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Journal of Cleaner Production 252 (2020) 119852

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Safety informatics as a new, promising and sustainable area of safety

science in the information age
Bing Wang a, b, *, Chao Wu a, b
School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, Hunan, PR China
Safety & Security Theory Innovation and Promotion Center, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, Hunan, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Safety is a central dimension in contemporary debates on human health, loss prevention, environmental
Received 4 October 2019 protection, sustainability, and cleaner production. In the information age, especially in the era of big data,
Received in revised form safety information is an essential strategy for safety, and safety informatics has become a major research
19 December 2019
interest and a popular issue in the field of safety science. In recent years, safety informaticsda new area
Accepted 21 December 2019
Available online 23 December 2019
of safety sciencedhas received increasing attention, developing greatly with successful research on the
subject. The three key purposes of this paper are: (i) to analyze the historical development of safety
Handling Editor: Prof. Jiri Jaromir Klemes informatics, (ii) to review the research progress of safety informatics, and (iii) to review limitations and
propose future directions in the field of safety informatics. First, the development process of safety
Keywords: informatics is divided into four typical stages: (i) the embryonic stage (1940e1980), (ii) the initial stage
Safety science (1980e1990), (iii) the formation stage (1990e2010), and (iv) the deepening stage (2010epresent). Then,
Information science a review of safety informatics research is provided from seven aspects, including: (i) the discipline
Safety information construction of safety informatics, (ii) theoretical safety information model, (iii) accident causation
Safety informatics
model from a safety information perspective, (iv) safety management based on safety information, (v)
Safety 4.0
safety big data, (vi) safety intelligence, and (vii) safety information technology. Finally, limitations and
future research directions in the safety informatics area are briefly discussed.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction environment among other aspects. Magnusson et al. (2015) high-

lighted that safety is the precondition and foundation for sustain-
Because safety-related accidents can cause great casualties, ability, and Tripathi (2017) proposes that urban sustainability can
economic losses, and environmental pollution (Yang et al., 2019; be achieved through the creation of a safe city. Moreover, sustain-
Wang et al., 2018), they have adverse effects on the sustainable able development relies on several principles to frame its actions,
development of environment, society, and economy (Chen et al., many of which are clearly related to safety (Taubitz, 2010). In
2019). This indicates that safety is a vital dimension for debates addition, from a resource perspective, a common goal of safety,
on human health, loss prevention, environmental protection, sus- environmental protection, sustainability, and cleaner production is
tainability, and cleaner production. In fact, numerous studies have loss prevention (Ceccato and Lukyte, 2011). Therefore, developing
shown safety is closely connected to environmental protection, efficient safety strategies to reduce safety-related accidents and
sustainability, and cleaner production. Huang et al. (2019), and their adverse impacts is a top priority in areas of human health, loss
Dong et al. (2018) proved that safety is closely connected to prevention, environmental protection, sustainability, and cleaner
pollution prevention and cleaner production. Zhang et al. (2017) production. In this study, we focus on the information strategy for
and Wang et al. (2018a) found that accidents of hazardous mate- safety from the perspective of safety informatics.
rials can pose serious environmental damage to the natural Ever since humanity entered the information age, information
science (including information technologies and devices) has
influenced and changed various respects in an amazing way. For
example, there are numerous examples of the integration of in-
* Corresponding author. School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central
South University, Changsha, Hunan, 410083, PR China. formation technology with specific applications (e.g., online shop-
E-mail addresses:, (B. Wang), wuchao@ ping, e-commerce, 3D film, 3D printing, digital manufacture, virtual (C. Wu).
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 B. Wang, C. Wu / Journal of Cleaner Production 252 (2020) 119852

manufacture, smart city, face recognition, etc.) (Yu, 2018). More- statistics research on accident data. Two statistical accident the-
over, information science has triggered a revolution in many sci- ories were achieved in the early statistics research on accident data.
entific disciplines; various interdisciplinary fields of information The first is the accident proneness theory (Greenwood, 1950) pro-
science and other disciplines (such as earth informatics, medical posed by Prof. Greenwood and Woods through accident data sta-
informatics, material informatics, molecular informatics, and bio- tistics in 1991 (Qin and Peng, 2005). The second is Heinrich’s
informatics) emerged in the information age (Yosipof et al., 2016). pyramid (Heinrich et al., 1980) based on the statistical analysis of
Similarly, information science has a great influence on safety sci- occupational accidents. Since the 1940s, statistical and mathe-
ence. At present, in the field of safety science, the concept of safety matical methods have been widely used to analyze safety data,
information from a perspective of system has been proposed, Wang especially accident data. For example, in the conference of the In-
and Wu (2018a) defined it as the aspect that shows the system ternational Labor Organization (ILO) held in 1948, the frequency of
safety state and its changes, as safety information is an essential accidents and injury rates are regarded as the statistical indicators
strategy for safety, and safety informatics has become a major of accidents (Wu and Wang, 2014).
research interest and relevant issue (Luo and Wu, 2018). Starting from the mid-1960s, safety information (especially, on
Safety informatics is a scientific discipline that studies the safety hazardous materials or high-risk industries) had gradually gained
information phenomenon and its movement laws. Its purpose is to the attention of the safety community. For example:
address the problem of the lack of safety information in safety
management (Wang and Wu, 2018a). This new interdisciplinary (1) According to Robert (1973), the International Occupational
field combines safety science and information science, and is Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS) was established
recognized as a landmark branch of safety science in the informa- around 1958;
tion era. In previous decades, safety informatics has rapidly (2) In 1964, Marchetti (1964) from the American Industrial Hy-
developed and its research has been useful. Since 2017, we have giene and Safety Division published a report entitled “A
also conducted many studies on safety informatics. Compendium of Radiation Safety Information about Pluto-
Theoretically, keeping a record of the historical development nium”, and
and research progress of a certain discipline should be the foun- (3) In 1965, Cowser (1965) from the Nuclear Safety Information
dation to ensure the scientific development of this discipline. Un- Centre of the US Atomic Energy Commission published
fortunately, there is no review on the development process and “Indexed Bibliography of Current Nuclear Safety Literature”,
research progress of safety informatics, which impedes its future which is a comprehensive source of literature on nuclear
development, research, and practice. Therefore, this paper in- safety research practice.
troduces the research progress and development process of safety
informatics, and proposes limitations and future directions for the Starting in the early 1970s, the research and practice of safety
same. This study will not only help researchers and practitioners information received widespread attention from safety scholars,
better understand the historical development and research prog- practitioners, and institutions. For example, in 1970, Mcmahon
ress of safety informatics, but will also lay a foundation for its future pointed that radiation safety information is important to technol-
development. ogists. Since 1974, the CIS conducted a series of studies to improve
safety information services (Robert, 1973). In 1979, Conder
2. Development process described how the Dow Chemical Company (which is a world-
famous chemical company) was managing the issue of increasing
Safety informatics as an emerging interdisciplinary field of in- demands by regulatory agencies for health and environmental in-
formation science and safety science is in its nascent stage. Infor- formation. In addition, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health
mation science and safety science were officially founded in the and Safety (CCOHS)da national resource for information on occu-
1950s and the mid-1970s, respectively (Swuste and Sillem, 2018). pational health and safetydwas established in 1978 (Abeytunga,
This shows that safety informatics evolved after the mid-1970s. 1987).
According to the literature (see Section 2.1), safety informatics
began in the mid-20th century but mainly focused on the stan-
dardized management of safety data (especially, accident data).
With the development of information science and safety science, 2.2. The initial stage (1980e1990)
safety informatics constantly developed and changed. In fact, the
development of safety informatics is phased, and we can divide the Since the 1980s, information technology developed rapidly and
process into four typical stages (see Fig. 1): (i) the embryonic stage was widely used in various fields (including safety). As a result,
(1940e1980), (ii) the initial stage (1980e1990), (iii) the formation information science and its branches (such as earth informatics,
stage (1990e2010), and (iv) the deepening stage (2010epresent). medical informatics, material informatics, and bioinformatics)
emerged as new disciplines, while simultaneously, research and
2.1. The embryonic stage (1940e1980) practice of safety informatics also received extensive attention. At
this stage, researchers and practitioners were very concerned about
The origins of safety informatics can be traced back to early the supply of safety information, as evinced by the following:

