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1 Matter in our Surroundings

• Introduction
• Composition of Matter
• Matter is made up of Particle
• Properties of Matter
• Diffusion
• States of Matter
• Rigid & Fluid
• Interconversion of the state of Matter
• Effect of change of temperature & pressure
• Latent Heat
• Latent heat of vapourization and Fusion
• Sublimation
• Evaporation
• Cooling Effect

Ø A pencil, a pen, a table, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the walls of our houses
– everything around is made up of matter. But what is matter?
Ø Matter is anything that occupies space has mass and can be perceived by out
senses. In other words
Ø “Matter is used to cover all the substances and the materials from which the
universe is made.
Matter in Our Surrounding Chemistry, Class : IX


Ø In ancient time, according to the researches carried on our religious books and
scriptures, the Indian philosophers stated that matter is made from five constituents
or tatvas.

Air Earth Water Fire Sky

(Vayu) (Prithvi) (Jal) (Agni) (Aakash)

Modern scientists have evolved two types of classification of matter

Illustrations –1: In how many forms did the earlier Indian philosophers classify matter?
(A) 2 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 5
Solution: (D)


Ø Now that we have defined matter let us ask ourselves the question – What is matter
made up of?
Ø All matter comprises of very small particles.
Ø All matter can be broken up in a similar manner to get very small particles.
Ø Hence we now conclude that all matter is made up of small particles.

Atom Molecule

Illustrations –2: Which of the following are matter ? Chair, air, love, smell, hate, almonds,
thought, cold, cold-drink, smell of perfume.
Solution: chair, air, almond, cool drink

All matter consists of small particles of matter. These particles have some common
characteristics. These characteristics are laid down in a theory called Kinetic Theory of

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Matter in Our Surrounding Chemistry, Class : IX

Stated very simply The Kinetic Theory of Matter States

Ø All matter comprises of small particles.
Ø These particles have space in between them.
Ø The particles are continuously moving.
Ø The particles attract each other.


Ø Matter is made up of small particles.
Ø These particles have small spaces between them.
Ø These spaces are invisible to the naked eye.
Ø But particles of other matter can get between these spaces without increase in


Ø Particles present in matter move continuously.
Ø The particles of matter shown three types of motion.
Ø Translatory Motion – When particles move in straight lines, changing direction
without loss of energy on colliding with another particle or the wall of the container,
the motion is called translatory motion. Translatory motion is maximum in gases
and the least in solids when compared to liquids.
Ø Rotational Motion – When particles move around their own axis, the motion is
called rotational motion. This motion is similar to the rotation of earth around its axis.
Rotational motion will be high in gases and in liquids.
Ø Vibrational Motion – When particles have a to and fro motion about a mean
position, the motion is called Vibrational motion. This motion is maximum in solids
as the particles are held in a rigid structure.


Ø The force with which they attract each other varies from matter to matter.
Ø In some kinds of matter (waste paper, matchstick) the force is small (as we can tear
or break them easily).
Ø In other kinds of mater (iron nail) the force is large (as we cannot break the nail
Illustrations –3: What happens to the sugar when it dissolves in water? Where does the
sugar go? What information do you get about the nature of matter from the
dissolution of sugar in water?
Solution: (a) When sugar dissolves in water, its tiny particles break off from the
solid sugar crystals.
(b) the sugar particles go into the spaces between the particles of water
and mix with them (to form sugar solution).
(c) The dissolution of sugar in water tells us that:
i) The matter (here sugar and water) is made up of small particles.
ii) The particles of matter (here water) have spaces between them.

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Ø “The mixing and spreading out of a substance with another substance due to the
movement or motion of its particles is called diffusion.”
Ø The diffusion of one substance into another substance goes on until a uniform
mixture is formed. Let us take one example of it.
Ø Take one beaker which is full of water now put a crystal of potassium permanganate
(purple colour) in water. Gradually you will see that purple colour crystal starts to
diffuse or dissolve into water, after some time you see it becomes purple in colour.


KMnO4 crystal purple colour

(purple colour) spreads upwards

All the water becomes purple (uniform mixture

of water and potassium permanganate)

Fig (1.3)
Ø Diffusion in gases is very fast. This is because the particles in gases move very
quickly in all directions.
Examples – 1:
Ø The smell of food being cooked in the kitchen reaches us even from a considerable
Ø The smell of hot sizzling food reaches us even when we are at a considerable
distance but to get the smell of cold food, we have to go close to it.
Ø This is due to the fact that the rate of diffusion of hot gases (released by the hot
sizzling food) is much faster than the rate of cold gases released by the cold food.

