, we in (02) replace X(t, 54) by Ky (ta5 a the prevent poper te bale underiing idea ts fo ware withthe new fonational (os) es) = tt aa, In doing so we aoe the property ot hmogeneity ina and in pateule sve will not ge a qua-norm, And i nota the Harta least har Wht fa the selation of the now space dogs to the ariginal dige. However, trhea apie to spate problems this allows a much grester degree of esi. A typ ee 1 dy — L(s), Aa ~ Z(H) a mo generals, fends = Iypln)s ly = Znli)y which thos eontains the previows pela cae py = Ps =P. "Dh planet the poper ea fllowa- Ia Section part tthe terminology 4s explained. In Section 3 s4dy the roation between the spacts (aa der and (yy she Tae mala devo fe Tema 21 whieh gives conection between K(t,a; 4) and Z(t e;4) (et, Hokmstedt-Poste {8} whee the sormsiyonding problem for X(t,a; A) and y(t, 0; 4) BB iad) Sections (8 are devoted to spplcalions to various epee tt measrable fnetions of a thearare space, a Seti $e treat a rary focal form of fhe dasical theorem of Mou including the cae af [ERG valued Fanetins. For elplity we Rave only aeate the soll ‘agonal ease, But of cours the same methods ean aloe used, at leas, to smae extent in the guteralof-iagonl cst, The same remark apples te Seoton 4 wher we eouider the thorem of Mareinkiewier(ooneraing ‘heen cltiealinterpaation theorans, ef. Zygmund [28], chap. 12.) Ta ‘Secton fp gunerliae sine of the zeus of Section 3 in uch aretion ‘hate sole of oor ilerplation we get Oniesepace. Interpolation {n relation to One apace har previoualy ean sadied by other nthors (Simoneako [30] and (17), Bao (24) and (26) bu i ie not clear what ‘the conneetion i with oar work Ia Seaton @ we vary alse tho endpoints lowing them tobe t-oallod modular function spaces Tn doing this we fesmally lave the domain of quisi-Banach euace to whith caso most tf the presentation acherwe St adjusted. Tadcod the natural domain ‘of the present approach sma to be much broader. Probably aot eves the abetrae modilar apace (90 Mfoslae ant Olle (12) pt Lan {Note alo that we cond Ikewine bave tested the cate ofa more general ‘ld of sass thon (reat number) allowing not even the rather vid ‘ee of € [complex numbers bet lo the eave oa s(t Krée (10), 1. 198) section 7 contain some remark on the Limiting caso whan Py {& prom In Setion 8 wo return to the geneal abstract situation and fphly om ideas to gies new simple proof of the so-called parameter ‘eter fee Petre 14) (10), and (28) ‘Cerin, tho ideas ‘of tis paper could be developped stil further ‘in several dreetions co this is really just» first snnoueement and ‘Fedo intend to pate the subject in forthooming publctions. This Ji tho reas ‘why ‘vo have hore cot down maxy dstals to a mini ‘mum sud why certain portions empelaly Section 1, are presmntad in a mmoly Hewat wey, With mest of the fom argumeat lt to the render, Isepsaton aes 1, Terminology. Let be a vectr space over the real numbers E. ‘Bp a quei-nerm in A we tae a tapping >a lel, (aoa-negatie real number} much eat Wi>o it a40, Who, a= altel it deat o=th< yal for rome y 1 independent of «and (quan-tiangeénquality.) "Dy a quasi-normed space we mann vottor spate in Which ono quasi nora fl ~ Tell as been singled out. TE the ajace Is compete {nth anform strectreinduoed by that quasar, we speak a «quai Banach space. BY 4 quatinormed couple wo mean ihe ety oonsiting of two quasinomed spacor y and 4, together wich corresponding ‘continua embeddings fy snd jafo one and to samo Hnsdortt toto tea vette space It the space ov compte we pel af a quai Banach ope Wo sll ns th notation A — (da, 4;}3 the anbeddngs and i ‘othe space need not be counted fr fn general Often ome can entity of with 3(A) = AyAy, the tum of Ay ad Ly, The enople 8 ~ (2, By ‘where taken wih [i = i (bole