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a o fet on ded marin anil of siting ow 2eppings ten fon spac, ras, sand Plena mpl aly seco Banat {put homamonhe oc ene rou’ of er, eed Fa ey Fy of Somos oat oi ani PJ Hilton sal 8 Wyte Bono ta Camby 190 a See-teen, Hwy try. Ne Took, 190 SIL Rsaee a foi io ater edt Sent mone! pope of memati tpt ve Ae NEAL Kup soy tof he antag grup of Hid pace, Topsigy 1 Rnutaakgaacarmacs de LEA vile ae ee ea eptery mate ts SIRS iriwarurreres ES Seow ene gae aatt ae pr Ue Réaction 28 61060 Teta? ou sures som Analyte factions in Ranch spaces MORK BOOHNAK (Rekéw) ‘There are not many popes devoted to the theory of amaistic ‘mappings in Banach spaces, especialy in eal Banach racer; meaty, ‘however, «numberof papers eaneeraing that brateh have been publithed (Cartan, Donsdy,Telong, Hams an others). 8. Bourbali his forthe ‘coming Dooks (5 ("Fasloue de rata” already avalale) wil Evo the apeamatie theory ot much mapping. ‘This paper giver some reits on analytic mappings, with values jn e Banach space, dined on open subsets of Banach spaces (Fel oF ‘complss) Ia particular, we prova natural enteron ofthe analyst ‘of mappings (Theorem 8) Some versions of that xeon were given DF “Aleievics and Orie (1) and Sei (17; the author ofthe prevent ppt thas been Inspired by enme eas of (1), snd (9) ‘The pla ofthe atic i as follows. We ater in Seton I by proving ‘some reals on formal series in Banach space, In Seto IC we comader Gateans-diferntisblo mapping. Tn Section TIT yo rate and. prove same etaria of the Rolamarphisty (Taeorem 4, compler ease) and sae Iytiity (Theorem 6, ral cue) of tte mapings. Maal, in Section IV, so give tho applicalions of the prosding ret aamely pool of the ‘Welotras propartion thre for analyte factions in Raach space (another prot ofthat thease was given by Ramis [14], the goxeralza ‘on of theorem of Malyrangs, and sme other theorems. ‘Theorem is stad in [6] without proc (so also (0), [21)). The root of aie T of Theorem har boon eommunlcsted' tome by Protsor 8. Lojasiwite ‘would like to expres my gratitude to Protuuor &. Lojiieice for his guidance and Talus remarks, [len want to thaak Proferor {5 Sie for help conversions. ‘Let. B and F boreal or complex Banach moots, Denote by Hom! (B, ¥) (ce, TAC, F) the space of ines, spmmete (rrp. ier, ajmmetre ‘and continuous) mappings from * to F. (Thus Hom*(B, F) is the st SR Ree) a ene ak (8,2) f= fom tr sme ton", ), PUB B) =f ~Tom oe aX} 4 amping 40082 {28 3) nel smog cna Sg) pian ap Me psy SR" sen itn hot gona Sroneton of be panna » ao The tna pe ge yh nnn Toa) Jom, 2) ssn rons nn 2) oto, vee an Sop by tl Ca pad Beane tnfoeaton BP, wie 66 Poy tah "nt t ery hepato pom fof dat wo Dae 3 sisal "laa te gag wa denoted by 7 (f = Jom). Me ssf the cntian tee @ =f, 2) ap BP fh, my ae cao format sie (ep. omtinuoe formal sri) aod denoted by 5, We aro now gong to ting some sata a of he space ct oma wren Pat = 1E sed: Se) corvergent tor ever pint» of 8 ighonsiond of sro fs We my that beat Ac Bin Zeit of eo dn te ‘every Idimensioal gubypace © B, the stemection Any io Beige Youthood af zero eh taat y. hen we put (Sra: fo) 6 convergent for very point of a Aaulehboarbood of tno i 8) ips ones tn Den suse a ‘The clments at the seb 2 (romp, 2°) ar called conseront formal serie (es ua-encegent formal vrs We soy that 34, is meray consent, for mughbourhood ot sero in, epinian< =. ‘These three notions azo