Example –2:
Ø When someone opens a bottle of perfume in one corner of a room, its smell spreads
in the whole room quickly.
Ø When the bottle of perfume is opened, then the liquid perfume quickly changes into
vapour (or gas).
Ø The perfume vapours move very rapidly in all directions in air, mix with the air
particles and hence spread with air in the whole room.

Example – 3:

Ø The leakage of cooking gas (LPG) in our homes is detected due to the diffusion of a
strong smelling substance (ethyl mercaptan) present in the cooking gas, into air.

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Ø Diffusion in liquids is slower than that in gases. This is because the particles in
liquids move slower as compared to the particles in gases.

Ø If a crystal of potassium permanganate is placed at the bottom of water in a beaker,
then the purple colour of potassium permanganate spreads into the whole water,

Ø If a drop of ink is put into a beaker of water, then the colour of ink spreads into the
whole water of the beaker.
Ø The spreading of ink in water, on its own, is due to the diffusion of ink particles into

• The gases like carbon dioxide and oxygen are essential for the survival of aquatic
plants and animals. The carbon dioxide gas and oxygen gas present in air (or
atmosphere) diffuse into water (of ponds, lakes, rivers and sea), and dissolve in it.
The aquatic plants use the dissolved carbon dioxide for preparing food by
photosynthesis and aquantic animals use the dissolved oxygen of water for

Ø Diffusion in solids is a very, very slow process.
Example :
Ø If we write something on a blackboard and leave it uncleaned for a considerable
period of time (say, at least 10 to 15 days), we will find that it becomes quite difficult
to clean the blackboard afterwards. This is due to the fact that some of the particles of
chalk have diffused into the surface of backboard.
Ø If two metal blocks are bound together tightly and kept undisturbed for a few years,
then the particles of one metal are found to have diffused into the other metal.

Gases diffuses very rapidly. The rate of diffusion of a gas varies inversely as the square
root of its density.
Force of Attraction (or Cohesion)
Ø There is some force of attraction between the particles of the matter which bind them
together. This force of attraction between the particles of same substance is known as
force of attraction (or cohesion).
Ø In general, the force of attraction is maximum in the particles of solid matter and
minimum in the particles of gaseous matter.

Illustrations –4: Find the rate of diffusion in various state of matter that is solid, gas, liquid
Solution: Solid < Liquid < Gases
Slow fast very fast

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State of Matter

Solid Liquid Gas

Ice Water Water vapours

Fig (1.4)
Ø Solids have a definite shape and volume. They are harder than liquid and gases.
Ø Liquids have a definite volume but no definite shape. They take the shape of the
container in which they are kept.
Ø Gases have no definite shape or volume. They occupy the entire space available to
them and take the shape of the container in which they are stored.
Ø Plasma state is a fused and ionic state of matter that is present at very high
temperatures (like the core of the sun, stars). The fused ionic mass is neutral as it
consists of positive ions and a pool of electrons. Approximately 99% of the universe
is a fused ionic mass.
Comparison of Some Important Characteristics of Solids, Liquid and Gas

S.No. Solid Liquid Gas

1. Solids have fixed shape and Liquids have fixed volume Gases have no fixed volume
definite volume but no definite shape. and shape.
2. Solids have high density Liquids have high density Gases have low density.
but less than solids.
3. Solids show only slight Liquids show slight Gases expand considerably
expansion on heating. expansion on heating but on heating.
more than solids.
4. They have slight or no They have slight They have high
compressibility. compressibility but more compressibility.
than solids.
5. Solids do not flow. Liquids generally flow Gases flow freely.
6. They have their melting and They have their melting They have their melting and
boiling points above room point below room boiling points both below
temperature. temperature. room temperature.
7. Intermolecular forces are Intermolecular forces are Intermolecular forces are
very strong and constituent strong enough to keep the very weak and the particles
particles are closely packed. particles together but not are free to move.
strong enough to keep them
in fixed positions.

