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(Bg ten ee tn hp Pt on Eater rene tea Ean Seve rie on eat STR eo mn 7 FS et pec en vn on Saath Sa aepmanmramnnnane cnet acon eggs men on Ret bl rs mvomirrien Cehal it tawwmyourmmnennes one vo Rl rity acest pon em oo Rei nae arate c3 i enews {gine Serge een ea Se ee ee eae om eg ene ee ae oa ‘amorps fnc, B. B7 (190), 23-238. oy acta ata aR pers mage See a 2 yaaa Receding Fe eee EET om mn Ba a ae es ane on REEL sear gn fhe Began pt ak Bi ey en, Tbs etd Sach 5, 18 ann, eel er icm STUDI. MerHEMATICA 1 xe A mimesis Wolf thorn ” FERNANDO COBOS (sl apd JAAK PRETRE (tel ane pon Wolf een eto Boch gi iw ean + yu Wot tras fr Arana Gap atta sh Rn dt oe alr hn ston whch wets on unc oeSomemt ot 0, Introduction, The aqueson of extending Wolfs theorem [10] to 4 mdimensional content upp in (7) Atsordingly, we prove inthis Paper Sct a rest nf once te “gomeey” ofthe new stvton i undestood Teng to adapt dicetly the geoo of the general Wolf theorem in [7] for ‘ronal Gagan orbit aod coo functors. Ti i dons in Shere ‘ee uo review the basi einolony coneded with inerpelation of seal Sanach spaces Simla, a Soe? we rele the sens of Spar? theory af ral mtepoltion of several Banach spaces 8}. Tn Ss. 3 we hen spec the [ener sl fn See to thi case Ths Sit cil for veling the K- and ‘Fhmctos as suluble coors vespecively orbits, stay (0 Ue ease of ianach coupls (5). Homeve, hr i pole, ely speaking, ony in the Banach cae Acedigly, we sitchin Sean alterative proach, lose Woif's orignal prot E10} he arguent thee ely goes bace to Staines 97), Which workr alsin the qoatanach ca Atan eatly sage of ou Ibveigation we bud thougit tat our Well theorem could e applied the Context of multiparameter sea of inepostion spaces, in 2 site Way 0 that nthe one parueter cas [7], Sx 4, but we soon met unexpected ‘sce of geometric nature, which We hive Hot ben able o overcome. So Perhaps a more refined roll might be nended, Ta See $ we eve ieauded "bye sath of what kindof applcwions we bad i mind. 1.A genera Wolf theorem We begs by Fine the eminoloy (ct [8 By e Bouck maple we mean « imi) A= (A,,- 4) consiiog of ‘Dasach spree A Iya continuous embeded in some Haus Gor topologal vector space ain symbals 4,=of * Spr ct hy Mii ete y Ce BETO er 1B) be two: Banach staple, ‘paces. I es linear map rom ato 3 we us the notation T- A-vB to mean tat the resetion oT! ch 4; defines « bounded leer oper fom 4, ito Bin symbols T PThag= ms Thaw whee Tia tbe orm of T: Aye i ITs = s9plTala/IoLa Lat 4 te an ntamediate pace with respect to Zand B one with spt eB. Wo say tha 4 and are (relate) merpolaton spaces With eset 12 A and B i te lation 7. AB aay ice T! AB. Ln hi ase hee exits a constant C suck thar 0 IC Tha = mi IT Lat R= Rls) Be Fanti of nonnseative el argumect sock that (9) 06 Ror 5) <0, RO, OO; (0) Rex, x) 8 & nondecreasing setion in ech argument pra ve 6) Rosy 5) Bomogeneous of deer 1, He, lisa, ARQ ARG sont) BED} Rea 4) < Cancer 1F (0) can be replaced by the (hopefly) sharper ieeuaiy ° Ila X Proot Let Py AA. Then PT: H)-+(B) or any 30, by Lemma 23, [Tags €C Me a6X, We Set s0p,iP, Tal, <> implying THe, « auples of pontive rel munberirea two ates T= (Ey) and Feteg oon tad Be, we we Morecrer, we dente by {the (r+ Iptple deine by #= (Os toe), The ‘mbol $° [ep stands for the otf all ‘umber i (01) Ep. [0,1] sac tat 3 Integer mane = os ¢-jJ@2"-* Wil be of speci interest for us ‘We sow recall he efasios and some properties of K-and Jspacss described by Sart in (8 "Tae Ar