value), wit play special role, ‘ty —1 in the quasstingle inequality we stall drop the tlle Ce fa earn genie ‘et A and B be quasinormed spaces. If Tk a cotioaoas Unear smapylng from 4 into B, which wo writs symbolically at: 2, we denote ts quasar by Wl» = sup iat Tat T= (4y,43} and B= (By, By} bo quasinormed couples. If oth Ts Ay >, had P24, = B, bold tae (where HS assumed that 1 ie defined in a space containing bath Ay and A, and tins Sa) Alyy ne wwe the symbol 2: ZB, ‘at Ube a mearare apace” and p 8 measure on U. Let (BW) te a fied af" quash Banach paces attahod to U. We dente by Tyla; (Bw), where -< p< oy the quash Banach epaces corespnding the quastnam [Jovan ‘vith the uaual terpnetation of p ~ oo. IE we have constant fl, (a) = B, we waite simply Zy(ay D) wid i — B fart Za(y). We also ‘see to daup the argument whenever poodle ‘Tho notation of fd often eds to considersble measurabilty tien! ties which taal be ested ith goeat care. Hee we adopt the pul formal point of view snd diregad all such eompictions "nally wo point oat tat cn some ooeaion (i particular, throughoxt Section 6) re mie lol = ol alo to denote fanctionals which are not ‘Toa-norma We tl exp some of the above conventions Notably me {wo fred the notation Hy ts such situations. ‘Th nymbolf = equivalence”) means that f a $609 and 9 Of for tome 0. 2. The spaces deg and Aner. Lot A = (4g, Ay} be any quasi-Banach ‘vuple. Lat pad pb ven numbers, O-< py px oo fixed throughost ‘ott of th dicusion. Asin the Tntdaetion (0.1) aud (0-4)) we define ey) lt, lig Has He) and 9= 049, (esd) em yesd) = at dost, whe 0- Uy En Tat pelts.Pi- Thon Te, +, and \ Magy .) Han I 1) ay(ui)” ly and cae ieee eo 19) gay pgp yy seer dent ony ony and 9, Od Lip = (1—Di 96+ Hi root We stall bas the pat on the following Irma wie (43) sould be compare te (28). ayo Lat Pe a8 bn harem 43. hen tr Stee 49) nant) <0 mnt) a(R 2G I AG =P, wth © depending only on py asd Ps Tedeed, using (43) and thenem 5.1 (ek notably (8.4), we obtala ing, ef ony coef fant aeop 9 weve woof dfn t} snia(.4 ferret 6. aw) apranyeany fen apa 77 ‘eas hire we have uied th relations ‘Thao slation sls show that (19) » 9{L—0), Ths (4.2) fellows, Proof of lemme 4.1 Ie slfices to prove for j= 0, 1, 23, the eatiate (6) fin te, eta ate) << Omin(, s-"0) a ce aa +a) ith 0) = (6 9< nia) <2!" “deed, taking the fom in (48) we get 4) Frm(taiar utara <0 Sinisa, ame-magns (Car ‘at ave 2) heads of.) ogi 62) sot more, hyn grad Warn tom tapi space ” fntogral fn (43). Thok (63) fllom. Te romaine to prove (4s), Consider to this ead any decomposition rags i follows that De (oan = 9° fol (uh >, lene wing slo (4.2) we get in Tao, tT} oa) somnamam( fanart’ a) Cela A emo tnt ata) sonia, crt (wit ET” sot) ‘ad thin Sn view of (2.8) daly implies (4) Remar. We blive thatthe abore isthe “abstract” proat which comes loert othe clasical profs of tao theorem of Mavelakiowce (Gee Zymund (28) chap. 12), We donot consider the problem to which fenuent the method can be eatled over ta fhe eld valued cts 5. The Orie cate, Lat agnln Ay = Igy) Ay =p, of A= Ze ‘We shall ty to extend tho yroot of theorem 8.1 ab that it ean sppled to moro general eases than Zy, namely Ones clasete” Op a0 “Qe spaces” Oy (ct. notably Keasaoles} But} 0]). From the ‘abstract pont of view this means that we huve to replace the mace (Gs, shee Dy move general interpolation spaces. Let bo any inereasing ‘mapnlng fom H, Into H, vanehing st 0 any. We define on 60 p= blog = f Hs) dH) < oy ay ath J (8 a} ire {alg cannot be expected to bo « quas-nom (and indeed Og need not dren be a Yetat spice). Howeret fly i. quasinorm under ritabe sumptions on Hye. it His guaai-convex in the sense that H(A det i9) < ANAM) (0663) for ome 1 Independent af 2,9, and i Ta patina, it y feamyex and