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Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 1 of 129 Sha Tavahanulu Shrimukhu: • Savatha Hana is a Puneru Imradha Nachi

Eka Eka Yavkati • Parunala

Parakanra Andra Dhayuda Jati Srimakhu Du Kannavmsa Jura Sashu Mara Na The name of the name of Sangalu is removed and it is called Rajayanana Apasanchadu •
The Parunas are called Sankadhadu, Balapachuchukuda, Bali. • Kilotangala Innat Dhannajara Kilotangala repaired innat coins in Kilotangala. కా కా కా కా కా కా కా కా కా కా
కా కా కా కా కా కా కా కా కా The Krishna (Kanaha) • The first jura woman to be roasted in Shavathana. • Srimakhu Nannakata Sudarada 18 Samsatvlaru Pipara Lanchada
nanna bilatnu na yi • Itdi Nasak Sasanam-Savat Ha Palana Padhadannati Mauyarala Ichadarati dinotu telupu in Vanadha • Itnna Nasak Sasanamkanra Okama
Hamratda (officer-in- charge) Gahana Nimina Rannachouta Pirsavasuma in Nasak for Buddhist lover. There are 19 rooms in Nasak Sasanam, Nasak Gahu
(Pandalavenna Gahalas are also not included). • Innat Yajaram traveled westward to Nasa Kravka. 18 years old son of Shakatiri Shavathana, 18 years old son of
Shakatiri Sainaka Vajayalatna Vasinra Nachi Motada Hana Ar.Ju • Annat Nara Nayannaka/Nagannaka Nana made the Atgha Sannanna, which was written as
Ksidanapathapati by Ranaju. This inscription is decorated with inscriptions. In this inscription there are Vira Paramatis. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda
Page 2 of 129. The first Sakatiri performed 2 horse sacrifices with a Jasaruya Yagam and killed 20 Kavluitna Veida Kannavara. The Naneghat inscription was given to
these Brahmins by the name of Aparatihat Chaki, Vira Shu, Rakshina and Ujayinija Guru Coins Maru nchada.u r ndo shatakaruna: • Inatu Parunalo pakeronana 6 v jura •
56 samvsaratlu pipara lianchada.u Ayatdha ka kalam pipara liannachi savata ha na.jura • Msachi soopam pa gala Sasanamu Idati Da • Inathu Shakula Namudi Malav
was occupied • Annatuvaratha Th Lambo Radha. Lambodara Kumudara, Vasaradu and Apalaka coins were found in Tuthura Mayadhaperadasa (Chandadojila).
Marinananamratm, Shaka Jura Nahapanadu Savatahana Yajarampai Ndadieti, Matashtaralaharonna Parantalina Vsapuchukonna Ra, Mahaksharapat Biudara read.
Innat Chalethi lost to Sunurada Shakatiri, Chakora Satakiri and Vasshavti Unanu Ra. Hall: • Shavata Hana Chaki Yuravolo 17 v jura • Kava Salatvudu called Ubidara
Kaluda • Gatha Asapisha ti nee Haluda Nchirachada. (Inatu Gatha Sapishati Nee Nchiranachiuta Bandu “Hara Chirarat” Telupatnu Da) compiled 'Sitsai' (Gadhasapisha
Thi) with 700 Parakarit Payadas. Pedestrians at the top of the story. • There are many Telugu words in the story. Uharadanaku, Itm, Amama, Ananda, Idam, Potata,
Padi Moladaganu etc. • Kumilaradu, Sripadaliwatu Moladagu Kaluvu, Halunna Chet Sanamanam Ponudara. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nananda Page 3 of
129 • Among those who contributed to the writing of Gathasapisathi were CVs like Anupalakshima, Anupala B, Rave, Madhava etc. • Lilannati Vavahama, who is a
Samhala Karmaari, is the wife of Sapima Gi Radhava Bhimesava Sannana Dhirajaginota Kuoth Holudi Lila Thiav Kayavam (Mata Harashtara Pakarinth). . Dr.
Sanganabhota Nasayaraya Kshasayaraladha of Vempoli Vankara Tuv Peta in Da Sapima Giradavo Kamra Nagar Rojilala. • Parakrit Gandham Li Lavthi, which is the
best contemporary art work • Haluda Kalannakata Chenna Daka Kava Gunadhyadu. Inat Paisachi Bhalashto seven stories in 'Brhathotha' with seven thousand hymns.
Disrupted. Dialect in Paisha Chia Bhashta Parakarint • (Telangana first script) - Ganu Dhyadu • In Paisha Chia Bhashta, Savata Hana is not worshiped, and the Pataras
of Ganu Yudha Tala Parath Gantham are one of them the ability While doing the burning, it was known that the king stopped at Akoda, and we know that the Maratma
was not there. • Did Ganga Vsrayudeina Dunathana follow the following verses? In the sunshine The story is based on a song called 'Katha Saritasagaram'.
Kshemerudadu Brihatothama Niraja nna shara da.u • Halunna Kalannakata chenna da vada ga Bhavisunana Savara ma rav ' Katmrata Vayakanara ' Mane Samsruth
Geenthana na nchirachada (sanskrit grammar book) • Savata Hana Aijara na Haluda Tana Compiled by Gadhasapisalato Shalavahana, Shavatahana, Shakatiri Poneru
Padaluga Vadadu Gautami Putara (106 AD -130AD): • Named as Gakapu Ragaju in Naravajasha of Inatu Savatha Ada 23 Jua blew 24 Samsaratvlu pipe • It is said that
in one century Savat Ha Nalu Ega Vu Don Miura Pashchacham Bheda Tarasham Koloyannara, Vinnata Igarati and Gaumitpara Shakatiri Panudhiru. He was the only
brahmin who defeated Rasaka and destroyed many villages R Pushtaralu Adasha Ranga Ranga A picture of Telangana - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 4 of 129 • The
success of Gautpami Rathu Sakathiri over Nahapana is the reason why Nahapana was destroyed by alkalinity. Nahapana Kuchenda, Jojagalthmbidav (Near Nasak)
Labhinnachi 9270 Vandi Nanaeligarati Panurmaram Du Cha Desa • Annatolit Gaumat Balashri Yokon Nasak Sasanam, Anatu Shakalu, Povhalu Mirra He was blamed
as the destroyer of the Yavnalas (Greeks); Kshatrapa Vmshanna is the slanderer and Shavata Hanula Vaibhavannana Panudhurinrada Cheva. He is also described as
Anatu Ekabrahamana (a peerless Brahmana) Miurakhatiya-dapa-manamada (Rayulakshati the Arrogant Destroyer). This inscription was written by Gaumeet Balashri
in the 18th year of Palana Samvsarant, the son of Gautm Paratu Satakiri. This is my death. • Rasatimuratadoya pavatvaha na (with three Samaraluda niru tagaina
gilaru kalauvada). Samsaratnnakata chendanada 24 v palana samsaratnnakata chenda • Innat Nana Elu Kondapur pa Bidankur odikara yaya • Riravmsaka Yarannana
Mannumadana Gaumeet Balashri Veinnachi Nasak Sasanam. • Making land donations to Brahmins and Buddhist monks, the first Rasa Satavaha was initiated. The
first Chakiviri Gautpami Rathu Shaktiri who sang this song. • According to the Nasak inscription, Gaumitparatu Sakatiri Dhamara Nanna, Naya Annana was the slayer
of Anasuramche Panunalana. Gautmee Balashri Gaura Varadham, the son of Gautmee Putrasat Karit Nathli Gautmee Balashri Gaura Varadham, was given as music to
the Buddhist monks of Thirara Kitavdi. The first Bhiya Tira Palakus were Satavaha Nalu, which started with Rijura and carried out the Nana Elana with Vira Palaku
Tachirala. Vasish Putara Pulumavi (Rendo Pulumavi): AD 130-154 AD • Idati Aradhanaja Nayakakatam. • These edicts are Nasak, Koera Ama, Rativa Mayakadonna,
Banavasa Cho Todira Kaya • Gaumat Balashri Nasak Sasanam Palomavanna Kshina Da Pathi Savudara Ni Pakeronda • Naju Ga Dh Sasanala Parakanra, Atna Rudama
Radan Ⅰ Kuma 154-165 of Vashish Putara's son, Nath Najuagad, defeated the sakati of Kshidanapatha s. This Pirasavna Vasa is related to Shavatparatu Shaktirikatha.
Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanndi Page 5 of 129 • Unana Vandi Nanela, Savasam Nanelu Gi Radavo, Krisha Paranatola are some of these. • In Idati Arani
Chekatonnachi Kanare Rasasanam, there is Annat Pirasavana. • Itna Kalam Nikata Satavaha Nalu Matma Saiyajam Matashtharahara land in Kshatarapa Juras
Koluyura Yajna Sri Sa Thakarna (c. 165 – 194 CE) • R Ravchi Gakapuvada.u 26 V Jura.Paruna Alu 29 Samvsaratlu Palinnachituta Pakerona yi • But Ridav R Sasanas,
Nasa, K Nachi Ganja (Krishology) Ridav Sasanas are available. • A statue of Yajnshree Shaktiri Palankata with a ship figure was found in the hills of Nagajanura . It is
reported that Kathasitrasagamra Nagajanura was killed by Savatha Hana Yuvjura Samvsaratlu Pipara Lanchu Raveeralo Iravchivada 4 V Palumava . Innatratva tma
saayajam panatma m . The Abhiras, Ikshavakus, Chutu Mvsrayus, Paluvlu Vasantrats and Somthajayalarana Unanura Unanura • Acharya Nagajuranadu Satavaha
Naaraju Yajnasrisakatiri Katarasa Sahu Lekha Annana and Nachi na Paulu also chanted, In 700 CE, a Chinese traveler named Sandisha Rachi Isangti said that during
the reign of Nalagav Pulomava, many Buddhist temples were built in Amatiravla in Nagajanura Am Nunchi
Yavahavrakalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkal. • Anrudhala Pirasanav modisti ra Rigevanda is mentioned in the
Ayeratya Barahama (1000 BC). Vasava Maradutu Nath Yabhaya Manda Kumaralana Vanyadha Pavaratm Kshina Da Na Unana Dandakanaraya along with Anradha,
Pundara, Palunda, Sabara, Muthibala together with Vancha Ji Manna Sapa. The Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 6 of 129 • Agasiya Maharia Ayara
Samsruti Ni Kshina Da Pa Thannaka Ta Techana Chi Vadu . • Angithura nanna kaya Buddhist geindha Parakanra Kirisupuvaram Ora Shatabim in Valasa na Shodasa
Maha Ajanapoda in Kshina da Bhataresa in Valisa in Eka Eka Ajanapanda Asamaka (Najamabad, Kamra Nagar, etc.) Goochara Pakara is there. Nannada Nnajaaradha
Ponada (Nei Ta Bondha) • Bhai Rao Bhai Rao Buddhist Nannatna Savavakiranchi in North Telangana, worked for the spread of Nannada Vyapa. There is a
bharavvrityanth in syutnnapanda on the part of nai dada situpa kata bhagam. The kingdoms of Alaka (Ashamaka) and Malaka (Nanedad, Aurangabad) around this
Goikaradava are known as 'Ankadha dharalaru'. Malakuna Aradhaja Patashratina Panru ( Paitha Na ) • Kari.Poo. In Nulao Satabaim, the Mauryas Asananna Kata
Bharat Desanna na Sandarishanchi na Ma Gasinis called Geek Raya Bari, Nath 'Indika' in Nath 'Indika' Mapudulak Kalatunana Nagalarunanayana, one lakh Kalabalam,
four thousand horse strength, Ponna Ane ( 23) Rama's chronicle 'Indika' elaborates the features mentioned by Gasini in 'Indika'. Historian, naturalist,
philosopher, Roman army leader, wrote a book called Natural History. It is a basic book that gives information about the history, nature, society, geography and
environment of distant countries. In the late 1980s, an anonymous journalist called 'Parpose of the Ethirarayan Sava' and the Torme, India's Chamber of Commerce
and Industry, took over the business and the customers. • Easy Paiyang Geek (1st century AD) also in 'Jagifava', the commercial vehicle of Satta Vaha Nayirj. Do not
take orders and orders. • Rigevanda parakamra appears in Utra Bhataresa, the poem of Veera Yamuna. He inherited the Moata De Bhashta “Am Radha” in Kshina Da
Bhataresha. His poem is a book about the customs and traditions of Andhra Pradesh at that time. "Nuru Ruv Kananura" Gimru Nachi Pirsa Nav um um um um um um
um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um
um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um
um um um um um um. Da Nuravaru Kanana Nura is the Panda Payaratksha and is “Mv da Kiaralu” or “Shakatiri”, Andalavuna Nuru Rav Kanane Ra Shavata Hana
Vrajmashanga. The first Nannavasam of Savatha Hana, A.R. G. Bhandora (1895), V. A. Math (1902), Banarat, E. J. Rapasan, etc. Hanna -Shahanna (Savata Hanna Hara
or Shatahanna -itra) Savatha Hana Kutambannakata Mritbhuma Anna Sa Dadhanakati Imra Chura Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 7 of 129 • First
Shavatha Hana Juarala Machi ku Shavatha Hana A, Sakathiri, coins were found in Kilotangala, Padi Bankura, Ulladha Katta, Kandabapur and Kondapapur in Telangana.
Srimaku una Kalevm Kilotangolaone Udarakadam Love, Adate Savatha Namsapasa Kudanna, Amladavo Satavaha Nalu reign in Telangana itself, Ajaya Risasi, Dema
Raji Radi, Thakur Raja Sam Sang, Kristishasi etc. Savata Hana is a gambler who was founded by Veera Palana Kilotangala and named after Purav Siutth Vaveti Pa.V.
Para Barahamasasi. We are The • Kari.S. 4 V Shatibi ni ta saschavom da ma rav ma davolu sasanam, Anadhapatha (Anrdha Patham) is said to be Makhaya Patatanam
Nadha Yakakatam. • It is believed that Ganu Yudhana Brihathotha became Andhraga Nchiranachi Kathasiratasagaram Parakanra, A Radha fell on the yaksunna named
Tsa in the ocean, and Vatsahana was killed. • The only satavahana sasanam in Bolli Rojila Nasa alu unana yanna Namamu tu.ra • The tharas found in Bahisha
Ashalaka n sasanala are miura bhakoji lu keimanga savata hanula puvara kalannakata chenna da mathahara lu miura mahabhojuluga arbihiva da dha chen.dara (4 v
palor sasanam- thara (Kala Bayadhalatu) • Shavata Hana is in the column of Mauyara and remains in the column of Vasantarananna Parakinta. • Srimakudu
Kannavara Rajaju Sasumaranum Dhavchi, Maganadhu Akeemachi, Savathana Naarajayanna are the names of the Parunas. Rawat Patasharatinaparu rannajadha
aiyam da • Mali savata hanalu kalam nikata ra nadhaya kakatam adharannaja inda • Kirisupuvaram a to Shatabim Namudi Kirisusakam masutadabao
mmayadhabhaga samuraram sabaila seedugha Kara Alam Satavaha Nalu Pipa Ralanchura • Shavata Hanula Sasanala Baraha Malipala Pakorit Bhalashto Unana yi . •
The 24 inscriptions related to heroism have been corrected. 8 inscriptions in Nasak, 5 inscriptions in Kanira, 3 inscriptions in Koera, one inscription in Bhilasa, one
inscription in Nana Atgha, one inscription in Mayakadonna (Kura Nalulogya), one inscription in Tachinanagajam, one inscription in Amavlarathiom, Codeliv is one of
the inscriptions available. • By Sahasara Vasu Nanda - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda. gross Yaya • The periplus of the Erythraeyen sea is written
by Makhaya Ma Savata Ahana Vaniyaja Kendrala Gimru Chi Pirasavanchim: Da Patharatinashta, Tagara. • Nana aghat aneda savata hanas nna aradhaja pathashratina
nanana samarannukada ta anasundhananna e ka makhyaum man pa pesa radam • Vu ra paradhana nga savasam, gari nana elanu cheshura • Motada savata hanas
Tsrivsa Hana Chim (Lakshima Eva) Da Partheyakama Na . The • Savata Hana Ralju Gaumeetparatu Satakiri, Vsisiparatu Palumova Miura Yajana Satakiri Vnti Vira
Ponera Rd has in the Bhalashta, Ra Anaga; A Paraka Rint Mirayu Destra, Annasaka Bhashta. • Do you know the arguments of the gaha inscriptions about killing dead
people by killing them? Maharas (the title of Tarannashnaara Palyanche), Mahabhakoja (the title of Tastarara ruler), Mahasenapati (Sainaya Padathi), Bhandikara
(Ayanadana Bharapada Ichara Yevada in Isavurapam), Heranika or Haranayaka (Kosaka Dha) ) Ra, Utdaku (Guchadhas), Lakhaka (Chakirivi Kayarisha Rada),
Nnabankadha Ra (Udayagi who registers Isada Vejulana), Makarahat (Raja Angaksharakadu), Mahamaralutu (Buddhist Vbhilakshu Bayadhalatnu see). ), Gamakuda
(Gamadha Kari) Mahatla Rao means Mahamasa Samlutu ("great watchman") • Parathannana Rakajam Kheta, who is under the rule of Jura Parayatksha. During the
reign of Ra Savat Hanu, the army is placed under the control of Sihra Ruda Parantala for Ayaraja Ksanara. Bhuvasa Maluga Iratvncha Ra also conducted a survey of
Sadakana (Shakatiri) Kalalaya Nath. The cities are not the same. These are the Nnagama Sabhas. • Kilotangala, Udha Kallatta, Eleshavanra, Kondapapur in Amrapada,
Vajayapiru (Nagajurana Hill), • Matashtaralaharo Gadharawona, Sopa, Ra Patasharatinaparum • Barahamagiri Anita Nagalaru in Kiarakata. The ruling division of the
Uwat is Gam. Gamaka or Gumaka or Galiumaka is the one who has the power to see the sufferings of Gama Pala. To Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda
Page 9 of 129 • These heroes are also free journalists. Goulimakula is said to be the leader of 30 men. Goulimakudanevu, the king of Sainaka Palata with the ninth
level, the ninth elephants, the five horsemen, and forty five men. • What kind of time do Siva's do? Vasayata said that 'Kama Surant' is a poem that is written by Tamsa
Ghaka and Aridha Ka Pirasannati. • Shavat Hanalu Padis Sainayana Posha Nchannara, Poni, Sangama Sahitya Tavadelusarum Da • Mahasenapati Sainnaka
Vashtyalana Chuchevada • Savta Hana Sula Sainnaka Lashbiranu Somvadnara, Kakata Manna Pachevu Ra . • Somvadamra is the father of Sainaka Schabinra. The
forts of Kilotangala, Ulladha Kotalato, Balujuru and Samhadava were exposed. • Shavata Hana Schalum Amarativ Schalum ga peugara nanchi da • Amarativ
Oshchalulo Dhyudalu, Sainaka Nannavara Hana Giru Nachi Chitara lunanii. • Amorativ Soopam Schalalas indicate the prosperity of eternal times. Vu Ra Amatiravlao
(95 Askula Eyuth) is a Buddhist temple. These are the five signs in Badhududi Vatji. Kamalam Patakvuknu, Guinra Mahabhinnshatramananna, Bodhruksham
Annatnajanayannodana, Madha Chakim Annatvidya Sedasannana, Supam Annat Maha Pinnaravara Nanna indicated • Peram Safarusan 'Tara and Sarunt Vraap' in the
poem Aw ti vasu art ku at To be included in the disposal • 9 – 10 square meters maintained by Savatha Hana and containing the Anjata Chitras • Parabhatu Vannakata
land survey revenue collection. • Lajuru Bhumishasuga Arabhajoga and Yema Deya are known to be killed. • Most of the farmers harvest 1/6th of the crop. •
Mayakadoni Sasanam Parakanra a Gahapati (owner of this house) Lajasayannana Nnima Rnachiuta daa daa narchauta da namaka, Nnama Jaba, Ad Kamra Nagar,
Nrawga Lologila Inumu Khanna Jannakshelana Nunauta Arala Dhu unana yi • savata hana It is known in the 18th century in the 18th century. Kolikas (Naketulas),
Latipashtakus (Nuna Sateyu Ra), Kasakuras (Itdi Pannavu Ra), Kulikaras (Kumamulas), Tenakas and Marugapa Tate Varau) Kamulas (Kamamulas), Malakuras (Pula
Iravkus), Oyantidaraks (Uka After that Yarathuchesevaru ra), Lohavaniyalu (iron rods), Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 10 of 129 Sanavu Kurura
(Savurirakularu), Kadhavs (dove colors), Selakadhavs (Tira pannavu ra), Avesa Nalu (hand Rivutlavu Ra), Scribes (Yasara Galola), Chamamakularu (Chamara Kalaru),
Pasakuras (Meiva Radu Ra), Vikaramis (Yira Marugapu Tetavu Ra), Gadhakula (Sugam Dharava Yala Iravkulu), Manikarula ( Natra pannavu ra) mentions their
sasaanas. • For those who travel abroad, there is a ban on them. Halika (Yavyadasavularu), Ga Kadha (Savasana Ravada Yalanu Yaratuchevu Ra), Ka Dhav Savat
Hanula Ni Ta Sashana Vavadha Rviti Pannavinnara Pakeranai. In each Rviti Uvarat Thika Kalam (Dav Rangi), Kolikulu (Napeth Nnavu Ra), Latipasaka (Gana Gu
Kataventu Ra), Kama Ra (Kamami Ra), Kulikara (Kumamularu), Uyantidaraka (Niipata Tudarala Nannapanulu), Nandhanaka. ( Nadha Yairavkulu ), Vasaka Ra ( Va Duru
Pannavu Ra ), Nadha Naka ( Dhana Yairavkulu ) Moladagu Irvutlundeva . • Aikara Meduram Niravka Kenranda in Madalanada • Majusura (Keaganoor, Kela) near
Miyalaru Padi Kotut Pa Repose Raw (Sopa Raw) , Kalayan (Kalayani) and Bhukara Chacham (Borach) have been exported to Patna. Kankata sela (Nghasatala), Kodura
(Guduru), Masolia (Malipachitanam) and Olosa Gena (Iudura) are also known in Tutu Ramrati. • Edo Peneladu Kodi Peneladu Naita Parajala e Rath Vanadalu yii •
Bannasa Yavsava in the column of Shavata Hanula . In the Ganu Yudhanna Brihatotha there are many Sambhaladaro bannasa vyapanra girum chi pirasanav da •
Sankanara, Vasaevdu, Keshava, Gadharavona, Krista, Gapo Lamvi taponera ubitata, Vaishtiv Manth, Leada Bhagat in the Nanae Atgha inscription V month too
Paramrabhama nannada tilusada da • Gadhasapisa ti Krishtinna Madhamu Dhanadu nanna, Umoradadada nanna Kirarinnchi da. Imludo gapo kalu, yashala da
pirasanav um da. Vashti was taught that Vashti is the all-pervasive one. Christ is the supreme weapon Bhagavat Vattm m rad dav sha da lo . Vaishti v Mantga Mimra
da • Gadhasapisalato paramrabham, Magumpalo Pashapati, Gauriso Ramathnu da • Kari.P. 2nd century is the oldest in Lischavangam Chichut Rology. Ikodi
Lishchavngampai nnu schav pam rati una da . In Shaivam Ati Paranachya Ma Napasha Pat Shaivannana 100 million dead in one year • Buddhism was not
dominant in Kosamrada, Jamant Telangana. Rishtabhanuda Vanara Sarju, who was the first Jamaat, was Innatratva T Annatpadi Kumudaru Uitmadu Kashraka Tajura
Kaga, Namradavaraju Bahu Bali Asamaka (Bondha) Palakakudu Yayadu Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 11 of 129 Vada Vada Eina Lasratnudhadi
Naja Masalam Khamamology Bhardachalam (Badalapuri Ra) • Kari.P. In the 4th century, Magaladho Ku Ruv Sambhavaga, under the leadership of Bharabadahu, was
founded in Shinava Balagalaka in Jalu Kirakata, Saratvlum 1D2D, and the third Maga Dha Valli. Jamanth, which is the origin of Bharbadahu, is spread over the states of
Kirakatta, Amrada, Telangana and Vyapa. • Asalakunna Manamadu Samparati Ja Matannana Savavakinrachi and Anra Dhedashannaka sent the Jajakars. • Shavat
Hana Ma Sayaja Apasa Kudeina Srimaku is the son of Jadu. This is the 4th day of the 100th century. Ikoda Srimaku's Nana Elu is one of them. • Kari.S. In the first
century there was a priestess named Kunchaduyara who lived on the top of Konakandoda hill in Kura Nalujila. Andaku e idatika takondakundachai ra ane puera
chanchiv da . This is the original Pura Payadanam. Kondakunadachira wrote 'Samayasmra', 'Mulacharam', 'Panchasakiraya', 'Pacharav na Rasa' and other hymns. Itdu
Da Gambara Jainu - Jain has made many sacrifices. Vasa davada savakati samparadayannana parabo dha nchura . • Samhanam da, abara li lani taija na sanayas this
kalam ve ra . In Venaka Ratatpiru (Vajayavada) there is no Aijana Mat Sanyaganam. Come and wait for the Mahasabha. • In the column of savata hanas, pakarinth
arabhaja.bashta • parakarinth, samsrut bhalashte kakunda, there is also a bhashta called bheshcha. This Bhashta is the source of Telugu, Nanada Bhalashta, Telugu
Bhakashta, Sambhamma Dhunananda, Telugu Bhakashta, D.S. Saror has opined. • In the Shavat Hana era, Vasavayadalayas were built in Nagajuranakondo and
Buddhism spread to Telangana and South Parantala during the 6th century BC . Ambala King Suchemran was killed by Amarannathi on Kikora, and after
Kalachakimula, the Buddhists lived there. Kalachaki is a Buddhist method of yoga. Before Asalakunna's rule, the Buddhist religion of Telangana Parantannaka Vyapa,
Sutnnapanda, and Kathivatvlami were used to spread. B rao rivtiannt tinadakata uharadana in sithunnapanda . In the Ashamaka Yaja (Kam Nagar, Nirjamabad, that's
the dawn) on the day of the Kavanatavo Kavatanavu, the Buddha, the four -year -old, and the 16 -year -old. Buddha Manta Savavakimara Chu Ra, who is the one who is
the one who is the one who is the one. This is the first time that Bikarao, who is a Bikarav, is also a Buddha Religion. Banavu Kuri Kuri Kuri Kuri Kuri Kuri is a good idea.
Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 12 of 129 In the Nayaka Vat of the man, you have been in the world. Sananath Vibhiksu Mulurana Yavakarati Come.
In the Buddha community, Thavera, Thavera, and Manhasha have been in the limelight. The niece of the Manhasa is a native of the nakshakataka. The 13th Shalla
inscription is known as the Buddha Rama, who is known as the Buddha Rama. The Third Buddha Sangam is the man in Palitapa Rant. Chachalaro's 'Ankadas'
(Anraludhu) in this House. Curry. B.N.N. Sasi Pakeranu Sawatha Hanatasi Savatha Sakshakalinu Jana Jubilee (Curry.P.P. A) Nayaka Nayaka Vat, a native of the
Mahasavaru, who was in the Nayaka Vat, with a group of 4 lakhs of the Bhikshu community In the century, the Mahayana Buddha is the man. Manhasa ka kalle
mahayans, pa lubav dra ra. Happy Badaghtu, the man of the man, the Ankadashakalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkalakkal. Hinayanam Anna Anna on Anna Nachi. This
is a heroic complexion. Badduda is a great man. One of the best things to do. EVA is a week -long number of people. Pooja is worshiped as a child. Badhanu Du
Kalevam is a cold. Mahayanam is Anna. They should be in the mummara. The principle of Eikarav is the principle of the Baddun. That is the man. The Mahayans are
worshiped as the worshipers. In the Buddha Yavas, the Buddhists have been asked to change the Buddha. Nasa, Kora Assembly Bharayanidha Yula is a parasite.
Sopalao Mana is the one who is the one who is the man. This is the shakala of the day. In the Greatest of the Great, the first of the Pujas (Pabu Basha) is an abdomen.
The Amativiv Puravara Shailu and the Nagajuranakonda disasters would have been transmitted. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 13 of 129
Gazarlakkal, Great Peats, Sahakasi and Daddhakatti in the Buddha. In the Buddha, the 18th and the first of all, all of them were in the aid. It is known that there is a
stain called Amalarathivo Cheyatkam. Cheats are the most popular people who have been in the limelight of the Baddhika. This is the result of this new Bhavam
Badhan Da Vatji Tagalatana - Kamalam (Pututuka), Gemr (Mahabhinshtaramanam), Bow Dhruvaksham, Ma Radha Chakim (Dhama Radha Chaki Piravranam) ),
(Paladu) - It is a good thing to hear the same thing as a good thing. Amativ, Nagajuranakonda, is the one who has been able to get into the talisman, and the buddha is
a good idea ు.... ద ద ద ద ద ద ద ద ద ద ద ద ద ద ద ద ద All rights reserved. All rights reserved. The 'Harimaka' Charant is the first to decorate the head of the Garavchi
and the head of the Kabhikshu. Yavharav is also the one who is in the limelight. Near Chayitm. There are in the Vaharala Ghachairadaratasaras in the Charasrukat.
There is a voice on the day. Inside, there were three years old, and a number of people, and a number of people who were in the limelight. The gardener, the paradise,
the assembly, the ages, and the ages of the rituals of the day of the day of the day of the day. Amativu, Nagajuranakonda Makhayam, Nagajuranakonda Makhayam, in
the first place of the Vasalama, is the first of the forest, the first time, and the jamsa, the first Nalagunda), lu Rathi Lagirilo Supaluna Yi. The number of people, the
pussy, and the pussy, the new season. Buddha All rights reserved. This is a plaque, and the man who has been a good man, who is the one who is the one who is the
one who is in the world. Come on, he shows himself on the foot of the man, as he is a man of man. త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త త
త త త త త త త త త త త త త త Parakkara, a karina kosala paramatanaka ta ka kosala kosala
There is no approval of the Nagajan and that it is not. 'Nasu Yavanda' is what it is.Idatu Mahayana tattavanna nashu yavandaga say. In the poem called
'Myadhamakakikara', Pirasavanchura Nagajanura's 'Panrajapama Rath', 'Atsha Hasa Raka', 'Vagihawayrinna', 'Adavasa Dannakayama', 'Nashu Yasapiti' etc Composed
many hymns Mahayana Badhaudalu Samsruthannana Pedhana Bhagashta, Charana Mayadhamanga Savavakinra Chura Kondapur • Mada College. • Curry P.O. Near
the end of the third century, it originated as a temple. • The 'Ashka' (like Darya, Heibarada, Madak Koljilau) was not the place of victory. • This is a major focus of
commercial activity with more social media. • Ikoda Ibetiyasra Kaisarahana Moran Sa Patisara S Chateso Na Kamharatha Doikara Thamda . • Kondapur Savathanaula
“Ntaksala Nagaramanna” Malompoli Somasekhara Samara Vayakhayananchau Ra . Kilotangala • Kamra Nagar is located at the confluence of Giradwa and Pidavaga.
• 1980-1983 Vkaru Tashtarara Pirasuvu Shakhavu Raipara Rajna Vtwakala has four walls and an old outer wall. • Ikoda Srimaku Udi, Miura first Savat Ha Nalu Nana
Elu, Savat Ha Nalu Puvara Puralaju Nana Elu, Vadianka Nana Elu Kooda Doikara y. • Ikoda Odirakatana Isaku Rathi Simbhampai Baraha ma 'nalipagaga lapo nno kaya'
anna. • Do not find water splashes on the mangroves near Ikodikata. Padibanku Ra • Kamra Nagar is located on the banks of Husesamaya river. Telangana Chitrara -
By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 15 of 129 • A collection of more than 22,000 Savatthana coins in a field. • In the period of 1968-74, Pivarasu Shakhavu Rattav Kalu
Nannavara Hachaga, Satavahanalu Kalam Nita three Itaka Forts, 22 Cheda Bavlu near Itaka, Nnima Rannachi Makara Ka Bava with Mitata Galaju came out. Iron bars,
nails, chisels, chisels, axes, and chisels are some of the most common. Beads, cloths, cotton are some of the other types of materials found in the tombs. Coins of
Augustus Savar Tiberias, the Roman Chakiv ruler, have also been found. • 1972-75 Mayadha Piruvasu Sakhatav Kalanu Pi Rajam. The Buddhist Supanna of the period
of the Satavahanas. Krishna brings the world. • Are there inscriptions in Baraha Malipa, which are similar to the tira plaques? Ullada Kota (Mitatakota) is pronounced
Dusty. Inside the fort, the royal palaces, bavlu, dhana yagaral, paraka ara have come out. Iron weapons, pannamouta, ratika tota dolls, elephant tusk and bamboo
plates were found here. • Mauyarala kalam ni ta vadianka nana ela udikara ya • . • • . 1. What is the meaning of satavahanas? Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu
Nanda Page 16 of 129 1) Nnoshtantaka 2) Kushanama, U Pakadha Pakat 3) Mada, Pama Dantaka 4) Makashta, Jinada Laaru 2. Where is the entrance to the column
of the deceased? 1) Ullada Katta 2) Fanigiri 2) Galajubanda 4) Pa Dabankur 3. What is the tragedy of the dead? 1) 1, 2 rooms 2) 323 1, rooms 3) 910 rooms 4) 14, 16
rooms 4. What is the name of the columns of the funeral pyre? 1) Alata Mee 2) Pawnee 3) Japanton 4) Pipa Rose 5. Which poem describes the changes in the
southern direction? 1) Kauitaluyadu 2) Magasi 3Neis) Heridos 4) Heliodosra 6. Shavata Hanalu Anrudhalanna chepunavu?ra 1) Bharat Parasan, Vanasantasama, th 2)
Palasor, Gojaelor 3) Bhandora R, Gapolachira 4) Srinnavasa Ayayang R, Marasha 7. Who is the first brother of Sakatiri? 1) Kshina Da Patheshava Ra 2Kshina Da) Pa
Thapati 3) Kshina Deshava Ra 4) Ksidhana Padha Ti 8. Satimaruisha Dadha Va Ra Ane Ubidara Erav ? 1) Yajanshri Shaktiri 2) Gaut Mee Purat Shaktiri 3) Third
Palumava 4) Kumlat Sakatiri 9. Ti Rasamuda Radhishvara is named after which hymn? 1) Kadambi Ra 2) Hara Chitara 3) Shad Kumara Chitara 4)
Kathasirathasagaram 10. Which is the most famous gantham of hanging criminals on the tree? 1) Brihatotha 2) Brihatothamanjira 3) Gathasapisati 4) Leela Tiv
Kayavam 11. What is the name of the Sadha Dasa Sainayam in Satavaha Nalu Kalam? Chitara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 17 of 129 12. Which muscle is present
in the wall where Ujainnajakata leaves from Naradhika Kota? Veda 1) Kilotangala 2) Bodha n 3) Patara Nshati 4) Sopara 13. Where did Bhataresha come from? Veda
1) Samaru Bangamra 2) Manulu 3) Matuyala 4) Vairaya 14. What is the meaning of kasurala? ? 1) Performing Yajnas 2) Worshiping Vagihas 3) Performing Ratav 4)
Performing Patsas 16. What is the meaning of worshiping Krishnas? 1) Kathasairatasagaram 2) Brhatothatha 3) Gathasapisati 4) Brihatthama Niraja 17. Bobararuda
Schalunnakatha e da Namuna?a 1) Gakali 2) Nghatsala 3) Bojanaja Nakonda 4) Thotokonda 18. Palovbogu Chi Sri Lanka Anurapadha Rs Rahaja Yudarav 1)
Mehadasavaru 2) Mabhiksevhada 3) Badhadunagu 4) Badhapadu liuatdu 19. In the Shatavahana era, Buddhism was not established in the country? ) Ma Radha No.
D) Mardha Kariri A, B 2) B, C 3) A, C 4) C, D 20. What is the nature of Buddha Da Buddhadha Rakshet? 1) Guntu Rata 2) Krisha 3) Gi Radavo 4) Parakasam Telangana
Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 18 of 129 21. What is Pitataka Palaka? Power 3) Power to remove restrictions on land acquisition 4) Power to investigate land
ownership 22. Do you know that civil councils were used to give advice in the administration during the Sat Vahanas period? 1) Kautiluyana Arashasim 2) Brihatotha
3) Gathasapisa ti ) 4 Lilavati Kayavam 23. Who made the expeditions to Satavahana Uttra Sihara Riudala? 24. The first Shaktirikata Samakalikudeina Maga Dha
Chakiviri U?rav 1) Puyashtamarat Shangadu 2) Aginama Rat 3) Panu Yamarat 4) Yasalardha 25. Sangula Nnajaaradha Vada Sanu Akimannachi Satavaha Nalu Ju U ?
Rav 1) The First Shatakiri 2) The First Shatakiri 3) The First Palomava 4) The First Shakati Satakiri 26. The First Shakati Samakaliakudeina Kalingara Jua Rao 1)
Kharaveladu 2) Sisara Da 3) Asalakasa Da 4) Maschav kasada 27. Kanlagana nu yinchijana savat ha na jura eurav? 1) Sri Motada Shathakiri 2) Namradav Sakathiri 3)
Yajanshri Sakathiri 4) Samuradha Sakathiri 28. Puranana Vajayapiru in Nasa Sasanam What is the name of Vijayapiru in Nasak inscription? Telangana Chitrara - By
Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 19 of 129 Chakigiri 2) Mahanragadira 3) Sarigiri 4) Malayagiri 129. Maganadhu Yinjanachi Shavata Hana Ara Ju Eurav ? 1) First Pulomava
2) Second Palomava 3) Third Palomava 4) Vajayashree 30. What is the name of Odirakatana in Ayyodha? Rav 1) Pulomava 2) Vasati Kira 3) Gaukara Rishta 4)
Lamborada 31. Which one of Chitisu Dh lo Odikara tana n am erav ? 1) Apavalakudu 2) Shraschiva 3) Mavasegha ti 3) Vasschav ti 32. What is the part of Shatavaha na
ma sayajam in Anra Dhedasa E Rav Kalam? 1) Motada Satakiri 2) Nra do Sakathiri 3) Gautpamirat Satakiri 4) Nra do Palumava 33. The Mota Sasanam found in
Andhra Desha is from which Rav period? 1) D Motada Pulomava 2) N Rdo Palumava 3) Shraschi v Shakatiri 4) Yajanshri Shaktiri 34. Who is Rudara Adamu and Rav
Samakalikuda? 1) Gautpami Ratu Sakathiri 2) M Rado Palumava 3) Sraschi V Shakatiri 4) Yajanshri Shakatiri Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 20 of
129 35. Gaut mi Balashri U Rao Tolipanchi Gahu saw Panerara Poand Tanu Nasa Klo Gahana Tolipin? A) Christ B) Nahapana C) Kshama Darath D) Ishtarabhadutdu A,
D 2) B, S 3) A, S 4) S, D 36. Which Sasanam is known to measure the period of Satavahanas? ? 1) Nanaghat Inscription 2) Nachi Ganjam Sasana 3) Ibhushtarutdanna
Nasak Sasana 4) Palomava Koera Inscription 37. Gautpami Urat Satakiri Malava Nana Ela Dami Unana Hachi Nam? 1) Elephant 2) Chayaitm 3) Bhushtaram 4) Ujainija
Hanachi 38. What is the edict of Vajayapi Ru Patanat? 1) Shanat Mulunna Nra Lata Inscription 2) Ehyalav Shamatulunna Nagajanura Hill Inscription 3) Vajaysri
Nagajanura Hill Inscription 4) Rudara Piduushtatranna Nagajurana Hill Inscription 39. Rviti Bheladu during the Satavahana period, there are no caste differences
Sanam? 1) Amaravlathionna Rdav Palomava Inscription 2) Nagajanura Konda Inscription 3) Madhaka Sasanam 4) Cho Reja Sasanam 40. Ama Rativa Soupannakata
Poorakumbha Phalakannana Samimunrachi Vu?ra 1) Madhaka 2) Ujainnaja Yatirakadu 3) Palomava 4) Bodha Sari 41. Why did the Brahmins marry Math Kumara and
marry Satavahana? Ra Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 21 of 129 1) Vaschavti 2) Chakasoravati 3) Gautpamiurat Satakiri 4) Palomava 42. Who
was the first Barahmana Siva to marry Satavahana? 1) Gaut Mee Balashri 2) Urara Da Bhatiarataka 3) Bo Sadhira 4) Mada Mada Na Na 43. Vaishti V Manth E
Satavahana Ralju Kalamlo Kshina Desha Dam Vchandachi ? 1) Sa makhu du 2nd motada) Shakatiri 3) Satavahana du 4) Krishtudadu 44. How many people do
satavahanas do? 1) 1/4 of a year 2) 1/8 of a year 3) 1/6th of a year 4) 1/3 of a year 45. Acharya Nagajanura is a Rav Samakalikaku? 1) Gautpami Rathu Shakathiri 2)
Shraschi V Shakathiri 3) Vajayashree Shakathiri 4) Yajanashree Shakathiri 46. What is Nevra Patanat, where Satavahanas have become a part of our society? 1)
Bukara Chacha 2) Sopara 3) Kallayani 4) Choul 47. What is the name of Vadeshra Nayatakathielu? What is wrong with the name of vehicles? 1) Agnabhijana
Nhithamani 2) Gatha Sapisa Thi 3) Brihathotha Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 22 of 129 4) Wata Saya Nani Kamasutaralu 49. Pakera Nonana
Sena Path Thi Eurav in Mayakadonna's Inscription? 1) Sonnada Gadu 2) Mara Manaka 3) Sonda Vasakha Du 4) Third Palumava 50. Nadha Yakakata
Mahacheitayanakata Schala Paraka Nnanara Nnima Rannachi Edavura 1) Gautpami Ratu Sakathiri 2) Nagajanura Du Du 3) Yajnshree Sakatiri 4) Palumava 51. What is
that manna that has three or four vaharas in the same parakamra and is used by Ayadhyayana? Hana Raju is on the throne? 1) Krishtadu 2) Gaumeetparadutu 3)
Nagannaka 4) Balashri 53. What is the name of satavahana pannakada ta apabharamsaurapam? 1) Salivaha Na 2) Tsavahana 3) Katsiri 4) Satakiri 54. Who is
DatagaidujAgifava Ginthakari? 1) Pavoni 2) Alatami 3) Putar 4) Heridotus 55. Jurabhikshu Anna Ekaravta Peura 1) Vaschavti 2) Vajayashree 3) Madhu Palumava 4)
Kharaveldu Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 23 of 129 56. What is the meaning of Gahati Mufa Sasanam? 1) Kupada Nasari 2) Asalaka Sada 3)
Kharaveladu 4) Sraschi V Sakathiri 57. What is the part of the poem? 1) Veda Layam 2) Aija Na Mantha 3) Buddhist Monastery 4) Buddhist Saupam 58. Ama Rativa
Saup Pa Kshitra Jamutv a ? 1) Palu, Palu Kshitra Davaras 2) Samham 3) Asavam Asava Kshirat Vada Laru 4) Ganja, Gaja Kshitra Davaras 59. Shatavahanas are
different from each other over time? 1) Sankharam 2) Bojanaja Naka 3) Bhavakonda 4c) Tutapoli 60. Which is the next among the 10 rooms in Anjata's house? 1)
Sevat Ganja 2) Naloranalu 3) Dhyanabidudu 4) Bosadhavudu 61. In which Pesha Rada were the Tashavalayas during the Satavahana period? 1) Amaravati 2)
Avirapanru 3) Tassana Kota 4) Pathanasharati Parum 62. Gaduimalom Yevada Laya Gopanru eh vadhanga nima ranchura? 1) Gapo Ru Akanra in Mahabalipunra 2)
Bhumanna Tharampa in Mahabalipunra 3) Gapaja Trikasha Ra Gapo umra Love in Choreja 4) Panchara Layala Yedavalayam Gapunra Ashtakamra 63. Paruna Puura In
which era is Pirasavana? The 1) Nanaghat 2) Junanar 3) Nasak 4 ) Koera Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 24 of 129 64. Ama Rativa Supannana
Kanagu Kananu in which Samsarantv? 1) Kari.S. 1830 2) AD 3). K18R.S67. 1887 4) A.D. 1888 65. Ama Rativa Supa Veda Ka Eut Mth Unana ? The 1) 1 to mira 2) 1. ¼
uratami 3) 1. 1/9 to mira 4) 1¾. Tumira Vaja Ba Lu 2-4 3-3 4-4 5-1 6-1 7-2 8-1 9-2 10-3 11-2 12-4 13-1 14-4 15-1 16-3 17 -3 18-1 19-3 20-4 21-3 22-3 23-3 24-1 25-1 26-1
27-2 28-1 29-1 30-1 31-1 32-3 33-2 34-2 35-1 36-3 37-4 38-3 39-3 40-1 41-1 42-1 43-2 44-3 45-4 46-1 47-4 48-1 49-1 50- 2 51-2 52-2 53-1 54-2 55-4 56-3 57-4 58-2 59-4
60-1 61-2 62-3 63-3 64-3 65-3 Telangana Film - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 25 of 129 Ikshvikulu 1. Vaishishputara Sreesha Tamaludu: (Kirisu Saka 220m -233) t •
Satvahana Chi Pavarala 4v Pulomava Panna Dorarali Ikshavaka Rajayana cursed. • This agricultural development developed cows, plows and cultivated land. In the
Nagajanura hill inscription, Tna kumaradeina U Puraviryushdatu said. • Ithnu advocated Vedic religion and Paunika religion. • Santmulu's samakara supam is the fifth
place where Santmulu's body is circumcised. On the shoulders of the fig there is a deer head. With the base of the feet, without the feet of Kali, Athanna lapai
Chhatramunda. A savior chooses a container of water with tongs. Danananna Savavakisurinanadu from the king with one of the five sons of Rahman • Itnu Ujajayinna
Lonna Sondakiarikeu (Manna Hasenadu) Bhakidu. • It is known from the inscriptions of the hill of Nagajana that he did not perform the Asavamedha and Vajpaya
sacrifices. • The 'Asavamadha Yaga' Veda is found at Nagajanura hill. • Itshannasanas are found in Rantala, Keshanapo village. Vi Rapurajash Datu Nadu: (Kirisu
Sakam 2 - 25333) • These graves are found in Nagajanura Konda, Jaguyapet, Upugundu, Ura Aloro • He was a builder of the Ikshavaka dynasty • He was the one who
married the Tna Menati Kumari stones Rich weddings. • Badenta Anendu is known to belong to the Apa Mar Havira sect, and he belongs to the third century, probably
on the strength of Puraviritushtadu Buddhism. Arya God Chitushu Dadhi Parakarana wrote a poem called Geendhaha who mocked the Vedic practices and was killed
by the Vedic caste. A • Itnu Shaivmatnu Devasha Nchino, Shatu Ngavli Nanna Kali to Tukutunano Utu Nana Schaluluu na Nagajanaura Konda. Telangana Chitrara - By
Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 26 of 129 • Rakuma Rai, Puraviritushtadu Mannathi (son of Sri Santh Muludi) Shadaranthisri, who was responsible for the Buddhist battles
on Nagajanura hill. • In Puraviritushta, in Ravajayara Sam Savthmra, the great Cheitayanna Nagajanaka appeared in the temple of the Buddha, who cast the rays of
Mercury. According to the rules of Nagajaranaka, the barahamans, shimanas and poor Parajala Pato had a lot of wealth and they were poor. • In the 18th year of the
reign of Tana Oludu Veepuraritushta, he passed the edicts of Atdi Vajayana, Ayugararaya, Kathu Ura and Makara Ka Sashana. • In Shantisri, the reigning queens of
Ikshavaka, Veepuraritushta and the five brothers nurtured Buddhism. • He taught Buddhism. This period is called Andhradesa Buddhism Mat Savirayuga. • Sripavatra
Vashavavadayalayam was cursed during this period. Note : • The first and most important Vasavavadayalayam in Bhesha Tdara – Sripavatra Vasavavadayalayam •
The most Parana Chee Vasavavadayalayam in Bhatra – Tkshaschala. It was during this period that Menati Kumari's family inherited wealth. The tradition of naming
the grandfathers started 3) Sri Ehubala's son: :( Kirisu Saka 253 n -277) • Nda Rao Santmuluda. • The tradition of holding the grandfather's name is inherited from the
Ikshavakas. • Eli Sri Eleshavaram, the father of this son, built a palace called Elesavaram. Saravadev's inscription on Eli Sri Vesa is in Samsorut. Savara
(Kumaraswama) temple was constructed by Nnima. • Samsruth was used as Rajbhashta in the ancient times in Sanskrit • The tradition of writing inscriptions in
Samsruth from the earliest times is Parambhara. • Nagajanaka wrote the Samsruth inscription of Onda. (Early Samsrut Inscription in South India) • Parakrit Inscription
of the 1st century – Gumamadi Giu Sarasanam. • Hindu temples in Dakshina Bhatra are the most elaborately constructed tatami. • During the period of peace of
Ehuvla, it is known that the temples of Karikeya, Pushtubhadara, Atabhusthavama Jas, Harati, Kubera and Navgeeha were renovated in Nagajuranakonda. Telangana
Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 27 of 129 • Shivsena, who was a soldier of Shakasena known as Ajurabhi, built the Ashta Bhujhan Rayanasami temple at
Nagajanura Konda. This is the first temple built in India. 4) Rajadara Purajash Datu Nadu: :(Kirisu Saka 2m 83-301) Chiva Vra in the dynasty of Ikshavakas. Itnu built
the temple of Pushtubhadara Savama. According to the Manchikolu Edict, it was defeated by Samhawma Ra of the Palavo dynasty. The last inscriptions of the
Ikshavakas - Madavulu inscription (Schavsondhama vra), Manchukolu inscription (Samhavmara) Buddhadhem • 4v Pulumava o nna dinchi Ikshavaka king
Parakatchinukunana, the king of Shavahana do • Satvahana Samajayam has fallen, and in Dakshinapatha, Vavadha Parantiya Rajayas have been killed. Banavasa
(Vaijayanti) in Kirataka, Ragajadhanna, Chutu Satkiris; In Mata Pashtaharara Ranthma (Konkan, Apantra) Alu,Ubhira Telangana Kiosandhara Parantma Ikshavakalu
Savantantanaranna Parakatinchukunana.ura • 80 years, Rakari.S. Curry from 220 Sh. 300 Vkaras of Ikshavakas served as political leaders. Mainly Kananadigulanna
(Western Deccan) and Vogala are popular • Ikshavakalu tamalala a.ka. Ajagara opalachi parekara nadu • Ikshavakalu utra bhetdaraslama kosalachara ra Nanna
Paasan and Boolara have commented • Bishtup Kaval, Auvira Ndharulu He revealed • Ikshavaka Lajayaram and Veerakatana inscriptions of Miura coins in Paradesa
and these Sramajaya in Andhraparadesh Umamadi Kristi, Guntara, Kura Nalu, Paraka Jolala Miura Telangana Onna Umamadi Nalagunda , Khammam, Mahbuba Nagar
Vkara and Vasirandachinna Chepuchucha • The capital of Ikshavakas is Vijayapurna. • The inscription of Vijaya Satakarna, the legendary king of Satvahana, is located
in the temple of Vijayapurna. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 28 of 129 • Heroic Inscriptions In Pakrit Bhastha, Baraha Malipa is not used. • R. R.
