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Code : 2011 11

3rd Profes sional MBBS Part-I I

Exam ., 2021. (S) (


Paper- I.. : 3 hours ·· ·· · · · Full Marks : 60

Instructions :
(i} The marks are indicate d in the right-ha nd margin.
(ii) Attempt ALL questions.

1. Enume rate the" causes of cirrhosi s of liver.

Describ e its clinical features and
complic ations. Discu·ss th'.e manag" ement of
upper gastroin testinal . bleeqin g, ; · 4+4+4+ 8=20
~ . - • p ' •• ) ,. '

2. · Write short notes on the following : Sx4=20

/!iJY Snakeb ite

J9i' Haemol ytic anemia

! ,• .

~ Clinical feature s of rheuma toid arthriti s

(d) Diagno sis and treatme nt of Guillain -
Barre syndrom e

AK23/2 8 ( Tum Over)

-. ( 2 )

3. Choose the correct option from the fallowing :

(a) The following drugs· can be used in case
of rheumatic mitral ~ tation with
atrial fibri.llation; e,xcept
.J!}/ warfarin
(ii) rivaroxaban
(iii) nicoumalone
(iv) unfractionated heparin

(b) Which of the following is the commonest

cause of upper GI bleeding?
(Q Oesophageal varices
(-~ _Peptic ulcer v

fiii) Mallory::.·W eiss : teat , :' -

(iv) Meckel's diverticulum

(c) Chronic renal failure is characterized·by

all, except
(i) anemia
.· '(ii) ~·nytjetical~irtia·~ r;._ ,; '.,
~hyp()te~sioq . , . ,. 1

• ~small size kidney ✓

AK23/28 ( Continued )
( 3' )

(d) A 22-year-o ld female presents with focal

onset seizure, she has a history of
febrile seizure in childhood . Her father
also suffers from epilepsy fo_r the past 8
years. In laborator y studies, she has
bilateral anterior spikes on EEG. She
was _diagnose d with mesial temporal1 t

lobe epilepsy. The treatmen t of choice is

(i) valproate
(ii) combinat ion of anti-epile ptics
~ surgical resection ·
(iv) vagal nerve stimulati on

· (e) All are the · 'features of intestinal

obstructi on, except
(i) abdomina l pain
(ii) nausea and vomiting
(iii) absolute constipati o,;i -.-· ,,

(ftJr Gas .. under diap_~ ~~~-- on

, ·. .abciorilina1' ·x :.i-ay: 1 : ' · · · -: , ' ..•

(f) JVP. is best examined .in .. :.. ,

Jk_exte mal jugular vein -\ / ·
~intern al jugul~·. ~~fr1_·, · :,.
(iii) carotid artery
(iv) subclavia n vein

AK23/28 ·· (' •T um Over )

(t 4 )

(g) BODE index includes all, except

(i) body mass index
~ FEVl /FVC ratio
(iii) distance walked in 6 minutes
(iv) _mMRC dyspne~ sc~e

(h) Which of the following drugs is not used

for typhoid fever in adults?
(i) Azithromycin
(ii) Ciprofloxacin
(iii) Ceftriaxone
(i) Triad of Miller Fischer variant of GBS
includes all, except
(i) ataxia
(ii) ophthalmoplegia
(iii) areflexia
J}Yf apraxia ·
•,.• • i I. '

OJ The following are side effects of steroids,

(i) hypertension
(ii) hyperglycemia
-@jYwei~t., loss,
(iv) osteoporosi~

,A K23-100/28 Code : 201111

Code : 20111 2

3rd Professi onal MBBS Part-II

Exam., 2021 (S)


Paper-II : 3 hours Full Marks : 60

Instructions :
(Q The marks are indicated in the right-hand ~~rgin.
(ii) Attempt ALL questions.

1. Enumera te the causes of fever with rash.

Describe the clinical features, diagnosis ,
. treatment and complicat ions of complicat ed
malaria. · ·· · ' · 4+(4+4+4+4)=20

2. Write short notes on the following : Sx4=20

• : I '• f

J9:) Diabetic ketoacido sis. .,

-/lf) Managem ent of hyperkale mia

· ~ Psoriasis

(d) Opportun istic infections in' HIV

,I ' .i

AK23/29 ( Tum Over)

' ( 2 )

3. Choose the corre~t option from the following :

' 2x1Q=20

(a) Which ·of the following is not

a parameter of metabolic syndrome
(syndrome· Xri> 1

(i) Central obesity

(ii) Type 2 diabetes mellitus

~ (iii) Raised LDL

(iv) Hypertension

··(b) Contraindications to renal biopsy

include all, except
(i) bilaterally small-sized kidneys

(ii) severe obesity

(iii) uncontrolled hypertension

.' ': • I ;• I '

•(iv) anemia
•; j •! ii I • • t

(c) Embolic phenomenon 1s most likely

seen in which arrhythmia?
• (i) Atrial ,fibrillation

(ii) Bradycardia

(iii) .Fir~~~~-~~~~)~l~frt ~19.~k .