equivalent for continous formal serie. ‘Namely, we wil prove the folowing anon 1. Any quasiconergnt continuous formal sree Sf, ie normaly convergent "Before proving ‘harem 1 we give some ans. Lat B be a ral Banach myce, B= BoyC. For vedi put (8) (15) Ih = nt fel bt 9 = Sav ae 2 0}. Lasoet 1, The space (B, | |) 6 & comple Banash space and te ‘mapping Baap 49 os Rina omar. root, For any points (hel lt Shale w= Yeon = Shem S{Diallot ata Deen) implies the triangle inequality avg" 0, the tet Am (yes eB: (0) 2 6 Mla ona) = 2) {in compact and 4 isnot empty. Assume thst tae maximus of th function ne ee 4a attained at the polnt (ef,..)- It is sufidnt to prove, that fag ny wah, whete oj iH iis i net tray Le 9 aad ee —af fox u palr of indioes 9,4, then atthe point toyed whew 3 at Ce Ba 3 sas te, a (eau [sf-+sf-< 9), which ism eontration. ‘The gencral cave cay folbwe from the above. Let &: P+ R bo 4 continous neat fanotional such that [i = Land [Bc}i 1. ta iow tho previous cut, there exit an leant 2°<7” sch tad = sed 207 oop) te Thin equality implin thst 1) = 3 We = 3, be = 1. ‘Remark, Lemon 3 i gene isnot true the norm on is not cea, ‘The along lemme. emma (C11, 18): Lanta 4 Tet Be comple Banach spn, A wy Xd © C%, thr Aco compa, connate eae of Cy nk reeds ing poi version of the important Polynomial ud o> 1 Thm re ext > 0d 8"4N, 00 at for ony 0 20" an ‘iy (not noariyhomapener) polyoma fof Maree 2 peeing tmpleion ae (tel a Sr wea)» lent < Mot for ef A) <8). Proof (by inden) (). lat 8 =1 sad o> 1 Deaote by d the ameter ot the et d dy Yat oc and teN. Then thre exit +1 Du ycryar OE wach tha ml = Be Bm Opry Lat We sop hr he angunent of Le cue» 1 a Sik (aon sty ante ot eo ash sac rae a ide, pat A (aN ‘he pratt th seh Sad wee big >. Aly futons Ga Dana ces, m0 swe may choode 8> 0 aad feN mmeh tht 1(0)< Ve ite 5 (at = 38). ‘Tye Lagrange interpolation formula (lr the Renach epico-alued poly: ‘omias) implies that for any polynomll fi — ot degree = $0 = [ou 2. 1 fe om how A then Vie s20 HY HleF males, ly opt with the fk that 2004-1) < Ye for > E, impos Tiel et fr oral sd > nah, 3) te ease ot EE fn inten Tow astme fat the imi ton fr the olymmils of 1 sibs, Tat © > tant > 0 web ho oY inte ay Stason te a of te and avbTat to ned Seppow thf C*-o n' payaoal at The deren 4 so dat Ueyaic a seam APs yredy. Th (ocuiag t tan ave cae) Uta) < Me! Wes adc 8 tay ncrng Tote lndecte sumption, eNotes AIA el Adc Como. 2 fa i eto of promis having a omen Bownd nth st A (arf enna tnd doe mth or ery > 2 Ahr ett onde nahlnraed Tf wt Ah th ote y se = 5 f Hand Fare cmple Rana spf: Bn Fi a hemo- fenens peo and fh for leh hen YN for ier Proof Ia 0 such that [f(a 1]2 forall ¢ belanging to the ball X, > fenzed at zero with Tana 2. By the eontinulty of te polynosn Sy Hoe Sooguaty f(a) <8, tae for wed = UY Koy holds alo on the wt Z, which contains a ball with radas r> & (Lemma 6). (Cane 1, of B and P being complex Banach space, is simple. Sines (Mate 1) in bl with made, by Lamina § the tame ettations ‘old in the ball centred st sro with the ante dior. this means that 3, nonmaty converges Caso TH, of B and F being rat Banach spsous and dim < wo, {otlos from Tamms {Indeed withont lose of generality we may asung B= Te. The set A eaitaing wore pdmensonal cube Z; Lnms | lnpiia ‘at for complex extensions f, of the poljaonials , the eitnations y(n) M2 hots tue, provided that « belongs te sfilenty mal ‘eighbarood ofthe net 1 