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Illustrations –5: (a) Give two reasons for saying that wood is a solid.
(b) ‘A substance has a definite volume but no definite shape’. State
whether this substance is a solid, a liquid or a gas.
(c) Name the physical state of matter which can be easily compressed.
(d) ‘A substance has a definite shape as well as a definite volume’. Which
physical state is represented by this statement?
(e) A substance has neither a fixed shape nor a fixed volume. State
whether it is a solid, a liquid or a gas.
(f) Give two reasons to justify that:
i) Water is a liquid at room temp.
ii) An iron almirah is a solid.
Solution: a) Wood has (i) fixed shape, and (ii) fixed volume
b) Liquid
c) Gas
d) Solid
e) Gas
f) i) Fixed volume but no fixed shape
ii) Fixed shape and fixed volume.


Ø Rigid means ‘unbending’ or ‘inflexible’. A stone is rigid because it is unbending or
inflexible. Fluid means ‘a material which can flow easily’ and requires a vessel (or
container) to keep it.
Ø A solid is a rigid form of matter. Due to their rigidity, solids have a tendency to
maintain their shape when subjected to outside force. Thus, the main identifying
characteristic of solids is their rigidity. Solids do not require a container to keep
them. A brick and a log of wood are two common solids.
Ø A liquid is a fluid form of matter which occupies the lower part of the container.
Being fluids, liquids require a container to keep them. A liquid has a well-defined
surface, so a liquid can be kept in an open container. The liquid will not escape from
the open container by itself. Water and milk are two common liquids around us.

Ø A gas is a fluid from of matter which fills the whole container in which it is kept.
Being fluids, gases also require a container to keep them. A gas does not have a free
surface, so a gas has to be kept in a closed container. A gas will escape if kept in an
open container. This is why gases are usually kept in air-tight gas cylinders. For
example, cooking gas (LPG) is kept in air-tight metal cylinders. From this discussion
we conclude that both, liquids and gases are known as fluids. Characteristic of liquids
and gases of ‘flowing’ easily is called ‘fluidity’. Due to fluidity, liquids and gases
change their shapes readily when subjected to outside force.
Illustrations –6: Which of the following is rigid form of matter
(A) alcohol (B) ether (C) love (D) pen
Solution: ether and alcohol

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Changing temperature, pressure or both can change matter from one physical state to
Changing a solid to a liquid is called melting.
Changing a liquid to solid is called solidification.
Changing a liquid to gas is called vaporization.
Changing a gas to liquid is called condensation.
Changing a solid to gas directly is called sublimation.
Note: While pressure will not have an effect to change the physical state of a solid but
increasing pressure in a gas can bring the particles closer together so as to liquefy the gas.
Decreasing pressure over the surface of a liquid helps in vaporizing a liquid.
Liquid State

Solid State Gasesous State

Piston High pressure

Low pressure Piston
Very high pressure

Gaseous State Liquid State Solid State

Condensation or
Evaporation or


Increasing Temperature

Freezing or


Effect of temperature on the physical state of a substance

Fig (1.7)
Illustrations –7: Which of the following factors are responsible for the change in state of
solid carbon dioxide when kept exposed to air?
(a) Increase in pressure
(b) Decrease in pressure
(c) Increase in temperature
(d) Decrease in temperature
Solution: (a) Decrease in pressure; Increase in temperature

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We can change the physical state of matter in two ways:—
i) By changing the temperature
ii) By changing the pressure
Ø By increasing the temperature, a solid can be converted into liquid state; and liquid
can be converted into gaseous state and by decreasing the temperature is vice-versa.

Ø The process in which a solid substance changes into a liquid on heating is called
melting (or fusion).
Ø The point of temperature at which solid melts and changes into a liquid at
atmospheric pressure is called melting of the substance.
Ø When a solid substance is heated the heat energy makes its particles vibrate more
vigorously. At the melting point the particles of a solid have sufficient kinetic energy
to overcome the strong forces of attraction holding them in fixed positions and break
to form small groups of particles. And the solid melts to form a liquid.
Ø Higher the melting point of a solid substance, greater will be the force of attraction
between its particles. For example, the melting point of iron metal is very high
(1535°C) which tells us that the force of attraction between the particles of iron is
very strong.

Ø The process in which a liquid substance changes into a gas rapidly on heating is
called boiling
Ø The point of temperature at which a liquid boils and changes rapidly into a gas
atmospheric pressure is known as boiling point of a liquid.

