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S. Y. 2020-2021
NAME: _________________________________________ SCORE: __________
DATE : _________________________________________ P.S. : _________
I. Read the sentence carefully. Underline the cause and encircle the effect. (10 pts)
1. As the wind speed increases, the sailboat moves faster.

2. Water is formed when two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom combine.

3. When the ocean is extremely polluted, coral reefs die.

4. Because the cat was frightened, he arched his back and fluffed his tail.

5. I had to restart my computer because it froze.

II. Identify the underlined group of words whether it is a problem or a solution. Write
the answer on the space provided for. (10 pts.)

______________1. The roof of the house is leaking, so Mother called a carpenter over.

_________________2. The owners dug up a well, for water is scarce these days.

_________________3. I want to learn how to cook, so I watch cooking shows on TV.

_________________4. He was very shy, therefore his parents encouraged him to make friends.

_________________5. We do not waste water, for the dry spell is not over yet.

_________________6. Bryan likes avocados a lot, so he planted a tree in the backyard.

_________________7. Our house helper has a lot to do, so we decided to help her.

_________________8. Folding blankets is a hard thing to do, so I ask my sister’s help.

_________________9. Blair needs pictures for a project, therefore he looked for old magazines.

_________________10. Mr. Reyes offered bus service, for there were many who enrolled in the
summer activities.

III. Identify the sentence structure. Write S if the sentence is simple, C if it is a

compound sentence, and CX if it is a complex sentence. (5 pts.)

_____________1. Because she was brilliant, she graduated valedictorian.

_____________2. Breakfast was simple but it was nutritious.

_____________3. The boys had a full meal.

_____________4. They jogged for thirty minutes, and then they ate their breakfast.

_____________5. A tree is a beautiful creation of God.

IV. READING COMPREHENSION. Read the selection below and answer the questions
that follow. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. (15 pts.)

Mrs. Lynette Delfino pushed her cart into the vegetable area of the small
supermarket. She picked bundles of camote tops, celery, string beans, and
spinach first. Then she bought two large plastic bags of fresh lettuce. She also took
a bag of onion, garlic, and tomatoes. Upon seeing a stack of cabbage, broccoli,
and cauliflower organized perfectly at the corner of the market area, Mrs. Delfino
immediately grabbed five pieces of each. She was so excited to cook the
vegetables. She had no definite menu yet, but she would surely cook them all.
Others found her tastes a bit odd, but she did not care at all. The service crew in
the market knew her very well. She had gone to the store so many times that they
already knew that she would neither go to the meat section nor waste time in the
canned goods area. They were completely aware that she would fill her cart with
all the green and leafy vegetables she could see in the place not even a single
chunk of pork or beef.

1. Which set of words describe the details in the selection?

a. bundles, odd, green, and leafy
b. crew, cart, single, beef
c. area, knew, time, store

2. What is the author’s purpose in writing the selection?

a. To describe how vegetarians, prepare their food.
b. To persuade the readers to buy fruits and vegetables.
c. To inform the readers about the effects of eating vegetables.

3. What do you think will happen next at the end of the story?
a. Mrs. Delfino will return the goods that she bought.
b. Mrs. Delfino will go home and cook the vegetables.
c. Mrs. Delfino will go to the meat section and buy some pork.

4. Which vegetable is not mentioned in the selection?

a. beans
b. eggplant
c. garlic

5. What is the main idea of the selection?

a. Mrs. Delfino is a vegetarian.
b. Mrs. Delfino is allergic to pork and beef.
c. Mrs. Delfino hates vegetables.

Laila was not ready for the test in Mathematics, but she was not worried,
her best friend, Peachy, would surely help her.’’ We don’t call it cheating. We call
it helping,’’ Laila reasoned out. But this morning when Laila signaled for help,
Peachy whispered,’’ Quiet! We are being watched.’’

6. Who is the main character in short passage?

a. Peachy b. teacher c. Laila
7. What was Laila not ready of?
a. not ready for Science quiz
b. not ready for English quiz
c. not ready for Math quiz

8. Who is the best friend of Laila?

a. Peachy b. Tess c. Lina

It was winter time and most of the birds have migrated to warmer places.
There were still a few left behind. Some of them lived on the roof of Marissa’s house.
One morning Marissa was awakened by a noise on her window. Looking out of the
window, she saw a bird that seemed hungry. She hurriedly went to the kitchen and
took a piece of bread. She broke the bread into very small pieces and put these
outside her window sill. Marissa went to one corner of her room to see if the bird
would come. Soon the bird came, picked a piece with its bill and flew away. Then it
came again, got another piece and flew away with it. It returned again and again
until not a single piece was left on the window sill. Marissa put bread on her window
sill every morning during the whole winter.

9. Why do you think the bird did not eat the pieces of bread on the window sill?
a. The bird was not hungry.
b. The bird brought the pieces of bread to her baby sister.
c. The bird was afraid.

10. What do you think will happen if birds do not migrate to warmer places during winter?
a. They will have places to live.
b. Many of them will die.
c. They will bury themselves in the ground.