Information Safety science

science formed. formed.
1940 1980 1990 2010 Present
1950 1975 Time

The embryonic stage The initial stage The formation stage The deepening stage
Fig. 1. Development process of safety informatics.
B. Wang, C. Wu / Journal of Cleaner Production 252 (2020) 119852 3

(1) In 1983, Beck and Feldman investigated and analyzed of safety science. Safety science originally emerged in the industrial
information-seeking among safety and health managers; field (Ge et al., 2019); in other words, the focus of the earliest safety
(2) In 1983, Wu conducted a study on the feedback processing of science was on industrial safety. Four big revolutions have occurred
safety information, and in the development process of industry, and as shown in Fig. 2
(3) In 1985, Nicholson performed a detailed analysis of the ac- (Wang et al., 2019a), previously, Industry 1.0 (mechanization
cident information from four industries, which shows that through steam power) changed to mass production and assembly
the use of accident information and its limitations are related lines using electricity in Industry 2.0; currently, Industry 4.0 is
to the identification of risk factors. taking what was started in Industry 3.0 with the adoption of
computers and automation and enhancing it with smart and
In the late 1980s, computers were used to analyze and manage autonomous systems fueled by cyber-physical systems, the Internet
various types of safety information. Meanwhile, based on the of Things, and other networks. As seen in Fig. 2, the development of
literature (Balfanz et al., 1992), safety management information safety science and industrial evolution are aligned. The develop-
(data) systems were studied and used. In addition, safety infor- ment process of safety science can be divided into four stages: (i)
mation services and safety information management were con- Safety 1.0 (experience-based safety science), (ii) Safety 2.0 (tech-
cerned. For example, in 1987, Abeytunga introduced the electronic nology-based safety science), (iii) Safety 3.0 (systems safety sci-
safety information service of CCOHS. In 1989, Pantry discussed the ence), and (iv) Safety 4.0 (Computational safety scienceda new
occupational health and safety information services. In 1988, Yu paradigm for safety science in the era of big data and Industry 4.0).
discussed the management of power plant safety information. From the perspective of safety informatics, with the evolution of
safety science, the complexity in safety science and the amount of
2.3. The formation stage (1990e2010) safety information in research and practice of safety science in-
crease gradually. Particularly, as the stage of Safety 3.0 was entered,
Since the 1990s, Chinese scholars and the Chinese government which included safety engineering, safety education, safety
started to pay attention to the discipline construction of safety enforcement, safety economics, and safety culture, safety infor-
informatics. China is the world leader in terms of the discipline mation became a key safety strategy, and the safety information
construction of safety informatics, perhaps because the Chinese theory became one of the core safety theories (General
government has always attached great importance to the work of Administration of Quality Supervision of the PRC, Inspection and
discipline construction, and has made outstanding contributions to Quarantine of China and Standardization Administration of the
the same. On November 1, 1992, the State Administration of Science PRC, 2009), see Section 2.3.
and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) approved Safety 4.0 optimizes the computerization of Safety 3.0 and im-
the “Classification and Code of Disciplines” (GB/T GB/T13745-92) plements safety informatics as the core foundation and support for
(implemented on July 1, 1993) (General Administration of Quality computational safety science, wherein “information is safety, safety
Supervision of the PRC, Inspection and Quarantine of China and is information” becomes one of the most basic and essential
Standardization Administration of the PRC, 1992). The standard modern safety management ideas and concepts (Wang and Wu,
lists Safety Information Engineering as a branch of Safety Man- 2018a). For this reason, since 2010, safety informatics has become
agement Engineering (which is a branch of Safety Science and a major research interest and popular issue in the field of safety
Technology). This was the first time that China officially declared a science, with a large number of research results on safety infor-
discipline related to safety informatics, and could eventually help matics achieved in this period, greatly promoting the deepening
the subject become an independent discipline in the country. development of safety informatics. Moreover, in the stage of Safety
However, it should be noted that safety information engineering is 4.0, various emerging information technologies (e.g., artificial in-
only a specific branch or field of safety informatics. telligence, big data, machine learning, cloud computing, the
On May 6, 2009, the “Classification and Code of Disciplines” (GB/ Internet of Things, blockchain, simulation, autonomous robots,
T GB/T13745-2009) (General Administration of Quality Supervision system integration, the Internet of Systems, etc.) are gradually be-
of the PRC, Inspection and Quarantine of China and Standardization ing incorporated in safety management and can also bring new
Administration of the PRC, 2009) was officially published (imple- changes to safety informatics.
mented on November 1, 2009), by revising the “Classification and At present, human society has moved from the information age
Code of Disciplines” (GB/T GB/T13745-92). In this standard, two to the intelligence age. In the intelligence era (namely, Safety 4.0),
disciplines related to safety informatics (namely, Safety Informa- we forecast that a combination of emerging safety information
tion Theory and Public Safety Information Engineering) are listed. technologies can make smart safety management a reality. There-
Specifically, Safety Information Theory is listed as a branch of Safety fore, smart safety management will become the focus and ultimate
Systematics (which is a branch of Safety Science and Technology), goal of safety informatics. Meanwhile, as safety intelligence is a
and Public Safety Information Engineering is listed as a branch of direct foundation and resource to realize smart safety management
Public Safety (and is also a branch of Safety Science and (Wang and Wu, 2019), it is an important branch of safety infor-
Technology). matics and will be highly relevant to the stage of Safety 4.0. For
Moreover, to promote safety informatics as an independent example, an intelligence-led approach to realize smart safety
discipline, some Chinese safety researchers (such as the authors) management will be studied and used. Section 3.6 presents a detail
embarked on numerous studies on the discipline construction of review on safety intelligence research. Of course, safety intelligence
safety informatics, which will be discussed in detail in Section 3.1. is processed safety information (including safety data), so the
Although the formal term ‘safety informatics’ was yet to be coined analysis and mining of safety information (especially safety big
in the period from 1990 to 2010, research was conducted on all data), and big data-driven safety management will be further
aspects of safety informatics, and it has now become a specialized strengthened in this stage. In addition, safety informatics can make
discipline. safety management more predictive, preventive, personalized, and
precise at this stage as well as the future. In a word, safety infor-
2.4. The deepening stage (2010-present) matics must be developed rapidly to fulfill its potential and provide
great value toward safety promotion in the future.
Safety informatics was developed along with the development
4 B. Wang, C. Wu / Journal of Cleaner Production 252 (2020) 119852

