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Automotive investment
in Ghana Ian Marcousé presents a case study
and practice exam question


olkswagen has opened a vehicle assembly plant government, promising to develop a comprehensive
in Accra, Ghana. This is the company’s fifth automotive development policy, with measures to
vehicle assembly location in sub-Saharan Africa, encourage the local assembly industry, including the
joining its other plants in South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria following:
and Rwanda. The Universal Motors facility in Accra • A ban on the import of damaged vehicles, and on
has the capacity to assemble 5,000 cars per annum. the import of used vehicles more than 10 years old.
Universal Motors Limited, which has been awarded • New vehicle import duties that favour the local
the assembly contract for the initial phase, has been a vehicle production industry. New and used vehicles
licensed VW importer since 2005. in Ghana will attract an effective import tax of
The focus will be on new passenger cars and light about 64%, whereas firms importing semi-complete
commercial vehicles including pickups, minibuses, assembly kits face an effective tax of only 5%.
and cargo vans. The first model will be the Tiguan, • A 5-year tax holiday.
built from assembly kits imported from Germany. • A credit scheme for locally manufactured vehicles to
make them more affordable for consumers. Before,
Automotive development policy Ghanaian banks charged 22–30% interest on this
Most of the vehicles sold in Ghana are imported, second- kind of borrowing.
hand vehicles, or imported accident-damaged vehicles
that are repaired and sold on. Ghana has a population These initiatives will cause an increase in the price of
of 30 million, and the Ghanaian government entered used vehicles, making new locally assembled vehicles
a memorandum of understanding with the German more competitive.
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The policy led to Volkswagen’s commitment to the Answers

Accra assembly plant, which should hopefully help 1 A local manager will understand local customer
Ghana develop a modern automotive industry as part needs, the nature of the competition (with the
of the country’s industrial transformation agenda. number one, Toyota, especially) and therefore
Other car companies, including Nissan and Toyota, understand the production quality level needed to
two of the most popular brands in African markets, are succeed. The CEO will also be responsible for the
also planning to open plants in Ghana. production side of the business, and therefore need
The establishment of Volkswagen Ghana was also to manage the recruitment, training, organisation
announced, with Jeffrey J. O. Peprah as CEO. This and motivation of staff. Many staff may be new to
subsidiary, 100% controlled by Volkswagen, will automotive production and it may be hard to achieve
be responsible for the import of assembly kits and the quality levels customers may be looking for. The
completed cars. benefit, therefore, is a better chance of carving out
Volkswagen is focusing on up-and-coming a substantial and profitable market share within a
markets as part of its TRANSFORM 2025+ brand market where Toyota is the traditional number one.
strategy. Although African automotive markets are 2 The Ghanaian government has given a huge boost
comparatively small today, the sub-Saharan region has to local production by applying a 64% tariff on the
the potential for huge growth in the future. import of complete new or used vehicles. Therefore
Ghana’s automotive development policy should multinational companies interested in the prospects
not only benefit multinational companies. Ghanaian of the car market in Ghana have a strong incentive to
companies such as SolarTaxi are taking advantage of the import assembly kits for final assembly locally. With
new, lower tariffs to assemble electric motorbikes from the kits attracting only a 5% tariff, cars will be hugely
imported assembly kits. Ghana has excess electricity cheaper when assembled locally rather than overseas.
generation capacity, so there is considerable scope for So companies like VW are putting investment into
developing electric vehicles in the country. Ghana to finance building local assembly plants,
creating jobs locally.
Practice exam questions 3 VW, Toyota and Nissan are all going to open factories
1 Explain how Volkswagen may benefit from in Ghana this year, with no mention of a UK business
appointing a local manager as the chief doing the same. German and Japanese companies
executive of its subsidiary in Ghana. (4 marks) presumably believe that Africa has got great economic
2 Explain how the Ghanaian government’s potential, and that Ghana is an attractive place to
changes to import tariffs help to encourage locate. The implication for UK businesses is that they
inward investment into the automotive must look carefully at the economic evidence, to
industry. (4 marks) see whether the case for African markets is strong
3 Assess two implications for UK businesses enough. Brexit Britain will probably lose market
of the growing economic power of share in Europe, so it needs to be alert to possibilities
countries within Africa. (8 marks) elsewhere. However, the risks of starting up in Africa
4 Assess the probable reasons why Volkswagen will be higher than keeping going in Europe.
has chosen Ghana for its new production
First-mover advantage can provide the basis for
location. (12 marks)
sustained competitive advantage. As the continent
5 For many years Toyota has been the most
of Africa is forecast to grow hugely in population
popular car brand across Africa. Assess
and in GDP per capita, being a first-mover may give
what Toyota may have done to maintain
huge long-term benefits — as Toyota has already
a sustained competitive advantage. (12 marks)
established throughout the continent. However, it
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the whole staff. Given the huge variations in terrain