in the space O°. In partial, f(a) <3 fn Dall with rains containod in CP; th [fy(u)'= M2" for ul cr Gham 9 Ti nn Si iy hte svnty eral covers, Se i ln J (FR om ea soa wa ae ‘Wosay thas a formal aaron $4,408, 2) is sromgly quatcomcerget itr cay team! von gan FF te ws $e 0072) cme y= ees 11 fal SF of rn) pm 4 sms wana ‘ht lof air pans Qiu QB, Fy 0 ao strongly quasi-comcergent (in 3), P00 Te ii ae a din < ad ow ht Sesame ot 5 pine omg of 3 On, eer Hnlte-tinenvional veetor subspace of Hi eomtaned in CY (= F@C ‘by dentition) for vome faite mensional subspace F of 3) Neat womsy aise thatthe norm on Biteulidean Zot foL*(B, ¥) ‘bean wiloar, symmetric mapping eoreepondng 40 f,cP™ (BF, hacate tom Aoi unions in Bana pa Py by feP*(i,F) and yeLM(it, #) the complenitication of f. and jg, seapectivly. In virtue af eae, Smotucnien Je comvcgnt for an > 0; ik means that, SrA oo According to Lemmas $ and 2 and tho trivial inequality [jl > U> Ll we have al = Wal = Wal Wat > Us thus the egy ~ Yl mst tla. Bot hie sno hae Si ye convergent (8 and 1 ae rel Banach apse). Assording to ease TE ‘the seis 3 fy in convergent fr every finite dimensona Yetor subspace os ¥ © Bj thas $4 se strongly quasiconvergent. In virus of Lemma 1, & one Arrigo cb hs pest the rin Fy ant ‘then the cariea $f, are normally convergent, The proot of Theorem 1 J. alo strongly guas-convergent, whence, in particular, quas- woe. Tn this ston we wil eonedermsppings defined onan open subset 1 ofa Banach space B with valu in a Banach space F- "A tapping fr U -» P i ald to have Gteour derive of oder bane (o) For every Hel the mapping Sys Kyoto flab Oe? (defined in some neighboushood My of ro fn I or C) 8 Us teen Alable a sao (0) Tho mapring a Af Bh Zor ‘a a homogentous polynomil of degree (6 = us He Wo say that fi Uo de of dase OP iit has a Gatonnx-devivative ‘torier Fat eoch joint of U. The homogeasous polynomial a2. ctlad ‘tho bth Gateue derinato off at = Tot K be naghbourood of sora in R or C. Tso. 8. Aivume that: K+ F ism finer difecntabe at see, ‘Thon th wh dericato yet sero ean Be expesed bythe format So mh Sarto. {eet oan ol) 8 5 48 a "mun 20 Pb sone mpg of a Oi 0 fete nh Stn ei 1 te ee eae pn Be, Trove ft a ‘ ye aor SM BRfo0, 2 sniguly deteined sine, symmetric mapping euch that Bho) = 0). He sto to thow tat yl otis oe Bgl ts Gag tn a nabs 0) cxvegng to 20; pat" 2) Choe nega YF, of the element ® ba mm iyo = Saye such that shal Fc U fore =, n,m and b suliienty lage, oapsey ey at Pa np B03 atte. ‘he ara of Tesi ta snp cnaques ofthe owing over: (0 ait) “hp. Hy ek ie tense Bete Sal, Hy idetomelcoiestahan ty cn ee ethagio tock Anal unions bx Bawah pst cy The wet We) oF) bm awighboubood of fsa DER Let woyronad Soarttlaesaner eee ws 210) ~ Zest ng meh Ziiree pote, ‘we note (formune (+) snd (+)) that Bb hy) — BEMbyy hy Cyrene W. ‘This implies that 427] W, wa pointwite mit of the sequence of ‘ontinuoas mappings, ns a point of contmsity. Or Goren fll, ‘necsuse an mliear ‘mapping in a Banach epace Baving a. pat of fotnaty i contaao%s(). We say that « mapping f: UP eater the auton (0) it for euch allie ralepace Ve 2, dimY-< +1, the mapping f1U 0.7) ie of cla mova 9, Ang mapring f= UF shih eter the condition 11(0) fe of dae @ iy T. ‘Proot, For each Ae there exit 8408) = Foy sushi yf inner gc aie ime ago $e Sop = tig oti 0) ane Sn aman ir te ae secttand lt gs Bono F bea alaer napping, Youd in nigbonsod of Pin nguncuatatehanren tere petit aaah specu faa el i ase ine ed ae root. Set ap) Stee. st 1 utioes to ahow that 0f oro homoganaous polynomiis, Lo. find 2jetton? (8, ¥) tach What Bf 8) = Bf) (PR Tat PH See ays OSD. 1 je cle that Jef azn symuotea. 