The complexity in safety science and the amount of safety information increase gradually.

Computerization and
automation through Intellectualization
Electrification through computers and through cyber-physical
Mechanization through electrical energy electronics systems, the Internet of ?
steam power First assembly line, First programmable Things, and networks
First mechanical loom, Cincinnati slaughterhouse, logic controller (PLC), Cyber-physical system,
Spinning Jenny, 1784 1870 Modicon 084, 1969 2000

End of 18th Beginning of the Early 1970s Beginning of the Today Future Time
century 20th century 21st century

and support

Fig. 2. Development process of safety science.

3. Research progress review of safety informatics research of the aforementioned seven

After analysis and induction, existing safety informatics
research mainly focuses on seven aspects (see Fig. 3), namely: (i)
3.1. The discipline construction of safety informatics
the discipline construction of safety informatics, (ii) theoretical
safety information model, (iii) accident causation model from a
China is the world leader in terms of the discipline construction
safety information perspective, (iv) safety management based on
of safety science and has paid much attention to the discipline since
safety information, (v) safety big data, (vi) safety intelligence, and
the 1990s (Wang et al., 2020). Safety informatics is an essential
(vii) safety information technology. This section provides a brief
branch of safety science. Over several years, notably since 21st
century, the discipline construction of safety informatics has
received increasing attention from Chinese scholars. Representa-
tive researches are shown in Table 1.
As seen in Table 1, at present, the academic community has
reached a consensus on the importance and need to develop and
study safety informatics. Although basic issues and core principles
of safety informatics have been thoroughly explored and studied,
there is no consensus on how to build the disciplinary system of
safety informatics. The first path is to establish a relatively small
and practical disciplinary system for safety informatics, based on
the safety informatics itself, and aimed at safety management
(Wang and Wu, 2018a). The second is to construct a relatively
Safety informatics extensive and large disciplinary system for safety informatics, ac-
cording to the asymmetric information theory (the phenomenon of
information asymmetry exists in various branches of safety sci-
ence) (Luo and Wu, 2017). We think that a disciplinary system of
safety informatics constructed according to the second path is
unfocused and, thus, lacks practicality; hence, we recommend us-
ing the first path.

3.2. Theoretical safety information model

Safety big data
Theoretical safety information model refers to the theoretical
model proposed or constructed through an in-depth study of a
certain safety information phenomenon to reveal its mechanisms
Fig. 3. The main research fields of safety informatics. and rulesdfrom a theoretical perspective. The theoretical safety
B. Wang, C. Wu / Journal of Cleaner Production 252 (2020) 119852 5

Table 1
List and summary of representative research of the discipline construction of safety informatics.

