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• Comes from the Greek word Philo sophia meaning the love of wisdom
• It is about the study of knowledge and metacognition.

✓ Philosophy of Wisdom

• Referred to as a kind of response to a question or situation.

• Categorized into to two: personal reflection on broad questions, and prophetic

✓ Philosophy as Ideology

• Referred to as an organized body of opinion

• May be used to justify policies and procedures.
• Basis for action in an organization or educational institution.

✓ Philosophy as Critical Inquiry

• Consider idea as tentative

• Ideas are accepted as true but eventually may change due to available evidences or
• May allow questioning to proceed.


✓ Progressivism

• Develop learners into becoming progressive and rational citizen

• Use of actual experience
• Utilize problem-solving method and experiential method.

✓ Perennialism

• Develop students rational and moral powers.

• Use of Socratic dialogue
• Lesson and activities focused around the teacher.
• Stressed on humanities and general education.

✓ Existentialism

• Allow students to acknowledge their individual unique characteristics.

• Allow the students to discover their own essence.

✓ Behaviorism

• Allows reform of behavior by providing a good environment.

• After for students who show good behavior in the society.

✓ Linguistic Philosophy

• Strengthen communications skills of the students

• Develop skills to send messages and interpret messages correctly.

✓ Constructivism

• Produce self-motivated and

• Provide the students the opportunities to hypothesize, predict, manipulate, imagine
and invent.

✓ Essentialism

• Learners are taught to develop basic knowledge, skills and values.

• Mastery of fundamental R’s
• Teachers teach students traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge
necessary to become asset in the community.

✓ Personal Teaching Philosophy

• Is developed throughout a pre- service teachers’ studies, career and teaching

experiences and is best evident in pedagogical practice.
Teaching Philosophy Template
• Your concept of learning
• Your concept of teaching
• Your goals for students
• Your teaching methods
• Your interaction with students
• Assessing learning
• Professional growth

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