wo get a norm. Note that Oy = Oy = Ty it Hla) =o Wapsol 1 who oes a he tof than 3. Me ect, a oi (2 ep he ell mane Ph 2 gor ae ‘Wolo 63) Frmesszyees Linco (f reac \ae(0} auc = {oor (jm cer m0) dn > fiecorenacarenpaaioy f Blateriaatedy wee ee hav st a da) = fain, warn, oo Ale) Herm, [Now the equivalence in (3) 8 of coure stl valid if we replace 1 by any equivalent fonction. Thro artes the question which are the fonctions by which ace equivalent to a fonction admiting the represen: tation (54), This problem intlved in Peete (20) (21) (t, Pexere [22] Teisshown there that noobeary and sufficient ondition is that entisies te inegeaiy (69) a0) Oma, 2M ‘We all euch funtions peeudswncare. We can now etsily complete the pot of "TaOME 5.1. Let Ts (Ly Ty) > (Dy Iig)- Ze be ay fanetion of the form (5.5) with b pute omeare, Them 7 Ou On, T? Ou -» On nd co <0, [IE itegig 08, hy a ma Meaney S oct ad a a f teen 1 (6 sty.) v0 er wa ins Ms Plzy, and 0 Ge 0 contant Lt 2a) < ALAM, 0). tom dept ae From (68) and (5.5) t fallows that om [l,- fa }om He 2) is decreasing and wo have (03) 00, gg, fs ton) < Insane * tho “ction” s+ He #) ave Indopendent of we, we cetly stn Onlcs claw which we an Section 5 ght denote by Oy sly. Bomse al = leljog ete aetna in gebera ut tis nodal” fn the suo of Mfunlak-Onior [2], 4a. tm place of the guas-norn ‘propertie (oe Sertion 1) we have [aryl [al] 2-+m = 1,220 Sad w= 0. ‘We have to motify he definition of Z(t a) (0) oe (2). hes ( tho et of shir melon we 8 a) ta) = 386, ology ail) omeeponding to (3.3) we then obtain ws) 9) = [8 4 won, where we hae sat 6 Hy 2) a, te 2+ ‘As tu the proof of tauren 2.1 of theoram 5. we obtain subeguenty comenpondng to (8.4) oF (63) 9) Fueoaeo wits (6) He) Jt ecto Fw, ae, “And ts again Tos to upon 63. Zet (Ong, Os) > (Oi, Oh Tet H be any Sunaton of form (2.8). Ten OO ed ea) Mane <> sehay 3 = marty, Fy Mim Ul eps ¥e— UE Ona ‘Poot (end). Wo ealy tnd os) 16,19) < NH) ‘tg (68) and (6.8) we then get {Tay < Mloyy whic Spie forma (6. aaa 7. On the limiting cae p, oF p> a, Hitherto we tnve trated ‘that ps and p, were file, Now we bay nfo wordy moet of formal tue) aboot tho Tinting cave when one of themy say 9, Send0 to ‘aon “at os fire enader any couple Z = (4p, 4,). We have the formula (a. ean) an zy rea: =m er +e. ets cemperiyaeue t=. Then fp, thet win tarsi in (2) wae fo st ov acandeg to gcd oa Eisenmann peg sy =3, wich woul ge {Se cnn oft) Shu me ges ng ma) 3 {MC = 3m Zia) = nt Nothing essential changes if we pass from the pei cage ¢ —3 to the cae of gor. However if we ft in (7.1) replace ¢by and ‘then apply the above Limiting preedene, we get nay any = ‘hid gives the Limiting form of Lt) we aro looking for ‘Now ininimizing poblama of the type appeaing in (7.2) are quite famine fa many eonteris, «g. in problems of stati etimatons, Indeed, i we specialize tO the cate ay = Lyle) dy = Lalo) taking ‘ka 95 = 1 our methods fer erating Z(9 when mole tothe Lining ‘ave (reduce eseatially to a proot ot the Neyita Person Tema (Gee the disussion in BeskenbachTelimaa (1) p- 123-129, Another special cave dvervs attention, mamely Ay ~ Igy, Ay — Lu 1, however, convenient o perform the pussgeto the niin’ coment sterent fashion. We snr intend of (1) with the forma 08) 105 yr = Sa (fea +t fe at) Serine gun wih the cae 1,» fomal patag to the tnt vise BRM Gy tay) iat (fiteiraine fan Geneaing ths formala to geet aaalogoas mamer as abo ‘re then et = ™ 4 BRU Ey En) — iat, (astPranon faa) sepa os = ‘Sow iti not hard to aoe thatthe infin (7.4) 6 stand atv) co (aoe, it mtuice, af) ~ atu) 0s), acu = | 200— 0 ‘Therefore we get (5) MAL ly Ind) cx inroaing the psi Serming ormngmen a) LO, 05 ay Ey) = f wee vith fatto ‘This Gtoid be compared withthe formals (due to Peete [14] {18} apchme Ge peo an Ky 