Year Reference Summary of research

1995 He (1995) He put forward an important conclusion that, the safety information highway is the future direction of safety management science.
2005 Wang and Wang They discussed the status quo and outlook of intelligence and security informatics. In their study, safety informatics research in some safety
(2005) fields (such as public safety) were mentioned.
2007 Li and Chen (2007)They discussed the importance, connotation, extension, and system of safety management information system discipline.
2012 Zhang and Zhu Safety information engineering is a branch of safety informatics. They pointed out that safety information engineering is a vital professional
(2012) course for safety technology and engineering majors, and proposed a framework for the safety information engineering course.
2015 Huang et al. (2015)
They proposed six core principles of safety informatics, namely safety information quality principle, safety information grade principle, safety
information sharing principle, safety information prevention, and control principle, safety information feedback principle, and safety
information supervision principle.
2017 Luo and Wu (2017) They put forward the research methodology of safety informatics, which includes some specific research methods of safety informatics (e.g., the
collection method, the summary method, the statistic method, etc.), and the general procedure for safety informatics research.
2018 Wang and Wu They analyzed reasons for the establishment of safety informatics. According to their analysis, the establishment of safety informatics has a
(2018a) profound theoretical and practical basis. Meanwhile, they deeply explored the ten basic disciplinary issues of safety informatics (including its
definition, connotation, attribute, foundation, research object, etc.).

information model is the core of the basic theory of safety infor- provide a theoretical foundation for accident investigation and
matics. In recent years, various theoretical safety information analysis, hazard analysis, and accident prevention and control
models have been developed. The existing representative theoret- strategies (Katsakiori et al., 2009). Therefore, accident causation
ical safety information models are shown in Table 2, according to models are akin to important safety science principles (Hughes
which, at present, research on the safety information cognition et al., 2015). Because safety information is a key factor in any ac-
model has become relatively thorough, but are only in initial stages cident (Wu and Huang, 2019), it is an indispensable perspective to
for other theoretical safety information models. Therefore, there is discover the accident causation mechanism (Wang and Wu, 2018e).
an urgent need for in-depth theoretical and empirical application At present, more than fifty accident causation models exist in the
research based on available theoretical safety information models. literature (Hughes et al., 2015), among which 13 were developed
from a safety information perspective (see Table 3). If we attempt to
classify the accident models from a safety information perspective,
3.3. Accident causation model from a safety information
we can divide them into two types (see Table 3): First, “accident
causation models at the individual level”, namely, “human infor-
mation processing accident models” (Katsakiori et al., 2009), which
Accident causation models aim to help understand and explain
describe the accident in terms of human behavior and actions from
how and why accidents occur (Kim and Yoon, 2013). They can

Table 2
Representative theoretical safety information models.

No. Model Type Main researches

1 Safety information cognition model  Leiter and Rheinberger (2016) developed a model of how athletes engaged in risky sports value safety information;
 Wu (2017a,b) constructed a general safety information cognition model to reveal the mechanism and fault mode of
safety information transmission in complex systems;
 Luo and Wu (2018) proposed a safety information cognition approach to reveal the accident mechanism, and
 Lei et al. (2018) developed a safety information cognitive process model.
2 Safety information flow model  Westrum (2014) summed up his research and understanding of safety information flow. We think that his opinions
on the safety information flow can provide an important insight into research on the safety information flow model;
 Wang and Wu (2018a) suggested that, in a system, the safety material flow, the safety energy flow, and the safety
behavior flow can be unified into the safety information flow, and
 Wu and Huang (2019) built a system safety information flow structure model.
3 Safety information supply model  Many researches (e.g., Drupsteen and Boustras, 2016; Ferguson et al., 2011) pointed out that effective safety in-
formation supply is essential to ensure safety;
 Wang and Wu (2018b) proposed a theoretical model for safety information supply, and
 Shang (2017) discussed a public safety information sharing model, and
 Kaza and Chen (2008) surveyed public safety information sharing initiatives.
4 Safety information literacy (including safety  Wang and Wu (2018c) proposed the concept of safety information literacy for the first time, and constructed a safety
data literacy) model information literacy model (according to their model, safety information literacy mainly includes four aspects,
namely, safety information demand consciousness, safety information acquisition ability, safety information eval-
uation ability, and safety information utilization ability);
 Yang (2012) explored and constructed a model for information literacy of safety professionals in safety management,
 Wang et al. (2019b) presented a theoretical framework for data literacy for safety professionals in safety
5 Safety information behavior model  Wang and Wu (2018d) proposed the concept of safety information behavior for the first time, and constructed a meta
model for safety information behavior which explained the mechanism of safety information behavior, that is ‘safety
information need/safety information demand/safety information motivation/safety information seeking
behavior/safety information utilization behavior’, and
 Huang et al. (2017a) constructed a conceptual model of individual safety information capacity.
6 Safety information communication, diffusion  Wincek (2011) put forth a concise communication method for critical process safety information;
or transmission model  Xia (2015) built a quality and safety information diffusion model, and
 Many scholars (e.g., Xiao et al., 2018) developed product or food safety information transmission models.
7 Safety information collection and analysis  The Merseyside Accident Information Model (Davies and Manning, 1994a) can collect all available accident data
model without writing, typing or coding, and accident data are immediately available for analysis.
8 Safety information feedback model  Wu (1983) built a safety information feedback model.
6 B. Wang, C. Wu / Journal of Cleaner Production 252 (2020) 119852

Table 3
Accident causation models from a safety information perspective.

Model type No. References Year Model Brief explanation

Individual level 1 Surry (1969) 1969 Surry model The error in human information processing can cause dangers.
2 Cui (1995) 1970 Hale model An accident occurs when humans do not respond appropriately to the actual
situation of the event (namely, safety information).
3 Qin and Peng (2005) 1972 Wigglesworth model Various information constantly acts on people’s senses, stimulating them. If
people react appropriately to the stimulus, an accident will not occur. On the
contrary, if people react to the stimulus incorrectly or improperly, risks may
occur, which may cause accidents.
4 Lawrence (1974) 1974 Lawrence model Human error is the cause of accidents in gold mining. The most dominant of
human errors are failures to perceive warnings (namely, warning information) of
5 Qin and Peng (2005) 1978 Anderson model Based on the extension and amendment of the Surry model, the Anderson model
was proposed. It is similar to the Surry model.
6 Katsakiori et al. (2009) 1987 SRK framework SRK (Skill-, Rule-, and Knowledge-based behavior) framework distinguishes
between three different levels of human cognitive control of the environment.
7 Hale and Glendon (1987), as 1987 Hale and Glendon model Hale and Glendon’s model is concerned with safety perceptions and decisions,
well as Lacroix and DeJoy and is based on the attribution theory which focuses on how people process
(1989) information in determining the causality of events.
8 Katsakiori et al. (2009) 1998 CREAM CREAM (Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method) describes the full
context in which errors and accidents occur.
Organizational 9 Leveson (2004) 2004 STAMP model STAMP (System-Theoretic Accident Model and Process) regards systems as
(systemic) interrelated components that are kept in a state of dynamic equilibrium by
level feedback loops of information and control.
10 Zhao and Zhou (2012) 2012 Accident causation model Safety information is an informational expression of various factors of accidents.
based on safety information The lack of safety information is the main potential cause of accidents.
11 Li et al. (2017) 2017 Multilevel safety information Information asymmetry is the main cause of accidents in the organization.
asymmetry model
12 Wang and Wu (2018e) 2018 FDA accident model FDA (Forecast-Decision-Action) accident model points out that, in the absence of
safety spoofing, the lack of safety information is the main cause of failures in
safety forecast, safety decision-making, and safety action.
13 Wu and Huang (2019) 2019 Accident model based on The role of information flow in accident causation is profound. The breakdown of
information flow information flow (such as the failure of information acquisition) can potentially
cause an accident.

