Writing Tong Hop De VSTEP

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You have seen an advertisement of an English course at the ABC college on the newspapaer. Now, you
will write a letter to Mrs. Lauren, the head of English department in this college. In the letter, you
should ask the following information:

- The timetable for the course

- The information of the teacher and program
- The location of the course
- The cost of the course

You are the head of an English center. You have received a letter from a student asking about the
English course. Read part of his letter below:

Dear Mr. Lam Nguyen,

I am a high school student. I saw your advertisement on the Internet for the course of English for
university entrance examination at your center. I am interested in this course. So, could you tell me
the timetable for this course? Now, I am at Grade 11 and a bit weak at English. I would like to know
about the teacher as well as the program to decide whether this course is suitable for me or not. By
the way, please tell me how much I will pay for this course.
Thank you,
Write a letter responding to Minh.

You received a letter from your English friend, Mike. He asked you some information about your
holiday. Read part of his letter below:

I have just come back from the sea journey with my family. It was very exciting. I visited a lot of
islands and saw many colorful fishes. I also took beautiful photos with my family.
Last time, you told me that you had a journey with your family. Can you tell me something about it?
How do you feel? By the way, what did you do after your holiday?
Write a letter responding to Mike.

You received an email from a student, Ethan, asking for more information about next month’s trip.
Read part of his email below:

I am really interested in the school trip you are going to organize next month to a historical museum.
I am writing to ask for more information about the fee, the exact date and time so that I can arrange
time to join you. I would also like to know how we can get there and what activities are planned for
the visit. And it is a whole day trip so are participants expected to bring lunch along?
I look forward to receiving your information.
Write a letter responding Ethan.

You received a letter from your English friend, Elena. She asked you some information about a holiday
in Vietnam. Read part of her letter below:

How is everything?
I have just finished my study at school. I am planning a trip to Vietnam for a week. I saw many
programs about Vietnam and I know that Vietnam has many interesting places to visit. But, I just
have a week in Vietnam. Can you tell me which place in Vietnam I should visit this time? I would
also like to know whether I can join some night activities in your country. Could you tell me some?
And, what kinds of clothes should I wear when I come to your country?
Write a letter responding to Elena.

You are Jones Smith, a host family in London. You received a letter from a student, Son Nguyen,
asking some information about his stay at your house. Read part of his letter below:

Dear Mr. Jones Smith,

I am Son Nguyen from Viet Nam. I am very happy to know that you are my host family in London. I
will go to London to study English for 1 month from June this year. I am writing this letter to ask
you some information about how much I must pay for my stay at your house and whether that fee
includes eletricity and water bills. By the way, can you tell me how far it is from your house to my
school, London college. Also, are there any kinds of public transport near your house?
Thank you,
Write a letter responding to Son Nguyen.

You received a letter from the department head of the university where you are studying. Read part of
the letter below:

From what you said, I understand you are not satisfied with the course in our department and would
like to change to a different course. Could you please give me more information about the course
you are doing now? Please kindly explain why you are not satisfied with that course. What course
you would like to change to?
Mrs. Lana
Write a letter responding to Ms. Lana.

You received a letter from your friend, David. He asked you about your new job. Read part of his letter

How is everything?
In your last letter, you told me that you had changed your job. I am surprised to know that because
you had a well-paid job. So what made you decide to change? Is it better than your old job? Please
describe your new job.
Write a letter responding to your friend.

You received an email from your English friend, Tom. He asked you about your next test. Read part of
his email below.

How is everything?
In your last letter, you told me about your language course. I hope that you are doing well with the
course. You said you were worried about your test. Can you tell me when the test is? Which skill do
you think is the most difficult for you to master? By the way, do you need any help from me? Please
feel free to tell me.
Write an email responding to Tom.

You received a letter from the bus company manager, Mr. Thompson Dan. Read part of his letter

Dear Nam Nguyen,

First of all, I would like to thank you very much for being our regular passenger. I am happy to know
that you have used our bus service for over 5 years. I would be happy to know which service you
like most. What route do you often use everyday? In order to improve our service, can you tell us the
thing we should change to have a better service?
I am looking forward to receiving your information.
Write a letter responding to Dan.
A letter from…., an English friend.

I go to school from 8 AM to 4 PM from Monday to Friday, so I am busy. I have free time at weekends
only. I like playing the piano or watching an interesting movie in my free time. I also like going out
with my friends on Sunday evenings, but sometimes my parents don’t let me go.

What do you like doing in your free time? Do you like staying at home or you like going out?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Describe what time you go to school

Your hobbies

Do you like staying at home or you like going out?


Thanks for your letter. It’s my pleasure/I am glad to receive your letter.

I’m writing this letter to tell you about my daily routine and hobbies.

As for the time I go school, it is normally at 7:00 AM and I come back home at 5:00 pm

I go to school from 7 AM to 5 PM every weekday. (viêt lại câu cho sẵn)

In terms of my hobbies, I like………………………../I’m really into / I’m keen on/I’m fond of…………….

When I have spare time/free time, I prefer staying at home to help my mom for the meal, which can
enhance our relationship.

I look forward to……..

There are an increasing number of high school graduates choosing to attend universities rather than
vocantional schools teaching skills related to specific jobs. However, there is a lack of skilled workers
such as electricians, builders… for labor markets. Therefore, more students should be encouraged to go
to vocational schools. Agree or disagree?