and Tunctonal ae deed by ena f tae so at rh ein KE) 3 cata Sh gearee e Lats q 2b and Bo" Th space tg Sons fal ements fnvng = Ste now lolage (5 (AKC, a “The pce Ay i formes bya eements a6 2(2) which ca be repent as o a= Zs omen in Ey wee we (9) ant tuple 0 Bocawdh = mee (sla) icm tuner Wi ree Ieataes = 02 PU a X55 <1) ond a Arigna = Mkt & Jay hen Fag Hy for Veer Pro Put Yeas Wah. alr) sod Wim hos, =L 0) fy Rema 330) an’ the bypothrs of) we have 04%, Me) MMAR JEN, 5/68, GUM, Fe WIR AJ=X, rie. Furthermore, (F, fF) ear the arproximason syputeis rguted in "Taeore 4 (ake for Pa Bie rank operator ()=@njanh. Prelore, ‘Theorem 14 and (2) gie that yy 2%, fr Tes ar "Toe pou of ean ect ut na ilac way by sing now Theorem 1s and hw Cota hi ul i he RteaonThesten we sbi: conus 35 Lat rand On say eos 10 et Le SEe I en nl iain Ma get Be n= =X) (1S FER) and {Rey Ayla =X, +L SIS), then Aggy =X for idjen Remark 16 The mung of conions (647) wil be dscused i the Wis comsival, bt not ge dea, that the above est can be extended tothe pace of Fernandes (eo (ST, was have a theory fo alr extent Dara to Spares theory. 4. The quastBamich cate In chs ston we develop an_alterative approach to the min real of the previous secon (Thm. 34 puss orolary, whichis applesble alo ia the guasSanach case. Fr notations) ‘np though we write out the deta only in the Banach ease. AS was Ieenoned ia the introduction, the method of prot hasbeen adapted tom (9. ted (10. ae ts A) te 4 ven Banach ple, Let fut XjynsN, be interned spaces with rect to 4 about shich we asume at 0 lols, eI toilet for ex((Ya)UY) and el, e lets 0, Seip 1 (as @= (0) to ea ota ma. 1 te towing La scl ot 20 ‘ae dah o a the bane Coosa of yn wu Maron Ky Jel ta wi tp © 2 = Altea einer Oy i= 1, mare oh fs be ‘enc Sorsinner of with rote fo, “Ts sya, we may water fo ei ByAsb Pip, where for each 1X, apt Z anlar ers te, =n eter), Sima, we fad ® %p=Linde Ue tel) 09 Og iytE idee eM, IeP. ‘Le us write she matices 4 aed @ a block matrices (ortesponding to the partion (i, a)= ur on oak [as a2] Mini WA heen as ‘Then we may write the relations (410) more compactly as ” Oye dnt APine © O12 = Ai Ose ” nm Ai any Oxy das dn Oa Eiminvon between (7) snd (9) yields ° um dist Andes “That we Bad UU) yy = Aidala Aneta Hand at (Neumann ser), and a similar ration for By ‘We ths view thse elas (7-10) or (7-10) a providing the rigorous ‘meaning Lo what Was Stated informal wording inthe penimate paragraph ‘Consider ow (1) aba (2) I we susie the inequalities (2) ato one of the Hnoquals (0, we oblas a isequalty of the foam tela self oT TT tte TT Yat elf oi PIT at Gen ‘An analogous forla olds for J, In exponential aotaton, wing Feige Tole, patsg “f - 8 (on forgetting abt the count) we may wt this a te Aust a Aastst ada ee AeA data haat (tis ine and te the componen's of wien a block veto the same foc and‘) Lat iterate te st inequality a coupe of mes 81 €Autrtdiadntatdads Audet dadasdadntet Asada aU Aidadi ty All Ay Aaa Asya by Su tebAiadatet Aad tAiadartis dats HAP Aetna Aad AiAasteH lerdal, m+ Acadan tina All Aaah laa Masts HA dad? sso forth, This comvines st that i the mie we int ey SU Adaya too ats “FAL ae A Hay AP + Comparison wih (70) ee als (1) sbows that this the sume as 46 Om +O. In the same way we fad Onn tnt ‘his, apparently, esas (9. ‘Nett we urn oor atetion fo (8) and} Let xX for some ised 18 fonder to esublih (6 sues to prove tat canbe writen in the form, oy said, whee a6 EA, ad 6%, with 9 KGa)

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