a perspective of human safety information processing. Second, focuses on safety problem-solving with safety information as the
“accident causation models at the organizational (systemic) level foundation. Therefore, safety management must be based on reli-
(Katsakiori et al., 2009)”, namely, “organizational (systemic) infor- able and sufficient safety information. Wang and Wu (2019) state
mation processing accident models”, which indicate that the root that “the road to safety must pass through safety information”,
cause of accidents in the organization (system) is the lack of safety emphasizing that the essence of safety management lies in the
information or the asymmetric safety information. related information-based processes, and providing effective safety
As seen in Table 3, different accident causation models from a information services for safety management should be the ultimate
safety information perspective focus on different aspects and are goal and core task of safety informatics research. Thus, safety
associated with different causes of an accident. Over time, the management based on safety information is one of the major
evolution of accident causation models from a safety information research fields of safety informatics, and its research can be cate-
perspective has witnessed a shift from searching for immediate gorized into four major groups: (i) the importance and influence of
causes at the individual level to the recognition of multiple causes safety information for safety management, (ii) safety information-
in the whole organization or at the organizational (systemic) level. based safety management approaches, (iii) safety behavior inter-
It is important to note that accident causation models at the vention based on safety information, and (iv) safety information
organizational (systemic) level, such as FDA accident model and management.
accident model based on information flow, involve not only orga-
nizational (systemic) factors but also individual factors. This shows
3.4.1. The importance and influence of safety information for safety
that the accident can be understood, explained, and analyzed more
systematically and comprehensively by adopting accident causa-
Presently, it is widely acknowledged that safety information is
tion models at the organizational (systemic) level than at the in-
an important basic element for solving safety problems (Wang
dividual level. At present, from a safety information perspective,
et al., 2017). For example, Jørgensen (2008) pointed out that sys-
accident causation models at the individual level have been
tematic use of information from accidents (typically, accident in-
extensively studied, however, there is a lack of in-depth exploration
formation is a common and important source of safety information)
of accident causation models at the organizational (systemic) level
forms a basis for accident prevention activities. Wang et al. (2017)
as these have not been thoroughly applied to accident investigation
found that many safety management failures in organizations
and analysis, nor to accident prevention and control. Therefore, in
occur due to the lack of necessary safety information for safety
the future, theoretical research of these aspects and its application
management (especially, safety decision-making). To reveal the
should be strengthened.
influencing mechanism of safety information on safety manage-
ment behavior (including safety forecast behavior, safety decision-
3.4. Safety management based on safety information making behavior, and safety action (implementation) behavior),
Wang and Wu (2018f) constructed a model for safety information-
Information is a critical component of the problem-solving based safety management, that is, the SI-SB (Safety Information-
process (Hmelo-Silver, 2004). Accordingly, safety management Safety Behaviors) system safety model (see Fig. 4).
B. Wang, C. Wu / Journal of Cleaner Production 252 (2020) 119852 7

In addition, a series of specific studies on the influence of safety 3.4.3. Safety behavior intervention based on safety information
information for safety management have been conducted. For Safety behavior intervention is one of the major aspects of safety
example, Seppa €nen and Virrantaus (2015) discussed the influence management. To intervene safety behaviors, behavior-based safety
of safety information quality on disaster management; Niu (2012) management was proposed and widely implemented (Choudhry,
analyzed the safety information needs of community emergency 2014). According to the IDAC model (which is composed of
managers; Wybo (2013) showed that temporal coherence of in- models of information processing (I), problem-solving and
formation is a key factor for efficient crisis prevention. Moreover, decision-making (D), and action execution (A) of a crew (C))
the information literacy (Yang, 2012) and data literacy (Wang et al., (Mosleh and Chang, 2004), the information-motivation-behavioral
2019a,b) of safety professionals in safety management were pro- skills (IMB) model (Fisher and Fisher, 1992, 2000), and accident
posed and discussed. However, in the field of the importance and causation models from a safety information perspective in Section
influence of safety information for safety management, most 2.3 (see Table 3), safety information has an important influence on
studies are superficial and theoretical, and profound studies safety behaviors (including both individual and organizational
(especially quantitative analyses and research) are still missing. safety behaviors). Safety information is an element that influences
and controls safety behaviors. In terms of individual safety behavior
intervention based on safety information, a series of representative
3.4.2. Safety information-based safety management approaches
research has been obtained in recent years, specifically:
In the information age, key safety management strategies
include safety engineering, safety education, safety enforcement,
(1) Wang et al. (2018b) proposed a model for safety behavior
safety economics, safety culture, and safety information. For
intervention based on safety information, that is the “safety
instance, Shi and Liang (2008) suggested that information strategy
information-safety knowledge-safety awareness-safety be-
is an important strategy for emergency management in enterprises.
haviors (S-IKPB)” model;
In order to effectively solve the problem of the lack of safety in-
(2) Huang et al. (2018a) studied the individual behavioral safety
formation for safety management, some effective, feasible, and
mechanism and its influence factors based on safety infor-
practical safety management approaches based on safety infor-
mation cognition;
mation have been proposed, namely: (i) the evidence-based safety
(3) Drupsteen and Boustras (2016) researched the effectiveness
approach (Wang et al., 2017), (ii) safety knowledge management
of safety information for workplace visitors; their study
(Hallowell, 2012), (iii) data-driven safety management (Wang et al.,
shows how safety instructions for visitors could be better
2019c), and (iv) safety management information system (Wang and
Zhang, 1999) or safety information database for safety management
(4) Wang et al. (2015) explored the effect of information sharing
(Chen et al., 2016). Although the aforementioned new safety
and communication on driver’s risk taking;
management approaches have been proposed, many studies on
(5) Ferguson et al. (2011) and Shen et al. (2013) explored the
themdsuch as empirical research, their applications in different
effect of safety information on human safety willingness and
industries or fields, quantitative analysis of factors influencing their
usedare yet to be performed. Therefore, more studies on these
(6) Waard et al. (2004) measured how much visual information
approaches are urgently needed.
from the road is required for proper and safe driving, and
Moreover, many scholars have carried out numerous studies on
(7) Hinks et al. (2009) studied the influence of chemical safety
safety information-based safety management in specific fields or
information on chemical disposal behaviors.
aspects of safety management. For example, Lind and Kivisto €-
Rahnasto (2008) discussed the utilization of external safety infor-
However, there is little research on organizational safety
mation or, more specifically, accident information in companies’
behavior intervention based on safety information. Therefore, we
safety promotion; Chung et al. (2012) proposed a framework for the
need to strengthen research in this area. Of course, a handful of
integration of plant safety information repository with safety-
studies, such as the FDA accident model and the accident model
related tools; Manning et al. (2000) believed that the Merseyside
based on information flow (see Table 3), involve the influence of
Accident Information Model (see Table 2) is a new approach to
safety information on organizational safety behaviors. According to
accident prevention; Pasquini et al. (2008) discussed how to elicit
these studies, certain potential strategies for organizational safety
information for safety assessment.

