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DOE: 13.03.2023 AN Angwer all the Questions eas a) Write about ,
tgs . b) What is DOM model? ©) List the rules to be followed while creating an XML document. PART-B HL. Answer any ONE question from each unit, Bach sub question carry 4 Marks 3X8-24M Unit-1 a) Define list. Write about the lists supported by HTML with an example program. C0-1, BL-2 6) Write about i) colspan ii) rowspan iii) cell padding iv) cell spacing CO-1, BL2 OR a) What is CSS? Explain the different ways to include styles to a HTML page. CO-1, BL-2 b) Write the differences between class and id selectors with an example. CO-1, BL-2 Unit-2 }. a) List the features of JavaScript and also mention the data types supported by JavaScript. CO-1, BL-2 b) Write a JavaScript program to find the factorial of a number. Read the number from the text box, and aplace a button to perform the action, CO-1, BL-2 OR a) List and explain about any 4 Java script Objects CO-1, BL-2 b) Write about JavaScript Mouse events, 0-1, BL2 Unies a) What is an XML document? Write an XML document to store at least 5 students? data. ( mo, name, course, age, city). CO.2, BL2 b) What is DTD? Write DTD for the above data. Explain the ways to include DTD into an XML Eeaupent 0-2, BL2 OR 4) Write about XML schema. And state the differences between DTD and XML schema, CO-2, BL-1 ‘b) Discuss about DOM and SAX parsers. C02, BL2 F 1. Define concept of rationality in AT 2. Compare BFS and DFS algorithms 3+ Interpret adversarial search technique PART. B UNTEAL A. a) Identify four categories identified for the definitions of Artificial Intelligence 4M CO-1 ih 'b) Explain properties of task environments 4M CO-1 Ee) OR 2. Compare goal-based and Utility-based agent with the help of agent architectures. 8M CO-2 UNIT-IL 3. Write Greedy Best Firs rorithm and apply the same algorithm on the graph given below to find the shortest path from Initial State $ to Goal State G. The heuristic values from each node to the Goal node are given in the table below 5 ogeeeae vs Satisfaction Problem(CSP), apply suitable constraints on gi E and_ choose a value foreach variable so that OR _ ‘S10 aonniecy TR IGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (An Autonomous Institution under JNTUH, HYDERABAD) II-B.Tech, I- Semester, Sessional Examination-I, March 2023 SUB: MACHINE LEARNING (Common to CSE, IT & CyS) DoE: 15-03-2023 Max. Marks: 30M ; . a eee notes on i) Hypothesis space, ii) Inductive Bias ent perspectives and issues in machine learning. UNITAL sis space search in Decision tree learning. “Entropy and Information Gai 19PC1IT07 RIO VNR VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY An Autonomous Institute, Accredited by NAAC with A+ grade 111 B. Tech I Semester Sessional Examination-L, Mareh ,2023 Linux Programming (Common to CSE & IT) ‘Time: 90 Minutes Date of Examination: 16-03-2023 AN Max. Maths: 30M 1, Answer the following. 3X2-6M 4. Write a sed command to write selected lines from an input file to another file CO BL4 b, Differentiate between Soft link and Hard link co2 BL2 ¢. Define System Process and give an example, cO2 BLI PART-B II. Answer one question from each un 3X8=24M_ UNIT 1. Explain the working of following text processing utilities with at least two options and suitable examples. 8M CO-I BL-6 Sort ii) uniq iil) grep iy) cut. (OR) 2. Describe about 1/0 Redir ions and built-in variables in Shell. 8M CO-1 BL-2 1 UNIT-II 3. Describe kernel support for files with a neat diagram for following scenario. 8M CO-2 BL3 Scenario: Process trying to open a file fl in read mode, a file £2 in read and write mode and a file 3 in read and write mode. (OR) A. Write the prototypes of following file API's and explain about all the arguments that each takes. ijopen it) read iii) write iv) Iseck v) dup vi) dup2 vii) close vii) stat 8M CO2_—BL3 UNIT-AIL A. Define Zombie and Orphan Processes in Linux. Write appropiate C programs to Demonstrate Zombie ‘and Orphan Processes 8M CO2 BL6 (oR) 6. Explain the working of following functions with appropriate syntax and example code snippets a) kil b) raise ©) abort 4d) sleep 8M CO-2 BL-3 et 19PEIITO4 VNR VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERIN (AUTONOMOUS) Rio 'G AND TECHNOLOGY Ul- B.Tech -II Semester Sessional Examination-1, March-2023 Software Testing Methodologies any 0 Mins Date of Examination: 18-03-2023 PART-A 1. Answer the following. 