that must exist across such a vast continent, it’s
probably not one car model that shines for Toyota. It
will probably be a combination of Toyota’s reputation
for durability and reliability, plus a good line-up of

4×4 and pick-up truck-type vehicles. The reputation
for reliability is most likely to have emerged from real
experience, i.e. be based on real quality rather than a
may be many years before this first-mover benefit quality image. If your car breaks down in the Sahara
turns into a profitable business, and UK companies desert, your life may be at stake, so word will spread
are often quite short-termist in outlook. based on real factors. Achieving that real quality is
4 The key thing emphasised by the text in the case study probably more to do with production standards in
is ‘government incentives’. This comes in the form Toyota’s factories in Japan than African production.
of direct financial help — the tariff arrangements Keeping up a culture of quality is usually termed total
plus a 5-year tax holiday, plus the implied ongoing quality management, which Toyota would see as one
supportive relationship between VW and the part of its lean production philosophy.
government. There’s an implicit welcome to come To Michael Porter, the approach taken by Toyota
and welcome to stay. So if, later on, the company would be regarded as a differentiation strategy
(or industry) wants further help, you feel that it will based on quality and durability as the differentiator.
probably be forthcoming. If VW knows its business, it Maintaining that requires a human resources approach
will have checked whether opposition political parties based on careful fulfilment of what Herzberg referred
would support these arrangements if they came to to as hygiene factors (such as pay and supervision),
power in this democracy. However, political stability so that your best engineers and factory staff have
remains a question mark across much of the African no reason to leave. They are the ones who have the
continent, so what seems friendly today may backfire distinctive capabilities to enable Toyota to consistently
tomorrow. be rated highly for quality. If staff turnover rises, the
Another factor may be the cost, availability and skills competitive advantage may slip away.
of the local labour force. If unemployment is high in Overall, the key to maintaining a competitive
Accra, VW will find it must easier to recruit suitable advantage is to keep working at getting better, i.e. a
staff from a large pool of labour. If such people have kaizen/continuous improvement approach. This again
already experienced factory or engineering work, fits in with the lean production approach that Toyota
so much the better. What VW will care about is the pioneered over 50 years ago. No wonder it has built a
fusion of wage levels and productivity levels that strong reputation in a continent where tough driving
determines the total wage costs per unit. This will conditions make durability and reliability the driver’s
affect profitability and competitiveness. However, if priority.
VW takes a long-term view, it may be better to hire
Taken from ‘Topical Cases’ at www.a-zbusinesstraining.
inexperienced staff who can be trained up to VW
com, Ian Marcousé’s site for CPD, topical cases and
quality standards than take people with experience
business worksheets.
but perhaps lacking the ability to adapt to a new
production culture. Find out more about our full Did you like
5 A sustained competitive advantage takes a huge range of magazines and online this article?
management effort that comes from the culture or archives of back issues at Tell us what you think
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