Safety forecast Safety decision

space in a system
Safety behavior

information information

Safety information
space in a system


Fig. 4. SI-SB (Safety Information-Safety Behavior) system safety model (adopted from Wang and Wu (2018f)).
8 B. Wang, C. Wu / Journal of Cleaner Production 252 (2020) 119852

behavior intervention (such as an evidence-based safety approach) research. In recent years, although researchers have conducted
can be developed. some exploratory studies on safety big data, there are many issues
(especially basic theories of safety big data, such as theories and
3.4.4. Safety information management methods on the quality, collection, and analysis of safety big data)
With the increase of safety information in safety management, that urgently need to be extensively studied. In our view, the basic
and the increased reliance of safety management on safety infor- theories of safety big data are the core of big safety data research,
mation, safety information management has become increasingly and the application of safety big data in safety management should
vital, making it central to information-based safety management. In be based on basic theories of safety big data. At the same time, the
recent years, the academic sector has extensively carried out uni- application of big data in some key areas, such as the safety of
versal safety information management (Gielen et al., 2009), as well critical facilities and equipment, major engineering safety, nuclear
as management on various specific types of safety information, safety, chemical safety, aviation safety, urban safety, and public
such as emergency information (Yao and Hu, 2016), accident in- safety, needs to be strengthened.
formation (Lind and Kivisto € -Rahnasto, 2008), error information
which may lead to accidents or disasters (Li, 2013), occupational 3.6. Safety intelligence
safety information (Keller and Cunningham, 2016), chemical (pro-
cess) safety information (Aziz et al., 2014), traffic safety information Intelligence plays an increasingly important role in many do-
(Abdi and Meddeb, 2017), food safety information (Peng et al., mains in the current “intelligence” age. Against this backdrop, the
2009), and patient safety information (Sheikhtaheri et al., 2013). concept of safety intelligence was also proposed by Wang and Wu
In addition, safety management information or data systems as (2019). Safety intelligence is the safety information that can affect
effective tools for managing safety information have been exten- safety management. This shows that safety intelligence is different
sively studied and applied in safety management (Jung et al., 2008). from safety information. In other words, while all safety intelli-
gence is safety information, all safety information is not safety in-
3.5. Safety big data telligence. Safety management requires the support of safety
intelligence, hence, high-quality safety intelligence is indispensable
In recent years, due to the rapid growth of data, big data has for safety management. Moreover, safety intelligence is a direct
become a hot buzzword in various disciplines. The research object foundation and is the catalyst to realizing intelligent safety man-
of safety informatics includes safety data. With the arrival of the era agement (Wang and Wu, 2019). For these reasons, emergency in-
of big data, we can claim that safety informatics has entered the era telligence (which is an important type of safety intelligence) has
of safety big data. For this reason, in the last five years, safety big recently become an extremely popular topic in intelligence studies
data has become a major research interest and popular resource in (Li and Li, 2015a,b). Since 2018, some safety scientists such as Wang
safety informatics, with the number of studies on safety big data and Wu (2019) also started to pay attention to safety intelligence
rapidly increasing. After an induction and classification, existing and develop its studies. As the essence of safety intelligence lies in
studies on safety big data mainly involve the following three safety information, safety intelligence science must be the next
aspects: important research field in safety informatics (Wang and Wu,
2018g). Safety intelligence research presents five conspicuous
(i) Basic theories of safety big data. Studies in this area include features:
two main aspects: the construction of safety big data disci-
pline, and the basic theory of the application of safety big (1) The discipline construction of safety intelligence science has
data. For the construction of the discipline of safety big data, received initial attention, and we have built a theoretical
Wang and Wu (2017) stated that safety big data science is an framework for safety intelligence science;
important branch of safety informatics in the era of big data. (2) The theories and methodologies of safety intelligence (e.g.,
According to them, safety big data science is an applied sci- the approach to obtaining and analyzing safety intelligence,
ence that studies various safety phenomena based on the the theoretical framework of safety intelligence system, the
analysis of safety big data, and its core purpose is to reveal affect mechanism of safety intelligence for safety manage-
safety laws and rules hiding in safety big data to realize the ment, the safety management model based on safety intel-
value of safety big data in safety management. In terms of ligence, and intelligence-led safety management approach)
basic theory of the application of safety big data, Ouyang have been examined and briefly introduced by Wang and Wu
et al. (2018) explored the methodologies, principles, and (2019);
prospects of applying big data in safety science research. (3) Existing research mainly focuses on public safety (Tang,
Moreover, Wang and Zhang (2018), as well as Ouyang and 2017; Xue, 2011) and urban safety (Li and Li, 2015a,b),
Wu (2017), studied the safety big data sharing model. while research in other safety fields is extremely rare;
(ii) Application of safety big data in safety management. Safety (4) Existing research mainly focuses on abnormal safety man-
big data has been applied to five specific aspects of safety agement (namely, emergency management) (Li and Li,
management (see Table 4), namely: safety decision-making, 2015a,b), and research for the whole process of safety man-
safety monitoring, accident investigation and analysis, agement is rare, and
safety risk prevention and control, and emergency (5) Researchers mainly stem from the fields of intelligence sci-
management. ence and public administration, therefore, as there are a
(iii) Application of safety big data in safety management in spe- handful of safety scholars who conduct safety intelligence
cific fields. In recent years, the use of safety big data in safety research, it leads to a lack of safety intelligence research from
management in various specific areas, such as work safety a safety science perspective.
(Zhou, 2016), traffic safety (Shi and Abdel-Aty, 2015), public
safety (Cao et al., 2017), food safety (Marvin et al., 2017), and At present, research on basic theories of safety intelligence sci-
patient safety (Linnen, 2016) has been widely discussed. ence is still very scarce, which seriously hinders the research and
practice of safety intelligence science. We suggest that research on
Safety big data is an emerging field in safety informatics basic theories of safety intelligence science must be further
B. Wang, C. Wu / Journal of Cleaner Production 252 (2020) 119852 9