4. Explain the goals and model for testing in software testing? b. Define Transaction flow graph? c. Draw Domain Testing model? PART-B TL. Answer one question from each unit. UNIT-I 1. List out various dichotamies and explain? (OR) 2. State and Explain various path selection rules for path testing? UNIT-IT 3. Name and explain data flow testing strategies? (oR) 4. Explain transaction flow testing with an example UNIT-IIT 5. Discuss domain closure with a diagram (OR) 6 . Demonstrate meaning of domain testing? Discuss various applications of domain Testing? Max. Marks: 30M [co-1] [co-1] [co-2} [co-1] (co-1] [co-1] [co-2] {CO-2} [co-2} 3X2=6M. BL-I* BL-2 BL-2 3X8=24M BL2 BL-2 BL-2 BL-1 BL-I BL2 the Tomcat Webserver in the system? Model View Control) architecture? PART-B er one question from each unit, UNITY ite a servlet program to display the contents ofa given table in a database 8 gJDBC concept and Why do we need a Prepared Statement in JDBC? (OR) Discuss in detail about handling cookies and session in java servlet? UNIT V 3. Write a JSP code for validating login page. ( Note : Create at least 5 user accounts) BS mot Visitas GP Getting Started (} FFCS~ Administrator Enter User Name Enter Passwora (OR) . Explain any 5 implicit objects in JSP with examples? ‘UNIT VI ain how to implement AJAX with example? AJAX? Explain how a 19PC1CS10 RI9 i VNR VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (AUTONOMOUS) (Accredited by NBA, NAAC with ‘A+ grade) Bachupally, Nizampet (S.0), Hyderabad ~ 500090 IIIB. Tech VI-SEMESTER- II SESSIONAL ~ EXAMINATIONS, MAY-2023 Sub: - (19PCLCS10) MACHINE LEARNING va A : , (CSE, IT, CYS) ‘Time: 90 Mins DoE: 17/05/2023 Max. Marks: 30M 3x2=6 M co3 BL? Answer the following: {. State Bayes theorem tty of.a three input neuron with bias. The input feature 2, Calculate the output vector is (x1, x2, x3) = (0.8,0.6,0.4) and weight values re [Ww], W2, W3, b] = Use binary Sigmoid function as activation function. co-3 BL-4 for measuring classifier performance? co4 BL3 3x8-24M arly separable Ans 1. i), Explain how Support Vector Machine can be used for classification of linea a a ee ee 0-3 BL-2 4 Marks 0-3 BL-4 4 Marks data. i), Write in detailed note on Logistic Regression (OR) 2, The following data set contains factors that deter’ whether tennis is played ayes classifier, find the play prediction for he day. co-3 BL-3 8 Marks. ‘or not. Using Naive ‘Sunny, Cool, High, Strong> GAY [| OUTLOOK | TF ss Day2 | Sunny pay 3 | Overcas ae | igh oes aie Day 6 —| Sonat | Strong | NO Dayz i ——} sons YES Dave High wae *TNe. aa — Normal Weak? | SES Day 10 Normal weak | Day It Normal Song | YES Day 2 Tigh = Day 13 Normal Sener ae Day + High — ae Strong | NO UNIT-V. Phir. What is a Perceptron? What are the problems 1 can be solved with perceptrons? Explain. . CO-3. BL-3. 3 Marks si. Compare and contrast Biological Neuron with Artificial Neuron, CO-3 BL-4 5 Marks (OR) 4) Explain the following: j), Back Propagation training algorithm for hidden neuron CO-4 BL-4 4 Marks ii), Back Propagation training algorithm for output neuron. CO-4 BL-4 4 Marks UNIT-VI ng algorithm with an example. CO-3 BL-4 4 Marks archical clustering with complete link by drawing a CO-3 BL-4 4 Marks eans clusterin 5) i) Illustrate K m ii), Show the final result of hi dendrogram. A B c pD|os4 016 O14 oO E| 028 077 0.70 045 0 F | 034 061 0.93 0.20 067 0 (OR) 6)i). Differentiate between bagging, boosting with neat diagrams. CO-4 BL-2 4 Marks ii), Describe the random forest algorithm to improve CO-4 BL-3 4 Marks @@@@ VNR VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (AUTONOMOUS) TI- B.Tech -I1 Semester Sessional Examination-2, May-2023 Software Testing Methodologies an ‘Time: 90 Mins Date of Examination: 20-05-2023 Max. Marks: 30M PART-A L. Answer the following. 3X2-6M. 4. Define path expression and path product? [co-3] BL4 b. Define state graph? (co-3] BL-2 [co-4] BL2 ‘©. What is a graph matrix? ‘one question from eac! ; | Demonstrate the steps involved in node reduction procedure with an example? [CO-3] BL-2 i (or) © 2. Describe decision table and how is a decision table useful in testing ? {co3] BL2~ UNIT-V §. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of state testing?” (OR) ‘Demonstrate the process of usage of state table? What are the principles 10 ‘good or bad? OR by alpha beta pruning technique forthe graph given below and find out the oot node, 8M CO3 BL-4 UNIT Za) Compare Procedural and Declarative Knowledge. el ‘b) Writea note on operators used in Predicate Logie, a CO-2 BL-3 CO-2 BL-2 wert the following statements to first order Rea i All birds fy. an fi, Every man respects his parent. iii, Some boys play cricket. . Notall students like both Mathematics and Science. UNIT-S 2 Explain the types of Learning with suitable examples. OR on following: i. Applications of neural networks .. Recurrent neural networks. oe UNIT-6 | Explain the methods of knowledge representation with examples, oR #2. Elaborate the following: i, Expert system shells ii, Knowledge acquisition skills Page 2 of 2 Subject Code ie 19PC1ITO7 RI9 VNR VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (AUTONOMOUS) B.Tech. Ill Year Il Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, May/June 2023 LINUX PROGRAMMIG Common to CSE Time: 3 hours : Bee Me Answer ALL Questions from PART-A. ; Answer ONE question from each unit of PART-B PART-A 6X2=12M a) What are the responsibilities of a shell? 