Ø The process of changing a gas (or vapour) to a liquid by cooling is called
condensation where a gas is cooled enough.
Ø So, when steam (or water vapour) changes into water on cooling, it is called
condensation of steam (or condensation of water vapour).
Ø It is the reverse of vaporization. (Boiling)

Ø The process of changing a liquid (solidification) into a solid by cooling is called
Ø When a liquid is cooled, its particles lose energy due to which they move slowly.
Ø If the liquid is cooled enough (upto freezing point) its each particle stops moving and
vibrates about a fixed position. At this stage the liquid freezes and becomes a solid.
Ø Freezing is the reverse of melting.
Ø Freezing means solidification from above discussion, we conclude that state of
matter can be changed by changing the temperature.
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Solid State áà ààCool

àà àà àà àà àÜ
Heat (Melting)
àà Liquid State

Heat Cool
(Boiling) (Condensation)

Gasesous State


Ø Matter consists of small particles separated by small distances.
Ø In the solid state the inter particle distances are very small.
Ø In the liquid state the inter particles distances are a little more than in solids.
Ø In the gaseous state the inter particle distances are he largest when compared to
liquids or solids.
Ø It can thus be seen that when pressure is exerted on matter, the effect of the pressure
on solids will be negligible as the particles are very close together.
Ø The effect of pressure in liquids will be small.
Ø The effect of pressure on gases will be the largest as the inter particle distances are
Ø Thus, when ever pressure is exerted on gases, the particles move closer together.
Ø As the particles move closer together, the attractive forces between the particles
Ø This increase in attractive forces helps in the change of state of the gas. If the
pressure exerted is sufficiently large he attractive forces increase to such an extent
that the physical state changes from gaseous to liquid.
Ø The reverse can be expected to happen if the pressure on a gas is deceased.

Illustrations –8: Define melting process

Solution: The process in which a solid substance changes into a liquid on heating is
called melting .

• Heat which required by substance to change its state without rise of its
temperature. It is called latent heat (hidden heat) because it becomes hidden in the
substance undergoing the change of state and does not show its presence by raising
the temperature.
• “the latent heat is that heat which is used up in overcoming the force of attraction
between the particles of substance during the change of state. It does not increase
the kinetic energy of the particle of the substance. And since there is no rise in
temperature of the substance.”

Illustrations –9: What is the latent heat of fusion of ice

Solution: 3.34 × 105 j/kg

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There are two types of latent heat:
i) Latent heat of fusion
ii) Latent heat of vaporization


• The amount of heat in Joules which is required to convert unit mass or 1 kg liquid in
vapours form without rise in temperature is known as latent heat of vaporization.
• It has been found by experiments that 22.5 ´105 joules of heat is required to change 1
kilogram of water (at its boiling point, 100°C) to steam at the same temperature of
100°C. so, the latent heat of vaporization of water is 22.5 ´ 105 joules per kilogram
(or 22.5 ´ 105 J/kg).
• “If the liquid freezes to form a solid and steam condenses to form water, an equal
amount of latent heat of fusion and vaporization respectively will be given out by
the substance.”
• Different substances have different Latent Heat of vaporization.


It is quantity of heat in Joules which is required to convert unit mass or 1 kg solid into
liquid form without rise in temperature.
It has been found by experiments that 3.34 ´ 105 J of heat is required to convert 1 kg of
ice in water at same temperature (0°C).
So, latent heat of fusion of ice is 3.34 ´ 105 J/ Kg.
Different substances have different Latent Heat of Fusion.

Illustration : 10 Why the temperature of melting ice does not rise even though heat is being
supplied continuously.
Solution: Ice is a solid substance, so the particles of ice attract one another with
strong forces. These forces of attraction hold the particles closely packed
in solid ice. The heat which we supply to ice during melting is all used up
to overcome the forces of attraction between ice particles so that they
become somewhat loose and form liquid water. This heat does not increase
the kinetic energy of particles and hence no rise in temperature takes place
during the melting of ice. But when all the ice has melted to form water,
further heating increases the kinetic energy of water particles due to which
the temperature of water starts rising sharply.

“The changing of a solid directly into vapours on heating, and of vapours into solid on
cooling is known as sublimation.”
¾¾¾® Vapour(or Gas)
Solid ¬¾¾¾

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Ø The common substance which undergo sublimation are : Ammonium chloride,

Iodine, Comphor, Naphthalene and Anthracene etc.
Ø Another example of sublimation is provided by solid carbon dioxide (which is
commonly known as dry ice).
Ø Solid carbon dioxide (or dry ice) sublimes to form carbon dioxide gas.