Table 4
List of typical applications of safety big data in safety management.

No. Area Main researches

1 Safety decision-making  Huang et al. (2018b) developed a conceptual framework for big data-driven safety decision-making, and analyzed the influencing
factors of safety decision-making based on big data, and
 To use data-driven safety decision-making to realize smart safety management in the era of big data, Wang et al. (2019c) stated the
definition, benefits, theoretical foundations, fundamental elements, and influencing factors of data-driven safety decision-making.
2 Safety monitoring  Shi and Abdel-Aty (2015) discussed the application of big data in urban highway safety monitoring, and
 Bychkov et al. (2016) discussed the application of big data in ground-based safety monitoring.
3 Accident investigation and  Huang et al. (2017b) proposed a new paradigm for accident investigation and analysis in the era of big data, and
analysis  Huang and Zhou (2019) developed a mine accident prediction and analysis approach based on multimedia big data.
4 Safety risk prevention and  Walker and Strathie (2016) suggested that the big data and ergonomics methods is a new paradigm for tackling strategic transport
control safety risks, and
 Cao et al. (2017) and Wang et al. (2018) discussed safety risk early-warning and governance based on big data.
5 Emergency management  Ragini et al. (2018) highlighted that the real-time categorization and classification of social media big data can ensure effective disaster
response and recovery,
 Guo and Liu (2016) conducted a study on emergency data quality governance in the era of big data, and
 Many other studies (e.g., Pang, 2015; Ma and Mao, 2015; Wu, 2017a,b) explored the application of big data in emergency management.

examined closely in the future. Moreover, we appeal to an As seen in Table 5, current safety information technologies cover
increasing number of safety scientists to engage in safety intelli- a wide range of systems and there is no doubt that safety infor-
gence science research. mation technology will innovate with the development of infor-
mation technology. Therefore, with the continuous advancement of
3.7. Safety information technology information technology, especially with the emergence of various
new information technologies (such as big data technology,
There is a general consensus that technology can improve safety blockchain technology, cloud computing, machine learning, artifi-
and since the 1980s, rapid developments in information technology cial intelligence technology, and data mining technology), a series
have led to it being widely used in the field. As a result, safety in- of new safety information technologies are bound to emerge. What
formation technology becomes one of the major safety technolo- is certain is that the future development direction of safety infor-
gies and usually includes the use of electronic safety records and mation technology will be more automated and faster, and that the
other information technologies in one location. Safety information number of intelligent technologies on safety information (data)
technology can enhance safety monitoring, analysis, and predic- collection, analysis, processing, and use will grow. Meanwhile, we
tion; decrease human errors; and improve the efficiency of safety should pay attention to the effective integration of information
management. In short, safety information technology is crucial for technology and safety management practice. In addition, safety
modern safety management, leading to concerns from safety re- information technology can also promote safety science research.
searchers and practitioners about the research and use of safety
information technology. For example, an Information Technologies 4. Discussion
for Safety Management conferencewas held in November 2011 in
Wuhan, China (Ding and Li, 2013) to discuss the same. In recent years, safety informatics has received increasing
At present, according to the content of safety management, attention and, thus, greatly developed, with a significant number of
typical safety information technologies mainly concentrate on five research results having been achieved. However, limitations and
aspects (see Table 5): safety monitoring (e.g., Aguilar and Hewage, suggestions for future research still need to be outlined. Based on
2013), accident prevention and control (e.g., Birkinshaw et al., Section 2 and Section 3, from a macro perspective, this section at-
1998), disaster prevention and control (e.g., Hiroyuki et al., 2015), tempts to provide a brief discussion on the limitations and the
safety risk management (e.g., Hegde and Rokseth, 2020), safety future research directions in the safety informatics area.
education and training (e.g., Smith and Ericson, 2009), and emer- First, the system of a discipline directly determines if the
gency management (e.g., Sebillo et al., 2016). From the perspective discipline develops scientifically. However, as safety informatics is
of the industry, existing safety information technologies mainly an emerging area of safety science, there is no consensus on basic
involve eight industries, namely, construction safety (Ding and Li, factors of safety informatics as a discipline (including its definition,
2013), transportation safety (Sun et al., 2010), chemical safety, connotation, attribute, foundation, research object, etc.) and/or
mining safety (Ma et al., 2019; Liang et al., 2019), food safety (Deasy, how to build a disciplinary system of safety informatics. Therefore,
2002), patient safety (Alotaibi and Federico, 2017), public safety future research should concentrate on the discipline construction
(Surobhi and Jamalipour, 2014), and urban safety. of safety informatics.