4i ty ta) = (fs cu wih oa de a he ery nein nn Ae = Fy Tah a bn of ura ow Hane (7 0 hain cnmtin eben (9) an th for 2) Foals the peovou sete (ne maby (2) 1%. On the parameter theorem. Lot = (4y,4y) be eny Banach cnnple. Tet ot introdaee the following sd (d Lions Peete (3)) (oye: am athe (oyPeae)™, on Alay =F ott — ned = (flerisonre 2) + (Fea ecco ( infill ‘However withthe same yroot we also obtain Tam 8.2. a nti 02+ IP For gompletanoss we fadiate the argument. Proof of lemme 62. By the inequality betwee the avithneti nd the geomatrio meant we get islet <€A—O iit se ell ‘hereon, by (82), we obtain inthe tay ‘which is one of the inequaliiea needed. Tor the proot of the other coe Int us note the inequality (83) alls tole 20x lls hare # = 3 Tet us now with ruah a given easociate the fanetion &() — (aA, where ‘ig any rat nusiber > 0. ‘The crass relation «= w(0}+e() A ‘stisied, Therefore (3) yield a Bmax el) < 2m 2a But if wo chooto Z 60 that 2's = Alike we have lf, Thereor olows upon making = El Intrtaon eps a Proof of lemms 82. The inequality betworn the arithmetic and the geometre meats tow pili (e me els 129", ‘whore we have used the dainton ofp. Therefore by lemma 8 wo obtain Tol < Cin 12+ UI, ‘which is ono ofthe inequlitias neoded Tho other on it proved exactly 8 inthe proof of lemma 81 by means of tho funetion (0) ~ et, bat (he parameter J cf comme has toe choteniferents, namely 00 that vngige = ae. 1 Is now eaty to prove thease SA. Proof of theorem 81. By lamma 82 wo got using abo (23) sna (2.4) and the auintion of af nei iat fF (testo Heo) eshte = frmatitntg em eS ferueminot ene w © mt w o (8 Hotmail Zap our hte 86 Pe at na p50. tide, com fae ond Orr pa, so er ode cop A ae ot Hote Hodes 819 an) tas) Tifertlat sud W Osten Ont sur, Saa Mat 16186), 9, 40-48 BB) ERs er oro f Meriter a Hour prope ype Sateen Aen 8 266 coe Sap iti nn, pin, Rok, BaP cam “a fitting 2 ca 7 ey of nein of mma pu, Yt 8 maaan 3 (ost ere ene 1909 tus) “one ttpaiaton heron of Piya os, hot Sap 25 (164, (a0) on tapi fontiny, Sem 27 100, pF [B11 ~ bn éopotinfmtinn an 29 OS,» {35} — Gone mao of peti ont, Mah (53) — on ety of pace BB) 7. Hae aon Spl, nd mong, J Mh od 6th 121) 7 Beinn of te Hons. Toong rem, Tal J Mat. 6 (1068), 9 C5 EB Rlnonaus era a ett rp Mint Ser co) Saf pr psi nO, DA And, ah SR tan) A tyemtsn, genome en, Cambs Hoa? srr sssnssncy, 2000 cxin "The main tangle projection im mats paces and its applications 5 RWAPIES wa A PEECZYSEKE (Waseem) Tnerodaction. The crgin of this paper aro the flowing three, at ‘est mppearanco undated, poem: 1 ate operator: 1, even by an)) = Zt (edad ‘ely summing for p > 4318 ((8}, Problem 6 2, Dos theo exist an uneudional bai inthe apace a all compact near operators in an inflaitedienional Ther space? 3.18 every unconditionally converget series in 1, of the form EPs, where PH) = (alee) abnolavedy convergent? (S. Masur, Beotth Book, Problem 60). 1. hecame clear that all thse problems edie to etimation of amas ot “the main tangle projetion” tm comeponding matrix spaces, Let ‘4 cones, for example, the linear space of all mations @ ~ f(y) Ano) = amp Zao) 9, ‘where the rupemam is tten ores all eqnenot (6) of alae such that SH, SGC Ol) sequal to te norm of the ‘opecator in, given by the mateix 4). The main tangle projection i ‘tied by Toh) a) teyenta, 0 otherwisn, ‘Wo prove that the norms of these proections grow the sate ‘ay when become lage. Th nde of gromth ested forthe Hert Iatcioes tay Ia(6)—= (Ob I—P pe it ej eMsl and tyjemy ays) — 0 otherwise, {nthe hes setion the emeept ofa matrix norm sinreduoed nd the ‘norms of the main tingle projections with respect to rome special matelx ‘norms are estimated. The vari of th seston applied the tnatix

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