1 elon to prove that BF ne aaliner. If p = 1, this i trv by Lemme 9. Let 1< p< and fe Teoriy ss tie Byfotbesie imple thst te mspping 6: Doe hy ny hy ade tes the canditlen (0), and so, by Lemma 0, it sof das @ sn 0, BH rh = Tee 2 Baas abl, BgtiomeneSall. Jl. na rales Seal ttm, hich shows that Hf sarin hy, and hens (by aptetey) pines, ‘Ros! the deiition of an maytic mapping f: T+ ¥ trum an ‘open sabet U'of » Hanach space to 2 Banach spice 2, Suppose at {is of class O° (wo rele the radar to Diewdonné (7). Recall thoy ‘hat unler the asmmption of the existance of the (k-th (Bric) Aeivative 2*~s(a in neghboutood ofthe point and the existence ‘of the derzative ofthe map > D"""fe) ty, DYta) is 0 tines, fentinuoos mapping (and spate as enn be proved), identified. wit this duivative by th flowing vanceial omorphisn of Banach spaces HA, 30° Bp (Bboy) wy oy eB) AMO, Bh 2H, P) i the Basach space ofall tinea cantinnons mappings. Thus ‘he (Pht) deities Df) ff tay Ua the element ot 18, icm” Anahi oetins Se Bench spat oa Deyo oy Bis wotten shorty a8 DPY (8). Tee obvious tt the felatene ot the Hh Bechet derivative. Djs) lglg the exons fe KH One drvativo Hfand wo Mave the egal HAN) = ay, 1, for every aye, Flore = SEH) for 1 <> Othe J td a anti mapping. An ato trarping ith comple Hach apc ead aoe Taoes 10, Lat B ond be compar Baath rac 7 te mapying fDre = Ft18,M, fino 08 a. ©, hs he propery ha fore Ba Does ether 4 btmorpi hn 4 hte root, Fis. Thr nite an > 0 depentent te) sueh tint fr ee Be £0) = Saayeae it psier. Onviomty, the mappings a: Bon ave lar We sal yove that thy are conn By os Canchy Satara far we bave 1 0) a0 ‘hut, the pointe mitt the sequence of near continous mappings (itlemat gui), it continous (Banach Stainbaus thera). The. cou Llnnty af ay, tho estimations Wes sap UF, nd the Bangeh-Steshans theorem imply tint for » constant 3 and aes, Weason< ao, 4e.Ia'< a, Hoe the eves $ay(e—s" in convergent in the die lea - 0 tat how hat fof las O> (en, mec, Dred) = sy andthe tren fos) Not iat te tral Oaehy tore ts the naioy a0) = Pixel and hone an n> 0 eh ha ff) Faw 4 cally uniformly consengent J te fi atmorph Proof, The mapaing fis obviously coninwous, Applylg hears 4 snd the dassial Wetestass theorem about union convegece of the equente of holomorphic maps (with values in 8 Banach space) of one ‘complex variable (7) fhe theorem fellows. onoutanr 2. A mapping {: D> P ie hlomorphie if nd only if et any 200 stoan be cepanded ie enscrynt continuous formal tres soem = Sn ‘en Dito) = ath Intl, rer tne promi» lemorbemagping Corey 2 harm 3 apy wb Cr) aman 5. Bory analp meppig f= from on open sot 1 ofr bonach ge, pet Bo rae ny ee ‘toa holomorphic mapping f, defined on some open subset Ui < B containing U. Then (at the points w«U) the development af f im the formal series is a com- Plsifiation of the reopment of f: DY (a) — PIG: (Comoran 2. Coltary 2 lois with “hlomorphis™ replaced ty “anal We say that fi: U =F sntiie the otion (0) (op. (0) ‘it snd oly if for each faite dimensional tine subspace Y = (rrp foreach J-mensional sine eabsace 1.