Illustration – 11: (a) Which of the following solids undergo sublimation upon heating: (i)
Sugar (ii)Urea (iii) Ice (iv) Camphor (v) Sodium chloride (vi) Iodine?
(b) What happens to the heat energy supplied when a solid has already
(c) The melting point of a substance is below the room temperature.
Predict its physical state.
(d) Is it proper to regard the gaseous state of ammonia as vapours?
(e) What is the name of the process in which a solid directly changes into
a gas?
(f) Which of the following energy is absorbed during change of state of a
(i) Specific heat (ii) Latent heat (iii) Heat of solution.
(g) Name one common substance which can undergo a change in state
upon heating or cooling.
Solution: (a) Camphor and iodine
(b) It is converted into latent heat of fusion
(c) It is a liquid.
(d) No, it is not
(e) It is called sublimation
(f) Latent heat
(g) Water

Ø Evaporation is the phenomenon in which a liquid changes to gaseous state below its
boiling point.
Ø Water molecules are attracted by other water molecules in all directions.
Ø But at the surface of water, the water molecules are pulled only inward that is below
the surface of water.
Note: Evaporation is a phenomenon that theoretically takes place in all liquids. But in
general when we say evaporation we mean evaporation of water.
Vapour: A substance that can exist in the gaseous state at a temperature at which
normally it is a solid or liquid is called vapour.
Examples of solids that can exist as vapour: camphor, naphthalene

Factors Affecting Evaporation

Evaporation depends on temperature, surface area and weather conditions

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a) Evaporation increases if the surface area of the water is large as the number of water
molecules at the surface increases. This increases the probability of more water
molecules breaking free on acquiring sufficient kinetic energy.
b) Evaporation is more as the temperature approaches the boiling point of water. As the
temperature increases the kinetic energy of the molecules increases. This decreases
the extra kinetic energy the surface molecules require to break free or evaporate. So
evaporation increases.
c) In highly humid weather, evaporation decreases, as the air is highly-saturated with
water molecules.
d) As evaporation takes place, the air immediately above the surface of the water
becomes saturated with water molecules.
Illustration – 12: How does evaporation depend upon temperature and surface area ?
Solution: When we increase the temperature and surface area evaporation increases.

How Does Evaporation Cause Cooling?
Ø When a liquid evaporates it draws the energy from the liquid itself. Hence it keeps
cooling. The liquid draws on the energy lost from the surroundings that in turn
become cooler.
Ø One such usage can be seen in the forced cooling by air coolers during summer.

Illustration – 13: Write down the mechanism of cooling?

Solution: On the cooling the energy of gas particle decreases, and so the moment of
the particle is slowed down. The particles also come much closer to each
other leading to the intermolecular force of attraction. This causes the gas
to contract.


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Ø Interconversion of matter involves change of state of matter from one stage to another
stage and back to its original state due to change in temperature and pressure.
Ø The change in state from solid to liquid is known as melting.
Ø The constant temperature at which a solid melts is called the melting point of the solid.
Ø The change in state from liquid to gaseous is known as vaporization (or) evaporation.
Ø The constant temperature at which a liquid boils is known as its boiling point. A liquid
evaporates very fast a its boiling point.
Ø The change in state from gaseous to liquid is called condensation (or) liquefaction.
Ø The change in state from liquid to solid is called freezing.
Ø The constant temperature at which a liquid changes into a solid is called freezing point.
Ø Some solids vaporize without melting. Such a change in state is known as sublimation.
Ø When cooled, the vapours of such substances directly solidify. The solid thus obtained is
called a sublimate.
Ø Recap of the terms
The terms involved Process of change from – (at particular temperature)
Melting Solid state ¾¾
® liquid state
Vaporization Liquid state ¾¾ to
® gaseous state
Liquefaction Gaseous state ¾¾ to
® liquid state
Solidification Liquid state ¾¾ to
® solid state
Sublimation Solid state ¾¾
® gaseous state

The terms involved Process of change from – (at particular temperature)

Melting Solid ¾¾¾¾®
changes int o
Boiling point Liquid state ¾¾¾¾® gaseous state
changes int o

Liquefaction point Gaseous state ¾¾¾¾® changes int o

liquid state
Freezing point Liquid ¾¾¾¾® solid
changes int o

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1. What is matter ?

2. What is the composition of matter ?

3. What is the inter particle space ?

4*. Do you agree that particle of matter is continuously moving ?