(iv) Ventricular tachycardia

( Continued )

(d) , ,A , SO-year-old male, i ,a · know n· case


1 of. lepriosy, pres ente d with crop s of

pain ful . eryt hem atou s papu les.
Con side ring the possibility of ENL,
whic h of the following .is wrong?

• (i) More · com mon , ·in tube rcul oid

lepr osy <• . .-, · .": ,1 ;: · -:' · · .

i- (ii) TNF "plays a :·; 11 centtai role in
path ogen esis · · ·, · · · · '\:_; '. ·

(iii) Skin biopsy of papu les reve aled

vasc uliti s or pann iculi tis

(iv) Thalidomide shou ld' ·be us\e d for 1 ·'.:

recu rren t, ·and ·pers isten t.;le$ions

(e) Most appr riprl ate_antih yper te~~ ive drug

in patie nt' '-w ith type 2 OM .with out
kidn ey dysf unct ion is

~-. ': ~.:'"LI ,.-i :--: :.u. ~:~) ~ ~ ~ :\

(ii) amlo dipi ne · ·
•' : I ~' !

{iii) meto prol ol · • I•/ I

. I • '
I ;, J'(.'

(iv) chlo rtha lido ne

1\~31:29. · ,) ( Turn·)

( 4 )

(!) Wh ich of · the following is the earl iest

ECG find ing in a pati ent of tran smu ral
acu te myo card ial infa rcti on?
~ (i) Tall T wav e
(ii) ST elev atio n
(iii) Pre se~ ce of. Q wave
(iv) T wav e inve rsio n 1 •

(g) ~s per .·_· \th~ , . Am eric an · Piab etic

Ass ocia tion , diab etic lridney dise ase is
defi ned as
• (i) spo t urin ary albu min -to- crea tini ne
rati o > 30 mg / g Cr
_.liiJ. . sf>.9t '1t1nary al9~:rn!:t1; ~ ~o -mg
-: ·_. ,{iii)-,~spo t . urin ary albu min -to- crea tini ne
rati o >30 mg /g Cr and GFR
< ~-0 m~/ min / 1-7~ ..-m 2 .
~(iu j QFR < 60 ml /~ / 1·7; m 2

(h) All of the following are at incr ease d

risk for HIV infe ctio n;- exc ept·,
(i) IV ' dru g abu ser~. ;, : ••
1, ,

(ii) truc k driv er

(iii) inc;iividuals with ·STD··.
111 (iv) indi vidu als who freq uen tly don ate
• 'I '

bloo d
.Al( 23/2 9·.): ( Coritinu eifI
( 5 )

(i'., Hyper g1ycem ic hype rosm olar state

(HHS) is char acte rized by all, except
(i) hype rgly cem ia
(ii) dehy drat ion

• (iii) acid osis

(iv) com a

(j) Subc linic al hypo thyr oidis m shou ld be

trea ted in the following cond ition s,
exce pt
, (i) TSH < 10 ml U/L

(ii) posi tive TPO antib odie s

(iii) any evid ence of hear t dise ase

(iv) wom an who wish to conceive or is

preg nant


AK2 3-10 0/29 Code : 2011 12

Code : 2 0 1141

3rd Profess ional MBBS Part-II

Exam., 2021 (S)



Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 40

Instructio ns : ·

(Q The marks are indicated in the right-hand margin.

(ii) Attempt ALL questions .

1. Define PPH. What are the causes of PPH?

_,/ How do you manage a case of atonic PPH
immediat elyafier vaginal delivery? 10

~Write short notes on the following : Sx4=20

ffe Complications of multiple pregnancy

~ Managem ent of first _stage of labor

fey Puerperal _sepsis


((lJ/ Managem ent of placenta .,a ccreta

~ . // .

AK23/33 ( Tum Over)

( 2 )

3. Choose the correct answer from the

following : ··ix 10=10
j • • • .•. I• ' •

(a) Hegar's sign 'of pregnan cy lS

. , · (i). uterine contrac tion -· .

(ii) bluish discolo ration of vagina

Jj,it) ·softenin g of isthmu s

. '
(iu) quicken ing

(b) Ritgen maneuv er is done

. .

(i) iii shoulde r dystoci a

(ii) for delivery of head m breech

present ation
. ~ ~--~ :: . \ ,., ~ ~ •·.._l"

(iii) . for delivery of legs in breech

<:,~'\ ~ '; .- :, \ . •• • •. •• • • • ~ ~

,l!:!Jl' for delivery of head in.normal labor

I • • •• •.• . ._1 : •

,.._ ' - • ' • •, ,'!r •: .• •• • •• ••·• , .• • C ......,...