Table 5
List of typical safety information technologies.

No. Area Examples of main safety information technologies

1 Safety monitoring GIS, GPS, sensor technology, database technology, network technology, communication technology, etc.
2 Accident (disaster) prevention Computer simulation technology, database technology, virtual reality technology, image measurement technology, big data
and control technology, etc.
3 Safety risk management Machine learning technology, big data technology, assisted decision-making support system, artificial neural network technology,
4 Safety education and training Multimedia technology, computer network technology, animation technology, virtual reality technology, visualization technology,
5 Emergency management Internet of things technology, network technology, assisted decision-making support system, visualization technology, database
technology, artificial intelligence technology, etc.
10 B. Wang, C. Wu / Journal of Cleaner Production 252 (2020) 119852

Second, existing safety informatics research mainly illustrates design or realization under the smart safety management frame-
safety informatics models and approaches (such as safety infor- work. Therefore, more research on smart safety management is
mation models, safety behavior intervention models based on urgently needed in the future. These should include research on:
safety information, accident causation models from a safety infor-
mation perspective, and safety information-based safety manage- (1) fundamental questions (such as what it is, its benefits, and its
ment approaches) from a theoretical perspective. Therefore, safety fundamental elements) concerning smart safety
information models and approaches in existing research still need management;
to be further developed and proved by using case studies and (2) a smart safety management model;
survey-based researches, in other words, through empirical (3) the analysis of factors influencing the use of smart safety
research on safety information models and approaches. management;
Third, it is difficult to find studies that evaluate the usefulness of (4) intelligence-led approach to realize smart safety
an accident causation model from a safety information perspective. management;
Many studies that propose a new accident causation model from a (5) smart safety management standards and protocols;
safety information perspective have included case studies of only (6) smart safety management automated devices;
one specific accident. To validate the usefulness of an accident (7) smart safety training and education;
causation model in explaining how accidents occur, the model (8) decision support systems for smart safety management;
should be applied to a much larger sample of accidents. (9) new information technologies (e.g., big data, blockchain,
Fourth, numerous theoretical safety information models and machine learning, cloud computing, artificial intelligence,
accident causation models from a safety information perspective augmented/virtual/mixed reality, etc.) applications for smart
have been developed, but little effort has been devoted toward safety management;
systematically evaluating their potential strengths and methods of (10) smart safety management applications in different
application. Therefore, future research should analyze their po- industries;
tential strengths and explore methods of application. (11) smart safety management in legacy industrial environments;
Fifth, most safety informatics studies are qualitative, and (12) the combination of smart safety management and traditional
quantitative analyses and studies are still missing. For example, it is safety management approaches; and
difficult to find published research that performs a quantitative (13) behavioral and organizational issues in smart safety
analysis and research on the importance and influence of safety management.
information for safety management, and factors influencing the use
of safety information-based safety management approaches.
Therefore, the measurement of the desired effects of safety infor-
mation for safety management, and the quantitative analysis of 5. Conclusion
factors influencing the use of safety information-based safety
management approaches must be conducted in the future. Safety is of utmost importance to human health, loss preven-
Sixth, safety big data science and safety intelligence science are tion, environmental protection, sustainability, and cleaner pro-
two new branches of safety informatics in the era of big data and duction. In the information era, safety information is a vital strategy
the intelligence age, and have brought new changes in the field of for safety promotion, and safety informaticsdas a new and
safety informatics. However, there is still a lack of in-depth research promising area of safety sciencedshould be paid more attention by
and practical application of safety big data science and safety in- researchers and practitioners. Safety informatics has undergone
telligence science in safety informatics. Future research of safety big four stages to date, namely, the embryonic stage (1940e1980), the
data science and safety intelligence science needs to be carried out initial stage (1980e1990), the formation stage (1990e2010), and
under the guidance of the theoretical framework for safety big data the deepening stage (2010epresent). Thus far, safety informatics
science and safety intelligence science in the literature (Wang and research results have been very fruitful and focus on seven aspects:
Wu, 2018g). (i) the discipline construction of safety informatics, (ii) theoretical
Seventh, at present, various safety information technologies safety information model, (iii) accident causation model from a
have been widely used for safety promotion. However, the use of safety information perspective, (iv) safety management based on
safety information technologies to improve safety is limited in the safety information, (v) safety big data, (vi) safety intelligence, and
field of safety informatics. Future studies must make use of newer, (vii) safety information technology. In addition, with the rapid
available information technologies (such as big data technology, development and innovation of information science and safety
blockchain technology, cloud computing, machine learning, artifi- science, safety informatics will develop rapidly in the future, and
cial intelligence technology, and data mining technology) to create will present several new opportunities and challenges. Therefore,
new and effective safety information technologies. future research on safety informatics is not only necessary, but also
Eighth, although some published researches discussed safety promising. There is a need for numerous safety informatics scholars
informatics combined with factors such as the big data era, Safety and practitioners to collaborate to promote the healthy develop-
4.0, Industry 4.0, and the intelligence age, discussion on opportu- ment of safety informatics. Finally, it should be noted that this study
nities, challenges, and research paradigm changes of safety infor- is based on the doctoral dissertation entitled ‘Study on the Basic
matics in relation to the same factors is not in-depth and specific Theories of Safety & Security Informatics towards Safety & Security
enough. In the future, the data-driven research paradigm for safety Management’ by Wang, who is the first author of this paper, and
informatics, and the theory and method of safety informatics to- received a doctorate of safety science and engineering from Central
wards computational safety science should be concerned and South University in China in 2019.
Finally, in the stage of Safety 4.0, Industry 4.0, and the intelli-
gence age, smart safety management will become the focus and Author contribution section
ultimate goal of safety informatics. However, discussions on pre-
vious achievements in smart safety management largely focused on Bing Wang designed the research framework and drafted the
technology, and there has been no achievement in terms of system manuscript, Chao Wu revised the manuscript.
B. Wang, C. Wu / Journal of Cleaner Production 252 (2020) 119852 11

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