5. Write the name of some matter which exists around us.

6. The inter particle forces of attraction is maximum in ________ and minimum in ______
(A) Solids, liquids (B) solids, gases
(C) gases, solids (D) liquids, solids

7. Liquids have _________shape and __________volume

(A) definite, definite (B) definite, indefinite
(C) indefinite, definite (D) indefinite, indefinite

8*. The increasing order of inter particle attractions of sugar, oxygen,gold,water is

(A) sugar < oxygen<gold< water (B) sugar > oxygen>gold>water
(C) oxygen<water<sugar<gold (D) oxygen>water>sugar>gold

9. The state of matter where matter is condensed is

(i) solid state (ii) liquid state
(iii) gaseous state
(A) (i) and (iii) (B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (ii) (D) (i),(ii) and (iii)

10. The characteristic property of matter is / are

(A) It has mass (B) It has volume
(C) It can be perceived by our senses (D) all three (A,B and C)

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1. Define diffusion with example ?

2. How many state of matter are there?

3*. Arrange the rate of diffusion in following substance

(a) alcohol (b) Ammonia (c) solid NaCl

4. Rate of diffusion depends on ?

5. Why rate of diffusion is maximum in gas in comparison to sold & liquid ?

6. The state in which molecular attractions are less

(A) solid (B) liquid
(C) gas (D) none of these

7. Which form of water is highly compressible?

(A) Solid (B) Liquid
(C) Gas (D) Colloidal

8*. Graham’s law of diffusion gives better result at

(A) high pressure (B) high temperature
(C) low pressure (D) high temperature

9. Graham’s law deals with the relation between

(A) Pressure and volume (B) density and rate of diffusion
(C) rate of diffusion and volume (D) rate of diffusion and viscosity

10. Vapours of a liquid exist only

(A) below boiling point (B) below critical temperature
(C)below inversion temperature (D) above critical temperature

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Matter in Our Surrounding Chemistry, Class : IX

1. What is rigid substance ?

2. What is effect of change of temperature and pressure on state of matter ?

3. Write some differences between rigid and fluid

4. What is condensation ?

5. What is sublimation ?

6. Conversion of solid to gas is called

(A) vapourisation (B) condensation
(C) liquefaction (D) sublimation

7. The conversion that takes place at room temperature is

(A) boiling (B) evaporation
(C) melting (D) freezing

8. Which of the following will respond to sublimation ?

(A) Sugar (B) Zinc Chloride
(C) Copper Sulphate (D) None of these

9. Which of the following is not a matter ?

(A) air (B) feeling of cold
(C) dust (D) humidity

10*. When a mixture is boiled for separating into its constituents, the constituent which is
separated in last has
(A) lower boiling point (B) higher boiling point
(C) can have lower or higher boiling point (D) medium boiling point

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1. Define latent heat ?

2. Give some example of sublimation ?

3. How evaporization cause cooling ?

4. Differentiate latent heat of vaporization and fusion

5. Conversion of solid to gas is called ?

6. The kinetic energy of the particles of a given substance will be least in

(A) solid state (B) liquid state
(C) gaseous state (D) can not say

7*. To separate a mixture of kerosene and petrol the method that can be used is
(A) distillation (B) fractional distillation
(C) boiling (D) filtration

8. Which of the following will respond to sublimation ?

(A) Common salt (B) Sugar
(C) Camphor (D) Potassium nitrate

9. The incorrect order of evaporation of water, alcohol, petrol and kerosene is

(A) water > alcohol>kerosene>petrol
(B) alcohol > petrol>water>kerosene
(C) petrol>alcohol>water> kerosene
(D) petrol>alcohol>kerosene>water

10. Which is correct for evaporation of liquid (when no heat is given from outside)
(A) the temperature of the liquid remains unchanged
(B) the temperature of the liquid rises
(C) the temperature of the liquid falls
(D) all statements are wrong

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Matter in Our Surrounding Chemistry, Class : IX

Straight Objective Type
This section contains multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C), (D), out of which ONLY
ONE is correct. Choose the correct option.
1. Gas have ________ shape and ______volume
(A) definite, definite (B) definite, indefinite
(C) indefinite, definite (D) indefinite, indefinite

2. Which is not a pure substance in the four options given ?

(A) alloy (B) sugar
(C)distilled water (D) copper wire

3. The pressure exerted by a gas is due to

(A) inter particle collisions
(B) collisions with the walls of the container
(C) gravity
(D) atmospheric pressure