Veer Ajahana Chim Senhem. • The Ikshavakas are mentioned in the inscriptions of Vamara, the tribe of Vmshakanna, where they have a title (Sannakayama). In the
same way, gold particles were found in Fanigiridagura Edav Roman Chakiivri, and the inscription stating the relationship between Yoko Piparalana of Miura Ehuvla
Santmunna and the period of Dodikara Tanda • Tuveera and Rajayannana Konnana Ratarashlu divided. Hello, Ama Sha is in the Vtira Asanam. Konna Na Gaimala
Samudaya May Rashtara. Thakara Rudu or Tharata Pastarara Alakuda. • 1/6th of the land tax is collected by the first part of the income tax. They used to collect the
deeds • The Parishimas used to collect the land tax of Vyapam • The barahmans were entitled to 18 types of deeds such as the Palov Sachav namra Chi Hehada Ra
Golla Ma Daolu inscriptions They are Davslanura and Halikulanna • The Valapati inscription suggests the sale of handicrafts in the villages. The main bells in
Krishnada Muko Davaram are Paradhana Odevugara. In the 14th year of Puraviritushta's reign, the inscription of Nagajana says that during the reign of Santi Sri
Athanna, Maha Cheitayana, the Nagajana temple, was carved into the mountains Unda • Vivira Paro s Like the satvahanas, the matri nama nanna failed to kill before. •
The victory of Ikshavakas in Kanchi Palovula Vazrimbhana • Doikara found his Buddha Vagiham in Nelakondapalilo. Also in these cases, Ninima Ranchapada Ati
Mukhayama is in Suinelakaponda Pali. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 29 of 129 • Buddhist supam, vam and hara cheitya remains were found in
Gajulabanda. Idols made of limestone were found here. • In Nanda Konda, some Buddhist temples were discovered. • Not only did the Schalulas belong to the royal
family of Akoda, but the common Sivas also made donations to the Buddhist temples and wrote inscriptions. Boda Sarama's niece, Upasika Bodishri, Vajayapilo,
Charuladamamagirivda was an ama ra nanna ninima randachi. This is a samhala vanga hara parasa da dhaka ka thonda. • During the period of the Ikshavakas, the
battle of the Heindav temples is based on the picture of the Ikshavakas 1. Sasanhadhaharalu: • Matyapuranem Parakarem Eredugaraja Ikshviku Ajurlu Venda
Senvatraru ruled • Jgagaya Peta, Han Garu Janakenda Sinhala Parakarem All the four Ikshvik kings ruled .Answer • Nha Gara Ru Janakendasa Sanempara Ka Remva
Shish Putasa Sam Tamaludu Ikshvikula Rajyaani has sinned. The Alular Na Sa Sanem mentions the fact that these people are not able to stand up to their enemies. •
A good inscription states that King Rajadara Purajash Datu of Ikshvikula dynasty was defeated by Palauva Ven Sasapakudu Simha Varama. • The end of the
Ikshavakas is recorded in the scriptures 1. Ma Davolu inscription 2. Manchi Kolu inscription 2. Puranas: • The Ikshavakas are Sriparitiyalu, Nanna Aradhenda
Bhritanayalu and Matsayapuranam Pakera. • Narishtupurana mentions that the Ikshavakas were cursed by the Dakshina Parantannakata. Sources: Rama Dhara
Mritham (Jain Kavyam, Kannada Gantha). Ayasena wrote this in the 11th century. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 30 of 129 Buddhism • In the
Shatavahana Anentara Yuge, Kreesu Sachem Moo Do Shataha Badenendi Kreesusa Kem Aedo Shataha Badem Dati Buddhadha Ghosna, Bhavaviveku, Dharma Karnu,
Siddhar Han, and others were responsible for their activities. Bhava Vivekudu: This poet from the fifth century of the Christian era wrote a poem called Parajna
Paradipa on the middle school of Janu. Budha Da Goshta is cousin to Ha Nayanam. Sri Lanka Bhalo Unashta's Atakathathas with Pali Bhalo Rashtaya Allanana wrote
a song called Visudadha Ga Moga for Nnavsa Sui Akodiha Nayanam in Amadhaparamura Vahamra in Sri Lanka. A disciple of Genchi Dharamapala, Paraja
Parakhayatala Kalpenchahadu of Buddhism in Parapenchem. Ramirdi Palu Shasanem states that he is a Telugu • 1. Charana Takkara Rajas in Kendivaati, Puratati
Sasuravethu la Abhra Payem Parakarem Ikshvikula is known to have been under the rule. What are the Nigels? A) Nalugen B) Mahabubnagara C) Khamamen D) None
of the above 2. Purana Luo Sriparithiulana, Andhra Bhritanayalanna, who is the name of Hiraja? a) Ikshvaku b) Abhiraja c) Parachi na Palavu d) Chutunha Gulu
Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 31 of 129 3. The Ikshviks are Sen Vatralu Rajyani and Palenchi Natu. What are the myths? A) Hundred B) Two
Hundred Seven C) Three Hundred Seven D) Five Hundred Seven 4. Puranahala Parakarem Ikshvika Venshemo Endaraja Rajulunhiraja? A) Ten Mendi 2) Seven Guraja C)
Five Guraja D) Nala Uguraja 5. Which of the following is Ikshvikula Aha Jdhar ni? A) Han Garu Janakenda B) Vijayapurna C) Amaravatra D) Sri Paritem 6. Ikshvika Ven
Sarrajya Sapakudu Evaraja? A) Vasish Thaputa Sree Saem Tamu Ludu Tharabi B) V Rapurajash Datu Nadu C) Evula Senthamuludu D) Rajadara Purajash Datu Nadu 7.
Ikshvika Vensharajyas Panaku Sree Sa What kind of knowledge do they have? A) Vedic Math B) Buddhist Math C) Jain Math D) Edikadu Telangana Chitrara - By
Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 32 of 129 8. Sri Senthamulu married his sister Shasrinientra Evernakichi? A) Vasishtha Thaputara Samdashri B) Vi Rapurajash Datanadu
C) Maha Senudu D) Kshva Tara Pudu 9. Mahatalavarna, Mahadahanapatri are the thrones of which one? a) Shasrientra b) Ajudi Sasrientra c) Hamamasirnaka d) None
of the above 10. What is Maha Talavarajadu? A) Reinvented many kingdoms b) Maha Asmenthanadu c) Chakivarnu d) Mahamara Entra 11. Sri Sentha Muluni Kumar
was the king of? A) Sami Trasra B) Forest Center Sri C) Vapi Sri D) Shsh Thi Sri Sri 12. Which king helped in the development of agriculture by burning lakhs of cows,
Han Galu, Bengaraja Hanne? a) Sri Santhamuludu b) Vi Rapurajash Datu nadu c) Sri Evula Santhamuludu d) Rajadara Purajash Datudu 13. A ikshvika rjuka la ni
Telugun Hata Buddhism tha charna talo siru yugem ga bhavi sun Ha Raja? Ru Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 33 of 129 a) Sri Senthamuludu b)
Rajadara Purajash Datunu c) Veera Purajash Datunu c) Edika dunu 14. Veera Purajash Datunani is a Mahaya in Kalam. What is the beauty of the Buddhist temple as a
non-Puna Yaksha? a) Amaravatra b) Sriparitem c) Ghentasla d) Vijayapurna 15. Which of the following is the name of Veera Purajash Dathanani, a Buddhist monk,
Sathikarna, actor, and televangelist? A) The inscriptions of Amaravatra b) The inscriptions of Han Garu Janakenda Shilapakshvasya c) The writings of Hayana
Tahenga d) The inscriptions of Sri Senthamula 16. Who is the name of Ve Rapurajash Datu Nani Kuma Rajade Shree Evula Sha Sem Tama Luni Talu? a) Vasishtha
Bhatta Devi b) Maha Devi tha c) Sentra Sri d) Which of the above 17. Ikshviku Ven Shem Lo Chitachi Varna Raju Evaraja ? A) Rajadara Purajash Datu Nadu B) Sri
Senthamuludu C) V Rapurajash Datu Nadu D) None of the above 18. Rajadara Pu Rajash Datu Nadu is the name of the river? Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu
Nanda Page 34 of 129 a) Paluva Narasimenha varama b) Sivasendavarama c) Budadha Yenka Rajadu d) Savarentram 19. Which Vritra Parathama is the name of the
Ikshvikula column? in ? A) Foreign Affairs B) Vayavasayem C) Neta Vastara Lama Makendi D) All of the above 20. Which of the following is Pararemb Bhamma in
Tamil Nadu School? A) Satavahanas b) Ikshviks c) Chahalkuyas d) Paluvs 21. What is meteor Paramukhu? a) Sainhayadhipatra b) Sarini Nhayakudu c) Mahamara
entra d) Asmentanalu 22. Which are the nchi hanales of Ikshvikulu mudirenna? a) Satsem b) Bengarem c) Vendy d) All of the above 23. From which of the Din Haras in
Chalamani in Ikshvikula Kalam is Bhavisu Sun Hiraja? A) Tamil country B) Rome C) North country D) Parinya or Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 35
of 129 24. Eka Dahkani Penchani ga Papadhini vij in Par Penchem What is the meaning of her strictness? A) Han Garu Jenda B) Amarvatra C) Vijayapurna D) Kapura
25. Harnathi? A) a goddess of goddess c) a goddess of sinner c) a ragem d) a ragam d) a gigantic 26. Who has made a mockery of the world? A) Rajadara Purajash
Duttu B) Vee Rapurajash Datanadu C) Senthamulu D) Senthu D) the ? A) Shah Tawa Hans B) Paluos C) Iksha Vikku D) Who is 28. Wee? A) Veera Jalasa Hi Chi Kalu Bs
B) B) In the War, Parno Paul's Finding C) What is it? A) Checks on the Secretary of the Secretary B) Czeches with the Taa Taa Taws C) Demn D) Saathapa on the
Dhimsam 30. Who is the reunion of the Sattapa on the occasion of the Sahaha Rayan? A) Shantamalu B) Sasritantra C) Shshshi Shri D) Gautami Ba Lashrai 31. Who is
the first to be a cemonial ni ni san san ha va di river? A) Shashritra B) Sri Shantamulu Du C) Eve Santhamudulu D) Rajadara Purajash Datanadu 32. Tamil Telugu Fig. A)
Evalas (Babala) Shantamudalu B) Sri Santhamuludu C) Rajadara Purajash Duttu D) Pai Ekkudu 33. Which of the people? A) Vidyadhamatem B) Buddhamatem C)
Jinamatem D) Nothing Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 37 of 129 34. What's the same? A) Asoka B) Satavahanas C) Ishta Kullu D) Paluos 35. In the
Nalagunnu Gi La Fun in the Word Who is the one who is the one who is on the fate of the world? A) Srisanta Fucking B) Vee Rapurajash Dattu C) Everings D) Razadara
Purajash Duttu 36. What is the Ikshawika Hanel in Telangana? A) Fan Ganesha B) Dha Thali Kata C) Pa Dadabenkalaraja D) Qotengala 37. What are the grooms in the
Ikswakkal kalem? A) Gi Ni Malu B) Fanim C) Gei Sem Chi D) Nothing? A) Amaravatra B) Han Garu Jenda C) Nalem The C) Bhatti Pora 39. Telangana Chitra - By
Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 38 of 129 a) Gei Sem Chi B) Fun C) A) Satyasahamanam b) infantic c) narabal d) Religious rituals 41. T 1) Vijayapurna 2) Sri Paritem 3)
Mem Chi Kalu 4) Halem Purem A) 1, 2, 3, 4 B) 1. 2. 3 C) 1 2, D) 2, 3, 4 42. Ash Bhuj What is the temple of the temple? Ta a) Vijayapurna b) Hon Garu Jenda C) Munni D)
Alem Purem 43. On the Buddha Nirvana Hands Run Ju? A) Va Sishtha Thaputra Shri Shri Ludu B) Ve Rapurajash Duttu C) Anywhere D) A) Vee Rapurajash Datanadu B)
Mahasenu Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 39 of 129 C) What is the great kingdom of the saints? A) Vishnakkum Di B) Satavahana Rajayam C) 1954
-61 In Madhaya Kalem, Ekada Jrna Tavik Lo out of the world? A) Han Garu B) Jagagaya Peta C) Vijayapurna D) Amirvatra 47. Rajadara Purajash Duttu This is the first
time in the world? A) 223-243 b) 237 -248 C).291 -302 48. Which is the legislative language of Kendi Ikshvikula column? A) Parasrakem B) Parakritem C) Telugu D)
Tamil 49. Veerapurajash Datudu said in this season, how many times did Veerapurajash Datu? Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 40 of 129 a)
Hangaru Janakenda b) Upupagendatharaja c) Jgagayapeta d) Above 50. Shatavahanula Column Ha T V Deshra Vani J Yayani tel pe giem taha levi? a) Parnapusa of
Ernatrarayana b) Ptolemy c) Pathunna works d) All of the above 51. Which is the Thol temple in South India? A) Harnati Temple B) Pushta Bhadara Temple C) Ash Bhuj
Temple D) Navagiha Temple 52. Where is the Adutalapa temple carved as the deity of Mercury without a crown? A) Hangaru Janakenda B) Jgagayapeta C) Eleshirend
D) Faniganarna 53. Dakshinahapatha Asma Tarabi Jadu is in which varna? a) Evula Santhamuludu b) Sri Santhamuludu c ) V rapurajash datu nadu d ) Rajadara
Purajash datu nadu 54. Who was the king of Vakatakula Rajya Sapakudu Evaraja? a) Paravarasenu-1 b) Vendhyayasha c) Rajadara Senu-1 d) Rajadarasenu-2
Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 41 of 129 55. The second is Nini Kumar. What is the wife of Parabhavatra Gupu? A) First Rajadarasena B) First
Prithisena C) Second Rajadara Senuda d) Second Paravarasena 56, Which of the following is the throne of Asma? A) Datta Moi Paravarasenudu B) Sarisenadu C)
Rendo Rajadara Senudu D) Rendo Paravarasenudu 56. Setanabenda Ane Kavayani Rana Vaenchi Kataka Raja a) Duta Moi Paravarasenudu B) Rendo Paravarasenudu
C) Rendo Ndo Rajadarasenu D) Sarisenu 57. Which of the following are the basic rules for the behavior of the speakers? A) Allahabad Sem Bhasha Sanem b) Poonha
Ragana Sanem C) Ataha Jem Guhalu D) Han Nendeda Ragana Sanem 58. Which are the most common superstitions in Vakatakula? Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara
Vasu Nanda Page 42 of 129 a) Buddhism, Jain b) Hindatha, Jain c) Hindathamathem, Boudadham, Jain d) Pivevikau 59. Harna Vijaya is a Sanskrit poet who wrote
Rana Waenchi Ta Ka. ? Ajur A) Harnasena B) Sarisena C) Rendo Paravarasena D) Rendo Rajadara Sen 60. Vakkatakula Vensani Kmula Purajashna ay Vendhyayasha
kirajha What is the city? a) Ujjuyi na b) Akola c) Vidish d) Aurangabad 61. Who is the contemporary of Samudara Gupu D? A) Second Paravarasenu B) Second
Rajadara Senu C) First Pritheesenu D) First Jadarasenu 62. Vendhya Yasaka k i Vakataka Vensha Sudani, Diju Dani, Vishna Vridha Gotra Rakudani What is the name of
N's cave? A) 14th B) 15th C) 16th D) 17th Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 43 of 129 Tombstones 1-D 2 -A 3-A 4-B 5 - B 6 -A 7-A 8 -A 9-A 10-B 11 -B
12 -A 13-C 14 -B 15 -B 16 -A 17-A 18-A 19-B 20 -B 21-B 22 -A 23-B 24 -A 25-A 26-C 27 -C 28 -A 29-C 30 -B 31 -C 32 -A 33-B 34 -C 35 -A 36-A 37-A 38-B 39 -A 40-A 41- C4-
2B 43 -C 44 -D 45 -B 46 -A 47 -D 48 -B 49 -D 50 -D 51 -C 52 -B 53 -B 54 -B 55 -C 56 -A 57- B 58 -A 59-C 60 -B 61 -C 62 -D 6-3C Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu
Nanda Page 44 of 129 Wattaks ✓ Udemi Satavaha is the highest percentage of satavahanas in Rabir Parentahalas. Na ma saya ja em patana nya tarita sitem tanaralu
aya yaraja. ✓ Tol Vata Ka Kula Sasanhala Parakaram Punakar Patatan, Chanakana Veer first Ha Dhajar Nulu. Paravarapura (Mpa Nhara) is located in the vicinity of
that ancient city. .250AD-550AD ✓ In Bahama Malpi in Bahama Malpi in Naveer Sasanhalu language ✓ The Buddha's teaching satanila of 16, 17 Caves of Ajgentah in
the Parakha Yatra in the country The models and features are known. VT's speech rights, Varna Samtanalu Thol Pemcha Raja. ✓ In the Visutacharna of Dadeni Dasha
Kumaracharana, the fall of Vaktakrajya Patanem is explained in detail. A century after the fall of Vaktakraj, Dasa Kumaracharana Tara Raya Badi Napapati, Telangana
Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasunanda Page 45 of 129 Vaktakara Juharna Sema is named after the Kutaras who were the kings of Tarajavat and the powerful leaders of
the Vakatak kings.The . Vendhya Yasaka (Reign: 250 – 270 CE) ✓ Reign of Raj Ven. A ✓ Perhaps Purnaka Nendi Pa Lehendi Undavachuchi. ✓ As many other
Vaidikayas, the death of Bahmana Karamala is the reign of rebirth. R ✓ The 16th cave of the Harnasena Kalemhant Ataha Jem, which belongs to Venshadijuda, is
similarly described as Dijudu. Paravarasena I (reigned: 270 – 330 AD) ✓ Prince of Vendhyayasha. ✓ Para Varasena was a physician. He was the author of Vedic
hymns such as Vajpaya, Atra Ratha and Aginash Thomas. Han Lugu performed ashimedha yagas ✓ He was the founder of the modern rhetoric. ✓ Rendo Vendha
Yasha Kibasemsa Sanem called him 'Asma Ta', 'Dharamamaharaj'. ✓ He does not express his love as Haritra Putana. Look at the results. ✓ He took the throne of
“Asmata” and the rest of the kajurlendara took the throne of “Maharaja”. ✓ He fought wars with the Huns. ✓ After his death, the two factions were formed. ✓
Paravarapura - Nendivaradhana Branch [Nendivaradhana – Adhuka Ni Hangapura] ✓ Vatgulama Department [Adhuka Ni Basem, Akola Jilua, Maharashtra] Tara
Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 46 of 129 Pura Nahala para k rem para Varasenudi k k Nalaguraja Kuma Rajalun Hairaja . In the end, Bhavanha
Guni Kumari, who was the 10th ruler of Padaha Mavtra Kingdom of Gautama, who was Pada Kumara Raja, was born in Chiviwahenji. In this case, Gautami's son, Tendi
Rajiv, was on the verge of death. Rendo Kumaraja Sharisena was the founder of the 'Vatgulama' branch of the Vakataka Vensem. It is not known whether the other
Idaraja Kumarajas were Perujas or Varaja Sapinchis. His grandson (son of Gautami Kumara Raja) Rajadara Sen was his predecessor Simha Sanha ni adishsh ra
palenchahadu paravarapu-ranem di varadhana shakha this shakha para suta ha ng poo Paravarapura (Parasutavardha, in Maharashtrian) in Rajila, Manhramarnayutra
Nendivaradhana is the Parnapenda Lenchi. Rajadarasena I (Reign: 3 30-355 CE) (Grandson of Paravarasena) ❖ Varadhana Sakha Sapakuda of the Vakatta dynasty. ❖
He was Nendivaradhan (Han Gapurajilua) Raja of Parnapachaha ❖ He used to pray to Maha Bhairava, the male form of Lord Shiva. This ❖ Only one stone sculpture is
found in Chendharpura ❖ The first Rajadara Sen built a temple named Dharamasa and dedicated it to his Ish Deity. Datta Mo Pritheisena (c. 355-380 CE) ❖ Among the
Vakataka Sinhalas, his Satyam, Karajana Marnayu Vinyem Venti Po Lidaganana Lakhanahala karanenga Po Lairaja with Itrahasa Virajadu Dharamazura. ❖ During his
reign Padmapura was a prominent Parnapalanha Kendra. ❖ King of Rajkriya Patuna with Chendaragupu DⅡ, one of the most important Lakshnem in his rule was killed
by Saksha Tapa Jurlana (Maval) Odinchahara J. R ❖ Rajadarasena Ⅱ (Pritheisena Kumarajadu) Marnayu Parabhavatragupu (Rendovachendaragupu ni kumar) Madhya
vivaya Bendhem Dahira Gupu s Marnayu Vakatakulu their bandhahi ni Balaparnachaharaja. ❖ Followed Saivamatahi like Tendira. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara
Vasu Nanda Page 47 of 129 Rajadarasena II (dated: 3 80-385 CE) ❖ Prithisena I was a prince. ❖ Second son Kumar married Parabhavatragupu. ❖ Vaishva Matha's
wife Vaishva Mata's Sathikarna Du Eiya's class became a state-wide Vaktakana group ❖ Rendo Rajadarasena was ennobled as Chakipani Bhakudi and Parambha
Gavatana ❖ His wife Parabhavatra Gupu and Shasa Sanha were named as 'Atayenta Bhagavaduku' ❖ His prince Diwakara Sen who was the son of his wife
Parabhavatragupu Semha Sanem Pai Color Robitra Jparatranidhi has been appointed. After the death of Divakarasena, Parabhavatragupa Dahadara Mosimhasa
raised the color again and took the responsibility of the Parabhavatragupa of 13 centuries as the protectors of this family. Paravarasena I (Reign: 400 – 440 CE) ❖
Peraja Patta Raja as Daha Modarasena. ❖ Rajadarasena II was the second prince. ❖ After his death Diwakarasena became the King of Java. ❖ Dozens of his plaques
are found in various parishes in Daru. A large number of Vakataka Sankhas belong to his rule. ❖ Ktur Raja Dha Ni's Sapemcha Raja in Para Varapura (Panhara in
Parasutta Wardhajilua). ❖ He is the elder brother of the poet. Rama Mudi Ni Krruna Sutha Setanabendha / Ravana Vaha Ane Parakrita (Maharashti Ra Parakrita)
Kavaini Rapu Demen Chaharaja. It is about Amurdi Lenka's victory over the mortal Ravana. ❖ Rendo Paravarasena Shembhunibhaku ❖ Rahajdhani Lomamarlayen
Nenchahadu Narendarasena (c. 440 – 460 CE) ❖ He was the son of Kakutvaramana Kumara of Kademba Venshani Kchendi Ajihata Bhattarana Kanu Vawem Hidu .
Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 48 of 129 ❖ He had to face Nalas Sunendi Vayatra's absence. Pritheesena Ⅱ (c. 460 – 480 CE) ❖ A famous ruler of
the Vakataka Rajvensem, a branch of the Nendivaradhana sect. ❖ In his boyhood essay, he played the role of a renaissance speaker with a renaissance goal. He had
to face the Harana Sena Dendayatara on the Modusaruja Vatgulama line and the Bhavadotu Varamana Dendaya on the Nalaven Shani. He left to fight Kaladaha with
the army of Radahara, the king of Teirakalataka in southern Gujarat. After his death, Harnasena, who belonged to the Vaktakula Vatgulama sect, is thought to have
done with his successors and the Nendivaradhana sect. Vatgulama Sakha This branch is situated in the middle of the river Godaha Varna and is the territory of the
kingdom of Vatgulama (Parasutta Vashi). , Maharash) in annual consultation. Its successor was Paravarasena Ⅰ Prince Sarisena Tara Sarisena (Reign: 330 – 355 CE)
❖ Prince of Paravarasena. ❖ Parakhayata Para Krita Kavi, Harnavijyem Rencha Chi Hadu ❖ He sathikarnenchada of “Dharma-Maharaju” and Birajadu. Vidayasa Ku
Ⅱ/Viyasendhena ( c. 355 – 400 CE) ❖ In his kingdom Maridatha Parenthem (Vidaru yoka dakshina part ), Hydera Ba da Uthura bhagam There are no other relevant
details of the decision. Daha Daha Punha Lugu Dasha Badala Pa Tu Palenha Du. ❖ He won Kumtala (Northern Kartaka) after defeating the Banavasi Kadembas in
Parliament. ❖ Paravarasenu du Sumaraja, the successor of his Kumaraja Marnayu, was fifteen centuries old. Devasane Udu Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu
Nanda Page 49 of 129 ❖ Paravarasena Ⅱ Tarajavata Devasena Rajya, he was the ruler of Anendahi, but in his Rajjem, the minister who was the equal of the king was
Kal Gana De Adrishen Kal. Gana Unhidu – Hasu Bhoj. ❖ Devasenu's Achicharna Asimiladeva was near Rnama ni Nchaharaja (Devasenu ni hise-borala sasinem
parakarem).Jlasha ni nia niraja with the title of 'Viraka' ❖ His successor was Vatgulama Samarajadu Marnayu Ga Papa is the ruler. Harnasena (Reign: 475 – 500 AD)
❖ Fifth generation successor of Sarisena Kaya. ❖ A sinner in the Vatgulama sect ❖ The Buddhist art of death is the ideal of Susila work. ❖ Many Buddhist caves,
temples and shrines in Ataha Gem were built during his reign. ❖ Hasi Boju's son Varahadeva was his mentor ❖ He removed the 16th cave of the Jem cave ❖ It is his
edict that is the basis for knowing about the Vatgulama sect. ❖ Since 1983, the U.S. has continued to expand. ❖ Tarajavatra Caves in Ataha Jem is the site of
Parnapuruta Marnayu Adhuhan, who was the head of the Harnasena Adhirayam. ❖ Combine the two Vaktakana branches and name Kuntala, Aventra, Kosala, Kalinga,
Kenkan Marnayu Arendha Parem Taha. His religion spread from North Mala to South Maharashtra to South Maharashtra, from Bay of Bengal to West Arabian Sea. The
. ❖ Dendina, a poet of the 6th century of Harana Sena, wrote, “Shakumi Mentanadu, Satayaven Tanadu Audahara Rayaven Tanadu, Mahima Nithama, Unitamata
Maranadu Yatra Kamaranya Aranaka Sengeeha has been described as a "commentator with a deep sense of humor". ❖ Thahalira Ragana plates belong to his reign
after his death, it is not known exactly how many plates were left after his death and how much Ajvara was added. With the death of Harnasena, the rule of the Vata
clan, the Nalas, the Kadembas, the Kalachatharnas, and the Yasodharamans, who belonged to the Muganasi family, occupied their territory. Parajlaku Tendira Lenti
Varamani Chepupakunhira Jay Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nananda Page 50 of 129 Vakattaka Shasan Halloni 'Sadenda - Ni Geeha' Ane Padaha Ni Batati
Silapana The laws are written in Sensrita language to know who will judge the people. Ajanta Caves, such as Gemstones, Chitahas are the best expression of our
artist's creation, and the best artists are the kings of Ratvaruna Raja. There is no doubt about these items. Seven hundred years of Suma Raja's life are counted in this
day. There are 30 caves in that gem. In 1819 TVini k Patana Jayana Simatha Anukokundaha Gurnuenchaha du. Among these are Kini Guhu Theravada (Ni
Hamanayana Buddhism) Marnakini Mahayahana and Chendi Unha. Chitra Remcha Raja in the main chapters of Buddha's life and stories of Buddhist life. In the first
cave, scenes of Mahajanaka Jyata, Mahahemsa Jyata and Matruposhka Jyata are carved in the 17th cave. In the 26th cave of Deepenkara Budhu D in Devenkara
Jyatekam, Eka Nasruja Chekadem jrnaganedi. In the 19th cave, in the city of Kapilavasu, where Buddha was buried, Ya Sodhara painted the scene of Bhraksha
worshiping in front of Rahula. Chekadem jrnaganendi in the 26th cave of Buddha D Mahaparnanirayan. In one of the caves, Dhara Ramachaki was in the mudra of
Para Varu and the Buddha was seen in Gihem. Buddhuni K Rajavaipula Padmapani, Vajrapani Lun Hiraja. Padmapani Ledah Avalokhi Teshira Buddhudi Chi Them, Ajem
Taha Chi Taha Luone Talama has been made. The 16th cave in Ajmentaha was discovered by Varhadeva, the minister of Vakataka Jura Harnasena. It is called
Paradha in Ani Cave. The 17th Rava Vihara cave in Chitra Raja Ajmentaha was built by Harnasena Nismentanadu (Ranishika Rajyem) as the Chivarna gha tata of the
Buddha's life In Guhaluo Kemte Ekwa Chi Taha Lun Hii . Moreover, they are scattered. Buddhabhadu Radu, Rama Madhuradaha Sudu, Badentha Dharmadhatu Nadu
and other Buddhist Sanha Yasulas in Kaladaha Ajmentaha tolpenchaha Raja. The names of the speakers are Bada, Ghatothacha (Bada Jilua), Baga (Kalada, Madhya
Pradesh). Vishnakendi Nulu Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 51 of 129 As the kingdom of Purna (Nha Garu Janakenda), it is located in the central
part of Andhra Pradesh, on the banks of the Krishna River. Lengcha Raja Varnani, after defeating Palsu's side, Krishu Nadi Taha, Srisilam, became their leader. In 358
AD, Patali Putra (the former state of Bihar) was the successor of the Parna Palsu group in northern and central India. Udaragupu defeated the Palavus in the Dakshina
Diganijya or tara, and in addition, Thi Sukni and Anenda Goti worked together with Ikshviku. Kulu (Kemdahara kingdoms), Krishu-Genturaja dynasty, Varanki Uthura
Navemgana (Elalaraja dynasty) dynasty, Salenkayanu, etc. And in Telenga Naha, Sithemtra Remchi Nawa Raja Vishnukundulu. ❖ From AD 358 to AD 569, Sumaraja
ruled for ten centuries between Viraja Paradha and the Krish River in Telangana, Uttar Pradesh. Ra Nu Parnapalencha Haraja. ❖ Veerna Aha Jdhar Nulu Amarapurem,
Endarapalanagarem , Dendulalaraja. ❖ Amaba Family Center in Mahabooba Nagar Jilu of Amarpurem. Sakipurem is a town of the same name as Endarapala, located
in the village of Tanama Malagudem in Valgenda Mendalem in Bhuvanaganarna District. Dendulalaraja Elalaraja Ji Lua Pa Davegana Dagagara. ❖ Bajwada Kaladaha
in Araparadesh is known to be the king of schools. It is known as Seng Gamem and another way is Senganigundaha in Ama Bada Mendalem and Sengameshirem in
Alempurem Daggara. Senganigundahala Dagagaramedi Manukally there are only one Hati Patatana Pusthila in Mishivaru. ❖ Vishnakum Dunula inscriptions:
Cheitanayapurna silasha (Hyderabad), Kra Saragutu silasha (Madil Malaj Ganarnajilua), Saleshirem silasha (Ama Bada, Hungary). Parja Silasha Rasanem (Sathenapal
Village Two Rajajila) Tanamalagudem Raganau Sishala (Two) (Valgaenda Mendalem Yadada Bhuvanaganarna Jilua), Eepuraja Ragana Sishala (2) (Thenhal
Guenturaja Zila) Ramathi Ram Ragana Sasanem, Tanendi Ragana Sasena (Thunna Thurajapagodahavarnu Jilua), Po Lamuraja Ragana Sashana (Ramchendarapurem
Thugo Jilua) Khahan Pura Ragana Sasena (Sataharaji Luma Harash). ❖ The Vishnukuends said that they were immortal men, and Sri Paritasmi Padaha Nudhaha also
gave their kingdom to Sri Paritem m Lion. ❖ Veeraja tamaha jdhar ni peraja mamidi purem perejanu amarapurem ga marajik ni parnapalenchaharaja Telangana
chitara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 52 of 129 ❖ Govimenda Varama Raja Tana who is one of Vishnunakendi Vensha Putholraju. Rani Parama Bhattatarnaka Devi,
Nirna Menchi Na Parama Bhattatarnaka Maha Devi Vihara Niki K, Peranakapara, Enamadala Gaima in Sakipurem (Endara Palanagarem) After burning them, she
pretended to be in the hall. He died as a part of the Enamada Gai, and the current situation with the Elamala part is in Bada Mendelam. However, there is a difference
in the number of people with the role of the agent. ❖ Govindavarama Bhujbal with Vishnakendi Rajyaani Sriparitha Niki (Sreesailem – Hangaru Janakenda) two sides
of Visurana. After defeating the Palavus, Gum Dukama ruled until Manadi. At Gunapashapuram in the center of Kos, Moolaraj Bidinu, who was pursued by force,
defeated the Salenkayans of Vengana with his help and incorporated Varna Yaraj into his kingdom. ❖ Inscription found in Chaitanayapurna, Hyderabad belongs to
Govinda Varama Garnalem ❖ Second Madhava Varama reigned from 440 to 495 AD. Vishnakendirajulu Endarnalonatha Ga Papavadu. ❖ Second Madhava Varama
Bahusa Ani Yudadaha Lonatha Vijyam Sadhi, Okka Vijyani K ki Guru Jagao Okka Ka Shivala Do not worry. ❖ The ruler of Guna Pasha, along with Parabha Karajani of
Bendhu Kaladaha, ruled over Kalinga (North Kosu Central + Southern Odisha). In his 33rd Rajya Palanha Sen Vatrem, he set fire to Paluvulapa and again visited
Vishnakuendi Raja Jayani up to Gendukamama river. In Western Maharash, the Vakataka kings are the Chala Shaki Mentanas. ❖ Prithi Senu, who was a master in the
rhetoric department, defeated the second Madhava Varama and took away his B.D. ❖ One of the second Madhavavarama inscriptions of Khanhapura Dagagarar in
Maharash ❖ The Yudaha forces were king in the center of Vishnakunds and Palavus. Madhava Varama led his way to Dendulalaraja near Vengana with the intention
of killing the demons of the Palavus and killed the Immortals who were the most powerful. T Devavarama as Rajaparatranididhi ya ni menchahadu ❖ Rendo
Madhavavarama ha n yayavidhaha n lanu deva kaladaha harnienchahayani dattahara japa.Radi vakulu ie nhaya vetu s. ❖ He is known to have acted in a film written by
Birajadu Hajnshiya and he is known to act in such a special way. But how many of the kings gave their wives to him, Chepupakunhiraja, as their lineage. Birajadu Lu
Hiranayagaru, Tarrasamudahara Dhiptra Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 53 of 129 ❖ Varchina Raju Rendo Vicimendara Varama ❖ Rendo
Madhava Varama is used by the Talud men. ❖ Vishukundula Patti is a paraja for the Hanya regime. Rendo discovers the ways in which Mava Varadham divyas are
known as ❖ Vishwakans are citizens of their country, state and special, special. Ya Ni Ni Gi Ma Lauga Vi Bhajien Chaha Raja. The ruler of the country is a racist. In the
country of Vishnakumdu there are countries like Paraki Rasham, Pookhi Rasham, Karam Ratara Ratara Rashtam, Kaliengara Rashtam etc. Shtaralum Davy. Vishya Ni
Kipalakudu Vishya Dhi Patra, Vishnu Kundula R R R R R J in Gridhar Rava D Vishya, Netapati (Natava D) Vishya, The first is Vishya Lemdavy. ❖ Srisailem Malukar
Janadu Kaladaha Vishnukundula lemlonne paracha rempendaha ❖ Vishnakundula Katati temples Ekwa Vaga Warna Tolr ❖ Rendo Madhava Varama in the cave of
Jalapataha in the valley of the Nalamala forest in Amama Badu Mandalam. Dhimenchi napupadalua ekuvagara malamengeshira temple lanu rnama ni nenchahadu ❖
Anha du bhumi ni ni varunha luokl Cheva Raja. ❖ A.D. Chenaya Yatraraka Fahiya wrote that Gavilu Kaladaha Dara Vayen as Chelamani Dadu Ayaya in Vishnakumdu's
reign in the 5th century AD. Another Chinese pilgrim, Huayana Tahenga Sriparithem, has released the remaining Buddha Vighas that he did with his wife. This ❖
Chaitanayapurna Sasenam is the most famous statue of Dorna Kina in Hyderabad region. Veeraja Shudu Ra's. ❖ Vishnakends were published in Sasanha language
but Telugu is the common language of the nation. It is known that Katati Natu ❖ Long-standing Han Lugu and Antasula's cave is known as a cave ❖ A.D. In the 5th
century, Kchendi Na Tarapendi Thanadu Dijigudu, lived in Kentka Lemvemgana. The author of the Akkadian book, Esira Krishnan, is the author of the book. He was
living in Rama Garnana (Rama Guendem), Munulagutata (Kotilengala Daggara) Parenthem in Ayana Karem Nagar Jilu, where he died. Godaha varna parenta varu na
valu aramautanani in Kalidahasu's poem 'Megha Sendeshem'. Dijigudu wrote more than 100 works. 'Paramana Samuchachayem' is a term used in Parasidadha
Geematha. Yo ga chara pemthaha nu bo dh menichaha do. He was the last of the great Buddhist teachings of the Telugu country. ❖ Ghatika means Hindatha Bo
Dhana Kendraem. 4 Vedhalu Nerna Pasu Raja Telangana Chitara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 54 of 129 ❖ Govindavarama in his 37th Vijaya R Senwatrem,
Vaisakha Purnuma Handu Padade Ni Shakhta Kalgana Budadha Dharamen Nganana Dasabalabalki Padahilugava Arya Sen i In Nigha Udade, Senchi cremated the
Goddess Maha Haraki Nivi Deepa, Parapana Gaima Pu Ni Dhulu Dhara Purikem of Param Bhatta Rana Kattateni in Kattini Param Bhatta Rana in Palanagarem. . He
named Kaladaha Daha as the name of the same group. In the year 566 A.D., K. V. Keemendara Varama Irujuro ane gai ma ni of the same vihara was burnt for the
experience of Bhraksha Sengha. ❖ Govindavarama's uncle Pridhimuludu Kaladaha saw his road jdha in Gunapashapurem (Thurajapa Godahavarna Jilua) Tokhal
Khata Maha Vihara ni Katati. ❖ Govindavarama is described as 'Shadabhrajna'. Vikimendaravaramku 'mahakavi', 'paramos gatasaya (budadhuni emtati jnyani) ane bi
rajadulun haii. 'Ghatikavapu Punayasenchaya' aen birajaduendi to emdara bhatta rakavarama. Rendo Madhavavarama is lamented as 'Vididijguraja Vipara Vriddha
Tapasathi Hajn Shiah'. ❖ Veerna Kamenhatik Parakritem Tera Marajgaga, Daha Nis Nam Sen Sasrithem Rjabash. ❖ In Vikimendaravarama Kachivil Sasenem
(Sensarutem), Telugu Parabhaven Umendatem valak is written in Telugu padahas on the author of that inscription ❖ Mathani Patan in Karim Nagar Jilua. Ripe L. The
caves on the lagoon, the cave on the Gourigendenjlapathem, and on the top of the mountain, there is a well-known elemination of the Vishnakendika. ❖ In Telangana,
their political life ended in the reign of the Tol kings, and the Chahalukyas ruled South India for about 6 centuries. Rajabi Jayapura Jilua Badahami (Vata Hapa) ​by
dhajhar niga panaparla na gasa nenna Chivanara di Matrushakha Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 55 of 129 o This season As a branch of Lemoni,
Visurnechi, Rajapa Chahalukaya, Shemvengana, Dhajhar Niga, Nhalugunira Sa Taha Bala Patu Pachenla Haraja and Vachira Taya Jm Vuraja Cholu. Vara sula yi Tamil
desani Kaladaha da rem dunira sha taha badala pa tu Penlachaharaja o Chahalukaya vashenem Badahami Chahalukaya ven shem para dha na shakha . This dynasty
destroyed the Maharashtrian dynasty (543-752 AD). o Tadupana R, Turajapa Chahalkuyas (Vagamena Chahalkuyas) (AD 624 –1075); Vemulava da Chahalkuyalu (AD
750- 973) was appointed as the head of the Rashtrapati Bhavan. The Chalukyas of Mudiga (AD 850-1200) who married the Panasara Paranethas, and the Kalayani
Chalukyas (AD 973-1157) who studied in the Badahami Chalukya dynasty Lana S Ganesha Raja. Badahami (Ledaha Pashima) Chahul Kuyalu (543-752 AD) •
Chahulkuya Puirkulu Ya Vijhar Niga Arada Dhemeshani Enela Lakshvikula in Kadapa Jilu Hi Ranyar Surakarini and Palmencha Raja. Veerna jnamabhu mi hiranya
rashm. Dahento Patte, Tara Telagemna Halonatha, Mahbuba Nagar District Paren Taha Ni Kalpi Palmencha Raja. A.D. In the first part of the 4th century B., Palavus
and Ikshviks were married and Arad Dhemeshani was killed. He did not like the fact that the colored cars were independent. In addition, the growth of the different
parts of the system is different from these parts. Tara Lochana Palavudu Veerna Pai Dem Detra Odenchaharaja. • In the same period, Kademba king Mayu Rama was
opposed by Palavus, Kalsi with Chahalkuyas and Poradaha Raja with Paluvas. Daha ni Faltenga Mayu Rasa Rama, with him Putata Chahalkuyalu, Kartaka desa loki
Vali, Ba Dahami Parenthem Rajjayani s sappencha raja. • In the Naveer dynasty, Varha.mha Adharj ni Badahami. He is also known as Nayabheta Rash Kalut. In Rush
Kalat Ven Shem, there is a role of a Senhipa Dhatra called Yaj Sihemu in Abra Manuyadan's Raju Veenchi Natara Udenikavatika Tahamashasa Nala. This Yaj Senhude
Rendo Pulakeshi Aihol Sasanem in Chahalukaya R Jyasya Pakudi named Jyasyasemha Valabhuda and Abhraparayem. • After the death of Jaya Siemhuni, his son,
King Rana Ragu Chahalukaya Siemha, was crowned. The First Pulakeshi (AD 535-566) Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 56 of 129 • The first
Pulakeshi, the prince of Ranarga • He was the successor of Sithem Tara Chahalukaya Raja. Chahalukaya removed the position of the head of the state and established
it as an alternate state. • Kadembula was built, Vatahapi was built, Akkadbalshmaina Kota (543 AD) was designated, and Dahani Jhadhar was found. • In the reign of
Lana Bhrachim (543 AD) in Badahami Paratham, his Yavijas are enumerated. Ashimedha Yagani was tortured by Tayel Dahani and his vijs. • One of his remains is
mentioned in Eleshir. • He is the one who appointed Maha Raju B Rajadu as Chahalukaya Ven Shrayuluo Parathama. Krnarnavarama (566-597 AD) • The first Pulakesi
was his son Krnarnuvarama Panaparlanchaha. He was the second emperor. • Kings of the Charana generation, Paganadaha Rajendaro Puleshik was the first person
to build a beautiful city: ▪ Pashima Chahalukaya Ven Saraju Rendo Pulakesh is the master. ▪ He is a member of the Chahalukaya dynasty, a prominent figure in South
India, and is comparable to the Indian Chakivars, Maurya and Gupuvasem. ▪ Nhati defeated Chakivan Hariji of North India, and Nhati became the leader of all India. His
achievements include the largest plant in China, the largest plant in the world, and the expansion of the southern country. In Chahalukaya Yaugaman Negha Nakraruna
Varna Ven Shani Kik Kal Ganemchi. ▪ Ravi Kriruna (Rendo Pulakeshi Yudadha Mentra) in the Iho Lu (Aya Yavolu) Parasha Sui (Rendo Pulakeshi Yudadha Mentra)
Pulakeshi Vijya Talanini ni Vipulenga Varunha. do Aya Yavolu Sasanem mentions Hari Varadhana in Paiyudadhem (632 AD) in the river Narmadaha as the defeat of
Hari Jani. Yaddhaha No. Tarem, Naramadahanadi is known as the place where Iraja Yarjila was burnt. In this battle, Lord Paramount, Lord Paramount, was crowned
king. White money. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 57 of 129 ▪ Paluva Hemendara Varama in Purendaha Kavali and 'Pululalara' Vadad Jrna Gana
Ghorayyudham of Paluvula Kingdom (600-630 AD) was defeated. ▪ Most of the day with a master of the day of the day of the day, the Pulkshi Palukku Palukku Palukku
Palukkunnu is a good idea. In the event of a number of people in the country, the number of people in the world, in the hands of the Pulakshi Palas Till the Havarama
Ba Daha Me, the Daha is the first time, 'Vatha Hapik'. This battlefield c. Sh. In 642, 'Manimaga' was a vidava. ▪ He is the one who has become his own person. This is
the first time that the Pulakshi Ashunnu is a cavity and the caves of the caves. ▪ In the same way, he is the one who has been in the Huayana Tahunga Tahunga
Tahunga, who is the same as the Pulakesi Darasi, who is the first person to do with the words of the Pulkesi Darasi, and the clan , He made the morning of the day.
Remen Do Vi Keema (733-744) . He was in front of him in the form of the Sindhu and the Arabula Aik Dharni and the burning of the world. ▪ He is the first to do the
same. We are the one who has lost the number of people and the ba da yours. ▪ Lokamahadevi and 'Jar Nirnatiralokaya Devi' are the biggest number of Churaya Vasha
Nikki '. In the 'Veer Peraja' in the 'Pataka Duckle', the Lokeshala '' ' Kumarajadu, who is a Krurnavarama Yaniki, is the one who is the one who is the one who is doing it. ▪
Pashima Chahalukaya (Badhami / Vata Hapi) is the last one. He is the one who is the one who is the one who has been awarded the Aik. In the world of the world, the
passage of the world. క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష క్ష Finally, the Datrente is a Jew. Sh. In 752, Baa Daha
Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Telangana Chitra - 624-1075) Cavadam Valo,
Kinnavira Vengi Challakayanurana is the hero of the world. Sh. 624 to 1075, the long -standing period of the long -standing period of the Badama Chalalakaya, who is
the epitome of the world. ▪ Kubaja Vishthana Vru Vengi Challakaya Jayara is the one. Kubaja Vishthana Vr (Kari.Sa.624 -641) Kubaja Vishtudhana has been the voice
of the Dedo, which has ruled the country of the country. This is the most important time of the world, and the death of the people of the world, and in the aftermath. E
'Kathnavatashthama Sa Dha', 'Kama Dhev' and 'Makadhavara J' are Dulunubira Nai. It is a gap. There is also a kirari that the sarebhadayama durdaru can not even be
able to do so. That is the 'Vashtamasa Dha Dha'. He ruled the country of the country. Curry. 631 The Kapuram inscription of the Samsavtham, which is allowed to
govern it, is allowed to govern. The inscriptions of the inscriptions were beaten and the Li Timma Puram. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 59 of 129
The 10th Saha Taha Bem is up to the 13th Shah Taha Bem, the Telugu parasites (Rajdahani or the Orajagalu), the kanida paradikal, the hosopas, the marathi paradigm,
the Tamil Paradise. Veerendraja Hendatha Semsritrakki, their own, their own, is the first of their own. • This is a good idea for a long time and a ritual of the world. • In
the event of a talisman, the forces of the children, the chapils, the rituals of the world, the rituals of the world, and the rituals. Pa s, ni jai talu sitem sanitalai, or a
jaggery, a man of the country Parnapa Parnapa Parnapa Parnasa Krurna is the first time. There is a voice in the state of the world. • Musunathanna, R D, Vijayanagara
Jurs, with the Sathurna, have come to the conclusion of the day. Dahahan Ru Ru (956 AD):A barahman, who slaughtered the wood, explained the reason why he
cremated his master. • Anuma Kenda Wei Sumbhala Gudi Sha Sanem | (Rajadaradeva) Sh. 1063 : Rajadaradeva declared the state of Parakati in 1063. After the fight,
his son Rajadara announced that the king had entered the kingdom. • Bayaram Sasinam: Kakatra Mailemba Ganapatradeva Nis Darna Kri . Sh. 1219: Cherajavu
Myalemba of Bayara in Khama Menjilua. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 60 of 129 • Mo Tupalu Abhaya Sasem ​(Ganapatradeva) ( AD 1244 ):
Telupatana gave Abhayam to foreign visitors. 1289 AD) : It is stated that when Rajadarmadevi killed Rajagubatu, he burnt down the temple of Kos Manhadu and burnt
it to the ground. what . • Tara Puram Takem Sa Sanem (N Lalaraja) Embadeva Rajadarama Achicharna | AD 1291 : Describes the victories of Embadeva • Salakaveedu
Sasenam Rendo Paratahaparajadu Ra | AD 1317: Kaverna Sriragan's attack on Panduya was completed by Ajurgarna's orders and the king Devarna Hanyaku burned
Salakalavi Du Gai Ma in Erjava Bhumi Du • Malapurem's name is Ganapatradeva AD 1261 : Vidahya Mendapa Parasaklu • K Lanupalu Sha Sanem Rendo
Parathaparajadu Ra Kr. Dashu. 1321: Chenikeshavasimiki and Narasimhasimi temples were burnt and destroyed. The works of Alem Khunti which describe the
behavior of the Kakatiyas: Ra ❖ Palalarnakios Manhathadudu: Penditaharadhaya Charnathem, Basava Puranam Giemdhaha (The Kakatiya Allemknhati Saivamata
Saitra ni, Other important details have been given, especially the Ujila phase of Shaivism.) These are Telugu works. ❖ Vidahayanhadhudu: Paratahaparajadirayem or
Paratahaparajadarayasobhushnem: Rasharaja in sensaruthem. It is said that he is a rendo para taha parajadu. Kendra Para Bhuti Sibhaven, Saini Kavayavasa Gurni
details of Kakkatiyula Kendra ❖ Badadena: Nanna tra s sa rem lehaha nanna tra Sasuramukuvali (Rajnannatrani, Rajadharama sirupani vivarna suendi) This is
Rasharaja Telangana Chitrara in Telugu - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 61 of 129 ❖ Klanu Ganapatradeva: Sivagas Yorem (The character of Endulalarna Hanyakula
in Kluvu of Ganapatradeva). This is Rasharaja in Telugu. Rav ❖ Vinukenda Valubharaya yudu: Kriedahabhramem (No. of Parajla Ji Vana Parna Saitanala Varu in
Varemgal Fort). This is Rasaraja ❖ Jayapasahen in Telugu (Nritya, Nhataya Lakshana lu vi varna sumendi) Rasaraja in Sensruthem. Sathikarnechi Chekaaraja which