< B) the mapping #10 0. ¥ = i of class O™ (rsp 10 04 =F is alti), Tet U bean open subst ofa ral Banach spice, and F seal Banach Tamuonen 0. A contnnone mapping J: UF satfying the mations (0) and (Cte analy. ‘Prot, Prom Theorems 3 and 2 flows that f eof ease @™ and fePAE, B) (k= 1,2, ). Tho BypotbedaInplie that at cach eint a0 avo son = SE aso, 418 tng to sone Zncghbourie to a. ‘mene 3 imi that ‘Tenor 0 A eotinnnes mapping {2 U > F defined in some neigh warhead U of ser, anfying enon ¥°(C) and analytic ow th tee An U ofeach taimensonal cer subapace Zon 1 anal in a meph Bourke of so ‘We now have the tools to trnsfer the thearems dealing with ana yt functions of ane or of several Trial ral or complex) Lo the eae ‘of anaeie fusetlons in Banach spaces “Alans of Theorems 4,6 and 6 wil be given inthe next win, ‘A. Welrtram poparntin theorem for enayte functions in Banach sacs: Lot Ke efi Ht of real or © complex wumbers, Za neg onohand of zero in K, and («neighbourhood ot ser im Banach pane Bove Hi, “Any mapping of the fom: HE: Ux Koay 2) 92492) Ho ee, where ony ae stale functions Ur, and (0) = 0, i eal 2 auinguishad polyoma. unos. Lat J. UI + K be on asl fonction ch that f(0) = ‘and (0) 1 70. Than ther eos a ena onetin dfned in neigh Vowhond of OCB, 9(0) 0, and a diiguised polynomial Hath ‘hat $= Hp sn some neighourhod of 0. Farthr, gad Have niguly rind bythe enon anighbowwhoo of Proof. Uniquimess in the general cae follows trom uniquenas ‘in he fine-dimeconal ea, ‘Wo shall daduse the Usrem from the poot of the asial Weer stra thearem (4) sy Theorems 4 and 6. ‘Case T (=O), Choo «> 0, 90 that i holanorphie in the st ep)eBxC: fal R to ‘tolomerphiefunetionf: xi» C;datinod in a neighbourhood of zero {2 BxcC (Theorem 6), Cato T imglaa the exsteneo of the holomorphic fmetion ¢ and of the dictingised polynomisl Hf defined ins neigh outhood of xe rach that ~ 9. Tho uniqueness ofthe solaton at fone problems in the ave of Site dimensanal reat Banach pace ins that the revtrictins ot H and ¢ to a slficientty small neighbourhood, tl zero in Bf ae ol-valaefanetions. Thas resritiony, as analyte fuetions, ane the negated salution of the problem. ‘Romark. In thevutof tho section, wil bean open sbet of a2 ‘Banach apoco EP an arbitaey real Bansch space, aod T on open rubvat ‘t's Lalipnslnal Banach psn, ', Grneraiation of theorem of Malgrnge. ‘Twonsn. If T and T (aw eho) oe conned, f: OI» sv an anaytie mapping (cons), gi U-oT it a cntiuoas mapping ‘etfyng cnaton (0) and fool) = 0 tn T, then y is anal root. The eae dim B< x, dim = 1 war proved by Maerange (otter pron of thin cae ave due to Eojaiowiee(onpublsied) and Sine (17 ‘Cate (dim? ~1), Withon tow of generality we may astue st 1 iw convex tot Tn vrtoe of Theorem @ emer to grove Cat ar ch ation tine 2 = B, the mapning ¢| U4 i angie, Por fied oye U4 choot & ine y= B rah that syen a fie 0 U) Lo cont (ih ete of suk line fallow ror the hypotese) I the fine ple ontining and thes f= fe 0D) xf # const and fl, (px 9 A D)(e) = 0. Acomding to the remark above, giz 00 in analyte Obrioady g(a 0.0 is alo saa, Cave (an asbiteary Bans race) eto an be dierent yoice ‘alonging ohn fant p: F > R be contin mela such tat He) #41) Thea gof: Oved +R tenn sanitation, gop cot 40d gofleso(e) —t. Avplyiag ese Tne intr ‘hat ts analyle ‘he following thcorein i 9 spe wankequence vf Theoren Dot ve give here also auother poo In anler ta inwtrse the method rlving Theorem G.amonmx. If f: T-=P te on anaitic mopping (f + const 4 U-+Liecntinuons and tai th condition ™(0), and fo analy, fon i axa rool, Cas 