4. If a perfume bottle is opened in one corner of a room, the smell can be felt after sometime
in the opposite corner. This shows that
(A) particles of matter are constantly moving
(B) the perfume is strong
(C) the room has fan which circulates the perfume
(D) None of these

5. The matter that has stronger inter particle forces between an iron piece and a chalk piece
(A) iron (B) chalk piece
(C) both (D) neither

6. The volume of matter in 1 kg of cotton is _________ that present in 1 kg of sugar

(A) smaller than (B) greater than
(C) equal to (D) can not say

7. The type of motion that is present in solids is

(A) random (B) linear ( in a straight line)
(C) vibratory (D) circular

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Matter in Our Surrounding Chemistry, Class : IX

8. The type of motion that is present in liquid is

(A) random (B) linear ( in a straight line)
(C) vibratory (D) circular

9. The type of motion that is present in gases is

(A) random (B) linear ( in a straight line)
(C) vibratory (D) circular

10. The physical state of matter whose volume can change significantly by changing
temperature only is
(A) solid (B) gas
(C) liquid (D) all three

11. The physical state of matter whose volume can change significantly by changing pressure
only is
(A) solid (B) gas
(C) liquid (D) all three

12. “All matter is made up of very small particles which cannot be further broken down.
These particles are called atoms”. This statement is one of the assumptions of
[NSO 2007]
(A) Rutherford’s nuclear theory (B) Bohr’s theory
(C) Dalton’s atomic theory (D) Kinetic theory of gases

13. When an incense stick is lit in one corner of the room, the aroma is felt equally in all parts
of the room. This is due to
(A) Evaporation (B) Combustion
(C) Sublimation (D) Diffusion

Multiple Correct Answer Type

This section contains multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C), (D), out of which ONE or
MORE is correct. Choose the correct options.

14. Solid cannot be compressed because

(A) constituent particles are very closely packed
(B) inter particle attractive forces are weak
(C) movement of constituent particles is restricted
(D) constituent particles diffuse very slowly

15. Which is not true for dry ice ?

(A) solid ammonia (B) solid carbon dioxide
(C) solid sulphur dioxide (D) Normal ice

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Matter in Our Surrounding Chemistry, Class : IX

16. The state of matter where matter is condensed in

(A) solid state (B) liquid state
(C) Gaseous state (D) Plasma state

17. Separation of a mixture into its constituents depend on

(A) physical properties (B) chemical properties
(C) physical state (D) nuclear change

Linked Comprehension Type

This section contains paragraphs. Based upon each paragraph multiple choice questions have to be answered. Each
question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Choose the correct option.
Matter undergoes a change. The changes are of two types : physical and Chemical Change. A
physical change is a change that involves only a change in the physical state of matter.

Its chemical properties remain the same. Usually increasing the temperature or applying pressure
or both brings about a physical change. On reversing the condition, i.e. reducing the temperature
of reducing the pressure or both, the original state of matter is restored. In other words, physical
changes are reversible. A chemical change is a change that involves a change in the chemical
composition of matter. A new substance is formed. In a chemical change the chemical and
physical properties of the substance formed will be different from the original substance

18. Rain formation is a

(A) Chemical change (B) Physical change
(C) no change takes place (D) gravitational phenomenon

19. When zinc carbonate is heated and cooled , the change that is observed is
(A) Physical (B) nuclear changes
(C) first chemical and then physical (D) first physical and then chemical

20. In a chemical change the properties that change are

(A) Chemical only (B) Physical only
(C) both chemical and physical (D) neither chemical or physical

Assertion – Reason Type questions

This section contains certain number of questions. Each question contains Statement – 1 (Assertion) and Statement –
2 (Reason). Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct Choose the
correct option.
(A) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True; Statement–2 is a correct explanation for Statement–1.
(B) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True; Statement–2 is not a correct explanation for Statement–1.
(C) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is False.
(D) Statement–1 is False, Statement–2 is True.

21. Statement-I : Plasma state can exists everywhere.

Statement-II : Plasma state of matter is a fused ionic state.

22. Statement-I : Moelcules can exist independently.

Statement-II : Molecule are made up of atoms.