11. When do you need to provide food for birds?

a. during winter b. during summer c. during autumn


Grandfather was relating the story of Lake Buhl to her grandchildren. Buhl was
a town at the bottom of the lake. Once upon a time the people of this enchanted
town lived beside the lake. But as these people became wealthy, they forgot all
about God and so God punished them. Their town sank beneath the earth
overnight and in its place, there rose a beautiful lake. When the weather is calm
and clear and the surface of the lake is as clear as a mirror, it is said that once can
look down into the bottom of the lake. The people can be seen doing their
everyday tasks. Some are cultivating their lands; others are building houses and
smoke can be seen coming from the kitchen as women cook the family meals. It is
also said that the tiniest fish in the world, found in Lake Buhi, are trimmings of abaca
fiber as the people in the lake continue to make hats for which the town was once
12. What is the selection all about?
a. a lake b. about the sea c. about the park
13. How does the surface of the lake look when the weather is calm and clear?
a. clear as a mirror b. gloomy c. muddy

14. Why did God punish the people?

a. They were selfish b. They forgot God c. They were lazy.

15. What is found in Lake Buhl?

a. flowers b. tiniest fish c. seaweeds

V. SEQUENCING OF EVENTS. Read and Sequence the events happened in the


A. Write 1-6 on the space provided for.

Lightning and Thunder

Long ago, people made up myths and legends to explain what causes lightning
and thunder. Having an explanation for something can make it less frightening. Lightning
and thunder can be very frightening especially because they often happen just before a
big rainstorm. We now know what causes lightning and thunder. Have you ever noticed
that you often hear thunder just a few seconds after you see lightning? This is because it is
lightning that causes thunder. If the storm is far away from you, there are a few seconds
between the lightning and the thunder. If the storm is close to you, you hear the thunder
almost at the same time that you see the lightning. Lightning is caused by electricity
building up inside a cloud. When a large mass of warm air and a large mass of cold air
come together high above the earth, it causes a lot of movement in the air. The cold air
moves down while the warm air moves up, which creates something like friction. An
electric charge builds up in the clouds. The charge gets stronger and stronger until it
explodes—and the LIGHTNING flashes. When the lightning flashes, the air around it
becomes unbelievably hot—five times hotter than the surface of the sun. The heated air
expands into the cooler air around it, causing the shockwave that we call thunder. Even
though we usually see lightning before we hear the thunder that it causes, the two events
happen just a fraction of a second apart. In addition, both light and sound travel through
the air in waves. However, light waves travel faster than sound waves, so the light waves
from the explosion get to us first. A tiny version of an event similar to lightning and thunder
can happen when you brush your feet along a carpet and then touch a doorknob. You
can sometimes hear the little sizzle of mini-thunder and see the flash of mini-lightning.

____________ Friction created by air movement creates an electric charge inside a cloud.

____________ A large mass of warm air and a large mass of cold air come together high
above the earth.

____________ We hear a crash of thunder.

_____________ The cold air moving down and the warm air moving up creates something like

____________ We see a flash of lightning.

____________ An electric charge inside a cloud grows stronger and stronger.


B. Read the short paragraph and sequence the events happened in the selection.
Write 1-8 on the space provided for. (10 pts.)

Terrence Learns How We See Color

Terrence was excited about his new watercolor set. He loved to draw and paint.
He liked to draw and paint race cars, airplanes, and trucks. He liked to use all kinds of
colors in his pictures. He was learning how to mix colors together to make new and
interesting colors. He showed one of his new pictures to his dad one day. His dad said,
“These are such amazing colors! Do you know how our eyes see different colors?”
Terrence had never thought about that before, but he was interested. “No, he said. “We
just see them, I guess.” “Well,” said his dad. “It’s a little more complicated than that.” “Tell
me, then!” Terrence said. “Maybe it will help me learn how to mix cool new colors.” “All
right,” Terrence’s dad said. “But first you need to know about light. A light beam is made
up of smaller beams of different colors. Our eyes see these many-colored beams as
colorless. But when a light beam hit an object, our eyes see that object as a certain
color. This is because the object absorbs all of the color beams except one. The color
that isn’t absorbed is the color we see.” Terrence thought about all this for a bit. He
thought he understood what his dad was saying. “What else can you tell me about
color?” he asked. “I think you’re really going to like hearing about how the color wheel
works,” his dad said. “But right now, it’s time for dinner.”

______________ Terrence showed one of his new pictures to his dad.

______________ Terrence’s dad said that when a light beam hits an object, the object
absorbs all the color beams except one.

______________ Terrence was excited about his new watercolor set.

______________ Terence’s dad asked him if he know how our eyes see different colors.

______________ Terrence was learning to mix colors together to make new and interesting

______________ The color beam that is not absorbed when a light beam hits an object is the
color our eyes see.

______________ Terrence asked his dad what else he could tell him about color.

______________ Terrence’s dad said that a light beam is made up of smaller beams of
different colors.


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