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1) Directing the staff activities in related areas is the part of?

a. Staff function
B. Coordinative functions
C. Line function
D. Both A and B
2) Changing and updating benefit plans is performed by?
a. Corporate HR group
B. Center of expertise
C. Transactional HR group
D. Embedded HR unit
3) Handling labor relations and safety laws for company’s labor is the part of?
a. Line functions
B. Staff functions
C. Coordinative functions
D. Both (a) and (c)
4) Re-designing a business process, in getting more efficient and effective results, known
a. redesigning jobs of workers
B. assigning additional activities to workers
C. moving workers from one job to the other
D. reengineering
5) The term ‘job enlargement’ means?
a. redesigning jobs for workers
B. assigning additional activities for workers
C. moving workers from one job to the other
D. none of above
6) The term ‘job enrichment’ means?
a. redesigning jobs for workers
B. assigning additional activities to workers
C. moving workers from one job to the other
D. reforming and analyzing the job
7) The relationships section of job description defines whom would you?
a. supervise
B. report to
C. work with
D. all of above
8) The Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) for job analysis is?
a. quantitative technique
B. qualitative technique
C. both A and B
D. none of above
9) A list, consisting of job duties and responsibilities, part of?
a. job descriptions
B. job analysis
C. job specifications
D. both A and C
10) Determining the duties and characteristics of positions in staffing, known as?
a. job descriptions
B. job analysis
C. job specifications
D. both A and C
11) Generally in the chain of command, no one can issue orders outside their own department
A. staff managers
B. line managers
D. none of above
12) A manager have line or staff authority is determined by?
A. person in charge
B. Name of person in charge
C. type of department
D. nature of relationship
13) The duties of ‘HR’ manager and staff functions consist of?
A. Assisting line manager
B. Implementing the policies
C. Directing the tasks of people
D. all of above
14) ‘Human Resource Management’ is the process of?
A. Acquiring Employees
B. Training Employees
C. Appraising and Compensating Employees
D. all of above
15) Use of data, facts, analytics and evaluated research for making decision is?
A. Evidence based HRM
B. High performance work system
C. Both A and B
D. none of above
16) The ‘HR’ manager must be familiar with?
17) A. Strategic planning
B. Production department
C. Marketing and finance
D. all of above
18) The planning function of management process involves?
A. Developing employees
B. Evaluating performance
C. Establishing departments
D. Establishing goals
19) The crucial functions for company’s survival is managed by?
A. financial manager
B. staff manager
C. line manager
D. both A and B
20) A company can create ‘superior-subordinate’ relationship through?
A. line authority
B. hiring authority
C. staff authority
D. all of above
21) High performance work system leads to?
A. superior employee performance
B. low labor costs
C. safer workplaces
D. less employee turnover rate
22) A job analyst’s task is to?
A. prepare job description
B. integrate development activities
C. develop compensation plans
D. advise management
23) Recruiting employees, selecting right one for job and giving them training leads to?
A. organizing
B. controlling
C. Staffing
D. Leading
24) Ensuring the implementation of ‘HR’ policies by line managers is the part of?
A. Line functions
B. Coordinative functions
C. Staff functions
D. all of above
25) An assistance needs to manage localized human resources which are provided by?A.
Transactional HR group
B. Embedded HR group
C. Corporate HR group
D. Centers of expertise
26) In growing organization, the specialized staff is needed by?
A. Line manager
B. HR manager
C. Staff manager
D. all of above
27) The counseling and compensation of employees is the part of?
A. Staffing
B. Controlling
C. Leading
D. Organizing
28) The manager who can only issue orders in his own department?A. Line managers
B. Staff managers
C. HR managers
D. all of above
29) The people attracted to occupation involving cognitive activities are classified as?
A. realistic orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. artistic orientation
30) The ‘Leisure time counseling’ is an example of?
A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure
31) In career development, providing mentoring opportunities is the part of?
A. individual role
B. manager role
C. employer role
D. line manager
32) The ‘coaching’ and ‘mentoring’ require?
A. analytical skills
B. logical skills
C. interpersonal skills
D. Both A and C