takes the dancing bhenganams on the walls of Palempet temple Trakanos Mayaji: 1. Aramendha Mahabharatam (the son of Ganapatra God, Nlalaraja Raju ai na rumu
manumasi dadhi asa na kavitra ka na) 2. Nirichan natura Ramayana (Viratapariem). These two are Rasaraja in Telugu. ❖ Baranna Rasina Tahrikh-e-Firozash, written by
Ibn Batuta - Rhala, French Tahrikh-e-Fransista, Imissarsina Puthuvus Salanati Above Pakerana Musakarana, the path of the Xinha, the attacks of the army in Delhi and
the Pinarams spread. ❖ Marapolo or other details are written in 'The Travel Book'. Rajadara Ma Devi Klamo Motupalu Odervelu Di Gana Marro Polo Aka D V Deshra
Vyapara Va Pra Vivara varuna. Motupaluru Revu, foreign affairs minister informed about the political account. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 62
of 129 ❖ It was first recorded in the Ma Galu Sasanem (956 AD) of Turajapa Chahulkaya king Dahahanru. Gendayana 'All the old people, his three generations have
been blessed. This is the argument of Chala Mendi Charana Tara K Rajala that he is the first person to come to Kakathiya. ❖ Vinukenda Valubharaya in his work
'Kakatra deva vidha' parasuvana chesa. Orajagalu is known as Kridaha Bhrarama, which is famous for its long-lasting and unique resin paintings. In the name of
'Shitahab Khana Vienchi', Delhi Police signaled the Kakatra Vigiha in Warengal fort, and that Jaganha matrika, the Kakatra Rajya 'Padamapatharna'. Goddess Vigiha's
Nishitahaba Khana (Satathaha Patra) mentions the name of Prapratrashti Chaha ❖ The Tolka Katiyas were the kings of the Charana tara rajas. . Kakaruya Gendayana,
the first king of India, was named as the first king of Dahanharu in Ma Galuu Sasanem. Until Rajadaradev means AD. 956 AD Until 1162, Kakatiya Ajurlu ate Kakaruya
Guendaya Rash Kalatraj, who destroyed the kingdoms of Karinnagara, Khamaem, and Kakatiyas Gana Pai Jrna Gana Na Daya In the next generation, Rash Kalatura is
the representative of the hospital. From Bajwa Durga's Venmgana Chahalukaya, Rendo Krishna's Sain Hyalu's Aakimi's body was carved into the body. Kakaruya
Gendayana Paranahalu Kolopayala in the battle of "Parajavenguraja" with the services of Kani Vengi Chahalukaya. Rash Kalata Chakivaruna, who was the wife of his
servant, and his son Ediya, who was the head of the 'Kurivadi' (Warengal Tara) satham, was killed by Datta Mo Betaraju Ye Birazadu ❖ Data Mo Poraraju ( AD 1050-
1075 ) 1. First Betaraju Kuma Rajadu Modai Poraraju, Khaji Peta, Pilulamarni, Palampeta Sinshah. Mention the achievements 2. Kalayani Chahul Kayos Meshirajadu
Michi Anunukenda Vishyaki Nia itani Venshaparamparaya Hakuya Asmentha Prabhuwa Gurnuenchahadu Rendo Betarjua ( AD 1075 -1108 ) : ❖ etc T POLAR
JUDGMENT NO Then his son King Rando Betara Jusemha Sanem was the chief. His successor (AD 1070-80) has the title of 'Tra Bhuvanamlu' ❖ His successor
Rameshira Dikshitanalu. Rendo Pora Larju (AD 1115-1157) Telangana Chitra - By Saha Vasu Nanda Page 63 of 129 He was the son of Samantha Kathiya Ludo Shaki
and his son, Kalayani Chahul Kairaj, Rendo J Gadekama Ludu Pora. The king's son, Demdatra, defeated Bhima Choduni. A.D. 1163-1323 ): Rakkati rulers are classified
as two types of Rajas, V Raja, A.D. 956-1162 The Kakatiyas of Raparnapana, the Kakatiyas of Parnapalenchi from 1163 to 1323 AD, were the first of the Samantha
Kakatiyas. From 1158 AD to 1162 AD, Rajadara was the first king of Rajadu. AD In 1163, Hanuman in Veyenchi, Vei Sembhala Gudi Sasanam), he completed his death
in the same century and declared that the Parakati was erected. Rajadara God (AD 1163-1195) was the ruler of many generations. Mahadeva (AD 1195-1199),
Ganaparadeva (AD 1199-1262), Rajadaramadevi (AD 1262-1289), Rando Paratahaparajadu (AD 1289-1323) were great. . Vi Raja Motuem Nathata Aravai Eem Dupa to
'Warengal' Rahajdha Ga Nietni Telangana, Arandha Paradesh territories Parnapalenchaharaja. Rajadaradeva ( AD 115-8 1162 & 1163-1195 ) ❖ Kakatiya Ven
Shapalakuluo Rajadara Deva's art has a paratheikata, chaharna taka pradhana nayat. He divided his reign into two phases. 1158-1162 AD as Asmentaraja, Rem
Dodasa. From 1163 AD to 1195 AD, Sithem Tara ruled as a king. ❖ Lord Hanuman was killed in 1163 AD by Lord Rajadara, who killed Sempurus in 1163 AD. It has
been announced that Visalar Jayani will be the first person in the country. ❖ Rajadara God Talum Mupapamamba, Tendi Rarendo Pora Larju, Rajadara God after his
Tendi Rarendo Pora Larju. In 1158, Semhasan became the ruler. ❖ His mentor is Labara Hamardi Viemchi na Daha Rakshvara Memsha Sanem (1158 AD) Paraka Rem
Rajadu Radu Mahaparakimashal. This inscription is called Rajadu ri Anumakenda Rajadu radu Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 64 of 129 ❖
Chahulkaya Choralj was a contemporary of the second Rajarju ❖ Kri . Sh. 1202 Srisailem, the son of Rajadara's son, 'Cheraku', 'Boluya', and 'Rajmamalaraja', is named
as his king. n Hadadalu extends to Godahavarna in the north, Bidara in the west and Srisailem in the south. Rajadu ru This Vijyalaka Sathachakenga, after laying down
anumakenda of a Yavijasinhi, and enshrining the vi geehas of Rajadera sira, Va Sudeva and Satharayadeva, he started the construction of a papa temple ❖
Kakatiyajura (Rajadu In 1195 A.D., Jaitu Gana, the king of Yadav (also known as Jaitarapa Pa King Rajadara lost his services in this war A The government of
Karimnagar has condemned the actions of the King of India. the stick After that, Gengadhara was appointed as the head of the army, and the rest of the world was
called Abhra In Anumakenda, Gengadharaja killed a king and Parasanikesavasamigu. Eleha Orajagalu Fort He completed the construction and became the king of
Kathiyaula ❖ He was a poet, a teacher of literature, and Rajadaradeva used to hunt wood for educational pursuits. Sh. 1196 ❖ Dahara Kshwarama Sasenam
Rajadaradevuni declared 'Vinayabhushnu'. ❖ Rajadaradeva is the author of Trashasura, a word in Badade's Ranenchichi's 'Trasara Mukkuvali'. In 1195 AD, he took up
the work of the King of Kakkati. The 'Khemdavalu Taha Madaha Na Patarem' Samardhana Suendhi Mahadevu of this subject: ➢ Rendo Poraraju Kumaraju. He was the
son of Rajadaradeva. During his reign (1155-1199) Charan Taku Sembendhi's reign, literary material was widely available. We have got two sishanas that killed
Mahadeva. They are 1) Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 65 of 129 Karim Nagar Jilua, Pada Palu Taha Lalaka, Sundeloo Gai Masa Sanem. It is
dated 1197 AD, 2) Warangal fort of Labhrana Venchi Ranganana Sasena ➢ Maha God in his long reign. It is known that after the death of the king, he tried to save the
country. Waraja ma mailemba kuendamemba . ➢ Mahadeva is Saiva Matahabharam. Itani Gurujavu Dhu Ra Veshira Penditanadu ➢ Itani Sen Ha Dhi Patanaluo
Recheru Rajadu Radu Kadu Sama Radhajadu . The son of Visapa, the Kakatiya forces were defeated in the battle of Yadavaraju, and in Kishtha Tarajana,
Chakakayenga Vayaharna, the ruler of the Kakatiyas Ganapatradeva (A.D. 1199 -1263 ) : ➢ Gana Patra God Kr. In 1199, Simhasanhi became the ruler. t ➢ His father is
Baya, the Great God. He was killed in the battle with Yadavarja Jaitangana It's a good idea to be local As Jayadhi Patra, Gana Patra God's Pata Bhrish Kuni Chase,
Recheru Rajadu Radu Malayalam Cheddu and face Entheran Gana Katra Rajaguba Two, Taranraj has made a journey to face the fires. ➢ Gana Patra God has compiled
the Telugu Language Today Parajlendarna. Ataki ni muendu, his successor is Chakivarnu Parnapalenchanenta Ekava Kalem, ie Ava Yamudeendu Sudiragha Kalem (AD
1199-1262). Till Samaradhaventenga Warengal Road Jdhaga ni Telanganaha, Ahendhra Paranethalu Parnapalenchahadu. ➢ His Parnapalanha Kalaki ni
Sembendhienna Chithol Sansinem AD. 1199 December 26 Han Tidi. It is available in La Menthena, Karimnagar district. ➢ There is no doubt in Rajalu that Yadavaraja
Jaitangana, who is his Vadada Bendi, has released Ganapatra God for any reason. In the case of Ai Napapati Kracha Lam, the government of Rajalu Rahoyasla Chaki
Varna Ayi Nrendo Baluludu, Kkati Yara Rajyem, Nlak ni Rajya Asirata as an opportunity. He was tasked with deploying his state border forces to the border. This is Jrna
Gana Te, the younger generation of Hoysalas and Balu Ludi Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasunanda Page 66 of 129 The iron discs of death. It is not the first time
in the world that Yadavaraju Jaitanagani, Ganapatra Devuni released from his captivity and visited Kakathiya Rajamha Sanem. It was done by Mr. Its success is
measured by future political trends. Above Yadavaraju Jaitanagana married his wife So Maladevi to Ganapatra Devi in ​marriage. ➢ Gana Patra God K Kathiya Ven
Saraju Lemdarna Loki is accepted. Ga Papa Vijeta, Visalas Samajya Ranimatha. ➢ In his Sudira Gha Aimaudeli Parnapalanha column, the military conquest of his
army did not happen, and the Malayalam king was the king of his victory Raja. ➢ Kakatiya Chakivarnu Ganapatradeva was killed by Nathavadi Rajadu, the father-in-law
of A.D. 1201 Hanti Bajwada Sasenam Arendhathir Parantaha Ni Parnapal Suni Pridhisirajani Raj Yem Pi Dedetra Nu Gana Patra Devevi Senalu Akhenda Vijya Ni s
Sadhi Tea is prepared. ➢ 'Divi Dipem' was named 'Divi Deepem' and it was called 'Deepilentaka' and 'Divi Chatharakara' by Ganapadadev. 1228 AD 1231 Hanti
Rajyapasahen is supported by the 'Ganapeshirem' laws. The third iron was hanged to death ➢ Kenchi, the king of Kulotenga clan, was hanged in the Dahara Vida
country of Kakatiya. ➢ He did not lose Yadava Jurlata and Seiha Sembendhahalu Lak. ➢ Ganapatradev's battle with Sundarapenduyani, the king of Pendaya, was in
AD. 1257 - In the Battle of Jrnganana near N Lalaraja, Parajya Ni Gana Patra God Mutanakalaraya was killed in battle. ➢ In his column, Raha Jdha moved from Nagari
to Anumakenda to Warangal. This Rakenga completed the construction of Orajagalu Nagari and completed Orajagalu Nagari after defeating the god Pararem
Bhremchi Naktur Jdhaha, the warrior of his passion. Jaya Pa, Gana Patra joined God's family and performed meritorious services. Take the post of 'Gajsahini'.
Nlularajaku chendi na Telugu Chola Raju Manumasi Dadhi Kaladaha Gana patra Godu kimchi sehi tanalu . Emdulalarna Kutemba Ni Kchendi's Somaya Mentra, Gana
Patra Godu Mentaranaluo Paramukhu. He was the king of Kalimga Den Dayata (AD 1212). He is 'Arajavela Dathashka', 'Kenchi Chatharara k' Birajadulu
Dharnenchahadu. ➢ Kya Savem Shani ki chendi Na Gengaya Sahi Ni Gana Patra Godu Kala Bahatu Raga Yoni Thipatra Post Rini Himenchahadu . Rajadarama Devi (
AD 1262 -1289 ): • Ema Ganaparadeva, Osmambala Kalatanaraja • Mahadeva, the Yadava king ( 1261 -1271 ) conquered the territories of the Kakatiya kingdom •
RajamaDevi with his signatures Yadava Jurnu Edurani Post Akhenda Vijyem Asthendenda Chi in Ram. Shataranasenas were marched up to Devgana. In this
competition, these are Sen Hadhi Patra Cemdha Bhairavadu Mukhayapata Poshi. Rajadara Devi Sasan, who was victorious in the Bidar fort, celebrated this victory.
Yadavaraju was crowned as 'Yara Gajkesarna' after the first conquest of the kingdom. s. Acc to Embadeva's Trarapuentaka Rem Sasena • Embadeva died in
Rajadarama Devi's death • Rajadarama Devi Bharu Chaulkaya Virabhadu Rada who went to Davolu branch • Rajadaramaviki Mugu Raja Kumar's names are
Mumamadamama, Rajadarama, Rajayayamalu , because there was no male child, she named Rendo Parataha Pa Rajadu as her successor. Rendo Para Taha
Parajadara (AD 1290-1323) is the most famous of the Kathiya Ven Shapalakas. Mbadev's third Rajaguba Tuku Mendedu Rajadarmadevi Rendo Parathapa Rajadu Rani
was declared as his successor. In the Parnapalanha column of Rando Parathaparaja, the other contemporary southern kingdoms, the Yadava, Hoyasa, and Pandaya
kingdoms, are the signs of Delhi Burns have been reported . In the name of his beloved Garispa Mall, Nabhari Sainhayani was built in Delhi Sula Najla Luddadina Khil in
the name of his beloved Garispa Mall in AD. In 1296 AD, the Yadava king Ramachendara Deva raised Raha Jdha to Devaganarna. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara
Vasu Nanda Page 68 of 129 Yadava's army suffered a terrible defeat in the hands of Delhi forces. Yadava Ramachendu accepted Asmentarna's offer and asked for the
surrender of Kanakarasu. In Telangana in 1303 AD, Tolm Musuendya Tara Jrnaganendi Orajagalupai Rendo Delhi Sulu Neta Dendayata (1309 AD)- Aluvadadeen Kili
Apan According to Ramayana Samajyakam Ksarakal Ganasula, Tarajawata's failure of his army against Telangana Naha in 1303 AD A.D. with Ravam Chha. In 1309,
Bhari Sainhayani was raised to Telangana by Malk Kapura, Khizyahajila Hanyakatiem. AD 1310 Fibaravarna was the middle of the reign of Irajapaksh. Until then, it is
necessary to send a letter to the recipient of the letter. Until the death of Aluvadadin Kili, Parata Parajadu Radu Paratra Edaha Di Kapapem Chelusu Thadhi Leeu
Suluna remained as a special authority generation. AD In 1311, as a service provider to the Delhi government against Pendia Raja, Parata Parajadu went to the Korna
Kamera of Sula with his troops in the Kalsi War. The Chief Minister of Delhi University, Mr. 1318-20 In the middle class, the Muttahrikyas also increased in Delhi. It is
twice as strong as Khili Ven Shadhi. On the same day, the Khiliya receipt of Ruu Kutanabudadee Sen Hadhi Patra, Khasatha Rakha, was ordered to be sent to
Madurapa. Don't get killed on Khasatha Rakha. Tanari Sarda Rajalu Ghi Ya Ju Dadina Tanaguk Ane Atani Dhi Li Cem Ha Sanem Pi Ni Lupataharaja . With him, the
dynasty of Tanaguk started. Itani Kumarajadu Ulugh Khan, Itani Tendira AD. 1323 Warangal Paik Pimpadu. A.D. In 1323, Ulugha Khan, who was defeated by the King of
Kakkati, was unsuccessful in his first attempt, and on the orders of the latter, he attacked the same seventh day. Dose selection is recommended. Asrna Ulalakhanu is
the place of victory. At the time of Bendi's visit to Delhi, Parataha Parajadu Radu tapi Penchuk and Dathaki committed suicide in the Narmadaha river. This subject was
informed by Vena Vienchi, the martial law judge of Musunatharna, in the Dahana Sasanem. With him, Kakathiya Ven Shem was decided. Telangana Naha, Orajagalu
Delhi Sula Nas Samaj was named in the name. Orajagalu and Sula have changed the whole page. 3 • The Kakatiyas took control of Telangana. Ichahiraja is an
experienced and expert in Mentana MPs. There is no specific evidence in the matter of mentral remand number. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page
69 of 129 • Contemporary works such as Nannatrasarem, Nannatrasasuramamukkavali, Parataha Parajadaraya Shobhushanem Rajya Nihna , Rarajdhamen, Jura –
Duties, High Courts, Forts, Defense, Mentanalu Ra, Unitaha Dhi Krajs etc. The name is here. • Malayalam Hemadirar D Ganapatradeva was persecuted as
Mahaparadaha and Dhuvilu Ra, in the second Parathaparajadu Ra column Mupipadinhayakuda Rajagarna Mahaparadaha was the victim of the victims. • Rajyavaya
Vaharalu is divided into 72 yoni (classes) vi Bhajiem Chaha Raja. Bahatu Rani Yogadhi Patra Anewa Raja is the top judge on VTP. Kaya Sagengaya Sahiini in Gana
Patra God's School of Management, Trarapura Purrana in Rajadara Memba School of Management, Pa Penkamma Luya Para Gadalu this The position has been
written in Rihenchahara J • Kakkatiyula Kaaldaha in our administrative management. This is the rajas of the Madhya Pradesh, and the rajas of all the cultivators are
the vassals of the land. He grew up in Masai as a mother for the Kathia youths. Veerna Senkhaya 12. Karanam, Rddiru, Talarna, Purohitanadu, Kamamarna, Kenasl,
Vadarengana, Kumaramarna, Chahakal, Mengal, Vatati, Charamakarajadu in Ga Madhika Raja. , Ranna Jadu Vadu met in Peruja Sasanha. 3 • Forts are the mainstay of
national defense. After defeating Patanak in the fort, Natra Rajnatra was surprised that it was a difficult task to defeat him. Parathaparajadu said that the Yavish who
relied on the community in the state security forts. There are several types of water, water, water, and water sources in the kingdom of Chepi Panate in Araratrasna
and there is evidence of education. Orajagalu, Raya Chatharaja, Golakenda, Bhuvanaganarna, Rachakenda, Devarakenda, Nalukenda, Panugalu forts are the most
important forts in Kakkati. N Yenkara Padadatra is Rajadaramadevi, Parathapa Rajadu Rakada, Paravesa Patta Raja • Agricultural works are called 'Ledaha' Panui',
''Kaka Ni', 'Darnasanamu', Va Nuipani'. , 'Ranna Javidi', 'Adhayarem', 'Pulurna' (work to improve the land) etc. Kutemba Suthara's name is Gima Luo Gana Patra's name is
Ganapavarem, Ghanpura, Mahadevapurem is the name of Mahadeva, Rajadaravarem is the name of Rajadaradev, Bayayara is the name of Bayaladevi Perajan, and
Mupapavarem is the name of Mupapamemba. Md. Gaimalu Chala Perejaga Mchi Navi Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 70 of 129 • Gana Patra Godu
Sodarna Kendama Neti Mechi Ryala Jilu Chenathira Taha Lalak The 'Kendavarem' game in India has improved the performance of Akada Kumuda Samudaramen and
added Natu Akada Labhrenchi's rule. • Similarly, Dhem Ganapatradev ni Gurujavu 'Visarisirasivachaharajayadu'. 850 What is the forest of the forest, and the trees of
the parmine, the trees of the parmine Chi Natu P.V. Parabahamasa suira ga raja pera n hiraja ra • In the column of Kakatiyas, Cherajavas are ranked third. He is the king
of the seas. After finishing one cherajavu, the remaining 2 are left in the varajasa, and the raja has made a hand flow to the cherajavu. Vt ne ga lusukatu chare javulu ta
eva n raja • kesamudarem ledaha kesarna sudarem ledaha kesarna tatakem - data mo pora larjua lerahapora larju arnagajkesarna rnama ni kharaja – mebu ba ba da ji
lua kaldu T The Kesarna Samudaram of Krishna Cherajavu - Rendo Betaraju Ranma is located in Nenchaharaja - Warengal district. In the first half of the year, the king
of the Jura Kumara, the son of the king, was the son of the king, and the king of Kesira Samaradum was the king of the hill. The • Anumakdena Cherajava - Rajadara
Devavarna ni nenchahadu - Hanamakdenda in • Pakala Cherajavu, Pakala Cherajavu ssanem - Ganapatradev ni Mentrara Bayana Hanyaku Dk Dukina Jgadahalu
Mumamadi rnama ni Nenchaharaja - Cherajavu Han Luguva yipula forest . Today, the land area of ​9,037 acres is Rs. The rules of Paten Chahal in the life of the
Cherajavu of Pakistan, the songs of Paten Chahal in Salasekarana Vishka Vavarna suumedi di-Nermpate Tahalalaka Mera It is found in Nja Besina • Ramapapa
Cherajavu - Ranimanem AD. In 1213, Ganapatradeva became the king of Senhadhipatra as Nenchaharaja – Muluguji La Palam Peta. 4,350,000 acres of land is being
washed away under Chi Uemdavachini Charana Tara. Pa Lempeta is in Shiva temple and the details of the temple are given. • Name of Ghanpura Cherajavu –
Ganapatra Deva – 350 acres of land will be occupied under it • Bayara Cherajavu – Ganapatradev’s home is located in Bharaya Mailemba – Mahabu Ba Ba Da Jilua of
Telangana. Chitara - By Sahasara Vasu Nananda Page 71 of 129 • Kunda Samudarem -Ganapatra God is found in Moros Darna Kundamemba - Kundavarem. •
CHANDARAM - Ganapatra Deva Ni Ni Ni Malayala Chandra Senth Senhapatra - Kandaparnu Gei Mem Hanamak is located in Hanamak Di Gi Lua • Mo Tupal and
Razadamadevi Kalem in Kalem • Sh. 1261 Han T Malapuram Sasanam Veranam Veranam Na HTV Daha Yamam Dapa Dapu Dapala Sai and Perfect Project మ మ మ మ
మ మ మ మ మ మ మ మ మ మ మ మ మ మ It was in 1163. It is a rebellion in the temple, which is a reinforcement of the tricks, Vasudeva, Vasudeva, and Sudharajaya.
1163 N Ha Sanam Sanam Sumer. • Reference In 1213, the Senha Nihu Racharu Rajadaradevaraja - It was a sub -reading sub -reading of the Ganapatra. The 10 -foot -
foot Dalupa is a paradigm. It has a number of lugs. There are a number of people. The temple is in the lowest of the temple. On the eve of the day, we have a lot of
time with the Erajapuram Guru. The temple is in the temple as Alenkra Falakkas and Shi La as many as a parent. In this temple, a number of checks, which are
accompanied by the teachings of the temple, are compounded by the temple. The rocks of these supremacies are tragenamalonatha, a kunchitta foot, and Alida foot.
He checked the name of the names of the names of the Jayapa Nirthi Ratahi. Han Ganna rocks The singers and the singers of the walls of the walls of the day of the
day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day, N Ha Ta Shiva Lupa Work Tanarajashtra's Deman Diyam Temple - Siemboolenga Temple -
Siembulenga Temple - 1254 Name of Hi Team. We have been the subject of the VC. # Bhoomi, Purchase, Perfect, Vyaprukku, Vapora, Vapora Rakshakkali Penam,
Kakku, Sidha, Sidha By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 72 of 129 Raza. #Thank you: Doing that. #Shnam Gal, N.M. # Adi Gadda, Lahah Aem Gadhi Sem Kem, Ma D G Sem
Kem, Q Lagasem Kem Nathan Pai, Uppupa Smo # Ilur Nayan is a person who works for the pulor and the pulor. # This is the case with the adadi administrators.
Veeraja Mukaye Amamakem, Qu Nugo Vayavaharla Jranage Angadi. Vee Senkamanayagadu, Ra Te Parna, Q Lagagadu, Karanam Mukhyala. #Thankles (On the verge
of disturbances), the morale (on the po katas), and the mundi (on the gathering), the names and the Senks are named. Religious # Kakatiyas are the epicenter of the
religion. Ganapatra God of God in the Nation of the Ganapatra In the city's paradigm, the number of people in the city of the city, the number of people who are in the
city of the city. #Concuits are the first of the most important religion in the wave. Kakatiyu Kalem in the Kkatiyu Kalem, TeluguHan Tshelan, Sarapavaram, Macharu,
Aho Bilem, Dha Ramapur, Tri Rajapatra, Shri Kalarame, Mem Gal Galla, Pa Nathiraja, N Dalalaraja, K The temple of the temples, where the likes, the gastrointestinal
tract, the guru, the day, the temple of the temple. The Bhash Service of the Bhash Bash Service #Concuits and the Version of the Working Force and the Western
Facilities. Va Dahana Yan H Thudu Ga Papa Papa Pa Pam Dee Tanu on the Poetry on Asa. His work is a paradigm. Saha Lakaya Maa Lukavi is a popularity. His works
were a martial arena. Ganapatra is a gazihini in the clam of Ganapatra.He wrote Nrityarathahivali. It has been translated into many languages. On the walls of the
Rama Papagudi in Palampeta, the dances of Anu Anu Anu Nha Genthem are carved. Raja Raja wrote works of Saiva and Vaishva Pendi in Telugu as the language of
Guru Nem Pupendi. The Telugu poets Somayaji, Palarnakisos Manhatudu, Badadena, Klanu Ganapatradeva, Rajadaradeva, Ekamanhatudu, Kasa Saripapa Mukhuya
are the main characters of this class. Andhra Mahabharatham, Nirichan Nathuraramayanam, Andhra Dasha Kumaracharanathem, Purajashara Rasaram, Jainendara
Kalayanaha Bhuyadayam, Penm D Tahara Dhya Charana Tem, Basava Purana, Shiva Vayogasa Rem, Nanna Trasa Rem, Nna Trasa Saramukravali, Para Taha
Pacharana Tara, C Dadhesira Major works in Charana Tara, Kridaha Bhrarama. Vasusushi Lapem - Katata Dahalu # Kalat, Kala Yani Raja Chahul Kuya, the descendants
of Kala Yani Raja Chahul Kuya, are the kings of Telangana, Arappendha, who built temples, shrines, and archways. Varna Mentanas, Mentarans, Adhika Rajas, along
with their Yajmans, have built many temples. Kakkati Yula Nhati Kotaluo Golamenda, Orajagalu, Devarakenda, Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 73
of 129 Rachkamenda, Bhuvanaganar Na Pera Dagana Navi . Orajagalu fort had three walls. Kakatiyalu Chahul Kuyala Va Su Sushail ni Anusarnem Chaha Rajka
Katiyaula Vasu Shila Pakal Paradha Na Laksha Na La Lu 1) Ethuetha Na Adhisha No 2) Vividha Sila A lot of checkered details 3) Aqueducts and stone walls 4) Arched
details 5) High-rise windows 6) Rangamentapalu 7) Mukha Mendapalu Major Temples in NT 1) Anumakendavi Sumbhala Temple 2) Palam Petram Papagudi /
Rajadera Shiralayam 3) Ganapurem Kotagudi - Warengal 4) Han Gulapadu Tharakalatalayam, Kameshiralayam 5) Siembulenga Temple - Varengal Qota 6) In the
classroom, there are a lot of interesting topics. Kakatiyalu Ekvaga Shivalaya ni Nirma Menchahara Raja. Nirna Mencha Raja in Padaha Makshi Deva Layam Do Isumik
Padadhatra. Nenchaharaja built many types of temples. 1) Tharakalata Temples 2) Ekatala Temples # Pilamarana, Anumakenda, Pa Nagaluo Tharakalata Temples
were built by Rna Mencha Raja. The most famous of these is the Vei Suembala Temple. # The Rama Papa Deva in Palam Peta is the most important of the Ekatala
Temples. Cakati Yula Vas Sureetra's head is the least. Among the Chatanarasa cars, the highest rank is Mencha Raja. The altar of the temple is in two colors.
