Gorbachev's leadership

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Gorbachev's leadership

Pages 142-143

By Anya Savio
● Realist → USSR was in a terrible state: weak

economy, spending too much on Arms race,
bad position in war in Afghanistan.

● Gorbachev became leader of the Soviet Union ● Idealist → believed communist rule should
in 1985, he was a mix of idealist, optimist and make life better, he was offended by the fact
realist. that things were better in the West and
Soviets had no loyalty in the Government.

● Optimist → thought that a reformed

communist system could give citizens pride
and belief.
Gorbachev’s policies in Eastern Europe
● In March, Gorbachev called together all leaders of the Warsaw Pact, he had two messages.
○ Meeting didn’t go as planned.

● Message 1: ‘We won’t intervene’

○ Gorbachev stated that Eastern European countries were responsible for their own fate.
○ Most leaders old-style communists → thought ideas were insane and did not believe him.
● Message 2: ‘You have to reform’
○ He made it clear their countries needed to reform.
○ He believed communism could provide better healthcare, education and transport.
○ Other leaders still didn’t believe him or support him.

● In the following years, leaders realised what big mistake they had made.
Gorbachev’s reforms
● Two main ideas: Glasnost (openness) and Perestroika (restructuring):
○ Glasnost → open debate on government policy and honesty when facing problems; radical
○ Perestroika → 1987 market forces allowed in Soviet market; after 60 years it became legal to
buy and sell for profit.

● Other reforms:

Reduce defence spending Improve international relations

- Nuclear arms race big drain on Soviet - He withdrew Soviet troops from
economy. Afghanistan.
- After 50 years, Red Army started to - In his speeches, he talked about having
shrink. more international trust and cooperation
Gorbachev and ● Late 1980s clear that USSR could not
beat the USA in military spending.

President Reagan ○ Helped Gorbachev push

through his military spending

● January 1981-1988 Reagan is US

president. ● Superpower relations improved, and
● Only policy of the USA to the USSR is the USSR felt less threatened by the
the ‘get tough’ USA.
○ This, in a way, helped Gorbachev. ○ Less need for USSR to control
Eastern Europe.
Implications for eastern Europe: ‘Listen to your people’
● Demand for similar reforms of the USSR
increased in eastern European states.
○ People tired of poor economic conditions
and strict restrictions.
○ Gorbachev’s new policies gave people
hope for reform.
● July 1988 Gorbachev made a speech to Warsaw
Pact countries.
○ His plan was to withdraw many troops,
tanks and aircraft from eastern Europe.
● March 1989 made it clear that the Red Army
would not intervene to create communist
regimes in eastern Europe.
Gorbachev at the July 1988 speech.

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