33) An idea of instituting ‘HR’ policies to support and encourage seniorAn idea of instituting
‘HR’ policies to support and encourage senior workers is the part of workers is the part of
A. promotions
B. transfers
C. reality shock
D. managing retirements
34) In career development, discussing your career with your manager is the part of?
A. individual role
B. manager role
C. employer role
D. line manager
35) The ‘Talent Management’ automated end to end process involves?
A. recruiting and hiring
B. managing employees
C. compensating employees
D. all of above
36) Asking manager ‘Does employee is informed about performance standards’ is the part
A. antecedents
B. behavior
C. consequences
D. counseling
37) The bankers are the best classified in a personality type of?
A. realistic orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. conventional orientation
38) The people favors the career in which personal needs of employees are subordinated to
company is?
A. realistic orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. conventional orientation
39) The people attracted to occupation involving cognitive activities are classified as?
A. realistic orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. artistic orientation
40) The ‘Leisure time counseling’ is an example of?
A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure
41) In career development, providing mentoring opportunities is the part of?
A. individual role
B. manager role
C. employer role
D. line manager
42) The ‘coaching’ and ‘mentoring’ require?
A. analytical skills
B. logical skills
C. interpersonal skills
D. Both A and C
43) An idea of instituting ‘HR’ policies to support and encourage seniorAn idea of instituting
‘HR’ policies to support and encourage senior workers is the part of workers is the part of
A. promotions
B. transfers
C. reality shock
D. managing retirements
44) In career development, discussing your career with your manager is the part of?
A. individual role
B. manager role
C. employer role
D. line manager
45) The ‘Talent Management’ automated end to end process involves?
A. recruiting and hiring
B. managing employees
C. compensating employees
D. all of above
46) Asking manager ‘Does employee is informed about performance standards’ is the part
A. antecedents
B. behavior
C. consequences
D. counseling
47) The bankers are the best classified in a personality type of?
A. realistic orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. conventional orientation
48) The people favors the career in which personal needs of employees are subordinated to
company is?
A. realistic orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. conventional orientation
49) In big five model, ‘conscientiousness’ is the tendency to be?
A. unconventional
B. assertive
C. achievement
D. autonomous
50) A test, examinees respond to situations representing jobs, known as?
A. situational test
B. reasoning test
C. video simulation test
D. job training
51) The employees training and evaluating performance before actual job is?
A. situational test
B. reasoning test
C. video simulation test
D. miniature job training
52) The comparison of people’s interests with people in same occupation is?
A. interest inventory
B. HR applicant’s inventory
C. management assessment center
D. all of above
53) The second step in validating a test is?
A. analyze the job
B. choose the tests
C. administer the tests
D. relate test scores
54) The test in which PC-based situations and choices are given to solve the situation is
A. situational test
B. reasoning test
C. video simulation test
D. miniature job training
55) The typical simulated tasks include?
A. management games
B. leaderless group discussion
C. The in-basket
D. all of above
56) The validity of structured interviews is?
A. high
B. low
C. moderate
D. none of above
57) The ‘expectancy chart’ is a graph to show relationship between?
A. tasks performed and time utilized
B. test scores and job performance
C. both A and B
D. none of above
58) The tests are classified on the basis of measurement of?A. mental abilities
B. personality and interests
C. physical abilities
D. all of above
59) In big five model, ‘conscientiousness’ is the tendency to be?
A. unconventional
B. assertive
C. achievement
D. autonomous
60) A test, examinees respond to situations representing jobs, known as?
A. situational test
B. reasoning test
C. video simulation test
D. job training
61) The employees training and evaluating performance before actual job is?
A. situational test
B. reasoning test
C. video simulation test
D. miniature job training
62) The comparison of people’s interests with people in same occupation is?
A. interest inventory
B. HR applicant’s inventory
C. management assessment center
D. all of above
63) The second step in validating a test is?