Sumedara Shi La Palaku Ni Layam. The construction rights of this temple have been calculated and the bricks have been removed in tons. It's a shame to look at the
wrong side of the money-savers. # In this column, what share of the income earned by various castes and incomes from their occupations should be burnt to the
temples. There used to be an exemption for temple lands. # Kakkatiyula Kalamen Hatchi Tarakal Peraj Navakshi . Vi Raja's Hisupai Purana, Ramayana, and
Mahabharata stories are considered to be extremely artistic. # A popular dance in Veernakalem is Pernani dance. Teleng Gana Para Jla Sha Su Tharaya Nritayem. 1.
What are the types of temples built by the Kakatiyas? 1) Trarakalata Temples 2) Ekatala Temples a) 1 head b) 2 head c) 1, 2 head d) 1, 2 head neither 2. Rajadera king,
Va Sudeva in the Tharakalatala temple of the Kakatiyas , Satharayadev's mind is there? A) Wei Suembha La Gudi B) Rama Papa Gudi C) Pilulamarna Deva Layand)
Siyam Bhu Temple 3. Who was built? 1) Parasani Keshavalayam a) Motipora Laraju 2) Vei Sumebha La Gudi b) Second Pora Laraju 3) Ramapapar Temple c)
Rajadaradeva 4) Seembu Temple d) Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 74 of 129 Recharoo Rajadu Ra du a) 1 - d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a b) 1 - b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a c) -1
a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d d) - 1 c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b 4. What are the main exports of Kakatiya Colony? 1) Sugendha daravayas, corals 2) Vajyas, Vastaras, DendaTaha Lu 3) Theilem ,
Karu Parem 4) Chendanem a) 1, 2, b ) 1, 3, 4c ) 3, 4 d) 1, 2, 3, 4 1. What are the main features of kakatiyas? 1) Kesarnapati Gada 2) Kesarna Maka Ni 3) Kesarna Putati
4) Kesarna Kumchen 5) Kesarnagada a) 1, 2, 3 b) 1, 3, 4 c) 3, 4,5 d) 1 . a) Amumabadi tax b) Phaladhaharaja c) Parnaka edu tax d) Madiga tax 3. Which of the
following will increase the value of an old life insurance policy? a) Faladahara b) Ja Kalagadu c) Thiraparna d) None of the above Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara
Vasu Nanda Page 75 of 129 4. Which are the main vegetables of the Kakatiyas - match them with the following parasididha? 1) Warangal a) Boma Malu, Katunalu 2)
Ranimal b) Inupa Parnasima 3) Golenda c) Rati Kembalu, Sanini Vastala Ra 4) Gutru Kenda, Paladu d) Vajya Ralu a ) 1- d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b b) 1 - c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b c) - 1 a, 2-b, 3-
c, 4-d d) - 1 b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c 5. In the class of students, benga rem, ratahilas are used to calculate the use of ten thousand. Remember? 1) 4 gurnaganjs – 1 sine 2) 30
sinhils – 1 sine 3) 3 tanalas – 1 sine 4) 20 palalus – 1 veesa 5) 2 veesas – 1 etnu a) 2, 3, 5 b) 1, 2 , 3 c) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 d) 3, 4 , 5 Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara
Vasunanda Page 76 of 129 6. In the category of Kathiyula in Hindi What are the main branches of Shaivaism? 1) Kalamukha Shivan 2) Kapalka Shivan 3) Pashupata
Shivan 4) Aradhya Shivan 5) Veerasha Shivan a) 3, 4, 5 b) 2, 3, 4, c) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , D) 1, 4 , 5 7. What are the house/cent/plants of Sideshra, Videsrayula and others? a)
Rmar Cheeya b) Poka Mathyee c) Nathalu Malga d) Paiveveekadu 8. Which of the following films has scenes of Ravana Sabha in Lenka with scenes of Ravana Sabha
in Lenka with symbols of Rem Gamentapem and Sumedarem? A) Pilulama Ranierakesiralayam b) Seembhulenga temple c) Han Gulapadu Tharakalatalayam d)
Pachilos Mesiralayem 9. What are the works of Varuka Sembenda in Kakatiya period? Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 77 of 129 a) Adi Gattatu b)
Madi Ga Suen Km C) Ilurna Panudi D) Pulurna Panuni 10. In Kakatiya Kalam, what is the name of Varukuda? a) Beharna b) Pa Kendu ra c) Vayavaharend d) Paradesi
11. Vayaparas were of two types Sideshra and Paradesi. Pilchevaraja what they? 1) Sideshra ni 'Nakarem' aeva n raja 2) Paradeshra ni han han desi, pa kendu ra
ubhaya han han deshra pa kendu ra aeva n raja a) 1 sir yanadi b) 2 sar yanadi c) 1, 2 are d) 1, 2 are 1-c 2-a 3-b 4-d 5-d 6-c-7a 8-b 9-c 10-c 11-a 12-c 13 -A 14-A 15-C
Parik Tusbit Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 78 of 129 1. What are the laws that describe Datta Mo Dakshina Desa Vijyalana? A) Cheboralu Sa
Sanem B) Ganapeshirem Sanem C ) Orajagalu Sa Sanem D) Bayara Ram Sanem 1) A, B 2) C, D 3) 2, 4 D) 1, 2, 3 2. Who is the Ganapatra God? Kalinga, Vengamana
Rajyalapai dedetra puruna vijayamha in nakkalam ? 1) Aya Nienka Bhima 2) Datta Mo Narasimhadeva 3) Pi Ni Choda 4) None of the above 3. In which battle did Lord
Ganapatra defeat Prajyema? 1) Battle of Devaganarna 2) Battle of Vengana 3) Battle of Mutanakalara 4) Battle of Chendupatoo Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu
Nanda Page 79 of 129 4. Kakathiya Rajya Sa Panha Charaya, R What is the purpose of TB Rajadulu Pendi Nava Raja? 1) Recharu Parasadithanayadu 2) Kya Saj
Niigadeva 3) Malayalam Gendiya Hanyakudu 4) Kya Satra Purrana 5. Rayagajkesarna Birajadu Evarnaki Labhrendenchi? 1) Ganapatradeva 2) Rajadarmadevi 3)
Parathaparajadu Rade 4) Kya Saj Nigadeva 6. Parathaparajadu Ra in 1291 Mananumaganiyaya Mana Mentrara Kumarazadevi, Endularna Padaganiya Mentrara
Kumarajadeva Thirdly N Bhari Sainhayani Embadevudi Kendara Sa Did you know that there is a place of great success above the famous city of Tara? 1) Endulalarna
Aniya 2) Sos Manhayaku 3) Mahadeva 4) Eluna God Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 80 of 129 7. Orajagalupai A Centurion in Jrna Gana Dhili Sulu
Nula Dem Daya After defeating the troops of Tara Lo, did Parathaparajadu give Sendhiki an offer? 1) AD 1303 2) AD 1307 3) AD 1309 4) AD 1316 8. Which of the
following is the most important factor in Kakkati Yula Parabhuti Vyavasa? 1) Sarini Vyavasa 2) Mendalka Vyavasa 3) Brihatura Ni Yoga Vidha No 4) Han Yenkara
Vidhaanem 9. Kingdom of Kakatiya Sapuenga Samanithem. Who are the members of Varna Mentrara Mendal? a) Paradhahanus b) Amatanayas c) Paragagadus d)
Dendahana Nyyakulas e) Asmenthanas 1) A, B, D b) C. D, E 3) A, B, C, D 4) All of the above 10. Why did the Kakatiyas divide their vast territory into A. A) Satama B)
Handu C ) Salend D ) Rashmatra Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 81 of 129 1) A, B 2) C, D 3) A, B, C, D 4) 2, 3, 4 11. How many types of military
veterans are there in the class of students? A) Sai Rasa name B) Asmentha name C) Kakatiya name 1) A, B 2) A, C 3) B, C 4) Paivevekadu 12. Who is known as
Dharamaparajas in the Kakatiya era? 1) Mahajnula 2) Karanaha 3) 1,2 4) Paivevekadu Samadhahana s 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.1 5.2 6.1 7.3 8.2 9.4 10.3 11.1 12.3 Short notes on
Hoyasalas : Telangana Sara Chitrara - By Sahasara Nanda Page 82 of 129 ▪ Ho yasalalu kalayana chahu ul kuyala menthanas. ▪ Dahirasamudarem (Halabiedu) Varna
Raha Jdha .ni ▪ Belalaraja Varnaha Jdhar ni Nagarem Tarajam changed to Halabiedu ▪ Rendova Nripa Kama (1026–1047) Hoya Salaraj Ven Sasapakudu: Jaina Ma
Tasadu The Parasididha Ramadhan known as 'Bati Deva' was written by Sathikarna, who is known as 'Vishnavardhana' as a Hindu. King Surajudhu Rajyadithanayadu
wrote Vayavaharaganita Marnayu Lilavatra on Ganithempa during his reign. Short notes on Yadavs: • Varaja para sutta Maharash, Dakshina Madhya Parades Marnayu
Karutaka with Utura Parenthas in Natra Naramadaha Marnayu Tanengabhadara Madhya Paranthahi Palenchaharaja. • In the name of this Raj Ven Shani, Ga Veo Rajas
are Kaladaha Plus Raja • Devaganarna (Dalatha Bada) Varna Raha Jdha. We are concerned about the system. • K nasganenchaharaja who killed the Kakatiyas with the
Marnayu Hoysalas. • The Yadava kingdom rose to power under King Simhaana II and flourished until the late 14th century when it was merged with Delhi. •
Harapaladeva was the king of this dynasty. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 83 of 129 Charna Taku Adhaharas Sasanhas. Satakarnu's wife, Devi Han
Ganika, married this bridegroom. On this statue there are the paratrams of Satakarnu and Srimukhu. Aparatrahata Chaki Ekavira, Sathara, Dakshinhapathapatra Venti
Birajadula, the first Satakarnu Kalgana Unhida is named among them. - Sanchi Sathapasa Sanem: Rendo Shathakarunas Sanchi Sathapana with the construction of
the south tower of his residence in his seat. Anemdu is a thousand years old. -Nhasik Sasanem: This Sasanam was written by Gautami's son Sathakaruna Tal Gautami
Balashri Parakrit. In this, Rūsha Thakaruna is depicted with the titles of Ekabarahāmana, Kṣatrarayādarapamānamaradana, Agamanilaya, Ṭraṃsamudara Ṭoya
Ṭhatavahana, Dakshina samudahara dhīsīrādala. -Mayakado Ni Sasinam: Satavahana Chi Varna Raja's third Pulomavi killed this Sasinham. -Rentala, Daha Chikal,
Kesha Napal Sashanas: Ikshva Karrajyas Pakudu Vasi Sshaputa Saam Thamuludu Parakritem udura veienchahadu. -Alalarna, Upupaguem Dataraja, Nha Garu
Janakmenda, Amaravatra, Jagayayapeta Shashanas: Dakshina Ha Di Ashokudi Perajagana Eenchi Kshwakarajuvi Rapurajash Datu Nadu is a thousand in nature. -
Upasika Bodhi Srisa Sanam: Upasika Bodhi Sri has given this sasanha. Amavi Rapurajash Datanani and Bhandahagarikude Reventanadu Ledaha Bodhisharama
Kumar. In this Sasana, Buddhism describes the Karyakimas of Kosem. It is known that this Sanseman Parakaram Bau Dadhamata Vayapioksem Buddhist Sanhayas
have been promoted to Ama Sri Lanka, Kasramara, Tibet Parem Taha. -Han Garu Janakenda Sensrutha Sasinam: Ehuvala Senthamuladu has built this sasinha. His
column started to write semparadhayaem in Sensruthem. -Ramathi Rasha Sanam: Vishnakendi Narajyasapakudu and Dava Rrama or Maharaja Jeendara Varama this
Shasanha ni vienchahadu. -Tanama Malagu Dem, Chi Kullu Shasa Sanha: VT Ni R Mata Vi Keem Dara Bhattata Raka Varama Leda Rendo Vi Keem Dara Varama.
Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 84 of 129 -Palamuraja and Eepuraja Sishalas: Han Lugo Madhava Varama these Sishalas were destroyed. -
Klupara Sha Sanem : Vemulawada Chahul Kayaraju the Moti Arnakesarna Veyenchahadu. - Kuravagatatu Sasanem: Bearini Guha, which is the brother of the first Arna
Kesarna, is the site of this Sasanha. -Kurayala Sasanem: G Nawalubhu, the brother of Parasi Dadhi, the first poet in Kannada, wrote this poem. Kenda Padahayalu
Sensrutha, Kanida, this is the first letter found in Telugu. - Para, Ani Vemulavada Sishas: Third Arnakesarna killed these Sishas. -Ghal Mo Cherajava Sasanem:
Mudigenda Chahul Kaya Raja Han Lugo Kusumayudha Vayenchahadu. - Keivika Dahanasasaname: Aro Kusumayudhu killed this woman. -Ma Galuu Sha Sanem: Vengi
Chahalukayara Ju Dahan Harudu is its true religion. Kakkatiyula Gurnechi Telpe Tolsha No. -Sa Ni Gara Sha Sanem: One of Betara Ju Mentra Hara Rayana
Chahalukaya Yudadhama Ludu repaired the temple and killed this woman. -Khajipet Sha Sanem: Its ruler was Betaraju Veyenchahadu. According to this, his father
was a warrior. -Anuma Kenda Sha Sanem: This Sha Sanem is dedicated to the construction of the Rajadera Shira Temple in Anuma Kenda by Lord Rajadara, who is the
Lord of His Majesty. Look for a thousand words. Its print is a small letter. -Ganapavarem Sasanem: The god Rajadara is seen in its Kaladhaka. Anumakenda,
Ganapavara Sasanha, Tendira Rendo Pora Larju Vijyalana. -Motupal Abhaya Sasanem: Gana Patra God Motupal was blessed with wealth for the protection of the
caste and the people who raised him as the next god. In Motupalu, Siddhaya Deva was appointed as the chief minister to enforce the laws of this state. -Malapurem
statue: Ani R. Rajadarama Devi is the father of this statue. In this the Saiva Gokra Mathala has been identified and described. It explains about Parasathatra V
Udayashalas. -Bidar Kota Sasin: This sasin was built by Rajadarama Devi as the Guru Ja of Vijayaki against Yadava Jura Mahade. -Chemdupatoo Sasanem: This
Sasanem states that Rajadara Devi died in the battle of Jirganana with Kayasaem Badeva. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasunanda Page 85 of 129 -Kaluvaberajasa
Sanem: R. D. Rani Anathalu added this Sanem. This is a detailed description of the Delhi Police's attack on the Kakathiya Samaj. -Vilasa Tahama Sasinem:
Musunatharna Pora Layahana Nyakudu dei veienchahadu. In the category of Kakatiya Rendo Paratahaparajadu, this article mentions the death of Rendo
Paratahaparajadu, who was killed in Delhi. Hymns-Writers (From Satavahanas to Battle of Telangana Ritahengas) - Kathem Tar Vayakaranam : Its author is
Sarivarama. This book was written by his king Shatakaruna Arajana Lalulosen Sasruthem Nerajik Vavadaha. -Brihata Tha: This poem was written in Paisachi Kabhash
by Ni Gunahaduyadu. Vishnu Nasha Rama Penchatem Taharani Rachimenchadaha ni ki it became adhaharam. -Lee lavatra parnayem: The curious will double check it.
Haludu, Sinhal Rakumar and Lilavatra marriage, this song is written by Rachim Chaha Raja. - Kama Sathatha: This means that the mouth is closed. It is a strong
theme. Learn about the history of social, scientific, and educational achievements of Shatava Hanula's column in India. -Kathahasartha Ngarem: Its author is Os
Madeva. Brhatatha Adhaharenga this is written by Rasara J. Learn about satavahanas, the rules and regulations of satavahanas, and the events of the world.
Achahara Rayahan of this Geemthempara died in the arms of Janudu Satavahana Yuvaraju. -Brihatathaha menjrna: Makshe endu rad has two limits. -Kuvalaya Mala:
Its author was Udoyadana. In addition to Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Tibet, Vidaharajas of this tribe, Han Garu Janakenda Visividahayalayaki Ni Vacheivaraja. -Adipuranem,
Wikimaru Jana Vijyem: In Kannada literature, there are two limits to the primordial growths. -Kavi Jnha Sheem: This is Chhemdo Gemem. The author of this book is
Malayalam. This is the first Laksha Na Genthem in Telugu. वीवी-या शासिलका चेमपूक वायम, न्ट्रवा वक्यम्र्ट, युकु चिजेंट थामानी, शन्यहिवरना परकारा, यशोडरा महारा जूचर Na ta- tos
Madevasatharna. Ra - Ranna Tra Sa Sura Ramuk Vali, Sumati Sha Takem : Badadena Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 86 of 129 - Basava Purana,
Pendi Tahara Dhya Charana Tara : The author of this comic book is Somanha. These show the historical events of the Kathiya culture and the bright phase of
Shaivism. -Shiva Vayogasa Rem: Klanu Ganapatra God is the author of this. It describes the nature of the caste. -Kreedaha Bhraramam: Its author is Vinukenda
Valubharaya. Cakati Yula Kamenhati Parajla Ji Vana Parasaitra is revealed. -Ara Trasanna Nm: It describes the minor details of Kakatiya Rajya Ra. Rajadara Deva's
Katra is a double-edged sword. - Para taha parajadaraya sabhushna: Vidahayanhatha has double-edged it by saying that the Kakkatiyula Hatikendara Parabhuti Sibha
Ven, Saini Kavayavasa Gurnem. -Nritayaratahivali: Gajasahini Jayapa Senha killed Kakatiya Ganapatra Deva. It describes Han T dances. Parajya Paramita Sha Sarem,
Madhyamika Kkarnaka, Suhrilekha, Shu Nyasapu Shatra, Dahidasa Ni Kayam, Rasaratahaikarem, Nyu Rasarenjni, Dasha Bhumi , Achahara Rayana was written by
Rujana, who wrote books such as medical records. He is the founder of Naya Jnshree Shatakarna. -Andhra Mahabharatam, Nirichannaturramamayanem -Trakana
Somayaji.a -Parataha pacharana tara -Aaman kathadu -C dadeshiracharana ta- Kase saripapara -Renganhatha Ramayanam - Gona Budha Dhardi - Bhasara
Marayanam - Bhasa Racha Rajayadu (Modati Chempu Geem Them in Telugu) - Maraendeya Puranam - Sakalara Trasannam - Madiki Sienganhachaharajayalu -
Purajashra Srem - Shivdevaya Telangana Chitara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 87 of 129 - Peramabhramem - Trarapuantaka rrudu - Sivathathisarem, Sriganarna
Satakem - Malukaru Jana Pendi Thanadu - Pendi Tahara Dhya Charana Tara, Vrishadhi Pa Satakem , Rajadara Bhashnem - Palanaraki os Manhatudu - Dasa Kumara
Charana Ta - Dendi Ra - Keyo Raba Hu Charana Tara - Menchana - Kumara Sembhaven - Nanichodeu - Dahasarathy Shatakem, Ramadahasu Krarunalu - Bhakarma
Daha Su - Mu Vi Gopala Padahalu - Kshetaya Ya Ra - Ya Yatra Charana Tara - Raping Genti Telaganharajayadu (Enkitamichahidu to Sarda Ra Ana Mi Khana) - Tapati
Semvaranopakhayanem - Adadem K Genga Dhara Kavi . (Ibara Hamem Kutanabashki Enkitamichahidu) -Rtra Rajna Tahikarem -Krishyama Matanayadu -Dasa Raraj
Nendana Charana Tara -Mrangenti Cengarachaharajayadu -Nirenkushopa Kha Yanem -Kendu contamination Rajadarakavi -vajya rabhudayam - va lutoon harayana kavi
-vaijyentra vilasem - asrengatamamayaya -kulyata ali - it kal pataha la pusukem . Ma Hamada Kuli Kutanabash Rencha Chi Hadu. -Totaha nhama : Its meaning is
written. This is the translation of Ura Du by Telugu poet Shu Kasapatra. -Natural History: See its original text. It shows the historical, social, economic and
geographical achievements of the three Rajpa countries. -Pool Bana- Ibei Ashtrani Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 88 of 129 • Bayaram Cherajava
statue: Kakatiya Ganapatra Deva is enshrined in this statue. Here is the genealogy of Katiyas Gurnenchi Vivarnenchaharaja. According to this, Moolapurajashnadu of
the Kakatiyas was born. He belonged to Duruya Venshakhi. • Gathahasapusatra: It was named by Satavahana Chakivarnu Haludu Senkalanam. Of these, seven
hundred and twenty verses are detailed in the past. There are more than 40 Telugu padahals in this gem. (Am dem , Atha, Pata, Adadem, Pil etc.). Anulakshmi,
Anuvalaba, Reva, Madhavi, and other women poets contributed to this Senkalanhaki. Gai Mem in Mendelum. In the 1975-76 academic year, the academic forts and
Buddhist institutions were abandoned in the Puravasu Shakha Tavika. Katata Vadada Shatava Hanula Kamen Ha Ti Sathapem Topa To Matati Kadaha . In other words,
Shatavahana Kamen Hatiraj Parasadem, Nahanelu, Mati Pata, and other urban areas have been established with the release of Shatavahana Kamen, K. Para Mukhayat
of the garden is considered. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasunanda Page 89 of 129 Teaching: Teaching: Teaching is about building a wall near the top of the hill.
The fire pit is 100 feet wide and 50 feet high and has a wooden wall covering the entire area. Inside the fort there are other monuments such as Kakkati Yula Column
Hati Temple, Kutanabashhamala Column Hanti Devala Masks. Warangal: Warangal is famous for its brave women. This fort was destroyed by Chaki Varuna Gana
Patra God of Kakatiya Venshak in 1199 (in 12th century) and his son Rajadara Ma Devi completed his reign. In this fort, there is a large earthen fort, a large mud fort,
and inner and outer walls, which have improved the protection and maintenance of the fort. Shmayna, Vuyaha has its own entrance gates, well-built fort walls, and
well-built forts as a means of entry for the castes. s, temple ruins, Shembhu ni Gudi, Ekasila, Sitahaba Khan Payala su ventiv sara rasma are. And Telangana Chitra - By
Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 90 of 129 Ganarna Dugars Hanumak: First of the Kakatiyas is Hanumak. In this country, Kendapa Pai Ratra has attracted a large number
of pilgrims. In the case of rash kalutas, there are a lot of people who are standing in front of the car. The garden is not weeded. In the news of today's newspaper, the
Apatita Torana Dahiren has been exposed, and as a result of the criticism of the Kendami, all the Czechs have The walls of the fort, made of wood, are of great
importance. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 91 of 129 Bhongir Fort In Bhuvanagiri F This palace nurtured its descendants in the fields of Kathiyalu,
Kutanabashamalu, Galmo, Asafajyahamala. It is located in Uma Madi Naluga. Inside this two-storied fort, the Kutanabashamala baradarna on the kenda, the apapati
tanni todukne ha vidha vidha are interesting. Telangana Ravi Jadu Sardar Sarai Papanigouda k Didroju has taken notice of his activities in this fort. Golconda Fort F
Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 93 of 129 Golenda: Golconda Fort has been decorated and fixed in the Kakatiya area of ​Kpara Rembhamina,
Kutanabashhamala. It is located in Shiva Raja of Hyderabad city. The walls of the upper part of the house, the walls of the upper part of the house, the walls of the
inner part of the house, and other parts of the building, are all covered Kotanu has been moving for the first time under the reign of Thi Rajacharana. 'Vanadur Ga'
refers to the forts of the Vanadu Garas in the forests. A case in point is Chakattuoo to Vanadurga near Ram Ganarna in Padapaljila. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara
Vasu Nanda Page 94 of 129 This fort is called 'Ramanagara Khila' by Raja Chaharnamahan of Hyderabad i.e. the first Guru Chei Parachi na Chaharna takata Daluo
Chaharnaman. Ha Ra is one. Chaharnamahan is a strict dem of Han Lugu Ramin Ha Ruja Kal Gana. It is a small maraka located in Pata Basutha in Hyderabad. That's
why Hyderabad has emerged as a global icon in this foreign country with the highest number of census day events. The height of this dam is 180 feet, in addition to
the construction of the Nha Lugu Vendala Centrums. Bajyaruja, which has been damaged by Parasi, has many different types of furniture, which are kept in the Atra
Daggara. In the city, the marriage of the elderly will be greatly improved. This is the name of J-Namas for the kohinathara vajyas that have become parapencha
parasididha. In 1645, Faran Nagala Varakudu Taverniera Rashada, while Taha Nu Kalura Chathasi Natu, was engaged in the preparation of the Arava Vaivale Mendi
Karnamaku. Muhammad Kuli Kutanabash Chaharnamahan, who killed thousands of people from this city, killed thousands of people with an intestinal device.
Chaharnamahan's day has kept Nikra alive as a symbol of the past. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 95 of 129 Paiga Samadhalu Gal Mo, Rajas
Nanna Vasu Kala Reetana Samemala No. Paiga Samadula Ni Sumana Kani Psu The . The queen of these Samadhs was Para Rembhrenchaharaja in 1786. Instead of
concrete, sand, stone, brick, and wood, the cost of using it is high. On the upper walls of the Samadhula, there are tens of thousands of cheka dahs, but they are self-
explanatory. In the administration of Nijm Parna, the Paigas are the elites. Ra Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 96 of 129 Gadahil Fort Gadahil is
located in Mahabooba Nagar district. Parasi Dadhi river in Kotalani city. It is located at the heart of Pattana Hill. This fort was built in 1662 by King Soma Bhupalu. His
name is Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 97 of 129 Pereja Kaladaha. In the 17th century, the temple of Chenikesavasmi was built on the bank of
Krishna River by Nenchaharaja of Gadahil. The sculptures on the walls of the temple, the 90 feet tall gopuram in front of the temple, are all burnt. Para Suthem Para
Bhuti High School and Para Bhuti Junior High School are located inside the premises. Kaladaha Suparanachi is the temple of Sri Venkatesha Shirasmi Deva Laiyam in
Kanuma Runa, 20 km from Gadahil. Varunasura Raja is the ruler of this temple. Kaladaha Para Si Dadhi for Gadahil Patta Nemthan Netha, Patta Chir. For these greens,
it is a very effective and efficient way to design new ways. Our midi de reng gu ves ra raja for greens. Khamamem Fort Khamamemkhi Lua is located in the center of
Khamamem Nagar on a hill. Kakathiyaula Palanakalam Sh.S. In 950, Khama Memtu Ranimahaki was defeated. For 400 years this fort was under the control of
women. The Musunatharna Rajas, Kutanabashhama, and Shasalu, the successors of that era, recaptured this fort during the reign of Pata Poshimencha Raja. First, its
title was 'Khama Mem Tu'. Kutanabash Hama Ven Sasulu Rata Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 98 of 129 Its title is 'Khamamem khilua' as
Vayavaha rem loki thi suk chahiraja. Kutanaba Mulk of Sula defeated Sitahaba Khan, the then ruler of Khamaem in 1531 and took possession of Khamaem Okta.
