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Chart Your Own Path

1 Station 1: Interview your partner and write down

their answers in 3rd person.
1 Did you spend time with your family, friends or alone this summer?

2 Did you travel anywhere during this summer?

3 Did you try any new activities or hobbies over the summer?

4 What was your favorite memory from this summer?

2 Station 2: Read Tom's Instagram post and put the

verbs in the right form.
Hey you guys! Yesterday I _____ (to come back) from a solo hiking trip in the Balkans. It _____
(to be) amazing! The mountains _____ (to be) so beautiful and the scenery _____ (to be)
breathtaking. I _____ (to hike) for hours every day, but it never _____ (to get) boring because
there _____ (to be) always something new to see. I _____ (to take) lots of pictures with my
phone and I am going to post all of them soon.
I _____ (to meet) some friendly locals along the way who _____ (to show) me the best routes to
take and even _____ (to invite) me to stay for dinner. They _____ (to cook) traditional food
which _____ (to taste) like heaven! At night, I _____ (to camp) under the stars and _____ (to
listen) to the sounds of nature. It _____ (to be) so peaceful.
The only downside _____ (to be) that sometimes I _____ (to feel) lonely without anyone to talk
to. But overall, it _____ (to be) an unforgettable experience and I would definitely do it again. If
you love nature and adventure, I highly recommend hiking in the Balkans!

3 Station 2: Mark the sentences as True or False.

1 The author went on a hiking trip in the Balkans with his friend.

2 The mountains were not so beautiful in that season.

3 The author got bored while hiking.

4 The author is going to post a lot of pictures that he took during the trip..

5 The author met some locals on the trip.

6 The locals took the author to a few restaurants with traditional food.

7 The author camped under the stars.

8 The author didn't feel lonely during the trip.

4 Station 3. Choose the right summary of the

Entire Video
1 The speaker had a great time on her first solo trip to Marbella and enjoyed staying in a
hotel room alone. She felt confident and independent and didn't have any negative
thoughts. She highly recommends solo travel to everyone and thinks it's the best way to
explore new places and meet new people.
2 The speaker went on her first solo trip to Marbella in June for a conference and stayed in a
hotel room alone. She felt sad, scared, and had irrational thoughts of being alone and in
danger. She didn't have a good experience but didn't give up easily and decided to try solo
travel again. She asked the audience if they enjoyed solo trips immediately or grew into
liking them.
3 The video talks about the benefits of solo travel for personal growth and self-discovery.
The speaker shares tips on how to plan a successful solo trip, including choosing a safe
destination, staying in a central location, and joining group activities to meet other
travelers. She also discusses the challenges of solo travel, such as loneliness and safety
concerns, and how to overcome them. Finally, she interviews other solo travelers who
share their experiences and advice for anyone considering solo travel.

5 Station 2: Select the right answer to each of the

following questions.
Entire Video
1 What was the purpose of the speaker's trip to Marbella?
a To attend a conference.
b To go on a solo trip.
c To visit friends or family.
d To go on vacation with someone else.

2 How did the speaker feel about staying in a hotel room alone?
a Excited and happy.
b Sad and scared.
c Relaxed and comfortable.
d Indifferent.
3 What were some of the thoughts that came into the speaker's head while staying alone
in the hotel room?
a Thoughts of happiness and excitement.
b Thoughts of fear and loneliness.
c Thoughts of relaxation and comfort.
d Thoughts of boredom and indifference.

4 What does the speaker want to know from their audience?

a If they have ever been to Marbella.
b If they prefer solo travel or traveling with others.
c If they have ever been on a solo trip and how they felt about it.
d If they have ever attended a conference.

Station 4: Group speaking. Discuss the following

6 questions. After that, brainstorm 6-8 things
everybody should do when preparing for a solo
Entire Video
1 Have you ever traveled alone? If so, how did you feel during your first solo trip?

2 Do you think it's important to try new experiences even if they scare you?

3 What are some benefits and drawbacks of traveling alone?

Correct Answers
3 Correct Answers:
1 False - The author went on a solo hiking trip.
2 False - The mountains were beautiful.
3 False - The author never got bored because there was always something new to see.
4 True
5 True
6 False - The locals cooked traditional food for him.
7 True
8 False - The author felt lonely sometimes.

4 Correct answer:

5 Correct Answers:
1 a
2 b
3 b
4 c

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