A. analyze the job

B. choose the tests
C. administer the tests
D. relate test scores
64) The test in which PC-based situations and choices are given to solve the situation is
A. situational test
B. reasoning test
C. video simulation test
D. miniature job training
65) The typical simulated tasks include?
A. management games
B. leaderless group discussion
C. The in-basket
D. all of above
66) The validity of structured interviews is?
A. high
B. low
C. moderate
D. none of above
67) The ‘expectancy chart’ is a graph to show relationship between?
A. tasks performed and time utilized
B. test scores and job performance
C. both A and B
D. none of above
68) The tests are classified on the basis of measurement of?
A. mental abilities
B. personality and interests
C. physical abilities
D. all of above

69) The work experience and field of study are included in?
A. working capital
B. human capital
C. compensation capital
D. size of working capital
70) After ensuring external and internal equity, the next step in establishing pay rates is?A.
group similar jobs
B. price each pay grade
C. fine tune pay rates
D. determining the worth of each job
71) The ‘Hay consulting firm’ emphasizes compensable factors such as?
A. skills
B. efforts and responsibility
C. knowledge
D. accountability
72) The techniques which allow employer for flexible labor stance is?
A. job classification
B. job evaluation method
C. job ranking technique
D. pay ranges
73) The total profit and rate of return is classified as?
A. employer’s ability to pay
B. employer’s ability to hire
C. employer’s ability to train employees
D. employer’s ability to grow
74) ‘Microsoft’ pays new programmers for learning Windows particulars, classified as?
A. pay plan based on knowledge
B. pay plan based on title of job
C. pay plan based on tenure
D. pay plan based on performance
75) The package of salary, incentives and fringe benefits designed in a way to motivate the
employees is known as?
A. HR strategy
B. performance appraisal
C. aligned reward strategy
D. aligned compensating strategy
76) The sales commission is an example of?
A. time based pay
B. performance based pay
C. bonuses
D. salary incentives

77) The ‘rate of return on investment’ is classified as?