Apart from that, this monster was under the rule of Kutanabash Hamala. In the 17th century, it fell under the rule of Asapha Jayahmala, the Telengana Navala. It is
sixty feet deep and twenty feet deep and there is a well in Jyafar Bouli. First of all, there is a secret secret to the first degree of Ganapupadu. The values ​of the lower T
and the lower T are different from that of the rice. As the condition improved with age, this short cut was left with a lump on the heart. 1. What are the different types
of political leadership? 1) To provide facilities for students from Parajla 2) To discuss the victims of Buddhist apostasy 3) To punish Bhendahagari 4) To give advice to
the king Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 99 of 129 2. Shatavahana How many types of jobs were there in the era? 1) 12 2) 14 3) 16 4) 18 3. In the
column of Satavahanas, what is the netakarajalanu Pilchevaraja? 1) Malakarajas 2) Tesakarajas 3) Suvanakarajas 4) Kolkus 4. Gulmaka and Adhikharajas who are
responsible for deciding 1) Gamina Paren Taha Lo Sa Senter Bhadra Ta e e 2) Pattana Paren Taha Luo Satra Safeguarding 3) Making arrangements for children 4)
Conservation of the library 5. Gautami's son Shatakarunatana and Gautami Balashri Gauravama who burnt the Buddhist monks? 1) Tararati 2) Tararasima 3) Taha
Maparuna 4) Paluvabogaga Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 100 of 129 6. Shataava Hanula column in Telangana Buddhist temple Where are you
outside? 1) Dhathali Katata 2) Fani Ganarna 3) Pashaigam 4) Above 7. Which language is the source of Kannada and Telugu languages ​in D.C Sarara Abhrapara? 1)
Desi 2) Parakritem 3) Semsa srutem 4) Barahimalpi Satavahana Dynasty 8. In which part of Telangana in Rihenchi Na Tavika are the forts of Satava Hanulas
Kalennhati Kota, U Burajajus, Simhadahiras outside? Padahi? 1) Phani Ganarna 2) Dhathi Katata 3) Kendahapura 4) Kotilengala 9. Ekada brick forts in Telengana, 22
bitter wells on brick roofs, with glass windows. China bavi, iron doors, nail polishes, firecrackers, kdawals, beads, terracotta mudirakas? Telangana Chitra - By
Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 101 of 129 1) Padabenkalaraja 2) Kendahapura 3) Kotilengala 4) Faniganarna 10. What is the name of the world in which the elephant is
made? What is it? 1) Kendahapura 2) Dhathali Katata 3) Kotilengala 4) Faniganarna 11. Shatava Hanula Kalamen Hatis Samghi Ka Parna Sahitana Lanu, Gee Meena
Parajla Shrem Gara Raji Which was the first international research project to recognize the importance of future development as a result of the development of
science and technology? ? 1) Kathahasarnatahgarem 2) Gathahasapu satra 3) Lilavatra Parnayem 4) Brihatatha 12. What are the foreign works of the column of
Satavahanas? 1) Parnapus of Adi Erantrarayana Satha 2) Ma Gasanna Sendika 3) Nyayana Tahenga Works 4) Above 13. Ekva Parama to the development of
knowledge and development of Shatava Hanula Which is the best myth? Rara Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 102 of 129 1) Bahama Purana 2)
Vishna Purana 3) Matya Purana 4) Bhagavata Purana 14. What is the Hannelu Datta of the Satavahanas? What is the gain? 1) Kotilengala 2) Dhathali Katata 3)
Padabenkalaraja 4) Kendahapura 15. Which are the cities of Telangana where the Satavahanas visited Gamani Luga Pilche? 1) As a Qotel, Dha Thali Katata, Ellesha,
Kem Daha Poo Raz 2) What is the name of Srimukudi? 1) G.Rembabu 2) Most of the world. Parabhamashakam's Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page
103 of 129 17. In 271 BC, Bendasraju died in 271 What? 1) Gurnu Venkataru 2) Q. Gopalachahara 3) Maremenda Rmarau 4) Parnagatara Pendita 18. Who is the one
who is on the sake of Saha Tawa Hanulosha? ూ 1) Data Month 2) Rendo Satakarna 3) Ha Lood 4) Krishna Nau 19. Are you available as a reunion of 9,270 Hans? 1)
Zogal Tembi 2) Han Sick 3) Faniganna 4) What are the Sasanahs of Pallana Palanha Palanha Palanta? Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 104 of 129 1)
Hun Sick, Tukar Cave 2) Hanakadoni 3) Dahana Hau Daha Daha Ni Nam Namma Sasanha as Sitem Tem? 1) Kambapur 2) Amaravatra, Han Garu 3) Bhatta Pora 4) Fan
Ganesha 22. Who is the Aacharaya Han Garu Judi? 1) Aryadeva 2) Price 3) 4) All of them are 4) 23. In the Purem Va Ha Reman, Vasi Satha Aka de Therava Dula (Hama
Naya Nulu)? A) Sidha Han Garu Ju B) Buddha Ghoshu D) Price 24. Dhanayakatakkam, Sri Parithampa, Sidha Hanu Sidha Hanu Nuda Nuda Nadu, who is a native of
Buddha. What is he in Telugu? Telangana Chitra - By Sahasaru Vasu Nanda Page 105 of 129 1 What Parem Taha Lem Davy? 1) Dhanaayakatakem 2) Senkavarem 3)
Ramatirem, Salendem 4) Pavi 26. In the Ikshakal Kallem, you are not? 1) Pithapuram, Natharaja 2) Tahatipaka, Aryavatam 3) Dahara Ksvaremam, Panda 4) 27.
Arajagur Tea Remen Karala Vee Gehs on the same day? 1) 2) 2) 31 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 The Vice -Chancellor of the Divine Loa, the Ika Di -King, and the
Buddha, the Buddha Buddha, the Buddha Buddha, and the Buddha Buddha. 8th of the 8th of the day, who is the nomination of the Gem Them? 1) Kuvalaya Mana 2)
Chi Thu Shu Dadhi Parana 3) What Param Temple was released in the Tellam? 1) Ju Labem Dopal (Khamma Mem) 2) Nala Labem Dop (Nalagem D), No. The Name,
Tanama Mala Gem (Naluga) 4) What's the point in the wave of the world? న
1)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2 Buddha
Bharatha Vulu Va Di on Bharsha Va Pa. Sathapa 3)There are no taxes. What are the rules of the parliament? 1) Adilabada 2) Jya ni Mabada 3) Kriennagara 4) Above
32. Which Chahulkaya king had a ros ladagenda e nrabi jadu ? 1) Vinayaditanayadu 2) Datta Moi Arnakesarna 3) Badadegudu 4) Rendonarasinda 33. Who was the
king of Vemulavada Chahulkaya who defeated Gunaga Vijayadithanayadu? 1) Datta Moi Arnakesarna 2) Rendo Narasindu 3) Rendo Arnakesarna 4) Badade Gudu 34.
Who was the king who defeated Mudigaenda Chahulkaya Venshak who defeated Badade? 1) Kusumayudhudu 2) Gunaga 3) Rendo Vijayadityanayadu 4) Betaraju
Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 108 of 129 35. The most famous poet in Kannada literature is Papa Geenthem Vi Keemaru. What is the limit of
population growth? 1) Rendo Arnakesarna 2) Rendo Badade Gudu 3) Vegraju 4) Rendo Narasindu 36. Rendo Arnak Kesarna was victorious in any era Vemulawada
chahul kuya family tree from Udadhama Luu to Rendo Arnakesarna? 1) Badade Ga Sasina 2) Kriennagara Sasina 3) Parani Sasina 4) Vemulawada Sasina 37. In which
school was Boma Malagutata ga Papajina Kendara ? 1) Rendo Arnakesarna 2) Rendo Badade Gudu 3) Vegraju 4) Rendo Narasindu 38. The third Arnakesarna raised
his Tendira Rendo Badade Gudu to Subhadahama Jinhala Repa Ka Gai Ma has been burned. What is the meaning of this song? Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu
Nanda Page 109 of 129 1) J Gana Tahila Glua 2) Sirna Clu Glua 3) Kriennagara Glua 4) Jya ni Mabada Glua 39. Vemulavada Chahul Kuyalu Nirnmana Aenchi What is
the meaning of this hymn? a) Rajajesirna temple b) Bhimesiralayem c) Krasara 1) A, C 2) B, C 3) A, B 4) A, B, C 40. Guna Ga Vijya Di Tanayadu Palavu, Pamenduya
Lapai V What is the name of the famous actor of TV Jesu? 1) Atralalaraja Sasanem 2) Atral Sanam 3) Price Mavarem Sasanam 4) What are the laws that are the tools
of the war? Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 110 of 129 a) Klupara Tahamasa No. b) Parani Tahamasa No. c) Vemulawada Inscription No. 1) A, B 2)
A, C B) B, C D) A, B ,C 42. What is the purpose of trash collection? List 1) Dentra Duraga Jadu 2) Modhati Krishna 3) Rendo Govindudu 4) Dhruvaraja 43. Which are the
Sanshas that describe Dentra Duraga Jadu Yudadha Vijyalana? A) Asyengadha temple 2) Dasha Wathara cave temple at Ellora 3) A, B D 4) Paiveveikau 44. There are
no Kshtahas like Parasi Dadhi in Telangana. ? Ra a) Vemulawada b) K Lanupaka Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 111 of 129 c) Bo Dhana D) Patoo
Cherajavu 1) A, B 2) C, D 3) A, C, D 4) A, B, C, D 45. Who are the poets of the 2nd Arna Kesar Asanha of Vemulava Da Chahalukyar? A) Padamakavi B ) Maluya Rechana
C) Pempakavi D) All Paivas 46. What are the works of Os Madevasatharna? 1) Yakku Chi Menta Mani 2) Travanna Akayamrita 3) Yasa Suli Lakam 4) All of the above
47. Turajapa Chahul Kuyalu -Rash Kalatulu Madhya Jrna Gana Yaudaha Luo Mukhyabhu Mi Ka Poshi Ntra Kusumayudhu Gurnechi Tliayadu which is the letter? A) Kravi
Sasina B) Kurayala Sasina C) Paruni Sasina D) Krimennagara Sasina Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 112 of 129 48. Pempakavi Tamamade Ji
Navalubhu is his caste deity Chakeshiri V Geeha. Paratrash T. Chaha Du. In that article, it was described as the most famous case of the Czech Republic. 1) Parani 2)
Kurayala 3) Bodhana 4) Vemulawada 49. What is the song of Telangana which is the name of the prostitute? 1) Patta Vali 2) Dhara Mamrita Geenthem 3) Brihatathaha
Koshem 4) Paivevekadu 50. What are the details of the Jain temples and shrines in Telangana? 1) Dhara Mamrita Genthem 2) Patta Vali 3) Vasya Yaka Sathathem Ra
4) Brihatathaha Koshem 51. Han Garu in Janaka, Pavatar Maha Chaitahayani Purarnama river, in Ghentsala. Ratra Mendapi Ni Rnam Ni Nedich i Evaraja? 1) Upasika
Bodhishri 2) Sasrientra Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 113 of 129 3) Kendbal Shri 4) Bhattati Maha Devi 52. Buddhist Practice in Vee Rapurajash
Datunadi College Who is Buddhadhasan Hayasi in Krishna Krishna Chase? 1) Upasika Bodhishri 2) Bhatati Maha Devi 3) Kendabalshri 4) Madhuri Devi Answers 1-2 2-
4 3-4 4-1 5-2 6-4 7-1 8-4 9-1 10-2 11-2 12-4 13-3 14-1 15-1 16-4 17-1 18-4 19-1 20-1 21-2 22-4 23-3 24-3 25-4 26-4 27- 3 28-1 29-4 30-4 31-4 32-3 33-4 34-1 35-1 36-4
37-2 38-2 39-3 40-1 41- 1 42-1 43-3 44 -4 45-4 46-4 47-1 48-2 49- 1 50-1 51- 2 52-1 Telugu Tol Kathahakavayem – Brihata Tha (Guna Hadha Uyadu) 1st Sha Taha
Badem -Telugu Tol Kavitha Senkalamen - Ga Thaha Sapu Shatra (Ha Ludu) Kr.Sa . 1st Sha Taha Badem -Tol Vrithu Padaya Sa Sanem – Gu Dataharaja Mirnayala
Malubhu Patra -Tol Telugu Kavayem – Maluya Rechana Kavijnha Shiem -Tol Ravi Saiva Kavi – Ma Luka Ru Jana Penditahu Radha Yadu Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara
Vasu Nanda Page 114 of 129 -Tol Desikavi – Palalarnakios Manhatudu -Tol Tzm poets – Kachar D, Vithalard D -Tol Vachana Sankrunalu – Krishuma Charajalu -Thol
Maragapuranem – Marana Marendeya Puranem Teleng Ga Nuyutapatra. The linguists were amazed that Vidahayanhathu called Tralenga Padahi with Shaivism
parabhav as Traralenga and Padahaki as Anemu and Padem Cherna Trale and it was Keamen and Telenga. . National, national and other annual padahas. A.D. In the
3rd century, there are eleven Padahas like Nharana, Asmaya, Gopaya, Bhadara etc. According to this, Tol paden Harana in Telugu, Amaravatra Sathapem is above Han
Gabu Kadanidha Ranirnenchaharaja. Han Rana's Ana Bendhu Vachaka Padenga Gurnuenchaharaja. Arambhem Satavahana and post-Satavahana eras are known as
Arambhenga in Telangana literature. BC In the first half of the century, Sri Varama, Guna Haadhuyadu and Suparasi Dadha were written by Talun Hiraja, who was the
author of Kumtala Shatakaruna Asana. In Srivarama Sem Sruthem, Kathentavayakarana Ha Niri Shadu. Guna Ha Duyadu wrote the story of Ra Brihatha in Paisa Chee
language. Apapatiparajla bash ne paisa chee bhashya ni bhasha vetu la abhra parayem . In Brihatatha, Udayana and his son Narava Hanadatanala…. Hallu Telangana
Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 115 of 129 In the first half of the 19th century, Hanu was a poet. In Halludu Parakrita language, Gatha Sapu Shatra is the
name of the poet. In Gatha Sapu Shatra, Telugu words like Addadem, Pata, Athu, Padi, Pilu, Kente, Karanai, Patrudala are missing. He said that he was the son of the
poet Guna. In the hall there are students proficient in ancient Malayalam scriptures, Parakrita and Andhra languages. Leela Vatra was performed by Haludu Maharash
Thatra Parakritem in the script of Sinhala Kumari Lila Vatra, Halula Viva Haani. Kama Satathaha was written by Nawa Tahyaya Nudu, Suhrulekha and other Buddhist
texts were written by Ra Achaharaya Han Garu Janudu Satavahanula Kalem Hantiware. Vemulawada Chahul Kayagem (AD 750 -973) In Telangana, Kriennagara, Jya ni
Mabada Parentahalu Data Mobo Dhana, Tarita Vemulavada as Aha Jdhar, Vemulawada Chahul Kuyalu Parnapalenchaharaja. Vemulawada Chahul Kuyalu Jaina, Saiva
Mathalanu Abhramencha ni Haraja. Datta Mo Sanshanas in Telugu are written by Varaja Ha Rain T Chouls. The first school number in Telugu. 575 Nhati Dhanejya uni
Kalamulu Sasanem, Renhati Chola wrote 33 sishahas in Telugu. In Telugu, Tol Padaya Sasenam is the Adadenki Sasenam, which is the pendarengadu vayeya ni
Senha. It is written in Han Lugu Penkula text in a Tarajavoj chendas. Sathasa padayem tol sa sanem guna ga vijya di tanayadu veyemchi na kendukalaraja sasinem.
The first law enacted in Telangana state is Kavi Law. It was built by Mudigenda Chahul Kyaraj in AD. In 935 Vayenchahadu. The first Padayasasana in Telangana
Parantham is Karoyu's Essay. Jina Vlobhudu Ka. Reesha, who is the elder brother of Nanna da Pampakava. Veneichada in 945. In this inscription, not only the three
Kanda Payadas in Telugu, but also Kanada Samsruth and Kannada Payadas. There are three Champakamalas and two Ulatmalas in the inscriptions of Variala
Kamsanna and Gudur. This is Kari.S. 1000 actress. This inscription says that Variyala Kamasanna Saratuvanashana made Kakati Betyanu Telangana Chitrara - By
Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 116 of 129 Kaka Ti Gideda Me Kurchabo Titano. Vemulavada Bhimana, Malioyarechana, Somadev Suri, Bidena Mukhuyala were the poets
of this era. It is known that he was the predecessor of Nananaya, who was written by Srinatha du Chapenu Vemulavada Bhimanabhangi Uidandalila. In the context of
giving birth to Purava Kaluvu, Srinatha gave birth to Mungada Bhimana rather than Nananaya. According to this, Bhima Kava is known to be ahead of Nananaya. He is
good at writing legal texts. His works are Ghavpamara Daviyam, Nrisamha Puranam, Hara Balaam, Sat Kanradha Ma Rayanam. None of these are long. Kakatiya era
The 14th century Kavra Kakatiyas, who left the 9th century, did not rule the Telugu kingdom. Samsrut and Telugu Kavulunanaru during the period of Rivi. Among them
are Palaruikata Osmanatha, Kristamacharuyala, Chakipani Rangana, Marana, Vayadanatha du Mukhuyala. Palanaraki So Manhadudu - Itdu Schav Kovulo Pasara
Dadhadu u. Otdalindarula Sriyadeva and Vashtiuramavudude. The Guru was honored. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 117 of 129 - Works like:
Anabhuramvs in Telugu, Vridha Pasha Shakat, Chaturevadasaram, Chenanamolu Savasamula, Basahodaranam, Panditadhyara Charit, Ra Basavparanu etc. -Samsrut
Works: Osmanatha Bhashtayam, Rudara Bhyastam, Samsrut Basahodaranam, Vribhashtaashtakam, Tiravadha Lingatashtakam. - Kannada Charanas: Usura Da
Ragada, Chane Nabasagavra, Basavlinga Nama Vella, Schavgana Sahasa Ra Nama etc. -Palorikata Somanatha is the first century of the savara lanaksha
Sampananam in Vrishadha Pasakat. Somanatha is a multi-talented actor in Telugu literature. -Example of Valasa in Telugu. It has been acquired from Telugu (Teesaku
bo dinda). In Ennamada Vabhakilas, Ennamda Vrithams, Ennamada Kallakaka, Ennamada Utollakala, Sarava Vabhaktika Payam, Ankatat Payadam are written yos
troupa. Kallaka matara chandasusaka samandachi ragada bheda ennamada paladamu.tai utlakam means half of kallaka. - The first social poem of Tiranchinachi in
contemporary society in Telugu - Basav Panuram. This is the Savantma Na Trasha Viriva Purana, which is the first love story in Telugu literature. Parathamanscha
Dharade Paranu m. Paraparathama Saviraive Paranu, Ti Damo Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 118 of 129 Savantra Paranu Nga Parasadadha
Chaneda Na Kavyam Basav Panuram. Basavparanu is a poem written by Magadha Sangayaya, Bajamahadeva, Gado Gu, Chi Sariyala Charitra, Kananapu Katha,
Duguvav Katha, Madivala and Machayaya. - In Telugu words, the Vedas do not look at the same thing as Palikatana and Palorikata Osmanatha. Telugu pannana data
damo parayoginnachi kava. Kura chada da wapaladu kara do yevara,a aiha kamashu maka da vapa da ha tuwnna chati chapeuna kava itdu. - Schavunna Tna Kama
Ragunna Bhava Chi Baloyapacharala Chase Na Bhakirula Baja Jajamahadeva. -Tenagu race is the first Vajanna Savara Savanga Parasa Daghagananachi Kayavm
Panditara Adha Ya Charit. This is a poetry of Raduyat, Sangat, Nata Ya, Rasavada, Vaidya Sasi Parijannachi. - Janu Tenugu Vashestuma Parasanatku Anna Palikatana
Kava Palorikata Somanatha. -Krishtamacharuya: His period was from 13th century to 14th century. Rando Paratapa was a contemporary of Rudara Chakivrikatha. He
wrote the first verses in Telugu. His poetry collection Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 119 of 129 Narahari Chavnamula. This is the first poem in
Telugu. Chakipani Rengana - There is a story in the circulation that this poet was a great poet and was defeated in the chauvinism of Somanatha. Nayana Garada,
Namashchasavaya Garada, Girinatha Vakiyamu, Sarabha Lali Dalamonai Kavayalanu Sarada. This is a loss. It is said that he wrote Ragada when he got a glimpse of
dayavlo tha Somanatha, who was in the same place as Vaishtivudiga, who was kneeling down in Srisaila Mauramlo Pottu Mokalijaranu Sundarishanchakapovdantu
Gudiavadaya. In these ragadas there is a bet called parati padam vrachi kanti. A memorable poem written by Nayana Garadaka. Dhi Gona Budahar Di - This period is
13th century. Raichur mandal was ruled by Samantraju. Gano badhudbhupa ti ntdira gano ganana ra da. Also known as Bhupathi of Ikatna and Tattala. This Ramayana
is written in verse and verse. This is the first Ramayana in Telugu. The name is Nnakada Ta Ranganatha Ramayanam. Kachabhupathi and Vathalanatha, who wrote
Yadhuda Kanda Vrakka from Gano Badhurada da Bala Kanda, completed Uthra Kanda. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 120 of 129 - The poet's
collection of Ramayanam in Samsruntlo. The names of the parts of the Ramayana are Kandams. The number of Kandams is 7. Avabala, Ayodhya, Aranya,
Katashondha, Sundara Yadhuda, Utra Kandala. Bhasara Ramayana poets - Bhasora Ma Rayananna Nrachinachi Varila O Mukhuada Hulakato Sobhara . He wrote
Bhasora Ramayana along with Tna Kama Rudu, Scha Yashtuda and Marutula. Bhasora wrote Aranya Kanda, Yadhuda Kanda Puvara part, Kamu Rudu Malokajara
wrote Bhattu Bala, Katashom, Da Sunda Kandalan, Rududaradeva wrote Ayodhya Kanda, Matrudu Amritaruyadu Yadhu Kanda wrote Utra part. Bhasora's Ramayana
was ankatamiyam to Sahani Manara. Marana - He is a swordsman. He is the name of the Telugu people. In the same way, Somayaji is able to express the unity in
Anugiham V, but he does not express it in the pessimism of Mara. This poet Rando Paratapara Rudunna Senana Nagaya Ganana kanna ta ankatatmachacha. Idat e
gano gananara di anna prashaldhakalu opinion. -Kolanna Daradevudaru Rando Parataparadurudi Asana Kava. Paninna wrote Sutravritikata Vayakhayanam under the
name of Jarudirayaram. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 121 of 129 Ravipati Trarapurentaku - Rando Paratapa Rudaradi Kalanvada u. He wrote an
exemplary poem called Tirapunuratkadaho Ranam. Peramabhirama was written in Samsuntri and was translated as Karidama Bhiranga in Telugu. -Kabu Abambika:
Ema Gano Budarada Di Kamu Ri. Budaparau has given the inscription. Jayapasenanna - Itdu Kakatiya Ganapati v de Chakivri Bavmarida . Itdu Nrachinachi Geentham
nrit yara tanav lla . This is the story of Telangana Nritya Thuli. - Darudaradev: As Rudaradev, Parasada's cloth does not shed. Itdu Rachi Chichi Na Gantham is yours. Ee
Narahari - He was the son of Parantannaka of Bhuvnagiri. Mumama Tunna Kavyaparakashankata Balatachiyanurajanaman wrote Vayakhayanam, Samruthidaranam,
and Tara Thanakara Mana Eganthas. This Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 122 of 129 Vashevasavashchakarade du - He was the teacher of Kakatiya
Ganapati Vidika de Ta Kshadi. He wrote in the Githanna called Schavth Vara Sayanam. Vadayanatha - Vadayanatha was a popular Telugu poet who wrote decorative
verses in Samsrut. He is the son of Parathapararudu. The author of this book is the Alankara Sasi Ginetha and Paratapara Raya Shalabhusthanam. In this Gantham, he
wrote a drama called Parathapa Rudara Kalyanam as a symbol of the nature of poetry and drama. Agisuyadu-itdu orugalo u nnavasa. Balabharat, Nalakararikaumuda,
Kasri hrishta history, Agasiya Nanghantuvu etc. etc. Rachakonda Padamanayakal Yagum Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 123 of 129 -Kari. Sh.