2M CO-1 BL+1 '}) What is the need of chmod function? What are the different permissions available 2M — CO-1_ BL-l for a file €) What are the uses of fork() function 2M C02 BL-l 4) Give the advantages of using named pipes . 2M —CO-3._ BL-I ©) What is a Message queue? 2M CO-3_ BL £) Compare stream sockets and raw sockets. 2M CO4 BL2 PART-B 6X8=48M UNIT-1 1. a) Explain the differences between ‘while’ and ‘until’ statements with an example 8M CO-1_ BL-2 script b)List and explain the various meta characters available in shell programming OR 2. Explain briefly about text processing and process uti 8M CO-1 BL2 UNIT-: ) Compare soft link and hard link with examples. 8M CO-1_ BL-4 b) Discuss usage of dup(), dup2( system calls with example. OR 1 Outline File and Directory maintenance system calls? Give Syntax and examples. 8M. CO-1 BL-2 UNIT-3 a)Explain the relationship of seven exee functions. 8M CO.2 BL2 — b) Explain the semantics of kill and raise functions with syntax. oR 4a) Outline short notes on _i).zombie process ii). orphan process. 8M C02 aia b)Define Signals. What do you mean by Unreliable Signals? Explain. UNIT-4 a) Explain IPC between processes on different systems. b)Explain pelose and popen library functions OR 4a) Illustrate the differences between unnamed and named pipes. b) Illustrate pipes? Explain their limitations. Explain how pipes are created and used in IPC with an examples. r UNIT-S "Classify the implementation of message queues in UNIX. , OR the concept of semaphore and shared memory. UNIT6 about the following socket APIs with clear syntax: a.accept( ) hat do you mean by Green Cleaning? ‘do you mean by Carbon trust? nd BREAM, LEED and GRULA, PAL OXB=48M UNIT-1 Explain the typical features of green buildings in detail. 4M CON BL-2 Compare carbon footprint and eco footprints of buildings. 4M CON BL-2 OR D What do you inter from climate responsive buildings? Explain with the helpof 8M CO-l BL-4 case studies. UNIT-2 a) Discuss in detail about the use of waste materials like paper and cellulose in 4M CO.2. BL-2 construction. > Explain about Sustainable Concrete used in Green Bui OR a) What is the role of low VOC paints and organic paints in green buildings? 4M CO-2 BL-2 Explain in detail. Summarize the uses of industrial waste such as fly-ash in green buildings. 4M CO-2 BL-2 28. 4M CO-2 BL-2 UNIT-3 in detail about the role of HVAC systems in maintaining thermal 8M CO-3. BL-2 in green buildings. OR Outline the various strategies used in Green building Energy Efficiency ‘the importance of Hlumination in green building designs. UNIT-4 ToP Integrated Automated Building Systems with the traditional on Systems. ; OR Time: 3 hours Answer ALL questions in PART-A. Answer any ONE question from each w All Questions Carry Equal Marks nit in PART-B. PART-A fa) State the purpose of testing. b) Write an example of Transaction flows. ©) Describe the domains and paths chart @) Write an example of four variable KV €) _ List the limitations and extensions of 1) Define matrix of graph ate Testing PART-B UNIT Za) List and explain different Dichotomies b) Discuss about Path Sensitizing OR 2. a) Describe the Consequences of bugs [95 bye xptain in detail about Path instrumentation ” UNIT-2 a Classify Data flow testing Strat OR Describe the transaction flow testing techniques UNIT-3 Recall the domain and interface te OR Discuss about Nice and Ugly Domains UNIT-4 Explain in detail about Decision Tables. OR reduction Procedure. a) Illustrate the Loop term bb) Write about Logic based Testing UNIT ). a) Discuss about “impact of bugs in State ti 'b) Interpret the Software Implementation o UNIT-6 Discuss about Building Tools in Graph Matrices. OR tin in detail about Power of a Matrix. Page loft List and Explain about Good State Graphs and Bad State Graphs. OR 4M 4M 4M 4M 8M 8M 8M 8M 8M 4M 4M. 8M 4M. 4M. 8M 8M. Max. Marks: 60 OX: cO-l cQ-2 cO-3 cO-4 cO-4 co-4 2M BL-I BL-3 BL-2 BL3 BL-] BL-l 6X8=48M CO-1 cO-3 0-2 C03 CO-4 co-4 C03 C03 CcO-4 cO-4 cO-4 CO-4 co2 CO-4 co4 cO-4 BL-1 BL-2 BL-2 BL2 BL-2 BL2 BL-I BL-2 BL-2 BL-3 BL-3 BL-1 BL2 BL-3 BL-2 BL-2

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