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Undertaking for Custom Bid / BoQ Creation on GeM

(to be filled by the Conpetent Authority)

File number:19013/10/2024/Solar Work/Rupaidiha (FTS No. 3690672) Date: 19.06.2024

Subject: Undertaking for Creation of Custom Bid / BoQ for Goods/ Services required on GeM
1. Goods / Services Required (Please specify the exact goods /services required): Provision of grid
interactive solar power generation system ground mounted with plant capacity of 350 KWP includes
planning, design supply, installation testing, operation and maintenance.

2. Search String Used in the GeM Availability Report &Past Transaction Summary (Please state the exact
search string used to find suitable categories): Provision of grid interactive solar power generation system
ground mounted with plant capacity of 350KWP includes planning, design supply, installation testing,
operation and maintenance.
3. GARPTS ID (mention GeM Availability Report ID): GEMGARPTS/04062024/D8OL7ZOMOX9E

4. Categories which will be selected for sending notification from GeM:

Category l: (Design, Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Grid Connected Ground Mounted Solar
Power Plant Service)
Category 2: (Design, Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Grid Connected Roof Top Solar Power

Plant Service)
Category 3: (AMC/ CAMC of Solar Energy Power Plants)

5. Undertaking:

Iacknowledge that the creation of a custom bid/B0Q is an exceptional process, waanted only when
categories are unavailable on GeM for the required goods/services. 1, (Your Name), undertake to the
1. Our office/organization has diligently conducted a comprehensive search using the provided
search parameters, confirming the absence of relevant categories for goods/services.
2. To the best of our knowledge, our office/organization has provided an accurate and detailed description
of the required goods/services in para labove.
3. We have meticulously selected the most relevant categories for notification in para 4 above.
4. Our office/organization stands fully prepared tojustify the necessity for a custom bid/BOQ to
GeM upon request.

Under Secretary G®), tand Ports Authority of India, Department of Border Management, New Delhi)

Note -This undertaking will be attached to BoQ/Custom bid published and will be available in
public domain.

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