Research summary. The effect of Exporting on innovation

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Research Summary: The Effect of Export Activity on Innovation


Export activity plays a vital role in the economic development and growth of countries.
Beyond its immediate economic benefits, exporting can significantly influence a firm’s
capacity to innovate. Innovation, defined as the implementation of new or significantly
improved products, processes, or methods, is crucial for maintaining competitive advantage
in global markets. This research summary explores the various ways in which export activity
impacts innovation within firms, drawing from recent empirical studies and theoretical

Mechanisms Through Which Export Activity Influences Innovation

1. Learning by Exporting:
o Firms engaging in export activities often gain access to new knowledge and
technologies from international markets. This exposure to diverse customer
preferences, advanced technologies, and stringent regulatory standards can
drive firms to innovate. By learning from foreign markets, firms can improve
their processes, products, and services.
2. Increased Competition:
o Exporting firms typically face higher levels of competition in global markets
compared to domestic markets. This heightened competition pressures firms to
innovate continuously to maintain or enhance their market positions.
Innovations may include product improvements, cost reductions, and
efficiency enhancements.
3. Economies of Scale:
o Exporting can lead to economies of scale, as firms increase their production
volumes to meet international demand. Larger production scales can justify
and support greater investments in research and development (R&D), fostering
innovation. Additionally, the increased revenue from exports can provide the
necessary financial resources for innovation activities.
4. Access to International Networks:
o Exporting firms often establish networks with international partners, including
customers, suppliers, and research institutions. These networks can facilitate
the exchange of ideas, technologies, and best practices, fostering collaborative
innovation. International collaborations can also lead to the co-development of
new products and technologies.
5. Regulatory and Market Standards:
o Exposure to international regulatory and market standards can drive firms to
innovate. Complying with different countries' standards often requires firms to
develop new technologies or adapt existing ones. This process can lead to
significant innovations that improve product quality and process efficiency.

Empirical Evidence

Empirical studies provide robust evidence on the positive impact of export activity on
innovation, although the extent and nature of this impact can vary.

1. Positive Impacts:
oAw, Roberts, and Xu (2011) found that Taiwanese manufacturing firms that
export are more likely to engage in R&D and introduce new products
compared to non-exporters. Their study suggests a strong link between
exporting and innovation.
o Salomon and Shaver (2005) provided evidence from Spanish manufacturing
firms showing that export activity enhances a firm’s innovative capabilities,
with exporters demonstrating higher rates of patenting and product innovation.
2. Moderating Factors:
o The impact of export activity on innovation can be moderated by factors such
as firm size, industry type, and the destination market’s development level.
For instance, Love and Ganotakis (2013) found that smaller firms and those
exporting to developed countries benefit more in terms of innovation.
3. Conditional Impacts:
o Harris and Li (2009) highlighted that the relationship between exporting and
innovation is conditional on the firm’s absorptive capacity. Firms with higher
levels of human capital and prior R&D experience are better positioned to
leverage export activity for innovation.

Challenges and Considerations

While exporting can stimulate innovation, several challenges and considerations must be

1. Absorptive Capacity:
o Firms need the capability to absorb and utilize the new knowledge and
technologies they are exposed to through export activities. This requires
investments in education, training, and R&D infrastructure.
2. Market Dynamics:
o The benefits of exporting on innovation can vary depending on the dynamics
of the target markets. Firms exporting to highly competitive and
technologically advanced markets may experience greater innovation stimuli.
3. Policy Support:
o Government policies that support export activities, such as export subsidies,
trade agreements, and innovation grants, can enhance the positive impact of
exporting on innovation. Policymakers should create an enabling environment
that facilitates firms' entry into and expansion within international markets.


Export activity significantly impacts firm-level innovation, providing access to new

knowledge, increasing competitive pressures, and enabling economies of scale. However, the
extent of this impact is influenced by several factors, including firm characteristics, market
conditions, and supportive policies. Firms that strategically leverage their export activities
can enhance their innovative capabilities and maintain a competitive edge in global markets.
Policymakers should focus on fostering an environment that supports both export activities
and innovation to maximize the benefits for economic growth and development.

This research underscores the importance of understanding the multifaceted relationship

between export activity and innovation, highlighting the need for continued empirical
investigation across different contexts and industries.

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