1. Fit we prove th ton in the spec cas, whee 1 and Far neighbourhoods of zero in Ry = Be, o(0) = 0) —0 undp ie ataiytieexoopt perhaps the point 0. We ean exclude fe ease fo = 0 ‘teva ono (tben neeseariy = 0). Tn the otter ete ee may acu at fa) = aya (910) #0, of cass (>) and fc) = Pale) 0) eo, 4 azaire, Tat for =X. Since file) = flyin) = (era) vce, ve have ho) = ah) for none anaivie fenton F h(0) 6 0) (pleyPiaty() = Bay ow wecan prove tha ys analy t 0. Tact, the function Bey) = soy) —Ks} la desined sd pte In sons lghbomiaad of, (ed Rane Zo, 00) =a 4 40, icm” Anche fans Banh eps oo by the implicit function theorem yy at ho solution of the equation (, yle)) =O, ie anaytio ina nigbourhond af 0 ‘Case 11 (P = R), or each alin lie 1< B, the par ot mappings {and pI 0 2sainfy (local) the assumption of cae, nad than pl 2 ‘analytic; Thora 6 implies the aaalyty af (ase TIT, of balng an aehitrary Banach epnee, can be treated slmiely to caso TK of Theor B ‘Remark, Theorems B and © are not tue i din 7 > 3 D. Generalization of theorem of Bornstein. A rel faneion of one real variable taving the darvatives of all onder nonnegative ‘aalyle This theorem of Barta canbe gerald fo functions Thich spaces as follows. Lata be 4 mbset of the anit sphere &'< 2 tach that aU (=A) — 8 ‘Tuomi. ff: U +R in w eoninnons functions sting the ondion #=(U) ad for each print 260, Sia) 0 for aed and wrosd Byun fhen f emai. Proot. The condition 6f(a)>0 (acd) implies tat the denvativee fall orden of the faction co) to ftotte) Aefined in some neighbourhood of sero in are non nngstive, Applying ‘tho thoorem of Bernstein, we oblaia the maalteity of the mopping (+) i. tho snalytty of f| 0 92 fr every affine line 2 B. The theorem folios from ‘eoneri 6. ‘Remark, A weater version ofthe as theorem was proved in [20]. E. Gmarlly wo have the flowing principle ee true that Uf: T-+B le the fanotion of das 0", sattying the conditions Way oy Why then f i anatc, then tan true hat Wg: V+ iso cantinaons mapping dated on an open subast 1 of Banach spaco Banting the condition r=(C), aud far very sisine Hine A p17 98 sation the conditions W,y ny Way Wat in analyte, . 1 A, Atestewier md W. One Anaige spas (tal Base met, ‘Saha 4 Gay pe (21S Bannch Ct hop olan 1, hie, 7 (187, 9. 46 tm Ribrbak, rata ae nati (ine de iia, fan] ="Fouton ne seria él, Pai 1068 (6), Carton, Soucoetia ucgiaee ane wr oasheve ompl (Gage IO, Rain, Sonaabe Nowra Perr 16 tn) 5" Bieodonas, Mount Conary tome et Pate 1. EL Grothendieck, Buin emus roge epee mel, en, 0 Ee ena is nian Ase Mah fs Cin og KoWerstewait Zoplopy, tadoe and Now Yo ER Fuss Rove ng pen Wes. ifomtaie focan, Oxted 288. Crone Bien Badin Mash. 6 {it} 3° Sian depp tetas ham Pat Math 29 (068), p. 20.2% fin] Mest ef oni tos of re ore ay 2 fis) SB Replen tat hry of arn red any eect tn omptr Moar spon, Bal Are, NH, Boy 40 eae for Ramah pcs, Pa. Aaa Math, 8, 1 Aon Toa, Fomor 18, 13080, ep por a Raion Ue 1.1. 1088 Por? ss saessr, xxv. ary A characterization of analytic fanetions of real vib 4. SLCIAK (kin) 1. ‘The main purpose of thi note t prove the following ‘Tusownie 1. Asoome that 1 fee™(D), eho D is 8 domain in BS, | for esry 24D threat an > 0 achat fr exry ae Ll = 1, the fonction fot) iv analy wit repat to f-—rs1) The be may depend on 2 and “The the fancion analyte in D. Bxomple, Tho fuetion firs) = 0 euch that Sori (1) de comeerge at @ = et

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