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Expt. no.


Name of the experiment

Determination of the moment of inertia of a fly wheel.


Let M be the mass of the suspended weight, I be the moment of inertia of the fly
wheel and r is the radius of the axle. When the mass M falls through a vertical
height h it loses potential energy. (P.E). This energy is lost in acquiring kinetic
energy(K.E) in the fly wheel and work done against the friction at the axle of the
wheel. Now, if the body falls though height h and acquired the angular velocity 𝜔
and work done for each rotation be 𝜔 ,the lost of potential energy to fall the
vertical height, h is expended is produces,
(i) Kinetic energy of the body =1 I 𝑣

(ii) Rotational kinetic energy of the wheel = 1 I𝜔2


(iii) Work done against friction=W

∴ M gh = 1 I 𝑣 2+ 1 I 𝜔 2 +n1W .......................... (1)

2 2

Here, 1= moment of inertia of the wheel,

of the fly wheel height h it loses (ICE) in the fly if the body falls each rotation be

n1= Number of revolutions while M falls through vertical height h (from A to B),
n2= Further revolutions of fly wheel before it comes to rest, the work done during
these n2 revolutions in overcoming friction.
2 .....................................................
∴ n W= 1 I 𝜔 2 or W=I𝜔 (2)
2 2𝑛2

Putting the value of W in equation (1), we get,

∴ M gh = 1 I 𝑣 2+ 1 I 𝜔 2+𝑛 I𝜔2
2 2 1 2𝑛
Or, Mgh = 1 M 𝑟 2 𝜔 2 + 1 I 𝜔 2(I+ 𝑛1 ) (∴ v=𝜔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟 = 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑥𝑙𝑒)
2 2 𝑛2

Or, I
𝜔2 (1+ 1 )

Again, since the wheel revolves with 𝜔 uniform angular velocity and after n2
revolutions comes to rest, so average angular velocity = 𝜔+0 = 𝜔 = 2𝜋 𝑛
2 2 𝑡 2

(∴angular velocity 𝜔=2𝜋𝑛2)

∴𝜔= ……….(4)

Putting the value of 𝜔 in equation(3), we get,I= 𝑀
( − 𝑛2 𝑟2)
𝑛1+𝑛2 8𝜋2𝑛2

Apparatus: A fly, wheel, cotton string, metre scale, slide calipers, weight box,
stop watch etc.

1. A mass of about 200 gm was tied to the cotton string and the other end was
fixed to the peg on the axle. The string was winded several times round the
axle by rotating the wheel with the hand until the mass is near the rim, that is
at A. The position of A on the side of the table was marked.
2. Now the mass M, was allowed to fall through a measured distance h to the
ground B and the time t of fall was noted with the stop watch. The number
of revolutions, n1, of the wheel during time t was noted by observing a mark
was made on the rim of the fly wheel.
3. The string was rewinded till the mass is again at A and the mass was allowed
to fall. As soon as the mass was detached, a stop watch was started and the
number of revolutions n2 made by the wheel before coming to rest was
4. Procedure (2) was repeated taking the mass 240 gm.
5. The experiment may be repeated taking several mass,
6. The vertical height AB =h was measured by a metre scale,
7. The diameter, d of the axle was measured by a slide calipers and dividing
this diameter by 2, radius was obtained.
8. Now putting the value of n1. n2, t, r, M, h and g, moment of inertia (I) was
Experimental data and table:

(1) Determination of radius of the axle:

𝑠 1𝑚𝑚
Vernier consant= = = 0.1𝑚𝑚 = 0.01 𝑐𝑚
𝑛 10

S=value of 1 small division of linear scale.

n=Number of total divisions of circular scale

No. of Main Vernier Vernier Value Total Instrumental Correct Average
Obs. Scale Scale Constant Of Apparent Error diameter Diameter
Reading Reading C Vernier Reading ±𝑒 d =d- d
a V cm Scale d=a+b cm (±𝑒) cm
cm Reading cm cm
b=v× 𝑐
1 2.3 2 0.1 0.02 2.32 0 2.32
2 2.3 3 0.1 0.03 2.33 0 2.33 2.33
3 2.3 4 0.1 0.04 2.34 0 2.34

𝑑 2.33
Radius of the axle,r= = = 1.165𝑐𝑚
2 2

(ii) Table of determining n1,n2,h,and t:

No. Weight Height No. of Averag No. of Average Time for n2 Averag Radius Moment of Average
of of the h revolutions e revolutions n2 revolutions t e t sec of axle the inertia I gm
body cm of the n1 the wheel sec r cm of the cm2
Obs. M wheel n2 wheel I gm
gm n1 cm2

1 200 60 8 29 22.6
2 200 60 8 29 22.4
8 29 22.5 1.165 69986.486
3 200 60 8 29 22.5
4 240 60 8 34 26.1 77132.66

5 240 60 8 34 25.9
8 34 26 1.165 84278.84
6 240 60 8 34 26
(1) I = ( ℎ𝑡 − 𝑛 𝑟2)
𝑛1+𝑛2 8𝜋2𝑛2 2

=6.9986486×10 -3 kgm2

𝑀 ℎ𝑡2
(2) I= ( − 𝑛2 𝑟2)
𝑛1+𝑛2 8𝜋2𝑛2

=7.713266×10 -3 kgm2

Results: Moment of inertia of fly wheel, I= 7.713266×10 -3 kgm2


1. Time and number of revolution must be counted very carefully

2. When the flywheel makes less than 100 revolutions before coming to
considerable frictional loss and the axle should be oiled.
3. The string should be of small diameter compared to that of the axle.
4. Readings along mutually perpendicular direction must be taken while diameter
of the axle.

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