People are becoming busier than before. Some people even do not have enough time to cook for
themselves and their families. While there are some ideas that it’s better to eat in the restaurants, others
perfer to eat at home. What is your opinion?

People are travelling more and more. Therefore, there are many types of holidays available for people
to choose. In fact, different people have different choices when travelling. Some people perfer
travelling alone while others choose travelling in groups. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

With the development of technology, mobile phones are becoming a part of many people’s lives.
Different people have different purposes of using mobile phones. Some parents let their children use
mobile phones for their own purpose. However, many people say that mobile phones should be banned
at the primary schools. Agree or disagree?

For a communication to be made, it is essential that the user should have the communication skills and
good command over the language in which an individual wants to communicate. In today’s time, it has
become essential to have good command in English communication. As the English language is mostly in
demand all over the world may it be for simple communication. Some people say that a good
command of English language can gain a great deal of information from international resources.

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read
everything they want online without paying. Agree?

Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents. It's particularly
troubling because the extra pounds often start children on the path to health problems that were once
considered adult problems — diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Childhood obesity
can also lead to poor self-esteem and depression. Some people say that physical education is the best
way to deal with this problem. Agree?

TV is becoming more and more popular in each family. Each TV program offers different contents to
the audiences. There is fact that young people tend to choose entertaining programs such as game
shows, music rather than educational ones like news. Discuss the causes?

In the society, more and more people change their jobs regularly. Discuss the reasons for this trend and
whether this is a positive or negative trend.

The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for the
poor in undeveloped countries but also for industrialised and developing nations. Discuss the effects of
human overpopulation.

Internet is becoming a part of our lives. It brings us a lot of benefits as well as the drawbacks.In the
education, many schools have applied the advance of Internet to their academic activities. However,
some people are worried about the negative impacts of Internet. Discuss the possible dangers of
Internet and benefits of online safety program for primary and secondary students.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Read the following article about society.
An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own
poorer countries to work in developed countries. This is called brain drain. Brain drain
occurs in developing countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia, South American nations and the
island nations of Caribbean. In Vietnam, this is a serious matter.

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the causes and suggest some solutions to
this problem. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
- Developed countries/nations = rich/wealth - the government should invest more budget
countries offer higher living (ngân sách) in improving the living standards
standards/incomes Hoặc more chances to of the public (build more……)
seek well paid jobs - Issue incentive policies (chính sách khuyến
- Pursue advanced education/study  khích) related to job opportunities for those
attain/gain higher level of education who graduate with high distinction (tốt
nghiệp loại xuất sắc)……………….
- encourages companies to offer rewarding
jobs for……………………
In recent years, BRAIN DRAIN has become a broad issue to general public. Although
noticeable, the impact of this issue has not been realized by many residents. Discussed below are
several causes as well as solutions to this issue.

First and foremost, people should recognize that there are several main reasons supporting
the idea that Brain drain occurs in developing countries = for brain drain/this problem A very
important point to consider is that developed countries/nations = rich/wealth countries offer
higher living standards/incomes. This means that in these countries people will be provided
with high-quality facilities (cơ sở vật chất tốt), which helps/enables people to have a wealthy
life. (To illustrate this point, I would like to mention that my best friend, Nam who has finished
his PhD course in the UK decides to settle in this country to enjoy his life.) Another point I would
like to make is that people desire to pursue advanced education/study. This is because of the
fact that they can attain/gain higher level of education in those countries with advanced
educational system.

In order to solve the problem, there are a number of possible measures that can be taken.
First, it is the responsibility of the authorities who raise public awareness of the problem. By
doing this, more and more people will have deeper understanding of the possible effects of the
issue, and then they may stop activities which may do harm to it. A further viable solution is that
each person should also share their duty by boosting dissemination of harmful effects of the
issue. In fact, the problem will be mitigated if every individual is held responsible for addressing
the problem. For example, when I was a student, every student in my class joined hand to solve
this issue. Consequently, this matter was significantly improved after a while.

In conclusion, the above mentioned facts have outlined the reasons as well as solutions to this issue.
The presented suggestion would be very good steps towards solving them. People should have
further consideration on this issue.

In recent years, brain drain has become a broad issue to general public. Although noticeable, the
impact of this issue has not been realized by many residents. Discussed below are several causes as
well as solutions to this issue.
First and foremost, people should recognize that there are several main reasons supporting the
idea that devolped countries offer highlight living for professionals (ĐÂY LÀ LÍ DO CHỨ
KHÔNG PHẢI VẤN ĐỀ). A very important point to consider is that professionals will be
earn a lot of money for their family. This means that they can buy anything which they want. To
illustrate this point, I would like to mention that don’t have a lot of money then you will not be
Another point I would like to make is that professionals will be purse advanced educations.
This is because of the fact in poorer country, they don’t approach advanced education. For
example, according to the statistics in Viet Nam, MOST students want to reside/live developed
countries to study.
In order to solve the problem, there are a number of possible measures that can be taken. First, it
is the responsibility of the authorities who raise public awareness of the problem. By doing this,
more and more people will have deeper understanding of the possible effects of the issue, and then
they may stop activities which may do harm to it. A further viable solution is that each person
should also share their duty by boosting dissemination of harmful effects of the issue. In fact, the
problem will be mitigated if every individual is held responsible for addressing the problem. For
example, when I was a student, every student in my class joined hand to solve this issue.
Consequently, this matter was significantly improved after a while.

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