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Matter in Our Surrounding Chemistry, Class : IX

Matrix Match Type

This section contains Matrix-Match Type questions. Each question contains statements given in two columns which
have to be matched. Statements (A, B, C, D) in Column–I have to be matched with statements (p, q, r, s) in Column–
II. The answers to these questions have to be appropriately bubbled as illustrated in the following example.
If the correct matches are A-p, A-s, B-q, B-r, C-p, C-q and D-s, then the correctly bubbled 4 ´ 4 matrix should be as

23. Match the following :

Column-I Column-II
(A) Plasma (p) Mercury- a metal
(B) Solid (q) methane
(C) Liquid (r) Dry ice
(D) Gas (s) Core of the sun

24. Match the following :

Column-I Column-II
(A) Solid to gas (p) Vaporization
(B) Solid to liquid (q) Sublimation
(C) Liquid to gas (r) Condensation
(D) Gas to liquid (s) Fusion

Integer Answer Type

25. 280 K temperature in Celsius scale is XoC, X is

26. Matter can be classified into how many states

Turtle Tutorials Foundation Programme 22

Matter in Our Surrounding Chemistry, Class : IX


Matter In Our Surrounding

1. Matter is anything which occupy 5. Book, Chair
space and has mass. 6. (B)
2. Matter is made up of particles. 7. (C)
3. The space which is present between 8. (C)
the particle of any matter is known as Solid > Liquid > Gas
inter particle space. Oxygen < water < sugar < gold
4. Yes, particles of matter are moving 9. (C)
continuously, in random direction. 10. (D)

1. Diffusion: The mixing and spreading 1
out of a substance with another 4. Rate of diffusion µ ; where
substance due to motion of its D = density
particles is called diffusion. E.g. O2 5. Because gas particles are free to
and N2. move.
2. There are three states of matter 6. (C)
(a) solid (b) liquid (c) gas 7. (C)
3. Ammonia gas > alcohol > solid NaCl 8. (C)
gas > liquid > solid 9. (B)
10. (D)

1. Rigid: Rigid means unbending or Fluid: Fluid means a material which
inflexible. E.g. solid can flow easily. e.g. gas and liquid.
2. Effect of change of temperature: 4. Condensation: The process of
By increasing the temperature, a changing a gases to a liquid by
solid can be converted into liquid and cooling is called condensation.
liquid can be converted into gases. 5. Sublimation: The process of
Effect of change of pressure: The changing solid to gas directly is
effect of pressure in liquid will be called sublimation.
small. 6. (D)
The effect of pressure on gases will 7. (B)
be largest. 8. (D)
The effect of pressure on solid will 9. (B)
be negligible. 10. (B)
3. Rigid: Rigid means unbending or
inflexible. e.g. Stone

Turtle Tutorials Foundation Programme 23

Matter in Our Surrounding Chemistry, Class : IX

1. Latent heat: “The latent heat is that amount of heat required to change
heat which is used up in overcoming one gram of water, at 100oC to one
the force of attraction between the gram of steam at 100oC.
particles of substance during the Latent heat of fusion: It is quantity of
change of state. It does not increase heat in Joules which is required to
the kinetic energy of the particle of convert unit mass or 1 kg solid into
the substance and there is no rise in liquid form without rise in
temperature of the substance.” temperature.
2. Camphor, solid CO2.
3. When a liquid evaporates it draws 5. Conversion of solids in to gas is
the energy from the liquid itself. called sublimation.
Hence it keeps cooling. The liquid 6. (A)
draws on the energy lost from the 7. (B)
surrounding that in turn become 8. (C)
cooler. 9. (D)
4. Latent heat of vaporization: Latent 10. (C)
heat of vaporization of water is the

1. (D) 19. (C)
2. (A) 20. (C)
3. (B) 21. (B)
4. (A) 22. (B)
5. (A) 23. (A ® s),(B ® r), (C ® p), (D ® q)
6. (B) Plasma ® core of the sun
7. (C) Dry ice (CO2) ® solid substance
8. (A) Mercury metal ® liquid
9. (A) 24. (A ® q), (B ® s), (C ® p), (D ® r)
10. (B) 25. 7
11. (B) We know
12. (C) T = toC + 273
13. (D) 280 = toC + 273
14. (A, C) toC = 280 – 273 = 7oC
15. (A, C, D) So X is 7.,
Solid CO2 is known as dry ice. 26. 5
16. (A, B) Solid, liquid, gas, plasma and Bose
17. (B, C) Einstein condensation state.
18. (B)

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