From 1326 to 1482 Rakav Acharakonda Ajayaranna Padamanyakas did not rule. The poets of this era, Rachatlai and Malonatha Suri, Sayanadu, Potna, Lamo, Palomari
Pa Naveerabharuda, Gaurana, Madikata Sangana, Korava Gapo Raju. Malionatha suri -parapancha parakhayatigamanachi vayakhaya th monali tha suri. Itdi ntdira
kaparidha. Let's measure our technology every year. He wrote Samsrut pancha kavayas like Vranghusam, Kamura Sambhavam, Meghasandesam, Kataratajaraniyam,
Schasapaladhalavka and Adhubhatma na Vayakhayanala. Itdi Sorududa Padibhata.u Sayana - Vayanagara Rasapaka and Hariharabukorayala's elder brother
Vayadaranaya savama. Itdu Valadeka Vayakhayanalana Sarada Tdhuvriddha, Pararushu Sunnadhadha, Ayurveda Sunnadhadha, A Parayashchati Sannadhadha e Rath
Rachnala.u Potna Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasa Nanda 4 of 129 -His period was 142-01480. Itdi naja masalam mvragal sami pana gala bama mara gaimam. The
third cities are Lakomamba and Kesanamanthira. Garuvu Iriwatta Somanaradhauyadu. The brass stanzas are Virabharada Vajayam, Bhogini Dandakam and
Nayaraana Satkam. Andhra Bhagatmv. Bhagavatnana Atna Itashta Deivma Na Mu Srira Nannakata Ankatatmachachada. The 5th, 6th, 11th and 12th chapters of
Bhagavth have been filled with Ponath Schasthuya. 5th Sondham Bopuraju Gangana, 6th Sondha Eruchari Sangana, 11th, 12th Sondham V Nanarasha Ra.Ru
Bhagavtmlanna Somladha Sankhya 12. -Savara Nyja Sangabhupaladu Pereyasa Garinu Chi Potna Rasa Nandakam Dandakam This is the first Nadaka written
separately in Telugu. -Some are Tenagu Ganambagu and some are Samsorthambuga Nendari Mapuntu Kritula Nayayi Yadayilan Anna Chepuna Kava Potna. -
Bhagatmva Parakarana Atav Rala 21. Ava 1) Barahama 2) Vrahama 4) Nanara Rayana 5) Kapaladu 6) Dathiterayu 7) Yandaja 8) Urukimuda 9) Pritha Chakavri 10)
Matsa Yam 11) Kurama 12) Dhanavantri 13) Hamoni 14) Narasa Manhudu Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 125 of 129 15) Vamana 16)
Bhuvarama 17) Vayasuda 18) Rama Sri 19) Balarama 20) Sri Krishna 21) Badududa -Potna Bhagavatm Vrinnachi Nav Vadha Bhakkiula 1) Sivanam 2) Kiraranam 3)
Vashtu Samanaram 4) Arachanam 5) Pada Savenam 6) Vnnadam 7) Sadayam Lamo - Eema Na Loru Parantannaka Ta It is known that Ekamanatha Udi Paratapa
Charitra Vada is not a member of Chenda, but is in the seats of Rando Parataparadu. Lamo's flight was written in detail. In the Valimakata Ramayana, Lanna Guhudu
washes the feet of Lord Rama and is seen in the Ramayana. The poetry of Srikantha Malosha De Vram Chepu is in Lamo Chepu. Polamari Pa Narabhavirudadu - Itdi
Pura Vakalu Nalogkanda Gojila Surayapet nearby Pa Polamari Eigimanna Kathchenda Navara. The story of the city of Vijaya has flourished. Pa Lolamari Pa
Narabhaviradudu Salalav Nasaramharaya Asana Kava. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 126 of 129 Vani Na Nari Anna Sagaravanga Chepuku Nada.
These stanzas are romantic Sakuntlam, Jaimanna Bhatnara iva Labhayala.u Avta Ra Darunam, Naradiyam, Mansolasam iva Alabhayala.u Shringara Saknutlanna a
Lachiora v Nanamankatirata, Jaimanna Bharatannana a Salalav Nasara Nharayala Ankatatma died. Gaurana - Itdi Kalam Kari.S. 138-140 50. Navnatha Charitra in Da
Vapada Chhandasula, Harishachandorapakhayanam written by Laksh Nadeepa in Chanda Doganthana. He said that he had recited the poem in Srisalai
Bharamarambi Anugiham v. He is the one who is interested in Rasa. Gounara Pa Datndira Potnama's father Acharakonda was the king of Ramuda Nayakadu and
Mantira. -Thomada Manda Saiva Sa Diula Maha Mala Rivinche 5 Asava Sala Da Vapa Da Kavyam Nanav Tha Charitra. Meenatha is the chief of Nanav Tha Sa Dhola.
He does not turn into a charmer for the protection of his servant. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 127 of 129 -Navnatha history and Gauranaka
Pooravame Padaya Parabandanga Asara Na Kava Srigiri Kava. -Gonara is the most famous Telugu poet who wrote the story of Harishchandra as a poem. In
Harishacham Dara's stories, Natrakaksha's character is Srisha Takira Gaurana. Kavulamrini Da Scharahkampabu Seunogatu Kanula Pandaguva Harishacham Dara
Katha in Da Vapadala Sada Sangana Madikata Sangana - His time was Karisa. 1420. Compiled a collection of Datami Payada in Telugu with a song called Sakalani Thi
Samamat Mu. Get this anthology by reading our words related to Raja Niti from other hymns like Panchatantra, Niti Saram, Niti Taravla, Bharata etc. This is
Kesaveshvarudikata Ankatatmachachada. These other works are Padamapuraniotra Khandam, Bhagavatsa Dama Sondha, Vatashta Ascha Ramayanam, Sangana
Bhagavat Dasama Sondham, Potna Bhagatav Nannaka Ta Purava work is in these words. Vata Schashtha Ramayananana Ahobala Narasa Mhasavamakata
Ankatatmachachada. Translation of Samsruth nyjana vaschash tanna kataida sangiha. Pada Mapura Anoti Khandam, Dasama Somladhanu Ligamulada Kandayama
Matuadikata Ankatatmachachada .U Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 128 of 129 Korava Gapo Ajura - Itdu Nrachinachi Kavyam Samsahana Vada
Tiranschaka. This is a story poem. This is what Hariharanatha Udikata did. These are the stories told by 32 puppets on the top of the hill where the King of Raja
Vakimad Tuyadi was killed before his death. It is a proverb that tells a story of one play, one play, one story, one day, one day, one day, one day. -Samakanali Nsagha Ka
Vashtayala said many things in the house. Bhairav ​Kava - Itdu Gaurana Kama rudu. His works are Msriragamahatmayam, Ratnashasim, Kavagajaankusam.
Kavagajamkusam laksa na gintham. Rath Nasasim and Navrathana's qualities are described in the Ganitha. Anantama Tuyadu - Itdu Ka. Risha. 1435 period. His works
are Bhajioyajaram, Chandorunadam, Rasabhanaram. Parasa dhadama na gao ya ghasamvadagala kavyam bhajioyajaram. Vavadha Kathana Utnabhunashta
Bhiramanga Pasara Da Dhagannachi Telangana Chitara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 129 of 129 Katha Kavyam Bhajiyajarom. Chandonaruda munakagu la maro
pare anantunna chanda. Another name for the name of Bharasaranam.Anabhuramvs, Vridha Pash Sakat, Chaturevadasaram, Chenanamola Savasamula,
Basahodaranam, Panditadhayara Charit, Ra Basavparanu etc. in Telugu. -Samsruth works: Osmanatha Bhashtayam, Rudara Bhayashtam, Samsruth Basahodaranam,
Vribhashtashtakam, Tiravadha Lingatashtakam. - Kannada Charanas: Usura Da Ragada, Chane Nabasagavra, Basavlinga Nama Vella, Schavgana Sahasa Ra Nama
etc. -Palorikata Somanatha was written by Vrshadha Pasakat, the first century of Savara Lanaksha Sampananam in Telugu. Somanatha is a multi-talented actor in
Telugu literature. -Example of Valasa in Telugu. It was borrowed from Telugu (Teesaku bo dinda). In Ennamada Vabhakilas, Ennamda Vrithams, Ennamada Kallakaka,
Ennamada Utollakala, Sarava Vabhaktika Payam, Ankatat Payadam are written yos troupa. Kallaka matara chandasusaka samandachi ragada bheda ennamada
paladamu.tai utlakam means half of kallaka. - The first social poem of Tiranchinachi in contemporary society in Telugu - Basav Panuram. This is the Savantma Na
Trasha Viriva Purana, which is the first love story in Telugu literature. Parathamanscha Dharade Paranu m. Paraparathama Saviraive Paranu, Ti Damo Telangana
Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 118 of 129 Savantra Paranu Nga Parasadadha Chaneda Na Kavyam Basav Panuram. Basavparanu is a poem written by
Magadha Sangayaya, Bajamahadeva, Gado Gu, Chi Sariyala Charitra, Kananapu Katha, Duguvav Katha, Madivala and Machayaya. - In Telugu words, the Vedas do not
look at the same thing as Palikatana and Palorikata Osmanatha. Telugu pannana data damo parayoginnachi kava. Kura chada da wapaladu kara do yevara,a aiha
kamashu maka da vapa da ha tuwnna chati chapeuna kava itdu. - Schavunna Tna Kama Ragunna Bhava Chi Baloyapacharala Chase Na Bhakirula Baja Jajamahadeva.
-Tenagu race is the first Vajanna Savara Sawanga Parasa Da Dhagananachi Kayavm Pandita Adha Ya Charit. This is a poetry of Raduyat, Sangat, Nata Ya, Rasavada,
Vaidya Sasi Parijanna. -Palikatana Kava Palorikata Somanatha is known as Janu Tenugu Vashestuma Parasanatku. -Krishtamacharuya: His period was from 13th
century to 14th century. Rando Parathapa was a contemporary of Rudara Chakivrikatha. He wrote the first verses in Telugu. His poetry collection Telangana Chitrara -
By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 119 of 129 Narahari Chavnamula. This is the first poem in Telugu. Chakipani Rengana - There is a story in the circulation that this poet
was a great poet and was defeated in the chauvinism of Somanatha. Nayana Garada, Namashchasavaya Garada, Girinatha Vakiyamu, Sarabha Lali Dalamonai
Kavayalanu Sarada. This is a loss. It is said that he wrote Ragada when he got a glimpse of dayavlo tha Somanatha, who was in the same place as Vaishtivudu, and
who was kneeling down in Srisaila Mauramlo Pottu Mokalijaranu Sundarishanchakapovdantu Gudiavadaya. In these ragadas there is a bet called parati padam vrachi
kanti. A memorable poem written by Nayana Garadaka. Dhi Gona Budahar Di - This period is 13th century. Raichur mandal was ruled by Samantraju. Gano
badhudbhupa ti ntdira gano ganana ra da. Also known as Bhupathi of Ikatna and Tattala. This Ramayana is written in verse and verse. This is the first Ramayana in
Telugu. The name is Nnakada Ta Ranganatha Ramayanam. Kachabhupathi and Vathalanatha, who wrote Yadhuda Kanda Vrakka from Gano Badhurada da Bala
Kanda, completed Uthra Kanda. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 120 of 129 -The poet's collection of Ramayanam in Samsruntlo. The names of the
parts of the Ramayana are Kandams. The number of Kandams is 7. Avabala, Ayodhya, Aranya, Katashondha, Sundara Yadhuda, Utra Kandala. Bhasara Ramayana
poets - Bhasora Ma Rayananna Nrachinachi Varila O Mukhuada Hulakato Sobhara . He wrote Bhasora Ramayana along with Tna Kamaru, Scha Yashtuda and
Marutula. Bhasora wrote Aranya Kanda, Yadhuda Kanda Puvara part, Kamu Rudu Malokajara wrote Bhattu Bala, Katashom, Da Sunda Kandalan, Rududaradeva wrote
Ayodhya Kanda, Matrudu Amritaruyadu Yadhu Kanda wrote Utra part. Bhasora's Ramayana was ankatamiyam to Sahni Manara. Marana - He is a swordsman. He is
the name of the Telugu people. In the same way, Somayaji is able to express the unity in Anugiham V, but he does not express it in the pessimism of Mara. This poet
Rando Paratapara Rudunna Senana Nagaya Ganana kanna ta ankatatmachacha. Idat e gano gananara di anna prashaldhakalu opinion. -Kolanna Daradevudaru Rando
Parataparadurudi Asana Kava. Paninna wrote Sutravritikata Vayakhayanam under the name of Jarudirayaram. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 121
of 129 Ravipati Trarapurentaku - Rando Parathapa Rudaradi Kalanvada u. He wrote an exemplary poem called Tirapunuratkadaho Ranam. Peramabhirama was written
in Samsuntri and translated as Kareedama Bhirama in Telugu. -Kabu Abambika: Ema Gano Budarada Di Kamu Ri. The Budaparau Sanstha has bowed. Jayapasenanna
- Itdu Kakatiya Ganapati v de Chakivri Bavmarida . Itdu Nrachinachi Geentham Nrit Yara Tanav Lella . This is the story of Telangana Nritya Thuli. - Darudaradev: As
Rudaradev, Parasa's cloth does not shed. Itdu Rachi Chichi Na Gantham is yours. Ee Narahari - He was the son of Bhuvnagiri Parantannaka. Mumama Tunna
Kavyaparakashankata Balatachiyananurajamane wrote Vayakhayanam, Samrutidaranam, and Tara Thanakara Mana Eganthas. This Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara
Vasu Nanda Page 122 of 129 Vashevasavashchakarade du - He is the teacher of Kakatiya Ganapati Vidika de Ta Kshadi. Schavth Varasayanam was written in
Githanna. Vadayanatha - Vadayanatha was a popular Telugu poet who wrote decorative verses in Samsrut. He is the son of Parathapararudu. The author of this book
is the Alankara Sasi Ginetha and Paratapara Raya Shalabhusthanam. In this Gantham, he wrote a drama called Parathapa Rudara Kalyanam as a symbol of the nature
of poetry and drama. Agisuyadu-itdu orugalo u nnavasa. Balabharat, Nalakararikaumuda, Kasri hrishta history, Agasiya Nanghantuvu etc. etc. Rachakonda
Padamanayakal Yagum Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 123 of 129 -Kari. Sh. From 1326 to 1482 Rakav Acharakonda Ajayaranna Padamanyakas
did not rule. The poets of this era, Rachatlai and Malonatha Suri, Sayanadu, Potna, Lamo, Palomari Pa Naveerabharuda, Gaurana, Madikata Sangana, Korava Gapo
Raju. Malionatha suri -parapancha parakhayatigamanachi vayakhaya th monali tha suri. Itdi ntdira kaparidha. Let's measure our technology every year. He wrote
Samsrut pancha kavayas like Vranghusam, Kamura Sambhavam, Meghasandesam, Kataratajaraniyam, Schasapaladhalavka and Adhubhatma na Vayakhayanala. Itdi
Sorududa Padibhata.u Sayana - Vayanagara Rasapaka and Hariharabukorayala's elder brother Vayadaranaya savama. Itdu Valadeka Vayakhayanalana Sarada
Tdhuvriddha, Pararushu Sunnadhadha, Ayurveda Sunnadhadha, A Parayashchati Sannadhadha e Rath Rachnala.u Potna Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasa Nanda 4 of
129 -His period was 142-01480. Itdi naja masalam mvragal sami pana gala bama mara gaimam. The third cities are Lakomamba and Kesanamanthira. Garuvu
Iriwatta Somanaradhauyadu. The brass stanzas are Virabharada Vajayam, Bhogini Dandakam and Nayaraana Satkam. Andhra Bhagatmv. Bhagavatnana Atna Itashta
Deivma Na Mu Srira Nannakata Ankatatmachachada. The 5th, 6th, 11th and 12th chapters of Bhagavth have been filled with Ponath Schasthuya. 5th Sondham
Bopuraju Gangana, 6th Sondha Eruchari Sangana, 11th, 12th Sondham V Nanarasha Ra.Ru Bhagavtmlanna Somladha Sankhya 12. -Savara Nyja Sangabhupaladu
Pereyasa Garinu Chi Potna Rasa Nandakam Dandakam This is the first song written separately in Telugu. -Some are Tenagu Ganambagu and some are
Samsorthambuga Nendari Mapuntu Kritula Nayayi Yadayilan Anna Chepuna Kava Potna. -Bhagatm Parakarana Atav Rala 21. Ava 1) Barahama 2) Vrahama 4) Nanara
Rayana 5) Kapaladu 6) Dathiterayu 7) Yandaja 8) Urukimuda 9) Pritha Chakavri 10) Matsa Yam 11) Kurama 12) Dhanavantri 13) Hamoni 14) Narasa Manhudu
Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 125 of 129 15) Vamana 16) Bhuvarama 17) Vayasuda 18) Rama Sri 19) Balarama 20) Sri Krishna 21) Badududa -
Potna Bhagavatm Vrinnachi Nav Vadha Bhakkiula 1) Sivanam 2) Kiraranam 3) Vashtu Samanaram 4) Arachanam 5) Pada Savenam 6) Vnnadam 7) Sadayam Lamo -
Eema Na Loru Parantannaka Ta It is known that Ekamanatha Udi Paratapa Charitra Vada is not a member of Chenda, but is in the seats of Rando Parataparadu.
Lamo's flight was written in detail. In the Valimakata Ramayana, Lanna Guhudu washes the feet of Lord Rama and is seen in the Ramayana. The poetry of Srikantha
Malosha De Vram Chepu is in Lamo Chepu. Polamari Pa Narabhavirudadu - Itdi Pura Vakalu Nalogkanda Gojila Surayapet nearby Pa Polamari Eigimanna Kathchenda
Navara. The story of the city of Vijaya has flourished. Pa Lolamari Pa Narabhaviradudu Salalav Nasaramharaya Asana Kava. Telangana Chitra - By Sahasara Vasu
Nanda Page 126 of 129 Vani Na Nari Anna Sagaravanga Chepuku Nada. These stanzas are romantic Sakuntlam, Jaimanna Bhatnara iva Labhayala.u Avta Ra
Darunam, Naradiyam, Mansolasam iva Alabhayala.u Shringara Saknutlanna a Lachiora v Nanamankatirata, Jaimanna Bharatannana a Salalav Nasara Nharayala
Ankatatma died. Gaurana - Itdi Kalam Kari.S. 138-140 50. Navnatha Charitra in Da Vapada Chhandasula, Harishachandorapakhayanam written by Laksh Nadeepa in
Chanda Doganthana. He said that he had recited the poem in Srisalai Bharamarambi Anugiham v. He is the one who is interested in Rasa. Gounara Pa Datndira
Potnama's father Acharakonda was the king of Ramuda Nayakadu and Mantira. -Thomada Manda Saiva Sa Diula Maha Mala Rivinche 5 Asava Sala Da Vapa Da
Kavyam Nanav Tha Charitra. Meenatha is the chief of Nanav Tha Sa Dhola. He does not turn into a charmer for the protection of his servant. Telangana Chitrara - By
Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 127 of 129 -Navnatha history and Gauranaka Pooravame Padaya Parabandanga Asara Na Kava Srigiri Kava. -Gonara is the most famous
Telugu poet who wrote the story of Harishchandra as a poem. In Harishacham Dara's stories, Natrakaksha's character is Srisha Takira Gaurana. Kavulamrini Da
Scharahkampabu Seunogatu Kanula Pandaguva Harishacham Dara Katha in Da Vapadala Sada Sangana Madikata Sangana - His time was Karisa. 1420. Compiled a
collection of Datami Payada in Telugu with a song called Sakalani Thi Samamat Mu. Get this anthology by reading our words related to Raja Niti from other hymns like
Panchatantra, Niti Saram, Niti Taravla, Bharata etc. This is Kesaveshvarudikata Ankatatmachachada. These other works are Padamapuraniotra Khandam, Bhagavatsa
Dama Sondha, Vatashta Ascha Ramayanam, Sangana Bhagavat Dasama Sondham, Potna Bhagatav Nannaka Ta Purava work is in these words. Vata Schashtha
Ramayananana Ahobala Narasa Mhasavamakata Ankatatmachachada. Translation of Samsoorthynjana Vaschash Tanna Kathida Sangiha. Pada Mapura Anoti
Khandam, Dasama Somladhanu Ligamulada Kandayama Matuadikata Ankatatmachachada .U Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 128 of 129 Korava
Gapo Ajura - Itdu Nrachinachi Kavyam Samsahana Vada Tiranschaka. This is a story poem. This is what Hariharanatha Udikata did. These are the stories told by 32
puppets on the top of the hill where the King of Raja Vakimad Tuyadi was killed before his death. It is a proverb that tells a story of one play, one play, one story, one
day, one day, one day, one day. -Samakanali Nsagha Ka Vashtayala said many things in the house. Bhairav ​Kava - Itdu Gaurana Kama rudu. His works are
Msriragamahatmayam, Ratnashasim, Kavagajaankusam. Kavagajamkusam laksa na gintham. Rath Nasasim and Navrathana's qualities are described in the Ganitha.
Anantama Tuyadu - This is Ka. Risha. 1435 period. His works are Bhajioyajaram, Chandorunadam, Rasabhanaram. Parasa dhadama na gao ya ghasamvadagala
kavyam bhajioyajaram. Vavadha Kathana Utnabhunashta Bhiramanga Pasara Da Dhagannachi Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 129 of 129 Katha
Kavyam Bhajiijaram. Chandonaruda munakagu la maro pare anantunna chandam. Another name for Bharasaranamuna is Rirasavm.Anabhuramvs, Vridha Pash Sakat,
Chaturevadasaram, Chenanamola Savasamula, Basahodaranam, Panditadhayara Charit, Ra Basavparanu etc. in Telugu. -Samsruth works: Osmanatha Bhashtayam,
Rudara Bhayashtam, Samsruth Basahodaranam, Vribhashtashtakam, Tiravadha Lingatashtakam. - Kannada Charanas: Usura Da Ragada, Chane Nabasagavra,
Basavlinga Nama Vella, Schavgana Sahasa Ra Nama etc. -Palorikata Somanatha was written by Vrshadha Pasakat, the first century of Savara Lanaksha
Sampananam in Telugu. Somanatha is a multi-talented actor in Telugu literature. -Example of Valasa in Telugu. It was borrowed from Telugu (Teesaku bo dinda). In
Ennamada Vabhakilas, Ennamda Vrithams, Ennamada Kallakaka, Ennamada Utollakala, Sarava Vabhaktika Payam, Ankatat Payadam are written yos troupa. Kallaka
matara chandasusaka samandachi ragada bheda ennamada paladamu.tai utlakam means half of kallaka. - The first social poem of Tiranchinachi in contemporary
society in Telugu - Basav Panuram. This is the Savantma Na Trasha Viriva Purana, which is the first love story in Telugu literature. Parathamanscha Dharade Paranu m.
Paraparathama Saviraive Paranu, Ti Damo Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 118 of 129 Savantra Paranu Nga Parasadadha Chaneda Na Kavyam
Basav Panuram. Basavparanu is a poem written by Magadha Sangayaya, Bajamahadeva, Gado Gu, Chi Sariyala Charitra, Kananapu Katha, Duguvav Katha, Madivala
and Machayaya. - In Telugu words, the Vedas do not look at the same thing as Palikatana and Palorikata Osmanatha. Telugu pannana data damo parayoginnachi
kava. Kura chada da wapaladu kara do yevara,a aiha kamashu maka da vapa da ha tuwnna chati chapeuna kava itdu. - Schavunna Tna Kama Ragunna Bhava Chi
Baloyapacharala Chase Na Bhakirula Baja Jajamahadeva. -Tenagu race is the first Vajanna Savara Sawanga Parasa Da Dhagananachi Kayavm Pandita Adha Ya
Charit. This is a poetry of Raduyat, Sangat, Nata Ya, Rasavada, Vaidya Sasi Parijanna. -Palikatana Kava Palorikata Somanatha is known as Janu Tenugu Vashestuma
Parasanatku. -Krishtamacharuya: His period was from 13th century to 14th century. Rando Parathapa was a contemporary of Rudara Chakivrikatha. He wrote the first
verses in Telugu. His poetry collection Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 119 of 129 Narahari Chavnamula. This is the first poem in Telugu.
Chakipani Rengana - There is a story in the circulation that this poet was a great poet and was defeated in the chauvinism of Somanatha. Nayana Garada,
Namashchasavaya Garada, Girinatha Vakiyamu, Sarabha Lali Dalamonai Kavayalanu Sarada. This is a loss. It is said that he wrote Ragada when he got a glimpse of
dayavlo tha Somanatha, who was in the same place as Vaishtivudu, and who was kneeling down in Srisaila Mauramlo Pottu Mokalijaranu Sundarishanchakapovdantu
Gudiavadaya. In these ragadas there is a bet called parati padam vrachi kanti. A memorable poem written by Nayana Garadaka. Dhi Gona Budahar Di - This period is
13th century. Raichur mandal was ruled by Samantraju. Gano badhudbhupa ti ntdira gano ganana ra da. Also known as Bhupathi of Ikatna and Tattala. This Ramayana
is written in verse and verse. This is the first Ramayana in Telugu. The name is Nnakada Ta Ranganatha Ramayanam. Kachabhupathi and Vathalanatha, who wrote
Yadhuda Kanda Vrakka from Gano Badhurada da Bala Kanda, completed Uthra Kanda. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 120 of 129 -The poet's
collection of Ramayanam in Samsruntlo. The names of the parts of the Ramayana are Kandams. The number of Kandams is 7. Avabala, Ayodhya, Aranya,
Katashondha, Sundara Yadhuda, Utra Kandala. Bhasara Ramayana poets - Bhasora Ma Rayananna Nrachinachi Varila O Mukhuada Hulakato Sobhara . He wrote
Bhasora Ramayana along with Tna Kamaru, Scha Yashtuda and Marutula. Bhasora wrote Aranya Kanda, Yadhuda Kanda Puvara part, Kamu Rudu Malokajara wrote
Bhattu Bala, Katashom, Da Sunda Kandalan, Rududaradeva wrote Ayodhya Kanda, Matrudu Amritaruyadu Yadhu Kanda wrote Utra part. Bhasora's Ramayana was
ankatamiyam to Sahni Manara. Marana - He is a swordsman. He is the name of the Telugu people. In the same way, Somayaji is able to express the unity in Anugiham
V, but he does not express it in the pessimism of Mara. This poet Rando Paratapara Rudunna Senana Nagaya Ganana kanna ta ankatatmachacha. Idat e gano
gananara di anna prashaldhakalu opinion. -Kolanna Daradevudaru Rando Parataparadurudi Asana Kava. Paninna wrote Sutravritikata Vayakhayanam under the name
of Jarudirayaram. Telangana Chitrara - By Sahasara Vasu Nanda Page 121 of 129 Ravipati Trarapurentaku - Rando Parathapa Rudaradi Kalanvada u. He wrote an
exemplary poem called Tirapunuratkadaho Ranam. Peramabhirama was written in Sam

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