A. long-term shareholder value
B. calculating stock value
C. calculating return on investment
D. calculating working capital
78) The company top executives compensation include
A. base pay
B. long-term
C. executive benefits
D. all of above
79) The demonstrable skills, knowledge or behaviors that enable employee’s performance are
A. competencies
B. job description
C. job specification
D. job evaluation
80) The job evaluation process, in which the raters categorize jobs into groups is called?
A. point method
B. job classification
C. job grading
D. aligned reward strategy
81) The ‘educational level’ of executive is classified as?
A. working capital
B. human capital
C. compensation capital
D. size of working capital
82) The paid employees insurance by employers is the futile part of?
A. direct financial payments
B. salary increments
C. paid counseling
D. non direct financial payment
83) The process of classifying, ranking jobs and assigning points to jobs is called?
A. job evaluation
B. job grading
C. pay grading
D. job ranking
84) In the professional jobs, the mostly compensable focused factors are?
A. problem solving
B. creativity
C. technical knowledge and expertise
D. all of above
85) In job classification, the group which contains similar jobs is called?
A. classes
B. grades
C. rows
D. columns
86) The ‘job grading’ is another name of?
A. point method
B. job classification
C. alternative ranking method
D. aligned reward strategy
87) An elimination of direct comparison in ranking method of job evaluation is included in?
A. combine ratings
B. rank jobs
C. selecting compensable factors
D. select and group jobs
88) The job pay rate depends on?
A. the job itself
B. the qualification only
C. the skills and knowledge only
D. the training completed only
89) The ‘commission’ that salesmen earns is an example of?
A. direct pay
B. indirect pay
C. compensation
D. direct recruitment
90) Defining the factors to be compared is included in?
A. selection of compensable factors
B. selection of intuitive factors
C. selection of logical factors
D. selection of comprehensive factors
91) An equity theory of motivation applies to employees who are often?
A. under paid
B. over paid
C. regularly paid
D. non paid internees
92) Calculating numerical rating and arranging each job according to skill is called?
A. point method
B. job grading
C. factor comparison method
D. alternation ranking method
93) Comparison of fairness of job’s pay rate to the other jobs in company is called?
A. external equity
B. collective equity
C. individual equity
D. internal equity
94) An employee compares his pay with other’s pay in company at same position is called?
A. internal equity
B. external equity
C. collective equity
D. individual equity
95) The levels and series of steps based on the years of service in pay grades are called?
A. pay ranges
B. grade ranges
C. similar jobs grades
D. anchoring pay ratings
96) The comparison between what salary coworkers are getting for similar jobs is called?
A. individual equity
B. pay rate equity
C. collective equity
D. procedural equity
97) In ‘job grading method’, the group of jobs that are different is called?
A. classes
B. rank jobs
C. grades
D. rows
98) Comparing quite dissimilar jobs such as nurses to technicians is the best classified as?
A. comparable worth
B. incomparable worth
C. definable worth
D. indefinable worth
99) The Blue collar workers often get paid on?
A. time based pay
B. performance based pay
C. extra bonuses
D. discount on fares
100) A pay grade is comprised of?
A. jobs of equal difficulty
B. jobs of equal pay
C. jobs of equal incentives
D. jobs of equal skills
101) If a person finds imbalance between his services and paid salary?
A. tension is created
B. person is more motivated
C. person is less motivated
D. person is never motivated
102) Employees involuntary separation from a job for a certain time period, known as?
A. mergers
B. acquisitions
C. layoffs
D. downsizing
103) The justice and fairness of a result of a decision is often classified as?
A. descriptive justice
B. procedural justice
C. distributive justice
D. severance justice
104) The formal procedure, in which job terminated person is counseled and trained, to
secure a job position by teaching self-appraising techniques is classified as?
A. termination interview
B. outplacement counseling
C. exit interviews
D. subordination interviews
105) The dismissal of the employee, who violates law of contractual arrangements
stated, by the employer is classified as?
A. descriptive termination
B. distributive termination
C. wrongful discharge
D. wrongful termination
106) The document that consists of all the ethical standards that employer expects from
employees is classified as?
A. ethics code
B. descriptive code
C. procedural code
D. distributive code
107) The employees’ inability to perform assigned task is classified as?
A. misconduct
B. lack of qualifications
C. unsatisfactory satisfaction
D. insubordination
108) The method of disciplining, which usually involves the systems of paid decision-
making leaves and oral warnings is classified as?
A. punitive discipline
B. distributive discipline
C. descriptive discipline
D. no punitive discipline
109) ‘Benchmarking’ of jobs is included in?
A. internal equity
B. external equity
C. procedural equity
D. salary survey
110) The first step in ‘Job ranking’ evaluation method is to?
A. obtain job information
B. select and group jobs
C. select compensable factors
D. rank jobs
111) The increments based on performance is a basis of?
A. direct financial payments
B. non direct financial payments
C. direct compensation
D. bonuses
112) The compensation for top executive job is largely based on?
A. job complexity
B. employer’s ability to pay
C. executive’s human capital
D. all of above
113) The person’s fixed pay and guaranteed bonus is included in?A. base pay
B. short-term incentives
C. executive benefits
D. long-term incentives
114) ‘Microsoft’ pays new programmers for learning Windows particulars, classified
A. pay plan based on knowledge
B. pay plan based on title of job
C. pay plan based on tenure
D. pay plan based on performance
115) The package of salary, incentives and fringe benefits designed in a way to
motivate the employees is known as?
A. HR strategy
B. performance appraisal
C. aligned reward strategy
D. aligned compensating strategy
116) The sales commission is an example of?
A. time based pay
B. performance based pay
C. bonuses
D. salary incentives
117) The company top executives compensation include?
A. base pay
B. long-term
C. executive benefits
D. all of above
118) The demonstrable skills, knowledge or behaviors that enable employee’s
performance are called?
A. competencies
B. job description
C. job specification
D. job evaluation
119) The job evaluation process, in which the raters categorize jobs into groups is
A. point method
B. job classification
C. job grading
D. aligned reward strategy
120) The ‘educational level’ of executive is classified as?
121) 0
A. working capital
B. human capital
C. compensation capital
D. size of working capital
122) The paid employees insurance by employers is the futile part of?
A. direct financial payments
B. salary increments
C. paid counseling
D. non direct financial payment
123) Information about specific salary and wage rate for particular job is the part of?
A. salary survey
B. market survey
C. equity survey
D. HR survey
124) The competency based pay plan is more?
A. person oriented
B. job oriented
C. tenure oriented
D. evaluation oriented
125) Focus on career development, the tuition reimbursement plans are the part of?
A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruiting and placement
D. compensation and benefits
126) In career development, providing training and development workshops is the part
A. individual role
B. manager role
C. employer role
D. line manager
127) In traditional focus, the reward is based on?
A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruiting and placement
D. compensation and benefits
128) The ‘explanation of Social Security benefits’ is an example of?
A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure
129) In career development, seeking out information for career is included in?
A. individual role
B. manager role
C. employer role
D. line manager
130) A manager teaches job-related skills in coaching for?
A. longer span of time
B. shorter span of time
C. resetting salary schedules
D. self-managing teams

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