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Name: Lagamayo Roda Date: 11/11/2023

Course: DPA Professor: Dr. Sarlito S. Ferraren Jr


1. Write a reflection paper on the Mission, Vision, Philosophy and Core Values of
University of Perpetual Help System Dalta. When you have completed the paper,
proofread and edit your paper before you submit it.

2. Deadline of submission is on Novenber 11, 2023. Please send your paper (in
softcopy) to class representative’s email address and copy furnished Dr. Ferraren’s
email address (

Listed below are the relevant contents of a reflection paper:



{Present and give readers and idea. The reflection paper should open by giving the readers an idea what to write about…}

The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA is a private university in the Philippines that believes in the betterment of the
quality of life through national development and transformation, which are predicated upon the quality of education of its people.
This institution is committed to the ideals of teaching, research, and community service, with "Character Building is Nation Building"
as its guiding principle. The mission, vision, philosophy, and core values of the University are essential in guiding the institution to
meet its goals and objectives.

{Your point of view about UPHSD Mission}

The UNIVERSITY OF PERPETUAL HELP SYSTEM DALTA is dedicated to the development of the Filipino as a leader. It aims to
graduate dynamic students who are physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually committed to the achievement of the highest
quality of life.

The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA's mission is not only to produce graduates but also to sculpt future leaders and
compassionate human beings. The university's mission can be viewed as fostering learning, as it embraces the idea that learning is
a lifelong journey. The university is committed to providing a continuous support system for every student to grow and adapt to the
present situation.

{Your point of view about UPHSD vission}

The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA shall emerge as a premier university in the Philippines. ... It foresees the
Filipino people enjoying a quality of life in abundance, living in peace, and building a nation that the next generation will nourish,
cherish, and value.

Alabang-Zapote Road, Almanza Uno Las Pinas, 1740 Philippines • Tel. Nos.: (02) 871-0639
Las Pinas Campus

The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA's Vision is to contribute to the development of the Filipino people as leaders who
can make a significant contribution to national development and transformation, and this is a noble and admirable goal.

{Your point of view about UPHSD Philosophy}

The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA believes and invokes Divine Guidance in the betterment of the quality of life
through national development and transformation, which are predicated upon the quality of education of its people.

The university is committed to the ideals of teaching, community service, and research, with "character building is nation building" as
its guiding principle. The university values the nurturing of the value of "Helpers of God" and is dedicated to the development of the
Filipino as a leader. In my opinion, the university's philosophy is inspiring as it emphasizes the importance of education in national
development and transformation. The university's philosophy is aligned with its mission, vision, and core values, which guide the
institution's work and support its objectives.

{Your point of view about UPHSD Core Values}

1. Love of God, Love of Self, Family and Neighbour

2. Love of Country and Good Governance
3. Academic and Professional Excellence
4. Health and Ecological Consciousness
5. Peace and Global Solidarity
6. Filipino Christian Leadership
7. Value of Catholic Doctrine
8. UPHSD and the Perpetualite

In my point of view, the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA's core values are essential in guiding the institution's work and
supporting its objectives. The university's core values are centered on the love of God, love of self, family, and neighbor, love of
country and good governance, academic and professional excellence, health and ecological consciousness, peace and global
solidarity, Filipino Christian leadership, value of Catholic doctrine, and UPHSD and the Perpetualite. These core values are unique
in that they emphasize the importance of instilling Christian values and Catholic doctrine to strengthen the moral fiber of the Filipino
people. The university's core values are aligned with its mission, vision, and philosophy, which guide the institution's work and
support its objectives. Overall, the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA's core values are essential in shaping the character
of its students and preparing them to become accomplished professionals who can contribute to national development and

{Sum It Up}

The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA's mission, vision, philosophy, and core values are essential in guiding the
institution's work and supporting its objectives. The university's mission is to develop the Filipino people as leaders who are
physically, intellectually, socially, and spiritually committed to achieving the institution's objectives. The university's vision is to see
the Filipino people enjoying a quality of life in abundance, living in peace, and building a nation that the next generation will nourish,
cherish, and value. The university's philosophy is centered on the belief and invocation of Divine Guidance for the betterment of the
quality of life through national development and transformation, which are predicated upon the quality of education of its people. The
university's core values are centered on the love of God, love of self, family, and neighbor, love of country and good governance,
academic and professional excellence, health and ecological consciousness, peace and global solidarity, Filipino Christian
leadership, the value of Catholic doctrine, and UPHSD and the Perpetualite. These core values are unique in that they emphasize
the importance of instilling Christian values and Catholic doctrine to strengthen the moral fiber of the Filipino people. Overall, the
University of Perpetual Help System DALTA's mission, vision, philosophy, and core values are essential in shaping the character of
its students and preparing them to become accomplished professionals who can contribute to national development and

Alabang-Zapote Road, Almanza Uno Las Pinas, 1740 Philippines • Tel. Nos.: (02) 871-0639
Las Pinas Campus

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