. : (~) . All ~'r th~ °tollo~ g''a;~ .~o~ causes of

.... ., . -,'fr_~c~en
. : ·-
t 8:bortio11, _'P'cept ,
. ,

Jg/TOR CH infectio n
I • •' • • • • • • •• ••I J

(#) SLE
-:if -~- • ' ··.
\\ ~ •·,, ¥ \ ( ''
(iii) Rh incomp atibility ' ~·' .. ) ·

(iu) ·:syphilis1 _- (. '-.- r ·- '!:."; ' ,'n:•· 1 ~ . , 1 •

/ 33 ( Continu ed )
( 3 )

(d) Twin-pe ak s~ is seen in

(i) monoch orionic diamnio tic twins
(ii) dichorio nic monoam niotic twins
(iii) conjoin ed twins
Jj/4 diamnio tic dichorio nic twins
, ,

(e) In which of the following heart disease s

is materna l mortalit y during pregnan cy
found to be the highest ?
(i) Coarcta tion of aorta ·
(ii) Eisenm enger syndrom e ··
(iii) AS
{jyf MS
(j} All the following are true about
intraute rine device (IUD) of fetal death,
except ·.

(i) gas bubbles in great vesseJs

(ii) halo sign +ve
(iii) overlap ping of skull bone ..
(i.Yi decr~s~ d.--~ otic ,fluid velume
(g) Zaveq~Ui~s c~atieuv ~~~~ ~cl<,ne ~ ;-_
jjJI shoulde r dystocia
(ii) deep trans:.v~t~e arrest
(iii) retained placent a
(iv) face present ation

AK23/3 3 { Tr)m Over )

( 4 )

(h) Folic acid supplenientatit>rt reduc es the

risk of
JjY neur al tube defect
(ii) toxae mia of pregn ancy

(iii) Down 's synd rome

. (iv) pl~ce nta, previ~ . . :

! ·.~ ~ !, ) .':
• _; .,_' 4 ~.) •• 1 l• ' ' , ..
(Q Loch ia in corre ct order is

JjY' rubra , seros a, alba

(ii) seros a, rubra , alba

(iii) alba, ·s erosa , rubra

(iv) alba, muco sa, seros a

(j) Earli est sign of MgSO 4 toxicity is

(i) cardi ac arres t

(ii) anur ia

(iii) resp~ atoty depre ssion· 1

_fji,) depre ssion ·of deep •tendo n reflex


AK2 ~10 0/33 Code : 2011 41


Code : 201142

3rd Professional MBBS Part-II

Exam., 2021 (S)



Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 40

Instructions :

(i) The marks are indicated in the right-hand margin.

(ii) Attempt ALL questions.

1. What are the clinical features of fibroid

< uterus? How will you investigate and manage
a case of fibroid uterus? 10

2. Write short notes on the following : Sx4=20

? FIGO staging of carcinoma cervjx

J!!), Medical management of endometriosis

....(.e) Trichomonas vaginalis

(d) Physiology of menstruation

AK23/34 ( Tum Over)

( 2 )

3. Cho ose the cor rect ans wer from the

foll owi ng : lxlO==lO
(a) The tum our mar ker . use d for the
diag nos is of ova rian ger m cell tum our is

~C A- 12 5

(iii) sec
(iv) TAG -72

(b) Mo st com mon cau se of pos t-

men opa usa l blee ding is

(i) gen ital tub ercu losi s

(ii) Ca end ome triu m

jjji) sen ile end ome triti s

lY{ Ca cervix
(c) The mo st reli able met hod to diag nos e
pelv ic infl amm ator y dise ase is

....{ iYla paro scop y

(ii) ultr aso nog rap hy

(iii) blo od exa min atio n

~ culd oce ntes is

AK 23/ 34 ( Con tinu ed )

( 3 )

· (d) A 28-year-old lady Rani is suspected to

have polycystic ovarian disease. Sample
for testing LH and FSH are best taken
on which of the following days of
menstrual cycle?

..Jii{ 8-10
(iii) 13-15

(iv) 24-26·

(e) Fern test is due to

(i),,,, presence of NaCl under proges-

~ terone effect
..!!J} presence of NaCl under estrogenic
(iii) LH / FSH
(iv) mucus secretion py glands

(f} Most· ·commonly used and . effective

treatment of vaginal trichomoniosis is

(i) cefixime

(ii) oral contraceptives

Jg;r metronidazole
(iv) gentamycin

AK23/34 ( Tum Over)

( 4 )

(g) Etiological factors responsible for

genital prolapse include all of the
following, except

(i) postmenopausal atrophy

(ii) increased intra-abdominal pressure

~ decreased weight of the uterus

(iv) congenital weakness of the

supporting structures of the uterus

(h) The most common chromosomal

abnormality in azoospermic male is

(i) Down's syndrome

(ii) Turner's syndrome

(~Klinefelter's syndrome

(iv) Kartagener's syndrome

(Q Women · complaining of milky whitish

discharge with fishy odour and no
'itching. Most likely diagnosis is

J}Y bacterial vaginosis

(ii) trichomoniasis

(iii) candidiasis

(iv) malignancy

AK23/34 ( Continued )
( 5 )

{j} Th e mo st effe ctiv e tre atm ent for

pru ritu s vul vae ass oci ate d wit h atr oph ic
vul viti s is

(i) ant ihi sta min ies

(ii) hyd roc ort iso nes

(iii) tra nqu iliz ers

~ p i c a l est rog en the rap y

** *

AK .23 -10 0/3 4

Cod e : 201 142

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